View Full Version : |OT|Gaming mag crossing the line

12-01-04, 11:57
A lot have probably allready seen this ,but i thought that everyone should have seen this.

Its about an american gaming mag(Computer Gaming Monthly) that used a seriously disrespectfull way of promoting a game:
Link to the photos (http://www.gunsnet.net/forums/showthread.php?threadid=156754&perpage=30&pagenumber=1)

I think the pictures speak for themselves ,
quote from that forum that came as reply to a thread in the gaming mags forum

And while I think you are entitled to your opinion to boycott, give them until the issue after next to make amends since that is when they said they will. When searching for images to use, you don't always know the story behind them, and sometimes, mistakes like this happen. It has been stated in the other thread that they did not know the context of the original image, and I do believe that. I doubt they would go out of their way to do something of this nature, had they known where the source material came from.

Roughly summed up with : We are that stupid that we didnt see a connection between soldiers standing in a row with pictures with black ribbons on and a memorial service.

And i also read that instead of apologizing for this they threatened a forum with a lawsuit because they used their image which they have a copyright on.

12-01-04, 12:09
that is even less tastfull than F1 magaseens advert and that is a saying something.

12-01-04, 12:15
yup, a little common sense would have been in order there....

12-01-04, 13:16
ok, I thought about about this... and I'm torn. On one hand, I think its disrespectful to the solders trying to honer their fallen freinds and thats not cool the add was in very bad taste.... on the other, all these people complaining about being offened remind me of all the god damn assholes (god I want them DEAD! no Im not joking) Who cried and whined that they were offened and took my beloved Family Guy off the air.... I know its a different context but often these complains go too far... I dont think its the mag that made the add, they just ran it, and poor judement or not, these things go way too far, Im reminded of a HILARIOUS American radio show that got cancelled because they pulled a prank that offened catholics... because some people get so offened and have to go berserk they got an awesome radio show banned... I hope the mag doesnt get cancelled and even more bad light isnt put on computer games over this. They should issue and appology and be more careful in the future, I hope it just doesnt go beyond that, unfortunetly it might.

12-01-04, 13:22
I can see that they were trying to "put you in the mood of the game here," but that is horribly poor taste and how it got put into circulation is beyond my understanding.

12-01-04, 16:33
Absolutely fucking discusting

12-01-04, 16:47
That was completely distasteful.

12-01-04, 16:48
Thats pretty sick :( . I've seen a worse one using a picture of saddam husain after he was captured saying he's been up all night playing a game (cant remember the name about it but its a game about the war on terror), some people seem to have no morals when it comes to advertising.

12-01-04, 17:08
Originally posted by Cyphor
some people seem to have no morals when it comes to advertising.

"some" .......

12-01-04, 17:08
Well as big and respectful of a magazine as CGM, it's something like this that can close its shops overnight.

12-01-04, 17:13
Ok lemme start off with that I see how stupid of a move this was for that magazine

It's very offensive

Very stupid idea

However, some dude posted in there the following:

"I only hope that our Russian friends do not blame the American People in general once the Russian embasy gets word of this.

This would strain our relations severly IMHO and just when we were getting back on the right track.

I would not be surprised if the State Dept would get involved in this once it hits the mainstream news."

I mean seriously you've gotta be kidding. Russian embassy? State department? You think they care? That'd be like if the state department had to re-convince Russia into peace with the USA every time someone here cracked a racist joke about Russians.

I can't see what that guy was thinkin

12-01-04, 17:14
Originally posted by bounty
Well as big and respectful of a magazine as CGM, it's something like this that can close its shops overnight.

Sorry for double post! But to clear it up someone posted in there it WAS NOT CGM, it was EGM. Electronic Gaming Monthly or whatever.

Someone cleared that up farther into the thread.

Original monk
12-01-04, 17:20
i dont care who it was but using a picture of military people with there dead friends/family is disgusting... and proves no respect whatsoever ...

point, other sentance

12-01-04, 17:33
As a member of Canadian Forces, I find this absolutly distasteful.

12-01-04, 17:40
Its some stupid pic in some mag who cares people. Dont people have something better to do with there lives than write long emails and scream boycott cause of some pic used in poor taste.

12-01-04, 17:41
I didn't cop until I saw the second picture but yea thats a bit disrepectful, while it is doing whats intended (giving advertising) it can only backfire in the long term.

Shadow Dancer
12-01-04, 17:42
It's poor taste because of what the soldiers were originally doing in the pic. Honestly, couldn't they have found another picture?

And Vet, why was family guy taken off the air exactly?

