View Full Version : Scorp Trikes

22-01-04, 12:09
Dudes, scorp trikes rock :) im currently making a pistol PE with enough HC to DRIVE?GUN the best trike.

Why do this?

The reason for my doing so is because i was out leveling the other day ... and i saw a tank being chased across the zone .... its rares that tanks run ... cept from big groups of monks. When i saw this PE on a scorp Trike i was like WOW :):):):):):):):)

the fact that he was shooting and driving at the same time was ub3r.

22-01-04, 12:28
I loved my trike at first when they first came out it was great. But in the end i did not like the lack of protection from fire while in the vehicle.
Or that the rockets only fired forward.

I will have a go at it again one day though.

22-01-04, 12:37
Yea chicky could drive the highest trike but i was gimped and lost to much levels lomming.. and then.. well.. like gary said the rockets only fire forward and i had to drive into a WB to aim with it.. and then i got almost killed every time.. so i rerolled her to APU now.. way more fun :p

22-01-04, 13:30
The rockets on the trike own monks bigtime.

22-01-04, 13:33
Originally posted by [TgR]KILLER
so i rerolled her to APU now.. way more fun :p

Gonna sex u again tonight if I see u hanging around dark passage ways in MB :D


What's the reqs for driving / gunning the trike ?

22-01-04, 13:41
If you scroll back a few threads there was a huge one about
trike, title "Uber Trike Pking" or something similar to that, you can
find the reqs there.

edit: Ubar Trike Pking (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=87888)
just remember dont post on that thread :p


22-01-04, 13:53
Found it - thx m8y :)

Gonna have a go at getting on tonight now.