View Full Version : biotech epic....

31-12-03, 05:43
:mad: i see alot has changed since last i did that epic...it seems impossible these days...all sectors around the village i need to reach is full of scouts...i have tried and died so many times that i dont bother the epic anymoore.i have had less problems with TT and TG epic.why this sudden change?:confused:

31-12-03, 06:00
Try sending an email to helpdesk, perhaps they overlooked this eventuality when they added the DoY bots, for a long time the TT epic was really hard because Catlock bay was surrounded by Y-Reps and TG guards, and vehicles were terrible protection. Have you tried catching a ride in a tank or APC, as these vehicles actually offer protection to their occupants, unlike the jeep and the bikes. Option number two is get a nice PPU from a non city faction (TS, BD, TG, etc...) the DoY bots ignore them, it will take a long time and alot of rezzing but that could help you complete the epic as well.

31-12-03, 06:03
On saturn at least, you can get from the escador oasis to the building in the village without hitting a single DOY unit ( you may see a few but they are avoidable ) you just need to be careful at what points you zone etc.

Doc Holliday
31-12-03, 06:03
mate i done the bio epic shit loads of times. get a crahn or bd or what ever ppu to help u. drive in a tank apc reveller what ever and get em to cover u all the way. get out do mission. job is a good un

31-12-03, 06:13
Done it a few times as a nub PE.... died once or twice but u expect to... your as far away from home as u can be and in DOY territory....

Try a different approach or if ur a spy/pe lvl till u can stealth :)

31-12-03, 06:14
Alt E is your friend.

Use it to look 'over' the dunes, it can be done, however syncronising into the next zone between 4 DoY's is a regular occurance.

Try to come in from the East. The south is a suicide run.

31-12-03, 13:56
i tried to go from the east...but ran into many scouts there:eek: but i think ill try to find a ppu to help me...a BD would do fine since i am allied to BD...tnx for all the help and tips ;)

31-12-03, 14:23
and whatever you do DONT FOLLOW THE ROADS through zones... 9/10 times it's insta doy death :p

31-12-03, 14:36
try following the zone lines

if you hit some, zone

only problem with that is you might get a long sync into the next zone

31-12-03, 14:52
i helped somone on my APU get there in my reveler. since its fast enough you can just drive behind a hill or a bit of broken temple to avoid the shots from the DOYs.


31-12-03, 17:35
What you need is a friendly TG PPU to drive your butt up there from Racetrack.

It ain't that hard to do unassisted, I've done it on 3 biotech mules in the last month. Get a hovertech and head up that way. The trick to avoiding Johnny 5s is to go about 1/4 speed and have your visual options set to show them at max range. If you see Johnny, backtrack and look for a clear path. You can also haul ass up the zonelines.

31-12-03, 18:03
Its easy as long u avoid the road, cause u gonne die for certain if u even come near it

31-12-03, 19:01
i made it ..hehe i got a FA ppu stuck to my ass and survived all the johnnys :P i love shelter :)

31-12-03, 19:15
lol nice.

When i did the Biotech epic i made it the whole way thru first time with my tank on saturn.
got shot at a few times by johnnys but survived and hid in a tower.

i then completed the mission ran out and got pwned ggred back to apppy got gear :)

and went to next mission ^^


31-12-03, 19:18
just come up from the south zone, go on the hills (if you know how) and run around the bio zone on the hills, no problem then

31-12-03, 20:26
I used to take my weak-ass droner out to the graves (which are just a few sectors away) solo all the time. Get a hovertec from the MB, and from Yutano follow the southern end of the j/k zone lines. Once you're directly north or south of your destination, make a right turn and scoot! :D

Just keep your speed up and use the terrain. You'll be out of range or over a hill by the time the bots can target you.

31-12-03, 20:32
i did the epic on my apu last week didn't seem that hard tbh, just go to syncon and head north west keeping a keen eye out for the nasty bots

01-01-04, 02:07
Originally posted by stigmata
i did the epic on my apu last week didn't seem that hard tbh, just go to syncon and head north west keeping a keen eye out for the nasty bots

It's a whole lot harder when you don't have Syncon GR. I've got all the GRs now except the north east corner of the map because I get killed everytime I go up there. I've given up on doing the rest of my epic until I can stealth.