12-01-04, 17:43
Originally posted by Archeus
I didn't cop until I saw the second picture but yea thats a bit disrepectful, while it is doing whats intended (giving advertising) it can only backfire in the long term.

News flash if I am a fan of the socom game set the fact they used that image is in no way gonna stop me from buying the game and it wont stop anyone else from buying it either.

12-01-04, 17:44
Too bad I have no clue what you guys are talking about since I am forbidden to go to that link at my school :)

12-01-04, 17:46
That is very direspectful.

KimmyG... stfu... its using a picture of them respecting their dead brothers in arms.

12-01-04, 17:50
its a picture of russian soldiers in a memorial service who are each holding up pictures of there brothers/other soldiers who have been killed and in place of that the magazine has put in picutres of the socom 2 game box.
as i work for a magazine publishing firm to i can say its sick and very disrespectful and as far as i know wen sony see that there will be a lawsuit for discrimination and copyright infringement.

12-01-04, 17:51
The ad is for socom II?

I sort of understand from reading these posts of what the picture is but, why the hell would you use that for an ad for socom II?

I can think of much better ads than that..... But im sure the disrespectful part has something to do with some sort of text on the image or ad?


BTW, I rented Socom II for my PS2 over the weekend.....

I couldnt get past the brazilian jungle missions where you gotta stop the plane. the plane kept fuckin taking off no matter how stealthy I was. Fucking pissed me off. Would be nice if I had the keyboard and mouse to use with my PS2. I ended up just equiping my guys for assault and murdering all the terrorists before I took it back :) BTW, I tried to place a satchel charge on the plane, no matter where i aimed, my guys couldnt be given the deploy sactchel command, and i tried grenading the plane too.

But oh well.

Not a very good picture to use.....

12-01-04, 17:54
that my point the disrespectful bastards have used.
it is because they have covered the pictures of the dead soldiers in the memorial with a game cover instead.

12-01-04, 22:40
that is definatly not the http://www.getsomeskills.com/system/smilies/icon_win.gif

but kimmeh, how can you say its not disrespectful when your rl pic is :/

Original monk
12-01-04, 22:54
Originally posted by KimmyG
News flash if I am a fan of the socom game set the fact they used that image is in no way gonna stop me from buying the game and it wont stop anyone else from buying it either.

then go play that game kimmy :P ............. less on saturn ... ya gotta start somewhere ...

edit: i yust saw youre picture ... .......... ..............

edit 2: i edited my own lines allready for being so cruewl ...

12-01-04, 22:57
YEah.. Thts pretty sick.. and i can see why many are pissed8|

12-01-04, 23:20
"but kimmeh, how can you say its not disrespectful when your rl pic is :"

omg lol thats funniest thing i heard all day, yea it is disrespectful of that advert they shud get kicked in the teeth

13-01-04, 01:19
Originally posted by Style
"but kimmeh, how can you say its not disrespectful when your rl pic is :"

omg lol thats funniest thing i heard all day, yea it is disrespectful of that advert they shud get kicked in the teeth

curbed like in american history x


to all these people sayin stuff about legal action and whatnot sorry but there's nothing i can see that's legally wrong with this

it's all morally wrong

there's not gonna be any suing or however you spell that fuckin word cause it's all a moral thing

13-01-04, 02:05
That was fucking disrespectful and utterly unprofessional on their part. EGM go eat shit and die you sons of a bitchs.

13-01-04, 02:19
Thats pretty horrible.

Also that dude scanning and posting that page out of the magazine is totally illegal and if people link that page to him hes going to get pwnt if they pursue legal action.

13-01-04, 03:15
All I will say is, the ceremony has taken place once in our non-immediate family. I watched the video they sent over, of the whole event, and it was sad. This advertising is one of the most worst-taste things I've seen, and believe me (well the Uranus people will... lol) I've got a very high tolerance for things that sicken people.

13-01-04, 03:31
Vile beyond words and any claims of ignorance are a crock of shit. They knew exactly what they were doing and I hope someone there gets his P45.

@Zone - Yeah, nothing much will come of it. Enough complaints and the editor and/or author might get sacked though which is the least they deserve. Remember the company in question is teetering on bankruptcy already and don't need bad press ;).

@Lenard - They already tried that and then backed down because they realised it was throwing petrol on a raging fire.

@SD - Maybe 'cos it sucks?

