View Full Version : Women.

13-01-04, 00:42
Here is a little text I wrote for my school paper a few years back. Hope you find it interesting enough to finish. I got the idea to do this while I read the Sigh teenage relationship post, but felt it deserved a little more attention for it self.
This is a transelation. I appologize for any bad english present and I also want to say that the transelation was a work of haste.



Us guys get reminded time and time again about our flaws and shortcommings in different newspapers and magazines. So called "character flaws". Guys are primitive and simple. We are hopeless and unsensitive. Guys look at other women, even when we are together with our better half. A guy can sleep with a woman who is worthless in every other respect as long as she is really pretty. To be honest she doesnt have to be pretty even. We`d bone her anyways. Guys have childish interests. Guys like war movies, jackass, computers, sport, cars, women, guns, farting and drinking. These are the things that occupy or minds and which we talk about when we get together. These are our so called "flaws". I`m not going to try to debate that this is not true. Guys have these flaws. Period.

The question one need to ask himself is this. Why is these interests and abilities defined as "flaws"? Who is responsible for this definition? Jepp you got it right. Its the women. The one half of the worlds population who, in their own streak of geniality has come to the conclussion that us, the guys, are on a lower development level than themselves. Us guys of course take these insults with a strong, straight backbone. We`ve heared it all before. There is not anymore dirt to be uncovered.

Its now time to pay back the favour. Because, women you see, has got a long list of flaws and shortcommings they arent aware of, doesnt want to recognize or that they try to hide. The flaws are about to be uncovered. Where its relevant I will compare the women with the guys. The goal of this text is naturally not to pull us guys out of the mud, but to drag the women down here, where they rightfully belong. I will also show that women in general is cheaper and more boring than the guys. Think about it for a second. How long has it been since you witnessed a women doing or saying something really, really hilarious? How long has it been since you witnessed a guy doing or saying something really, really hilarious? Thats what I thought. Women arent very hilarious. Charming and enjoyable they are indeed. Funny even, but never hilarious.

Lets start with something as trivial as a vorspiel(not speaking about sex here. Vorspiel is what we norwegians call the hours when we stay at home to drink before we go out. We got expensive alchohol.) When the guys have vorspiel or a party: The guys is in a good mood. The guys have good stories to tell and the guys are funny. We speak about interesting subjects (the one listed above). Alchohol and whatnot is shared without much thought about who got what and where. Communication is done in a normal tone of voice. Good music is played. Talk about relationships and girlfriends is done in a superficial way and is done with rather quickly. Ex-girlfriends are not mentioned. The guys are going to have a good time.

When the women has their vorspiel: Conversation rotates about relationships and life together with this and that boyfriend. Different to the guys, these talks seeks unnecessary depth and detail. For eksample: He said that...and then I said....and then he did and soforth and soforth. Its common knowledge that this behaviour leads to whining, sulking and a lousy atmosphere. Stocks of alchol and nicotine is carefully watched and balance of accounts is solved the day after. Alliances is made and split. Unfriendlyness rules. High frequency, subsonic wails which scare the living shits of any cockroaches and other small life is heared with increased frequency. Crap is poored out of the speakers.

Its during the vorspiel one of the most serious flaws of women emerges. This is the lack of sence for when and what to keep your mouth shut about. If guys had know what is shared between sisters when would go sleepless many days before and after the vorspiel. If you are in a relationship with one of the sisters attending you are fairly safe. Though you never know. If you are an ex-boyfriend of one the sisters attending you are pretty much fair game. Or even worse. Your current girlfriend meets your ex. In that case everything is shared. Commen ground, sisterly bonding and all that.No matter what the guy have said in complete confidence, your performance in bed, the size of your penis, your funny birtmark, endurance and so on will be sisterly shared. The guys get dissected, put on a glass of spirits and hung out to laughter and taunts for all to have a good time with. The guys accepts it when they brag about you, but that rarely ever happens. When you later on meet one of your girlfriends women friends and she smiles a bit extra to you. Its no point in getting conceited. She has gotten to know something about you my friend. Something she never should have known. The right reaction should be wild rage. Positive or negative. Some things is not to be shared and this something the women has failed to understand. The score. 1-0 to the guys.

