View Full Version : You're very first rare!

30-12-03, 09:39
Around a year ago, sometime this month I got my first rare weapon. It was a 2 slot Liberator that I modded with xray and a barrel. Ahh the memories....


Anyone else?

30-12-03, 09:45
febuary i got a 3 slot devils grace for 500k off some guy in plaza 2 aggy cellar

30-12-03, 09:46
i cant even remember but i think it was my psi core on pluto like....a hell of a long time ago

30-12-03, 09:49
I remember mine perfectly considering I spent the whole morning before, my plane to mexico took off, trying to buy the last part I needed.

I think I ended up giving that lib to Trillian after I rerolled to a monk o_O

30-12-03, 09:49
Hmmm, I think it was back in February or so, and it was either my SF cpu or a 2 slot Liberator. Still have the very same SF though it's been through 2 or 3 different characters of mine, and the Liberator went to someone who either doesn't play that particular account anymore, or deleted it.

30-12-03, 09:53
blade of ceres when i was a wee tank back on pluto, a year ago ^_^

30-12-03, 09:53
My first rare was a 4 slot Pain Easer for my spy (then rifles). Traded it for a CS and Male for some clanmates once I got my first RoG... ungrateful bastards quit about 2 weeks later and didn't give any of it back :mad:

This was mid or late September I'm guessing.

30-12-03, 10:12
marine cpu or a 0 slot cs :\ i built like 3 of those...

30-12-03, 10:12
my very first rare :/

that will have to be my psi core back ages ago.. but if were talking rare weaps.. it was a fire apoc.

30-12-03, 10:39
Same as you psycho, cept modded with phosphor.

30-12-03, 10:48
Mine was about a year ago, 2 slot Judge given to me as a gift.

30-12-03, 10:52
Hmm... I think I got a couple all at the same time from my TT clan. 4 slotted libby, 3 slotted Wyatt and 3 slotted Judge... mmmm :)

30-12-03, 11:04
My first rare was a 2 slot CS. I was a mid-level tank and the thought of owning a CS was only a dream. I had done the NEXT epic so I had a Reveler and I was trying to trade it for the CM speed gat. Some guy came up to me and offered to trade me the CS for the epic vehicle--he said the CS would make it easier for me to trade for the speed gat that I wanted. I said sure, trying to be coy, but knowing full well that I intended to keep the CS.

I ran to get the key to the vehicle and put it in the trade window. I was sure he was going to cancel the trade and start laughing at me. I never thought he would do it and then he clicked OK.

I was so damn happy. The 2 slots were free, I added an ammo mod and a few weeks later an ultima mod. I still use that CS today (although I now have 7 2-4 slot CSs).

30-12-03, 11:08
1 slot blade of ceres

30-12-03, 11:20
Perfect 1 slotted radioactive cursed soul constructed by alia......

its *after 1 year and 3 months of constant use* 28/69 %

30-12-03, 11:41
March 2003, Psi Core.

30-12-03, 11:51
hmm... i think i got a pain easer and judge built at the same time. by Messy the cster. Pain was 2 slot, I modded with xray and left other slot free ause at that time weapons damage capped at 107% and rof on assult rifles capped at... 107/min? something pathetic like that. I was enraged when I found the new spells, damage boost, didnt effect uranium and pierce (remeber that lame ass bug?) so i lommed to judge... in 3 mins (thoes were the days...) and modded the 2 slot judge with fire. I liked it, and stayed pistols. next rare was a lib. but actually it might be a sf that was my first rare, but im thinking weapons.

not sure when it was, but it was quite early in retail.

30-12-03, 12:04
That had to be a Marine Cpu i believe

30-12-03, 12:32
2 slot Liberator, built from parts I had been collecting without
outside help since the start of retail. 15 mins later Elkdor looted it.

30-12-03, 12:33
My very first Rare was a Ray of God, 1 slot, which i modded with X-Ray.

To this day it is still my only rare :(

Anyone want to give a poor rare runner some parts they don't need?

30-12-03, 12:34
Originally posted by Rade
2 slot Liberator, built from parts I had been collecting without
outside help since the start of retail. 15 mins later Elkdor looted it.

that suxxorz

30-12-03, 12:40
my very first rare i got in like november last year was a 5 slot libby with laser pointer :P guybrush looted it form escaflowne from EON and gave it to me hehe later i got a couple mroe of these :D

Original monk
30-12-03, 12:43
my first real rare was a psicore that i bought of Ceramic for 20k on the plutoserver (it dropped as a whole in warbots)

she was selling it and i asked her to keep it for me ... she did that and i went hunting aggresors for gatlingpistols -> after i had enough i sold the pistols and bought the psicore: still many thanx for that Ceramic (if you still play :P).