13-01-04, 03:46
raffle me waffle

13-01-04, 04:16
easy solution. ban advertising. would fix so many problems. advertising is a load of shit anyway that pollutes our society. companies should be forced to rely on word of mouth, because they created a superior product rather than the latest ad that brainwashes people in to buying their half-assed shit produced in sweatshops. that, and searchable databanks (yellow pages). if someone wants something, they can go TO the information rather than having to wait 25+ minutes at a movie for fucking previes and commercials for cars. it'd also fix problems like this, which is companies trying to find new ways to advertise and ways to be 'radical' and cross the line, shocking, all that bullshit. as for the effects on the economy of such a ban, who fucking cares? if the economy is the priority, then it might as well be a compulsory consumerist state, although it's practically one already, at least the western word that i live in is.

13-01-04, 04:21
It wasn't an advert.

13-01-04, 04:23
Its about an american gaming mag(Computer Gaming Monthly) that used a seriously disrespectfull way of promoting a game:

Oh I see, it wasn't an advertisement, it was the "promotion of a game". Huge difference. My mistake.

Sure, it's a strategy guide, but it's designed to sell as well.

13-01-04, 04:26
Originally posted by Samhain
Oh I see, it wasn't an advertisement, it was the "promotion of a game". Huge difference. My mistake.

Sure, it's a strategy guide, but it's designed to sell as well.

It was used in a review or article. The game producer didn't design, approve of or pay for it.

Much as I despise marketing ass-hats it's not relevant here. Under your word-of-mouth ideal this kind of thing would still happen because people can be idiots even if they aren't in marketing.

13-01-04, 04:28
i know what you mean, but the purpose of it was still to promote / inspire interest in something. it's one of those things you see near the front or on the cover of the magazine so people catch it leafing through and want to read the full article on "page 51" or whatever. sure it's not an advertisement in the television commercial sense, but it's still promotion

13-01-04, 04:33

atfirst i thought it was only the one picture, and i didnt REALLY see what was THAT wrong, but after i saw the second pic...i can understand

ya that is pretty messed up...

i wonder if there gonna get sued or somthing:confused:

13-01-04, 05:14
Originally posted by Original monk
then go play that game kimmy :P ............. less on saturn ... ya gotta start somewhere ...

edit: i yust saw youre picture ... .......... ..............

edit 2: i edited my own lines allready for being so cruewl ...

If I cared what people thought of my own apperance I wouldn't of posted a pic.

Anyway my point still stands the fact that someone took the time to find that out and write letters to the people who used is pathetic. Anyway I just might go out and pay for some socom just to support that game.

13-01-04, 05:28
Originally posted by KimmyG
If I cared what people thought of my own apperance I wouldn't of posted a pic.

Anyway my point still stands the fact that someone took the time to find that out and write letters to the people who used is pathetic. Anyway I just might go out and pay for some socom just to support that game.

Try to put it in perspective you ignorant little turd.

If someone came to your house and killed your parents, siblings, pets, freinds, neighbours, etc. Then took pictures of you weeping over their torn and blodies corpses, stamped "pwned" across those images and used them in an advert for a computer game how would you feel?

Grow up and shut up.

Psycho Killa
13-01-04, 05:48
1) Its pretty fucked up... the picture itself isnt bad but the fact that they used an original picture of people honoring dead people is absolutely fucked.

2) I honestly dont see how this could strain us russian relations lol. Its just a stupid magazine about stupid games. If anything they should be offended by freedom fighters because i finished that game and ended up killing well over 1000 russians in it.

3) Thanks to family guys insane selling of dvds family guy is coming back next year so calm down vet lol.

Ahahaha good example jernau

Also how the fuck is the game mag crossing the line? I scincerely doubt they knew the content of the original picture when they published it. Last i checked game companys make up adds then buy space in a magazine... they dont pay for an add and have the magazine company draw it up themselves.

13-01-04, 07:56
Originally posted by jernau
Try to put it in perspective you ignorant little turd.

If someone came to your house and killed your parents, siblings, pets, freinds, neighbours, etc. Then took pictures of you weeping over their torn and blodies corpses, stamped "pwned" across those images and used them in an advert for a computer game how would you feel?

Grow up and shut up.

Im not saying that how it was used it was right but what I am saying is its not such a big deal. However the fact that people make such a big deal outta something that doesn't concern them and really isn't something that is a huge deal, is pathetic.

13-01-04, 08:00
Psycho - if u read the thread... they give a link to getty's where they purchased the image from...

which clearly has a blurb describing the picture...

and as far as i know it was a review type thing so it has nothing to do with the game developers/publishers...

13-01-04, 10:04
Jernau... if you dont think family guy is hilarious you dont have a sense of humor. Too bad for you. The show is very popular and hopefully the fools who cancelled if are being fired and will stave in the streets.. would serve em right.

