View Full Version : KKs christmas pressent

30-12-03, 09:59
well having my cabnets wipe was the best pressent ever! woo, i mean really, it was getting so clutterd with all thoes really nice rare weapons and tech parts, my 3+slotted apu spells and tons or weapon and veh parts. :( :( *hides in the cornor with a razor slowly cutting threw the flesh on his wrist* IM SO HAPPY! :lol:

30-12-03, 11:00
Sure Some bug crept in, at it will be sorted but I have not read a true thank you post from KK

KK did not have to have a easter egg type hunt or party in OZ giving away free stuff, Not that I need a marine as I am already a capped tank but hey its the thought. Apps will get sorted (Me hopes as we lost clan app)

Anyways Thank KK for the extra effort over X-Mas .... some of us do appriciate it ... even my CS wirlding monk thuoght it was cool ....

30-12-03, 11:39
Originally posted by viscious666
well having my cabnets wipe was the best pressent ever! woo, i mean really, it was getting so clutterd with all thoes really nice rare weapons and tech parts, my 3+slotted apu spells and tons or weapon and veh parts. :( :( *hides in the cornor with a razor slowly cutting threw the flesh on his wrist* IM SO HAPPY! :lol:

How about you email helpdesk@neocron.com or .de? And ASK for your items back? It wouldnt hurt, imsure :)

30-12-03, 12:43
do you know what u get for all your stuff??? 100000nc yup folks thats it.
the very same happened to me months ago and it was a case of"people are falsley exploiting us by claiming to lose stuff when they have not "
so suck it up or leave is basically what support said lol

30-12-03, 13:04
Sure Some bug crept in,

Some big 60ft killer cockroach with a 5 slot HL and a T-Shirt saying SWG 0wns.

30-12-03, 13:05
I just had a clan app restored due to a bug....KK will investigate and if there is they can do something they will

I dont undersatnd why you get cross with KK, they not the ones trying to exploit and make all players treated the same, with a 100k reward. Their options are either have everyone running around with 5 slot cs or offer some compensation.

If it were not for exploiting the KK would not hesitate to replace ... mail helo desk and they will do what is within their boundries

30-12-03, 15:08
Thats true.

My clans Appy also got Bug-looted.
A quick E-mail to helpDesk and they got Right on the job :)
Now everything is back in order :D.
The only thing they cant do is replaced lost inventory.
But seriously if u kno the games having Buggy Turns and is syncing u around to different places and dropping u from the game and making u sit thru perma sync Then why not log off and wait :rolleyes: instead of going to pp for a quick pvp session and then Dieing in sync and losing ure inventory (aka Fish).
as soon as i got stuck in sync I logged off :)


Military Ten
31-12-03, 01:40
i lost my marine and moveon..... T_T

31-12-03, 02:09
maybe you have giant moths that got into the cabs and ate everything?

Military Ten
31-12-03, 02:17
lol my pe is glitched hes dead, and whenever i try to GR to anywhere im dead! YAY NEEW GLITCH! :DDD I LOVE YOU KK!

31-12-03, 02:57
well, theyve sent me an e-mail telling me the data base is back up but unfortunetly, my cabnets are still empty so i emailed them back with more info. poopy pants =/:(

31-12-03, 03:11
Yea who doesnt love a monk with a CS :D

31-12-03, 05:47
Originally posted by Matthew.v.smith
Thats true.

My clans Appy also got Bug-looted.

Yeah bug emptied, yeah, sure. No chance that a runner raided all the cabs, yeah, no chance.

Military Ten
31-12-03, 05:53
lol damn i shouldve took a picture of my PE pulling out a judge >3

31-12-03, 07:39
Originally posted by Gestra
Yeah bug emptied, yeah, sure. No chance that a runner raided all the cabs, yeah, no chance.



Corrupted data makes for restocked cabs.

Non-corrupted data makes for 100K and a thumb up your ass.