View Full Version : KK pls awnser this..

20-01-04, 14:57
were should i buy an app now ? i need some more storage.. but with FA losing TH as a home and nobody knows what will happen to the clan apps there and every other app.. if TH gets turned into an OP i aint gonna buy a TH app. nor a TG one..

so i gues i want to buy a NC appy but FA can't go to neocron when DOY comes i bet..

so here's a good one for ya.. were should i buy an appartment now ? surly DOY seems the only place i can get an app.. but gues what.. it aint there..

20-01-04, 14:58
Tech Haven.

20-01-04, 15:01
yea smart idea.. as long as i don't know for sure what KK is gonna do to TH i aint gonna buy apps there. if TH gets turned into 1 big outpost i don't want an appartment there..

20-01-04, 15:03
TH apartments arent that expensive and Im sure, well atleast think KK will do something about TH and TG apartments when DOY comes.

20-01-04, 15:05
Buy one at MB, nothing should change there

J. Folsom
20-01-04, 15:05
Just wait for The List™, When It's Done™ Soon™.

The List™, When It's Done™ and Soon™ are registered trademarks of ReaKKtor Media.

20-01-04, 15:07
no TH apps aren't expencive.. but i don't want to buy 30 frigging apps there and render them all useless and move 10000000 items when DOY comes

20-01-04, 15:08
Originally posted by Mr_Snow
TH apartments arent that expensive and Im sure, well atleast think KK will do something about TH and TG apartments when DOY comes.

The problem is: some of us need storage NOW. Besides, some want to move out of NC and the same problems comes back.
It does take quite a time to move 2 or 3 appartments, even if we count only SI time we talk several hours.

20-01-04, 15:15
My chars on uranus are FA and BD with mostly TH and NC apartments, think 1 MB one too so they arent in a much better situation with waiting for the prison that may have BD apartment s and not knowing with DOY.

......Now that I think of it my BD apu has a TH primary apartment.

Dribble Joy
20-01-04, 15:18
I'd say go to MB, but there is only one size of apt, and they are crap, onlt 3 cabs.

20-01-04, 15:22
cough pepper park cough

20-01-04, 19:20
Originally posted by J. Folsom
Just wait for The List™, When It's Done™ Soon™.

Which fool did you steal that from? :p

J. Folsom
20-01-04, 19:22
Originally posted by Ulle
Which fool did you steal that from? :p Mine was different! Yours was the completely extended deluxe version with scenes cut from the final version. :p

20-01-04, 19:45
probably the apt code thingy will be moved and you won't lose anything. You think your apt is actually the physical thing that is right inside TH ?

20-01-04, 22:04
DRE epic?

20-01-04, 22:30
Originally posted by Cytaur
probably the apt code thingy will be moved and you won't lose anything. You think your apt is actually the physical thing that is right inside TH ?

nope i think all appies are stacked up north @ the DOY zones.. and all lifts just send u there :p thats why it takes so long to make DOY cause they gotta move all appies :lol:

20-01-04, 22:53
Originally posted by [TgR]KILLER
nope i think all appies are stacked up north @ the DOY zones.. and all lifts just send u there :p thats why it takes so long to make DOY cause they gotta move all appies :lol:

Lol.. if that was true.. SELL ALL YA APT CONTENTS.. and then when u get into Doy you will have all the stuff again + all the cash u got ;):p