Shadow, the story I heard was it was doing well but a bunch of scum cried that they were offended, and advertisers didnt wanna be associated with the show... and fox was scared by that. Now its comming back and they are gonna have companies that dont have a stick up thier ass to advertise during Family Guy.

13-01-04, 11:04
Originally posted by VetteroX
Jernau... if you dont think family guy is hilarious you dont have a sense of humor. Too bad for you. The show is very popular and hopefully the fools who cancelled if are being fired and will stave in the streets.. would serve em right.

Humour is very american-centric. The GF is Korean and she doesn't find Family guy funny in the slightest, mainly because most of the jokes are American (and take too long to explain). On the other hand she thinks Father Ted is hilarious.

Jake Cutter
13-01-04, 11:14
originally posted by VetteroX
on the other, all these people complaining about being offened remind me of all the god damn assholes (god I want them DEAD! no Im not joking) Who cried and whined that they were offened and took my beloved Family Guy off the air....
Vet, you have some serious issues if you want people dead just because they cancelled a TV show. (BTW...because of the spectacular DVD sales for FG, they are considering a return for the show, most likely on Cartoon Network, where it has done quite well in the ratings.)

In regards to the main subject of this post...the photograph manipulation is highly disprespectful. Whoever is responsible owes a retraction of the image, and an apology.

People are too thin-skinned these days, over all of the wrong things. I hate political correctness...but the photomanip goes over the line. It may be one thing if it were altered to make some sort of political statement (still wrong IMO), but being used to advertise a frigging computer game is just plain wrong.

Jake Cutter

13-01-04, 11:27
Originally posted by Archeus
Humour is very american-centric. The GF is Korean and she doesn't find Family guy funny in the slightest, mainly because most of the jokes are American (and take too long to explain). On the other hand she thinks Father Ted is hilarious.

And I find both Family Guy and Father Ted hilarious. Fact is, a lot of people liked Family Guy, and still like it, which is IMO good reason to try and keep producing it.

Vet, the difference between this and Family Guy is that the people offended by programs like Family Guy are the people who take it all too seriously, such as taking a joke the wrong way. Whereas in the photo, the people who maded it actually erased photos of people who have died, and replaced them with game boxes. If it was advertising some game in which you're supposed to try to prevent a war or something then the advert would make sense. But in this context it is frankly disgusting. Technically I can't really claim to be offended by it. But the families of the soldier's who photos were originally in those frames certainly will be. Trying to make money out of a picture like that is just plain wrong.

13-01-04, 12:41
Originally posted by KimmyG
Im not saying that how it was used it was right but what I am saying is its not such a big deal. However the fact that people make such a big deal outta something that doesn't concern them and really isn't something that is a huge deal, is pathetic.

The original poster on the first board is the son of a russian veteran and quite possible has or will have to serve himself as conscription still exists in some parts of the former Soviet Union.

Many of those who responded had either served themselves or had close family who had done so. One board included a post from a relative of one of the fallen soldiers whose funeral was being made a mockery of.

Even if none of that were true it is the responsiblity of all to honour and remember those who gave their lives to protect our way of life.

/edit - 2 other things you might want to consider : 1) Many of those soldiers hadn't been paid in months or years and had been reduced to begging to feed themselves. 2) They died in a civil war fighting for a side many of them didn't support or understand by the end. They deserve many times the honour in death that they were denied in life.

/edit 2 - @Vet - It's OT so I'll STFU but I just found FG boring. It's a matter of personal taste, no need to take offence.

13-01-04, 18:07
Originally posted by jernau
Even if none of that were true it is the responsiblity of all to honour and remember those who gave their lives to protect our way of life.

Edit. - Changed my mind on discussing this. ANyway Jernau look at that statement then look at the pic then us your brain.

13-01-04, 18:18
Originally posted by KimmyG
Edit. - Changed my mind on discussing this. ANyway Jernau look at that statement then look at the pic then us your brain.

If your meaning is that they are Russians you might want to buy a history book and learn about WW2 and European history in general.

One day you'll maybe also realise that when it comes time to mourn the dead it doesn't matter who was on which side, all that matters is that people died.

13-01-04, 18:37
Originally posted by jernau
If your meaning is that they are Russians you might want to buy a history book and learn about WW2 and European history in general.

One day you'll maybe also realise that when it comes time to mourn the dead it doesn't matter who was on which side, all that matters is that people died.

I know that history your post shows how ignorant you are.

13-01-04, 18:39
Originally posted by KimmyG
I know that history your post shows how ignorant you are.


I'm not going to get banned for telling you what you are but you clerarly know jack and shit about anything in this thread.

13-01-04, 18:39
And this is why we do not allow politics/war talk on the forums.