i dont remember my first real rareweapon made of rareparts: i do know that me, rizzy, helmut79, hogan and style where the first ones having rareparts on saturn so it was hard to trade :) not alot people to trade with hé :) + the fact that we didnt knew wich parts got wich weapons lol :) all those fancy names like first love and cursed soul where soo new back then :)

the first rare i made that i was really proud off i do remember: a 4 slotted malediction: it leveld my tank upto 100str and i still have it: its my 4 slot full artifact x-ray baby :P

cu laterz all enjoy trading and posting threads :)

30-12-03, 12:46
Holy Para constructed by Hellforge, 3 slotted (but at the time there were no mods for spells)

first 'rare' I built was a 5 slotted TL3 heal, just after slots on spells was introduced :lol:

My psi core is old too, about the same age as my para, and hasnt been repaired once. same with my DS too, had that since 24 May :D

Mighty Max
30-12-03, 12:47
A 0 Slot Paw of Toger

For my Melee - Research - Salvage PE :D

30-12-03, 12:47
Originally posted by solling
my very first rare i got in like november last year was a 5 slot libby with laser pointer :P guybrush looted it form escaflowne from EON and gave it to me hehe later i got a couple mroe of these :D

I still have one of those, all artifact, xray and laserpointer, no
constructor right?

30-12-03, 12:48
First rare imp was a SS for my droner a bit after retail started.

First rare drone was couple of months after that when I could use PN drugged to hell and back.

First rare weapon was the Holy Lightning, all artifact, build by Zai, bought it for 1.2mil + psi-core parts.. ^^

// Wannabe

30-12-03, 12:52
First rare thingie in game: My SF CPU back when i was a useless PE on pluto.
First rare gun: My 1 slot crap stats pain easer back when i was a useless PE on pluto :-)

Both of these about 8 months ago :-)

30-12-03, 12:55
Well of course I got a SF before my Lib but those werent rare
back then.

**edit: Still got the same SF chip actually, just recently dropped
under 100%... yeah items degrade too fast in neocron :rolleyes:

30-12-03, 12:56
My first rare? Must be all artifact Pain Easer with 4 slots in beta4 =)


30-12-03, 12:57
still have one of those, all artifact, xray and laserpointer, no

yup thats the one duped one im sure i got most of em from fighting EON

30-12-03, 12:58

January not this one gone, the one before :rolleyes:

a 2 slot pain easer which i scopped and ammo modded..

Oh what a n00b I was, Oh i got a SF cpu that day also!

30-12-03, 13:06
Codename Andromeda gave me my first Marine the day i could use it =) then a few days after that Kibbs built be a 3 slot CS which I lost about a month after to Stavr0s :(

I got a 5 slot CS built lastnight :D Akina Chan = greatest APU/Melee/Rep/Veh/Cst PE ever 8| :D Akina also made a 4 slot pest, 4 slot holy antibuff, 2 slot ROG and 3 slot DG at the same time :D

30-12-03, 14:00
My first rare gun was my 1 slot xray modded Cursed Saugage, which I threw onto the floor in PLaza 2 after getting wasted by two CopBot with when I had -19 Soul Light.

This took place last Jan 2003, which means in two weeks I'll be sobbing myself to sleep clutching my pillow reliving the painful past.

30-12-03, 14:01
My first rare....

A malediction, no slot's, rather low %'s too, but I loved it, while other ran around with CS's I blasted their toe's with my mal from half a mile away.. great fun..

30-12-03, 14:04
uh a psi core... if that counts, and after that a 2 slot enchanged holy lightning (back when there only was a dmgmod for psis)

30-12-03, 14:08
A 3 slot CS back when i was in 14k Triads. Was built at rockshore factory...Dont remember the date but was near the start of retail, before they even put marines in i think.

30-12-03, 14:10
mthe rare chips have bene in from beta 4 on atleast... they dropped from warbots back then... dunno if they were in retail at start, but guess so

30-12-03, 14:15
a 0 slot paw of tiger in january 2003 i think, i paid 60k each part, that really hurt my fortune :p

30-12-03, 14:16
my very first.. a 1-slot CS full arti i modded with a barrel cus i thought that'd do even MORE damage ^^

30-12-03, 14:16
My first rare ? 0 slot Pain easer that was 1 month before wipe

30-12-03, 14:19
Originally posted by Vampire222
mthe rare chips have bene in from beta 4 on atleast... they dropped from warbots back then... dunno if they were in retail at start, but guess so

They wasnt at retail from the start i dont think, i remember a patch comming in and me hunting in the swamp caves for parts for like 2 days non stop...

Original monk
30-12-03, 14:24
parts wherent in from the beginning of retail: it took a while before parts existed: i think they dropped as wholes in th ebginning yeah: and out of every wb ya could get atleast 1 implantpart J or K (sumthimes upto 3 or 4) so wbhunting was really worth it :)

30-12-03, 14:36
rare implants dropped as whole for a while in the beginning of
retail, then they took them out and a few patches later they
started dropping as rares. I got my SF when they were drops
from doomies.

