View Full Version : Achievements?

12-01-04, 18:29
What is your memorable achievements in neocron?

Today, i dropped my first Warbot on pluto with my noob character and a TL 38 sniperrifle... took a while, Harry Callahan was around and saw it. (I usually hunt warbots with MUCH higher TL weapons)

What do you feel good about? Tell us.

12-01-04, 18:35
I feel good equiping my fusion cannon and firing it at a group of droms and wolves.

I feel good being able to take on 4 warbots at once.

I feel good sniping mobs and people from 400 meters away.

I feel good when I get 4 tech parts in a mob.

I feel good pointing a lasersight at a droms butthole.

J. Folsom
12-01-04, 18:38
I feel good whenever I take a screenshot and can then take a look at it and actually think "Wow, that's one nice shot."

I only ever post the best of those on the forums, and the other ones I really don't like get deleted.

In-game, hmm... Oh yeah, hehe, killing a "smurf" in Neofrag with one of my drones.

12-01-04, 18:53
Ive killed wbs with a like rank /18 psi, and ive done it with the first assualt rifle. WBs are easy with a bit of cover(which is present where wbs are located)

Yes the feeling is good until u find theres no tech.

12-01-04, 18:55
i feel good every time i see a dead monk

i feel even better when it was me who dropped him

12-01-04, 18:57
I was waiting a few weeks for my first lib and ages for my first SF whenh I got them I was chuffed to bits :)

12-01-04, 19:00
as for my most memorable hmm proberbly first time i beat a TG tank when i was a merc, not done much PvP was only about level 56 while the TG dude was 63+ but ended up leaving him face up at hill by the base.

was well please with myself:)

12-01-04, 19:09
I feel good when i come through the odds, like defending an OP from an attacking clan purly on my own.

EDIT: for some reason i always find ppu's dying funny, even when your dead wanting a rezz and you just see their belt fly out and they drop to the ground.

I also remember cracking up whenever i saw a drom in beta, just thinking about them made me burst into fits of laughter heh

12-01-04, 19:23
Originally posted by sw1tch

EDIT: for some reason i always find ppu's dying funny, even when your dead wanting a rezz and you just see their belt fly out and they drop to the ground.


yea if you see em busy and gets a sneak debuff done and then pwn em. that just brings a smile to your lips :)

13-01-04, 13:53
Seeing a TG/FA combo force Decimated at an op fight…..all those dead bodies Flaming away No PPU’s to Rezz them…..Makes my day

13-01-04, 14:15
Bloody hell !! Harry was on and I missed him?

What makes me feel good?

Practicing pvp in neofrag with 2 friends (a PE and a spy) and not coming last!! (my pvp skillz are..........un-l33t!!)

the 1st time I ever used my FA, and seeing the uber damage

finally getting the last part to my long awaited (3 months) Holy Lightening (still needs an uber cnster tho)

the first time I ever logged on to NC and getting shown round by one of Harry callahans alts............. amazing :eek:

13-01-04, 14:21
Hm.. my first memorable achievment has to be on my pluto tank.
I was rank 35/45 or sumthing, druged to the gils to wear tank PA1 and use TPC. I head into aggies to do a mis (was trying to level PSI) and this capped PE comes after meh and attacks me. Somehow i managed to kill her, my heartbeat having doubled in the mean while. Needless to say i felt sooooooooooooo good after that (especially considering that i had 10 hp left O_o).

13-01-04, 14:26
ok if somebody wants to flame meh go ahead.. but the thing i still remember the most was way back.. when i had a few talks with QD after i started a alt on uranus.. and i saw QD i was like OMG your famus.. we talked a bit and he gave me a little advise. comming days i spended lomming and giving out cash lol.. finaly i got somekind of a setup ready.. and i took it to NF.. QD came to watch.. as i dueled 2 tanks and almost din't get hit myself.. and i beaten kramer the first time to.. nobody knew me @ all back then.. got quite a few ppl frustrated when i beaten them back then.. but thats the thing i remmeber the most.. killing kramer that day as i always looked up to him..

13-01-04, 15:06
My favourite achievement ;) - sorry Oath and co...

Although Oath wasnt there that day...

I had just spent 2 hours in NF, winning 100% of my duels (i was on the top of my form, and had more than enough time to warm up), when i get the warning, Jeriko Fortress is under attack. Barrier 1 had been hacked.

I GR in to the Underground, completely alone, buff up. Redflash + Whiteflash....after all, i didnt know who was up there!

I hit stealth, zone up, and see 11 members (give or take 1 or 2) of the clan C I E (Tsunami). We had, 4 or 5 PE's, 2 APU's, 1 or 2 PPU's, and rest tanks...