Its time to introduce you to the concept of "backup and overlaping". Women as we all know, fear single life as the plague. This is the reason that no woman with respect for herself goes around without having one or more of the guys in backup when they are in a relationship. Not to ruin your excitement, but the observant reader will understand that the score soon will be 2-0 to the guys.

The backup person can be a colleague from work or something like that. The women lure the guys closer, flirt a little and enjoys their newfound attention. Entirely innocent of course. NOT! The motives for getting backup is darker and more disturbing than what a little flirting would suggest.

When the backup is secured we move forward to the next step which is the overlap. The realtionship is ailing and the backupcard is brought into play. Now the woman will put her head on the chopping block more or less of her own consciousness. The backupguy does not have to do any big push toward the women. He can just sit and listen and deliver some very strategic advice and show that he cares and is a nice guy. He is totally puzzled why anyone could give such a pretty, nockout girl so little attention and caring. The woman has of course decorated or left out some of the truth to make themselves look better. They always do.
When the relationship goes down the toilet and salvageoperation is useless. Your woman has jumped over to a new ship without getting her feet wet. A brakeup is not very cool. Finding out your woman has a new boyfriend right after is unbearable. Guys keep themselves to good for "backup and overlap) and as you all guess the score is: 2-0 to the guys.

If it is a result of heridity or environment the scholars still debate, but women has an extremely complicated interface. This is something all women love about themself. By principle they are hard to deal with. Let me illustrate this for you by comparing guys and women with a tv and the remotecontrol.

The guys: Channel layout is nice and tidy, You press one button or function and you get what you want. We have channel up and down. More sound, less sound and if you want some adult entertainment that specialbutton always work.

The women: Channel layout is untidy and change by the minute. The button you had espn on earlier does not nececairly give you espn the next time you press it. You can get south-american soaps for example. This of course leads to alot of pulled out hair and frustration. Furthermore there are a lot of channels you cant reach without alot of thinking and well placed button combinations. Some channels demands a long, overly complicated sequence of other channels before you get your intended channel. When the channel layout is constantly changing you dont have to be Einstein to see that getting some adult entertainment on your telly is going to be very hard. As if this system wasn`t hard enough to figure out, some wrong combinations and your tv blows up without no apparent reason. What about the specialbutton you might ask. The woman remote hasnt got one.

With the above fresh in mind, what tv set would you most like to have anything to do with?

I once read a statistic that it was settled that guys cheat more than women. Some of you women readers probably predict that I will deliver a poor defensive speach about how guys are geneticly conditioned to these things. I wont dissapoint you. You cant oppress thousands of years old instincts about keeping your bloodline going with modern ideas about monogamy. The guys should have the possibility to claim unconsciousness in the heat of the moment and get away with that.

But. Is it really so that guys cheat more than women. I think not. Its all in how you define cheating. Because guys, women is emotionally cheating as well as physically. Because of this, I seriously doubt the above mentioned statistics validity. Emotional cheating is closely connected to the term "backup and overlap". What happens, is that the woman falls in love with another guy. It consists of flirting and courting in ways that certainly brakes rules of varying importance. Its damned hard to arrest the women in this because its easier to keep descrete and leaves no clues out in the open. Its still cheating. If you add the numbers of physical and emotionall cheating I`m convinced the women is beating the guys down in their boots. I`m tempted to give the guys another point here, but as I have no scientific or documented proof of my statement I choose to show a little goodwill I choose not to do so. The score is still: 2-0 to the guys.

Guys like to see stripping and porn. Most girls I`ve spoken to say they dont. The say its to "porn" and that it is more delicate to see a women strip and no, porn is not for me. This of course is complete nonsense.Our Eyes is the mirror of our soul. Once I attended a strip event at a disco once where both women and men stripped. Almost all of the girls watching got wet eyes and to say they didn`t like it would be to lie. Luckily some women have the balls to admit they like both porn and stripping, but they are far in between. Here I have another example of why women are less fun than guys. Let me digress.

A group of women is having a vorspiel or a party where someone has hired a male stripper. Some of the ladies blush and are embarassed and someone shout. Everyone loves it. After a while the women in the group who like to think of our self as wild and impulsive, loose her grip. She jumps forward and bury her head in the stripper groin and grope his buttocks. Wailing erupts. When she pulls back to the safety of the group no pat on the back or high fives are given. Only a giggling: "You are crazy girl". Man thats boring.

