View Full Version : OT: Diablo 2

17-01-04, 05:36
Well, i dunno why but been getting back into my old games like CS and diablo 2... gotta find my cds but i think im gonna install diablo 2 again. 1.10 looks pretty cool, i havnt played any diablo since neocron beta 4. I had a lot on my old accounts, and had great stuff like dual leech rings, doom bringer, a 40% increaed attack speed like 360% increaded damage collosus blade.. great amulets, that skull helmet that had dual leech... forget then name, lotsa good crap...

Anyway, question is, does anyone play diablo 2 1.10, is it any fun still? Does starting from scratch give me any chance of reaching say... level 90 in 2 weeks (used to be able to do it in 3 days, but i heard leveling was really slowed down) and getting good items in that time? Also, if anyone plays and can give me a few starter items for a barb on US east (where ill play) maybe i can help you out in return with items in NC on saturn or pluto.

17-01-04, 06:30
Hmm act 5 are really a mess now hehehe bloody hills has random spawn and NM and Hell ouch if there are archers :D

Can die pretty quick. The patch made it harder and HC just love it =)

17-01-04, 06:37
When 1.10 came out, I reinstalled D2X after 1.5 years of break. In 2 weeks I realized that 1.10 is just plain same old game but with few more items.... pff uninstalled, bye bye

I sure know its just a patch, but stupid blizz marketed it as it contains more features than an expansion pack o_o

17-01-04, 06:57
did they fix pvp combat or anything? i rember i think it was patch 1.09, they made amazons guided arrow pierce... gayest change ever.. so a TRACKING arrow would go throught your damn shield, turn round, come back, hit you again, come out, turn round, hit you back, etc.... has lame crap like that been taken out?

17-01-04, 07:06
yeah no more piercing on guided arrow

17-01-04, 07:31
i herd 1.11 is out OO. only thing that sucks is they deleted meh mega haxxed OPEN bnet char :/.

17-01-04, 07:58
I've been playing D2 for about a month now, it's pretty fun .. if you know someone that can give you all the uber shit. Cause there is no way you can compete in PvP unless you have all the uber shit. Unless you have Enigma, Fair amount of 290s(zon/melee) and +10-15 in skills you're dead. Enigma has ruined PvP imo aswell. I just got SWG .. gonna try it for a while, it's pretty fun so far. Anyways Vet happy hunting, if not in another game i'll see you in DOY :p

Edit: Unless they've patched in the last 3 days its still in 1.10

Double Edit: I got some stuff for you Vet, just get me on AIM.

17-01-04, 07:58
Originally posted by tomparadox
i herd 1.11 is out OO. only thing that sucks is they deleted meh mega haxxed OPEN bnet char :/.

They can't come on to your computer and delete your characters fool.

Diablo is shite, I reinstalled it and played it for a little while, did a few runs of shit with some people. I got sick of it and clicked on a guy... BUT HE DID NOT DIE. So I tried to declare hostility to him but you have to be in a safe zone to do that. So I TP out and declare hostility on everyone, but that makes my TP disappear =\. So I uninstalled it. Diablo was fun for a while, but with all the lamers, the lack of PKing, and the shitty economy is just too much bad shit.

17-01-04, 08:13
i remember the huge koreans vs. people who speak english war on west. that was funny, especially when we discovered sending a message full of .....s would crash the korean version and the korean version only. for a while, the people on west were able to play with decent pings.

17-01-04, 10:17
even with all the new shit my pali is still uber XMyst-ManX phear it

17-01-04, 11:43
hacked game all i got to say

17-01-04, 12:09

17-01-04, 16:58
yup there was always a huge korean vs english speaking people war on us east too... im wondering if nc re release does well and gets to asia (hey could happen) if same thing could start up here.

17-01-04, 18:22
If you've played D2 extensively you won't find anything in 1.1 worth your time.
The new sym-skill system makes PvP a total bore. Before PvP was generally skill based, as long as everyone had the usual .08 shako/.08 valk, shaft/smoke/stealth, storm setup which was kinda common in the eliteish PvP world. As long as noone was using buri's, eth swords, white or occy rings, more than one absorb, no more than 200 poison and wasn't a druid ( :P ) PvP was fun. I used to beat zon's with one of my PvP necro's, which looked impossible on paper, but did work.
Its now basically decided by maths. If a zon or sorc is setup right they are unbeatable with very little skill by any other class (although the sorc might take a while to kill you). Ugh, PvP is so boring now. So sadly, my D2 discs are going back into my draw to thier final resting place.

Oh and if your not in it for the PvP....games don't get much more boring. Or hacked.

17-01-04, 18:28
'ith' swords, not 'eth' swords

etheral things weren't the problem. it was taking runes out, leaving the stats, adding new ones on top of them, that was the problem.

17-01-04, 20:27
I don't mean Eth swords = ethereal swords. I mean Eth swords as in swords socketed with an Eth rune. The rune was bugged, in that it totally ignored defence.

Ith swords no one used in PvP cause they were so blatently obvious cheating, and would result in an instant ban. I can't remember anyone who was a serious PvPer even attempting to use one. Anyone could take a couple of screenshots. Occy/white rings were the same, but you can't really prove those via screenshots. But yes your right I should have mentioned them, no Ith swords either. And no 7% Windies for that matter too *cough* :D

kira wolf
17-01-04, 21:09
mmmm.. D2.

The ultimate game of shopping.

I checked out 1.10. But I was annoyed again and didnt level a character up too far to see if there were many differences.

But, I did see, the synergisitic skill effects help things like Elemental Druids and Necros a shitpile