View Full Version : Excuse me KK

15-01-04, 02:42
let me draw yur attention to something yu posted when this latest patch came out

Originally posted by Thanatos
Please use this thread only to report bugs or similar. Use this thread (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=84478) for discussions.

Update: Known Issues
- Faction Guards need to be tweaked (combat strength and behaviour)
- Parashock effect was not meant to be stronger
- Some PA bonuses got mixed up again
- Vehicle weapon reqs were supposed to stay the same
- Soulclusters are weaker than they should be

let me draw yur attention to the second part of 'the known issues'
- Parashock effect was not meant to be stronger

hmm remember the amount of threads there were about nerfing this gash idea of a spell??

let me ask yu this

why hasnt there been a hot fix for it yet?? its a known issue... everyone hates it.. but yet the effects are STILL stronger...

once again let me ask yu this question...

why hasnt there been a hotfix for this yet?

any answers??

15-01-04, 02:54
Originally posted by Comie
let me draw yur attention to something yu posted when this latest patch came out

let me draw yur attention to the second part of 'the known issues'
- Parashock effect was not meant to be stronger

hmm remember the amount of threads there were about nerfing this gash idea of a spell??

let me ask yu this

why hasnt there been a hot fix for it yet?? its a known issue... everyone hates it.. but yet the effects are STILL stronger...

once again let me ask yu this question...

why hasnt there been a hotfix for this yet?

any answers??

No shit. I'm playing less and less because I constantly get para'ed by some /40 ppu that thinks he fucking hard because he can glue my ass to the ground, then the rest of his buttbuddies come kill me. Yeah. Fun. And at the cast rate of a TL20 spell or whatever it is, Antishock's don't even work.

15-01-04, 03:01
anti para drugs are almost insta

15-01-04, 03:01
Its in the test patch IE comming next patch. Its not a game-
breaking bug so its not important enough to be hotfixed. Game-
breaking before you pounce on it means either something that
makes players not being able to play at all or a serious exploit
such as duping or making a class invincible etc.

15-01-04, 03:04
i thought an 'exploit' as they've stated was taking advantage of a bug in game

so therefore using any other parashock bar holy parashock (as theyre bugged) is an exploit

15-01-04, 03:10
Its apparently not serious enough to be labeled as exploit.

15-01-04, 03:21
apparently not bud.... apparently not

15-01-04, 03:33
Originally posted by KimmyG
anti para drugs are almost insta

QB's are almost insta full.. if i gotta take up so much shit i spend more time going to my inv and qb that i would die anyway just nerf the hell out of it.. no of our monks use para and we still fight in pp and last for ages.. a few times the other party just give up.. but as soon they got a ppu its paraspamming the fuck out of us and we leave.. para aint fun not @ all

15-01-04, 03:33
Do us all a bloody favour and get rid of freeze all together, How many time do we have to say that

15-01-04, 03:37

15-01-04, 03:37
Originally posted by sanityislost

Nuff said.

15-01-04, 03:44
remove para!

nerf0r guards! :p


15-01-04, 04:05
nerf cheese!!!!!!!!!!!

i cant sleep :(

15-01-04, 04:09
Originally posted by 2ply
No shit. I'm playing less and less because I constantly get para'ed by some /40 ppu that thinks he fucking hard because he can glue my ass to the ground, then the rest of his buttbuddies come kill me. Yeah. Fun. And at the cast rate of a TL20 spell or whatever it is, Antishock's don't even work.

No offense 2ply, but i believe i hold title as the worst ppu on pluto.

Shadow Dancer
15-01-04, 05:01
Just make the damn spell PvM only. What is KK's obsession with keeping this lame spell in?


15-01-04, 05:05
If parashock actually slowed people down instead of freezing them it would be ok... And if anti-shock drugs worked perfectly...

I would be fine if it only took off 1/2 or 1/3 of runspeed and no more... but not the almost total freeze it does now...

15-01-04, 06:08
Originally posted by bounty
No offense 2ply, but i believe i hold title as the worst ppu on pluto.

you believe wrong

Devils Grace
15-01-04, 06:19
Originally posted by sanityislost

i say more

[ edited for violation of the forum rules - not on these forums please ]

now its nuff said

close the thread pls :D

15-01-04, 10:18
Originally posted by 2ply
No shit. I'm playing less and less because I constantly get para'ed by some /40 ppu that thinks he fucking hard because he can glue my ass to the ground, then the rest of his buttbuddies come kill me. Yeah. Fun. And at the cast rate of a TL20 spell or whatever it is, Antishock's don't even work.

