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View Full Version : Safezone Removal...and Copbots

Jake Cutter
08-01-04, 06:47
With the removal of safezones when BDoY is released...I think this would be an interesting modification to NC Copbot behavior:

When an anti-City runner pulls a weapon, he or she is considered hostile and is attacked by the copbot(s).

If a pro-City runner pulls a weapon, the copbots do nothing, unless that runner attacks the copbot...then justice gets dispensed at the offender.

Same thing for DoY guards...respective of the player faction of course.

Martin mentioned that copbots might become "easier" to deal with in combat...so it would be a challenge and not a slaughter.

Jake Cutter

08-01-04, 07:14
alright, for one thing, if i understand correctly...anti-city will be banned from neocron...copbots will KoS them...that's why MJS has mentioned copbots getting their dmg reduced somewhat...

also about pro-city...i think that might be the way things go down...we'll just have to wait and see...

Dribble Joy
08-01-04, 07:18
Drawing a weapon in public is a criminal offence in NC.
Anti-city will be KOS.
Pro-city who pull out guns will be shot.

08-01-04, 07:56
My idea is better..... Its somewheres in one of my siggies, probably the Other ideas.