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View Full Version : Copbot plasma rifel (Your questions answered)

Dead Bodies
22-01-04, 19:50
All this comontion started yestdray when i attempted to find out what i could get for a copbot plasma riffel it caused a big commotion i had gm's and KK all up and down my ass i spoke with a odin(kk) and was informed that they are not to be allowed for use becasue thay cause server lag/ crashes and are only to be allowed as a gm wepon and a copbot wepon as i spoke with him i come to learn that they are NOT allowed to be sold and are NOT allowed to be use (quote odin(kk) ) "we dont mind players having them we just cant have players using or sellign them" (*have screenies to back that up*) Then later on in the evening i had to pleasure of speakign with snowcrash :) (believe me i was excied i felt special all day) he informed me that they are not allowed to even be had ...WAit wait wait a muinte but diddnt odin(kk) say that i could oh hold up wait a muinte im lost .. then i told snowcrash what i had herd he says....Nothing....
okay so if we listen to kk we can have them but cant use/or sell .. but if we listen to gm we cannot have or use or sell and must turn in imeditaly ... i hope this answered your questions .... and rember (TURN IN YOUR COPBOT PLASMA RIFEL TO THE NEAREST GM)


Dead Bodies

22-01-04, 19:52
CBR are soooo KOS atm :rolleyes:

Can anyone sell a [edit] to me?

22-01-04, 19:56
I would direct your attention to this thread: http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=88215

It's on announcements. It is the official word. You must hand in your CBRs

Athon Solo

Dead Bodies
22-01-04, 19:59
Your best bet guys to avoid any conflect or temp/perma ban is to
*TURN IN YOUR CBPR TO A GM ASAP* i dotn want to see anyone scredwed over a stupid gun Hope i answered your questions.

Dead Bodies

22-01-04, 20:08
Those caught attempting to sell (even as a joke) or use them can and most likely will receive temporary bans

it doesnt say you cant keep one as a collectors item.
you cant sell/use (trade falls under sell) but if you still want one
just to show it off to friends or so you can still keep it.
They want you to turn it in, they can't make you,
unless there is a major bug/exploit about the whole item.

anyway, i wish i had one, but i dont... so i dont really care :p


SeXy Happy
22-01-04, 20:13
Man I used to make so much money cloning CBR ammo for people. This right after cloning was put in, and before it caught on. I used to sell them by the hundreds and make killer money on it. Ahhh well.

22-01-04, 20:24
dead bodies please learn to spell that was like one of the hardest things ive ever had to read lol

22-01-04, 20:32
Ive never even SEEN one, let alone sold/used one.

Dead Bodies
22-01-04, 20:43
please excuse my typing i type verry fast and often hit wrong keys

22-01-04, 20:52
Originally posted by Dead Bodies
WAit wait wait a muinte but diddnt odin(kk) say that i could oh hold up wait a muinte im lost .. then i told snowcrash what i had herd he says....Nothing....

Well, they werent agreed about replacing epic 0 slot items either, one says you can, the other one says you cant. :confused:

22-01-04, 21:38
0 slotted epic weapons will not be changed simple as that...
Regarding the CPR's .. Just turn them in it cant be that hard :p

22-01-04, 21:38
I honostly think that this thing abt copbot rifles causing lag is bullshit and a new reason that theyve used. Why not say that in the first place months back?? Honostly comon ppl Odin says one thing and snowcrash says another. Wot can i say the only real reason is that the copbot rifle was given in a event legitamatly and due to some bug or exploit they were BPable and CSTable which KK didnt seem to like and Started this business of makin them illegal. I think it was meant for one person only and this is wot i think the deal is really??

SeXy Happy
22-01-04, 21:43
Carbonite that is not really fair is it? I mean it's not like the person has another chance to get a slotted epic weapon. Why should they get a 0 slotted when others can get a slotted one?

I mean at least enough for a ammo mod, which is all anyperson would really need.

22-01-04, 21:44
But i dont want to turn in my 4 slot CPR :)
Its a collectors item, i dont sell it/use it.
It was given to me by a good clanmate of mine, back in the days the Red Triad existed. Its a memorium that i dont want to part with :)

22-01-04, 21:47
From the last 2 epics i did for the gun so i could use it...not collect it, it was the tt epic and a temp epic and for each of them, i got a 0 slotted tt pistol and a 0 slotter doy raygun...bullshit just typical from kk o_o

22-01-04, 21:53
kk hates you ali :P

22-01-04, 22:05
Ok, KK currently have these new "rules" set in stone, Nid let them borrow his hammer and chisel which means they are NOT up for discussion. Nid now has his hammer back, slightly dusty and there are no other hammers powerful enough to chip away at the stone, therfore they will stay there until the almighty KK powers destroy the stone it was written on or Nid goes nuts with his hammer. Neither of which look close. The discussion ends here.

Thread Closed