View Full Version : NPC's selling youre goodies

Original monk
07-01-04, 13:36
Hiya :P

I saw in someone's siggy about the NPC's that sell youre stuff, with other words then you can reach a giant player/customerbase cause all the people that play on other time's can buy youre stuff when youre offline for example :)

I live in belgium so then americans and australian people etc who play when i sleep can buy me stuff :) daamn i gonna be rich :P

The siggy of the guy said that MJS said that they would come with DoY, well as a regular parttrader i cant wait on this :)

But now to the point : can we get some extra info on this subject please, maybe even an official reply ? :)

Also all new idea's that you came up with concerning the NPC-shops : POST em here :D

Like is it possible to have "multiple" npc's myself and place em in a appartment that everyone can enter like a small shop ??

And can i decorate that shop with small palmtree's and euh more of the dynamic objects like chairs and tables ?? or even put speakers in the corners where some nice music comes out ?
And ffcourse can these objects be removed by my personal removal tool ? not that some clown comes in and yust removes all my decoration with he's or her removal tool :P

And is it possible to place a crytons guy with lubes and cubes in that shop ? :P like in the constructorsclub ?

And those NPC's, can i give em names ??? like original_chips or Techs-R-us or sumthing ??

If this is true then i gonna build a tech-supermarket ... i can imagine it allready, those NPC's gonna own :P

The playervendors was the onlything i liked about swg so i cant wait till its implemented in my own favourite game :)

Also: is there an NPC that can buy stuff for you ? an NPC allbuyer but only for the items you specified ?? for example:

My NPC called original_allbuyer buys all vehiculecomps10 fo 65K/piece and all unressed parts for 100k/piece and all veh.comp 10 bp's fo 3k/piece or sumthing ?? i dunno i yust give some examples, it would be extremely cool ya see :)

I am sure this will give a complete new dimension to trading as we know it now :)

i cant wait till i can sell mc5 parts at my trader :) ya yust set in an extremely hi price, and some-one somewhere will buy it once :P yust cause its the last part he/she needs :) goodie goodie

or a rareweapontrader, daamn, options are endless

Also: above the door of my appartment/ shop where the vendors are, can i put the name of my shop there ?? for example original-military-industries or sumthing like that ??

Damn, i wasnt really entousiastic about dOy yust for the fact that i knew it could take a while (i hear from the beginning of retail that dOy is commin ya see...) but now that i know they gonna implement those NPC's, I CANT WAIT LOL

Enjoy posting, playing and trading, all suggestions about NPC's are welcome and if possible some official word about what we have to expect on those NPC's cause my imagination is on the loose :)

cu all

07-01-04, 14:12
I can still remember to when dynamic objects were sold at crytons and removed almost jsut as quick it was the funniest sight i've ever seen someone broadcasting over trade for help so people go over to his apt and have a look and he's only planted a Damn tree in the corridor outside the door and can't get past to get into his apt (which wasn't his prime but was his rare part apt) couldn't help myself from laughing got some pix somewhere or at least i did have

07-01-04, 14:15
My apartment still has my flower and my rusty barrel :)

07-01-04, 14:19
NPC trader systems work very well in a few other MMORPGs
where they have similar systems. Lets just hope its smoothly
implemented so that it becomes easy to find the shops and items
or people wont bother using it.

07-01-04, 14:21
Well it all sounds pretty nice, but what about the barter skill ??? That should not work when anyone buys something from your NPC otherwise you would have only barters coming to your NPC market so they can buy all you stuff and sell it for the same price only without barter then. You would receive less money then you ask for so barter skill should be disabled in this way of Buying things.

07-01-04, 14:27
why not let barter work?just compensate it in your prices, if you want 500K and are scared a barter will come along put it up to 550K for example, like was mentioned if someone wants it enough they will pay for it, and if a barter buys it then you get the money u wanted anyway

jj dynomite
07-01-04, 14:28
Originally posted by Original monk
But now to the point : can we get some extra info on this subject please, maybe even an official reply ? :)

There won't be an official reply till the BDoY release information. Also there won't be any details brought to the table until then either.

Luckily the release info will be this month or early next month.


08-01-04, 02:05
:cough my sig covers this whole thread :cough ;)