Conclusion: Guys are more honest to themselves and their desires. The score: 3-0 to the guys.

The guys gets turned on by visual stimulation. This we get alot of flames for because its SO primitive. Women however gets turned on by money, power and status. The reason for this goes way back when women had neither the wits or the ability to care for themselves. A strong mate with alot of wealth and status would be very important to insure a safe future. In todays society any women has been given the ability to take care of herself and it is therefor not wrong to say that such practice is very, very primitive.
Take for example a guy who has been on television(often someone who has been on a realityshow). This is one of the major secrets to get women, because. When a women see someone who has been on tv they loose all their ability to think rationally. He could behave like an ass on tv and in real life. It doesnt matter. HE HAS BEEN ON TV.

How will this affect the final score. Will the women be able to decorate their abysmal score? NO. And here is the reason. Getting laid with a fine sexy woman is cool. The guys are honest about it. No reason to smooth things over. We are what we are. Getting laid because a guy has alot of power, money or status and then claim its all because of love is false and borders to prostitution. The final score is: 4-0 to the guys. We cleaned the tables. 4-0. The result cant be disputed. The guys are the best.

A few words to end this. Women, us guys have received upbringing from the first time girlfriend we have. We have to be romantic, caring, soft and hard and though at the same time. All over the world men fight the battle to be all these things 24/7 and we succede pretty well all things considered. Atleast we make an effort. How about paying something back? So get with the program pull out your lingerie and throw it out in the dumpster. Get something alot more slutty, some high heels and let us boys have our fun. We are all crawling in the same mud. No need to be stuck up.

13-01-04, 00:58
too true..

though you could argue diffrent point's and swing it the other way..

13-01-04, 01:02
God lol....

You ever had a fucking girlfriend?

Nice way we have of attracting women to play this game...

Well, at least I had a good laugh...

13-01-04, 01:04
nice and verey intresting views and points,

things could b argued. but like u said we both have flaws.

on the whole i agree :)

13-01-04, 01:13
Wow, you don't have a clue. Can you say "persicution complex"? With each and every man and women in the world being as unique as a fingerprint, this is the most over generalised piece of .... Literature I have ever read. This no more describes the feelings of women than you have described the habits of men. I have no doubt there are actualy women out there who feel this way, and I would like to thank you for dateing them, so I don't have to. There are all types of men and women, and if you don't like the ones who fall into your description, then it is time to seek out the billions who don't, yhough I should warn you, you aren't going to get far with this attitude.

You aren't the first person to oversimplify the complications between the sex's, and I doubt you will be the last. This arguement is made by those who are in desperate need of someone else to blame for their problems. Suck it up, knock the chip off your shoulder and go out and find someone who will tolerate your little foibles. Foibles which in no way represent those of either sex.

13-01-04, 01:16
Originally posted by JackScratch
Wow, you don't have a clue. Can you say "persicution complex"? With each and every man and women in the world being as unique as a fingerprint, this is the most over generalised piece of .... Literature I have ever read. This no more describes the feelings of women than you have described the habits of men. I have no doubt there are actualy women out there who feel this way, and I would like to thank you for dateing them, so I don't have to. There are all types of men and women, and if you don't like the ones who fall into your description, then it is time to seek out the billions who don't, yhough I should warn you, you aren't going to get far with this attitude.

You aren't the first person to oversimplify the complications between the sex's, and I doubt you will be the last. This arguement is made by those who are in desperate need of someone else to blame for their problems. Suck it up, knock the chip off your shoulder and go out and find someone who will tolerate your little foibles. Foibles which in no way represent those of either sex.

Lol dude, dont take it to seriously.

13-01-04, 01:17
Let us all be gay

13-01-04, 01:18
Originally posted by Mirco
Lol dude, dont take it to seriously.

I do that, don't I?

13-01-04, 01:22
Originally posted by JackScratch
Wow, you don't have a clue. Can you say "persicution complex"? With each and every man and women in the world being as unique as a fingerprint, this is the most over generalised piece of .... Literature I have ever read. This no more describes the feelings of women than you have described the habits of men. I have no doubt there are actualy women out there who feel this way, and I would like to thank you for dateing them, so I don't have to. There are all types of men and women, and if you don't like the ones who fall into your description, then it is time to seek out the billions who don't, yhough I should warn you, you aren't going to get far with this attitude.

