View Full Version : So I step out to take mut for a walk and what do I see. (OT, but nothing here is OT)

14-01-04, 13:25
Snow, nothing speacil cept this is england, we're meant to get sleet and slush, black ice and rain, not snow..

just thought I'd share that little bitty..

Snow look's so nice on the field's, diffrent world amost..

14-01-04, 13:28
Yeah only thing i dont like about snow is it turns dog poo into smell mines.

Not that its snowing here in Ireland but it is in France... where I'm going snowboarding on Saturday :D

14-01-04, 13:32
You're getting snow? Where in the UK are you? Bloody sun is shining here :(

14-01-04, 13:37
i love snow, makes my garden look like everyone elses :)

why isnt it snowing here? :(

ps. dont eat yellow snow. :)

Psyco Groupie
14-01-04, 13:49
we've had a bajillion mm's of rain but no snow :(

14-01-04, 20:33
living in canada, a few inches of snow is a totally normal occurance here.

Dribble Joy
14-01-04, 20:37
It's been wet, windy and grey here... but then here is London..

14-01-04, 20:59
No snow in sheffield :(

14-01-04, 21:01
No snow in Warrington - although it has been pissing down all day :(

14-01-04, 21:03
because of my extreme dislike for liquid precipitation, i doubt i will ever move to the UK.

14-01-04, 21:04
not a flake in liverpool, but then we always get done over when it comes to snow, just a little dusting of the stuff would keep me happy:(

14-01-04, 22:02

So it's not just one word..

If you work 9 till 5 you'd probably not have seen it if you didn't go outside, rain got rid of most of it, by 3..

15-01-04, 10:39
You're getting snow? Where in the UK are you? Bloody sun is shining here

Ain't that even rarer?

I know it is where I'm from :D