View Full Version : Turret Placing

16-01-04, 15:14
Pretty much everyone knows there are certain places where placing turrets takes advantage of KKs clipping.. and especially in places where killing the turret loses you soulight.. so can i report this to a GM? coz KK have never said anything about it, but its a blatant exploit...

16-01-04, 15:18
Its not an exploit placing turrets near npc's, the npc's shouldnt loose u sl, like anyone uses the npc's...they sell bad quality spells, bad quality armour, bad everything except for ammo which u should be organised and get that before u go hunting and store in a gogu....remove the npc's

16-01-04, 15:25
yeah, but if you cant target the specific turret you _have_ to barrel, no other way to kill it.. which loses you SL.

16-01-04, 16:36
ummh why do you need to clear the shops to be able to hack the op?

16-01-04, 16:43
it makes an area impossible to get into, right? so its a hunting zone.. you can kill someone hiding in there, but it will cost you Soulight.

16-01-04, 16:49
Originally posted by Rieper
it makes an area impossible to get into, right? so its a hunting zone.. you can kill someone hiding in there, but it will cost you Soulight.

just hack the ops and you the turrets will kill the guy hiding in there....

its not like its a big deal... a bit lame yes but...