You aren't the first person to oversimplify the complications between the sex's, and I doubt you will be the last. This arguement is made by those who are in desperate need of someone else to blame for their problems. Suck it up, knock the chip off your shoulder and go out and find someone who will tolerate your little foibles. Foibles which in no way represent those of either sex.

he needs someone to blame? like you blame pkers for the game going downhill? :lol:

13-01-04, 01:24
+ men = babies?

13-01-04, 01:27
Originally posted by [SP]Ostrich
he needs someone to blame? like you blame pkers for the game going downhill? :lol:

You know, that is funny, I don't believe I have ever actualy said that, though interestingly enough, this post certainly suggest you think carebears like me are responsible for it

13-01-04, 01:30
Originally posted by JackScratch
You know, that is funny, I don't believe I have ever actualy said that, though interestingly enough, this post certainly suggest you think carebears like me are responsible for it

how are carebears responsible? they're just annoying.

13-01-04, 01:34
Originally posted by robdekoning
Let us all be gay

That's the most senible thing anyone's said in this thread... scary...

Your all animal's anyway, men and women, just human'..

Human's are weak, and there's so little meat on ya, it's either all fat or bone's, yes a few do have some nice meat, but not many.. All in all a rather silly species..

13-01-04, 01:36
Originally posted by Q`alooaith
Human's are weak, and there's so little meat on ya, it's either all fat or bone's, yes a few do have some nice meat, but not many.. All in all a rather silly species..
What's better? :D

13-01-04, 01:37
my mistake, pardon me then. No, in fact I don't believe NC has done anything that wouldn't be expected from an MMORPG of it's type, and I don't believe it has gone down hill. I view quality ofver quantity, and those who have left, would most likely not have stayed, no matter what the enviornment. I can imagine some number being most frustrated by PKing and leaveing, but if it weren't that it would have been something else.

All predigous' can be linked to the desire to blame ones situation on someone else. ALL of them. The only possible exception I can think of is religous pregidous, and even then it tends to be that way. In short, women aren't the cause of anyone's problems. For that solution, look within.

13-01-04, 01:42
dude it seems intresting but i just cant read it all its to fucking huge lol:p

13-01-04, 01:48
Well, I can say this sums up the majority of women I've been with. Especially their "backup plan" :D

13-01-04, 01:56
I will go on the women are evil approach:



13-01-04, 01:56
Originally posted by Egeon
What's better? :D

Well errrmmm, forget I said anything.. I'm just a human like you, not a dragon at all, no sirreee, nope not me...

BTW.. funny round logic..

Women, well let's start by saying they need time and money..

Women = Time X Money
Now we all know time is money, time = money
Women = Time X time
Now money is the root of all evil..
and so on.. I'll dig out the big but that's the gernal idea..

13-01-04, 02:01
Females are always drawn to power and status. It's in the very fundamentals from which we are built. Every animal displays this behaviour. We males have to enlarge our gut, chin and what not, displaying our nice feathers, dancing around like fools, showing off by knocking contenders to the ground.
It has been this way for millions of years. Only in our race it manifests itself a bit more.. well "human" so to speak. That is money, power and status. It's in our nature. Just as sleeping with many women and being turned on visually is "natural" for males.

Embrace nature! :D

Shadow Dancer
13-01-04, 02:01
Yes the backup thing is true. Not all women though, but still.......

Sometimes I hate women. I try to fight the hate, but it's very hard sometimes. :/

Alex The Great
13-01-04, 02:07
2 words Hook er.

13-01-04, 05:12
The essay has some truth to it, it reflects certain trends. But as someone said, it is still a generalization, as not all women are the same as each other and not all men are the same as each other.

Originally posted by Q`alooaith
Your all animal's anyway, men and women, just human'..

Human's are weak, and there's so little meat on ya, it's either all fat or bone's, yes a few do have some nice meat, but not many.. All in all a rather silly species..

Humans survive by the power of the mind, unlike animals who survive by brute force. We develop tools and methods of changing our surroundings to suit our needs, and as a result we are a very strong species. Therefore your statement is false.

