View Full Version : KK cookie cutter SS

21-01-04, 21:09
Well just looked at some IGN pics ingame.... :lol:
Ok if it was a tank with a Lib but thats a freaking TAR.
Good luck to get good aim on a PE with 20 INT :p


21-01-04, 21:11
lol, that's a sad picture, tho he must have some h-c if he's got a flamer in his inventory, onoz rifle & h-c tank = teh win

J. Folsom
21-01-04, 21:13
There's nothing strange about that, it's mostly likely taken from back before the specialization changes, and then it was easily possible to use rifles with a tank without being a complete and utter gimp.

Yes, even if you use H-C too.

21-01-04, 21:14
It's possible to make a good Libby Tank actually, although you need a PPU and and ROF will suck a bit. IMO kk should allow non-teck Tank-Melee hybrids. After all Tanks where origionally intended to be adept pistol users.

PE Tanks=shit, and it should always be that way.

21-01-04, 21:18
Why is he shooting it in the foot?

Thats just cruel!!

21-01-04, 21:33
hmm... if i were to make a tank with semi skills..

it would most likely be a melee pistol tank

21-01-04, 21:50
i wish they'd kill specialization.

my first char was a rifle/heavy weps tank, my fondest memories consisted of rifle + grenade = boom + exp.

21-01-04, 21:53
hmmmmm, something odd about that pic....

0 soul light

no safe slot...

hence, its an OLD pic

22-01-04, 11:56
its a pic taken from a press account, they were overskilled and could use anything. I believe they could warp aswell.

Original monk
22-01-04, 12:15
when my tank was pistoler i had immense fun :)

22-01-04, 12:59
Download the oold video.. there's a Monk using HC.. said many times before..

22-01-04, 13:03
Originally posted by 40$Poser
onoz rifle & h-c tank = teh win

:lol: I soooo laughed my ass off on that one :D

Richard Slade
22-01-04, 13:09
Hey Reef got his name added there into the
"When Tanks could aim" times..

22-01-04, 14:47
back in beta 4 lots of tanks used hc + rc and even mc

22-01-04, 15:44
The thing is...

You can see this pic in IGN:s screenshots from the preview of BDOY.

This is a beta pic or a pre retail one... KK should give them cool pics like the chran church or other candy items to show off not old beta 2 pics :rolleyes:

Richard Slade
22-01-04, 15:46
I got a pic for them
With certain somebody's singing YMCA in pink PA's in MB..
Anyone care to post that one up ? ;)