Stealth wears off, i pull the RoLH, and gank all but the PPU's.
I then change weapon to teh Uranium libby, and gank the un-suspecting PPU's.

It was the most amazing screenshot of all time - i didnt take it, one of the C I E did afterwards :D

After a nice few congrats on trade nc, and DM, i felt a nice sense of smugness...
I also made a few new friends that day, remarkably, people that i killed!

I feel that was my most fun achievement - basically because i was at the "Dammit, I need to prove myself to the server" stage!

13-01-04, 15:28
Way back around May or so, at the time were The Gang was
slowly becoming less and less active and it was usually just me
online during european daytime. Alot of me solo fighting larger
forces at the time, bear in mind that this was before stealth, also
at this time one hacker could do all three layers on an OP and
there were no PPUs or APUs. Oh and no antishock drugs so
stunturrets was a bitch to say the least.

A CM clan, I think it coud have been STEALTH but Im not too sure
about that, had taken Syncon Lab and filled it with turrets. I dont
remember if they hacked it while I was online or if they came
after I placed the first hack, but they came anyway. 8 of them,
stunturrets, gatlin turrets and artillery turrets. I took them all out
while still placing hacks on the OP whenever I got 30 seconds to
spare. When they came back with the rest of their guys I had just
finished hacking and ran down in the basement and turned the
turrets on, rest was just mopping up.

Other than that. The first time during Tank'o'cron when I issued
the challenge that I could beat any tank in the game in a best out
of 3 duel and fought more or less every good tank there was,
and beat them all except parad0x. Then theres a few other me vs
many incidents but nothing that stands out as insanely as the 1
vs 8+turrets.

13-01-04, 15:41
Just yesterday lomed my spy to tradeskills and saw what I can really do now, I feel.. :p

revealing my first alt: ninja ^^

13-01-04, 15:45
btw rabbi how do you get the 73/63 rank? Funny when I cap rolh
I get like 67/72, its like weve swapped the numbers heh.

13-01-04, 15:49
seen a few PE's with 3 star ranks on saturn, dunno what they have done to get it though, proberbly gimped beyond belief

13-01-04, 15:51
Originally posted by ezza
seen a few PE's with 3 star ranks on saturn, dunno what they have done to get it though, proberbly gimped beyond belief

Rifles get high ranks but rabbi is a pistolier like me and thats why
I was wondering.

13-01-04, 15:56
I saw Strych9 (on another char) have 70/70 as a Pistol PE some months ago, and that rank was consistent. Strych, what did you do to have that rank?

He and Skinfitz had similar ranks, so Skin must know too.

Shadow Dancer
13-01-04, 15:57
Similar to ezza.

When I see a dead PPU. When I'm the one who killed him.

13-01-04, 16:30
Originally posted by Rade
btw rabbi how do you get the 73/63 rank? Funny when I cap rolh
I get like 67/72, its like weve swapped the numbers heh.

I didnt make the sig. :lol: - i suck with Adobe too much to do somethin like that!

You cant have capped the RoLH at 67/xx m8! maybe the dmg, but definately not capped frequency

My permanent rank is 70/71, but it doesnt really matter anyway, rank means shit! ;)

EDIT - And in no way am i gimped. AT ALL. Fair enough, i take 2 drugs and have to keep them running continuously, but this allows me to keep same resists and get a great RoF on RoLH.

13-01-04, 16:32
I killed a /52 SPY last nite with my /37 PE.

Tangent Epic Pulselaser(t/l 75) vs Tangent Wastland Eagle(t/l 44)

I didn't lose a quarter life.

Not my best acheivement but a recent one. Killed a few warbies with him last nite too with the 'Eagle and t/l 46 Mini-RL and a mate with his gatlin rifle. That was a good feeling too.

13-01-04, 16:37
when i made all my rare weapons

Original monk
13-01-04, 17:05
im happy everytime i find the last part of a rare ...

special achievements i dont have: sounds more like bragging to me :)

13-01-04, 17:18
Originally posted by L0KI
I didnt make the sig. :lol: - i suck with Adobe too much to do somethin like that!

You cant have capped the RoLH at 67/xx m8! maybe the dmg, but definately not capped frequency

My permanent rank is 70/71, but it doesnt really matter anyway, rank means shit! ;)

EDIT - And in no way am i gimped. AT ALL. Fair enough, i take 2 drugs and have to keep them running continuously, but this allows me to keep same resists and get a great RoF on RoLH.

67/ is with capped dmg and pretty good freq, but youre right, the
freq is not capped, I dont use drugs so my defence and freq is a
bit shitty without PPU buffs.