13-01-04, 06:19
Women make me feel funneh.....

Damn you and your powers woman!

Due to the complex nature of females, I have resisted asking one out for fear of the reaction from her if I did..... If only I could travel through time.....

Forget My Name
13-01-04, 08:07

This thread has the most posters I have ever seen dig themselves an aurgument hole in a single thread! Wow, you all just keep digging you holes there guys and gals....

Looking dumber by each post.

Elroy Jetson
13-01-04, 10:31
Then it would only be proper that my post is next :wtf:

Nice essay, I totally agree that women (in general) think that men are lower than them. Of course i live near a dense population of lesbians. So i might have a bias opinion.

Where you went wrong was with the scoring. I think american football scoring would be better, you know like women want money and status. So we get a touchdown 6 points. But there are men that stomp on others to get the money and status just to get women.... So we miss the extra point. Then the whole porn thing, that's not a touchdown, that's more like a fieldgoal. Only 3 points. Cause women are just more shy about it then men.

I feel no answers will really come of this thread, :eek: yes shock i know... but i do know us men are better...o_O right?

Original monk
13-01-04, 10:55
altough this thread goes about my favourite subject : woman :P i aint gonna read it ... a littlebit to long lol :)

13-01-04, 11:13
Originally posted by nonamebrandeggs
+ men = babies?

Test Tube? Medical science? Droms?

13-01-04, 11:39
Has JackScratch ever done a oooh good thread post :rolleyes:

13-01-04, 11:53
Men are to blame for all the Worlds Problems.
We have Wars, Men Kill Men, Men Kill Men with knives, Knives Made buy Men
Men Design Guns so men can Build Gun so Men Can Kill Men with guns
Then Men Design Even Bigger Guns so men can Build even Bigger Guns so Men can Kill Men. The Man Design Tanks so they can Build Tanks so men can Drive Tanks and Kill other men in tanks. Then Man Learns to Fly and Designs Plans so men can make Plans ..so men can Kill men. Men Design Bombs so Men can put these bombs on plans..Plans Designed by men..Built By men, Flown by men so they can Kill men……

And All this…just because the women want us out if the house because she wants to vacuuming.

13-01-04, 13:02
Originally posted by Zanathos
Women make me feel funneh.....

Damn you and your powers woman!

JOEY TRIBIANI!!!!!!!!!!!!11 or not?

13-01-04, 13:58
why has every1 decided to start posting about there broken relationships on here. i garantee most peeps dont care. if ure that up set go to grouphug.us and tell ur story there.

13-01-04, 14:08
If you want proof of the real differences, just watch TV and have a look at the differences between ads aimed at men and ads aimed at women. Ads about cars, alcohol, men's deodorant etc, are fairly good. Beer adverts especially tend to be the funniest adverts of all. That Honda advert with the car parts all knocking over in a big chain. The Lynx adverts. They're all good and they work.

Now look at women's ads. Do makeup ads make anyone laugh? Did you ever watch an advert for shampoo and say "That advert was really clever?"

13-01-04, 14:11
Is most of thats quite a lot of rubish lol but who am i to coment :P

13-01-04, 14:26
Originally posted by JackScratch
Can you say "persicution complex"?

You might be able to say it, you sure as hell can't spell it though :-)

13-01-04, 16:40
Originally posted by robdekoning
JOEY TRIBIANI!!!!!!!!!!!!11 or not?


I think that hes not giving women enough credit :p

They are godesses and must be praised!

13-01-04, 17:35
Originally posted by Zanathos

I think that hes not giving women enough credit :p

They are godesses and must be praised!

Wash your mouth of that filthy propaganda. You guys see this? See!!! This one is beyond salvaging.

In a science article I read that men have a defect gen or something like that and the result is that in a couple of 100 thousand years or so there arent gonna be any men left. Women will probably develop an ability to get pregnant by themselves or use science. What more does it tell me. Its our job to party and have the fun that is denied the million of male souls that will never be born because of our genes. Its time we show some solidarity for christ sake. Not because we like it, but because it is right. Women should start treating men much nicer. We are a dying breed. If someone is dying you try to make the time until he or she dies have as much comfort as possible. The exception is animals of course who get put to rest right away in stead....8|.....oh dear... I just realized something......