Why doe the PPU get the flack? If anything Spies/PE's are doing it more then the PPUs. Because it is a bug (all Para spells are more powerful then a HP, and with drugs the HP is nerfed to hell).

Original monk
15-01-04, 10:23
be patient comie, KK is working on much more important things like re-nerfing the hybrids ...

15-01-04, 10:31
I think that we should make like a petition... sign here if you want Parshock PvM only...

I know, how about Para being PvPPU only :p

15-01-04, 10:50
i agree about the bloody 40 rank ppus they are the most anoying they zone camp jus like all the people in pepper when i go to fight its totaly lame ...i play a ppu and i vote take parashock out of the game nuff said

15-01-04, 10:54
I think para needs changed also.

Increase its ROF too 105 and decrease its mana cost.

Para would then be a much more useful PvP spell. Which add balance strategy and teamwork to the game.

15-01-04, 11:06
Parashock not stronger ... you could not move then, you cant move now....how is that stronger ?

Original monk
15-01-04, 11:09
Originally posted by Revslad
i agree about the bloody 40 rank ppus they are the most anoying they zone camp jus like all the people in pepper when i go to fight its totaly lame ...i play a ppu and i vote take parashock out of the game nuff said

indeed: certainly if them /40 ppu's like to punch the tsunamiguards...

and i want parashock also out of the game: yust so i dont hear the nagging & whining everyday on this forum about parashock ... parathreads only started about 14 months ago now :rolleyes: well everyone has its limits, and im tired of the parashockshit ...

and while they are nerfing and removing stuff anyway, better make all stealth spy-only and all blessed spells psi only ...

and make all mc5 chips 90 req or make all mc5 chips 95 req

but not 1 mc5 chip 90 yust so PE's can use em, they dont level fast enough allready?? they dont have enough toys and fancy stuff allready ?

and make antibuff psi 30 or sumthing so PE's can use em... cause when parashock will be removed the whining on ppu's still wont stop untill a PE can kill a ppu with he's eyes closed ... skill doesnt exist no more, if it ever did ...

15-01-04, 11:13
Originally posted by Original monk
indeed: certainly if them /40 ppu's like to punch the tsunamiguards...

i agree there is one little one on saturn who is of the tsunami faction who liks to give his guards a tap and send them into bezerker mode...its really getting lame

also its so shit that before you come out of synch in pepper your allready pard and dmg boosted so you have no option but to run out out then all the abuse starts " damn noobie zoner" and all sorts. what do they fucking expect U CANT MOVE so u have to hobble out.. nuff said bout that

15-01-04, 11:17
Originally posted by Revslad
yeh its ment to slow you down not stop you in your tracks!

15-01-04, 11:20
Originally posted by L3m0n
yeh its ment to slow you down not stop you in your tracks!

yeh lol the only way you get out is if you aim yourself in the direction of the exit while being shot from behind pushing you out gg and defo lack of re

15-01-04, 11:21
Why in gods name would some zone at the PP1 point if that is the case? Use the hovercab station instead. That way you have 2 other ways into PP from Plaza.

Original monk
15-01-04, 11:24
Originally posted by Revslad
i agree there is one little one on saturn who is of the tsunami faction who liks to give his guards a tap and send them into bezerker mode...its really getting lame

then we are talking about the same person here :)

the same person i killed about 400 times: when i enter with my hybrid he starts punshing the guards so i cant do shit against em (with 2 tsunami guards up my ass)... so i log my tank and yust devourer em to dead ... low sl ... do some missions ... and repeat :P till he's off again ...

its lame but not 1% as lame as what he does ..

15-01-04, 11:34
actually what he is doin is exploiting and they really need to fix this ir do something to the people doing it imho

15-01-04, 17:13
yeh lol the only way you get out is if you aim yourself in the direction of the exit while being shot from behind pushing you out

yup but as it slowes yur turning circle down to a 10th of what it was, it takes yu about 20 years to be able to turn in the direction yu wanna head in.. so yu end up falling over B4 yu get the chance to look for an escape

15-01-04, 18:54
The guy you are talking about is [ edited for violation of the forum rules (harassment) - just report him to abuse@neocron.com, he already has a record and will eventually be banned. Complaining on the forums will achieve nothing ], i am TS and have told him
to stop that shit 100+ times but he just wont listen, what i usually
do is log my PPU and annoy him to death, he usually leaves :)
