View Full Version : Your game camera?

14-01-04, 08:38
In general, most of the time is it 3rd or 1st person

Sorry my polls will never have retarded 3rd wheel.

14-01-04, 08:40
And that's a good thing, I myself am tired of "sex the droms" options.

14-01-04, 08:42
Someone made a poll like this recently. Not to long ago thought.

3rd person btw.

14-01-04, 08:54
Well you should have told me before I made this poll, no ? :rolleyes:

14-01-04, 09:01
Maybe my 1st person view is the reason why I am bad in PvP :confused:

14-01-04, 09:05
I prefer third person, because it gives a wider angle fo view. However, 3rd has a few limitations, like the distance you can actually look up and down, which I find very annoying.

14-01-04, 09:53
3rd person i find is best for PvP;)

14-01-04, 10:14
It depends, with a rifle users it's usually 1st person mode but all the other classes are favoured by 3rd person mode.

14-01-04, 10:22
There should be a third option in the poll for those of us who use both.

I use first person in tight quarters or indoors.

I use third person when running around in open areas like the wastelands.

I also use first person everytime I use any AoE weapon.

Since there is no third option, I selected "third person" as I use that more often.

J. Folsom
14-01-04, 10:31
Originally posted by •Super|\|ova•
It depends, with a rifle users it's usually 1st person mode but all the other classes are favoured by 3rd person mode. Except droners.

Droning in third person is like droning in first person, except your drone covers half your screen, and you can't properly see what you target. :p

Anyway, first person to me, regardless of what I'm playing, which presumably makes me the only person who notices any recoil on heavy weapons.

Agent L
14-01-04, 11:03
1st all the time.
3rd is good only to check how clothes fit :-)

Dead animals, of course.

14-01-04, 11:42
Depends on the situation for me. 1st for the vast majority of the time. 1st especially when using AOE weapons because they aim retardedly in 3rd. 1st most definitely for enclosed places like most of NC, and for places like the Grave or El Farid. I've used 3rd for the few times I've PvPed because for me the way the camera works helps me out a lot. Ack, can't think of the word right now, but it's not as responsive and snappy when moving and looking around, like in 1st person, which is actually benefical. I also use 3rd when I want to see how my clothes changes look, or when I need a wider view, or every now and then when I remember to switch to 3rd when out in large, open wasteland areas.

14-01-04, 12:42
With my rifle spy it's first person every time as I need to use range to get WBs etc + the zoom doesnt work on the sniper in 3rd person.

With my tank on Saturn was always third person, it makes aiming a lot simpler and you can shoot out of your arse if anyone steps near it :) Which is no doubt an unfair and unrealistic advantage of third person.

I didnt bother voting as I mainly play my spy now, but spent about 5 months constantly playing my tank.

14-01-04, 12:58
Originally posted by Felissa
Maybe my 1st person view is the reason why I am bad in PvP :confused:

*face down in mud*

yea your terrible PvP..

I switch a lot, 1st when my target is far away, keep's my aim good..

3rd when up in the nitty gritty so I can know where everyone is..

15-01-04, 01:16
Theres 3rd person??:eek:

Oh well :wtf:

No but seriously, 1st person mode is the thing for me. Easier in 3rd person you say? I don't play this for it to be easy, I play for the fun and feeling. Nothing beats 1st person in that.