30-12-03, 14:59

i got a SS/SF/PE like... around a year ago

1 slot on the PE, modded it with xray..

30-12-03, 15:00
cant remember my first rare to be honest. It was either a Marine chip or a Malediction / doombeamer, also around the same time a Paw Of Bear and a rare elctroshocker. aaaah, the fun t be had before the specialisaton patching....

30-12-03, 15:03
A year ago I was hunting down parts to make a lib, and now I just realized a year later I'm back to where I started and I'm looking for lib parts again....


30-12-03, 15:31
first rare i had must have been either a Holy Lightning or Psi Core

J. Folsom
30-12-03, 16:00
Nothing which really counts, well, unless you can count a self-researched Particle Nemesis :P

... Though, now I think about it, I had a Vein Ripper with a tank I had ages ago, it wasn't a high quality one, but it was a definite upgrade from the LLBII I was using before that.
Luckily enough for me, I got rid of that tank ages ago, as well as swearing at that point that I'd never create another tank again.

30-12-03, 16:47
I think mine was on pluto when i got my Blade of Ceres for my tank. I felt uber when i had that swirly ;p

30-12-03, 16:57
Mine was a year ago when I got a Liberator built.

Though I also remember the first rare I saw some one else have. It was Casius when he was with his clan VNox farming Grim Chasers out at Grant. I saw the swirly and worshiped him. :p

30-12-03, 16:59
0 slot perfect pe o_O

30-12-03, 17:05
my first was my psi core, then a little later i got a double gift of a no slot holy lightning and a 2 slot fire apoc, still got them as well, amazing how long things last when you end up dispizing monks so dont use them:D

30-12-03, 17:07
2 slot DB o=

30-12-03, 17:08
about a month ago i got a 2 slot Pain Easer and a Special Forces offa the clan

30-12-03, 17:09
My first rare was a 2 slot Thunderstorm (freezer rifle)... never used it... never even modded it. When I had it built I was very happy with it though :D.

30-12-03, 17:15
A perfect 1 slottted Moon-Striker, i got it around a year ago.

Its pretty bashed up now but i still use it to this day on MC5 trips

30-12-03, 17:25
Originally posted by Drake6k
Mine was about a year ago, 2 slot Judge given to me as a gift.

Drake6k got the first rare as me :D wooohoooo from a crappy cst tho outstanding judge 2 slots.... bha and I was a rifle spy :lol:

30-12-03, 17:52
feb 2003, was given a marine cpu :) 96/96 in my head right now... i dont die very much:lol:

30-12-03, 18:05
My first rare was a shit Redemmer that I hacked from GM's belt. Was like all 86% stats.

30-12-03, 18:21
Originally posted by Keiron
My first rare was a shit Redemmer that I hacked from GM's belt. Was like all 86% stats. guess you wouldnt of wanted that GM spawning your weapons then:lol:

30-12-03, 20:05
The very first Pain Easer on neptune during beta. 3 slots given to me by Jabb0r.

30-12-03, 20:08
0 slot perfect Cursed Soul :)

30-12-03, 20:16
4 slot paw of tiger, ZoraN and [A]rchon gave me that, i lost it a bit later, it never returned to my inventory :(
They gave me another one a bit later tho :)

Vid Gamer
30-12-03, 20:51
I believe my first rare was a Marine followed by a 0 slot CS. lol

30-12-03, 21:01
my first rare was a moon striker
i traded Detritus the last part to his SS chip for the last part to my moon striker
he built the SS
got poked
then made a 3 slot perfect MOON FUCKER
i couldnt use it so i gave it to Russian
about a month later @ mcfuckerson russ gave it back and i killed someone from the roof of the hackroom with it :lol:

30-12-03, 21:03
Healing Light, 4 slotted. Handed to me by some completely random person in P1 around Feb.

Oh, how many people I owned with that... :wtf:

30-12-03, 21:04
Originally posted by SamuraiPizzaCat
my first rare was a moon striker
i traded Detritus the last part to his SS chip for the last part to my moon striker
he built the SS
got poked
then made a 3 slot perfect MOON FUCKER
i couldnt use it so i gave it to Russian
about a month later @ mcfuckerson russ gave it back and i killed someone from the roof of the hackroom with it :lol:

lol, have you got typers teurettes or something ? random outbursts of fuck O_o :lol:

30-12-03, 21:06
lol no
russ seemed to name everything with fuck
hence moon fucker(moon striker), mc fuckerson(mc phersonfactory), speed fucker(speed gun)

30-12-03, 21:48
end of may this year.......my first rare was a 3 slot holy lightning with artifact stats after modding...MMmmm.........still using it, heh


31-12-03, 01:21
I can't remember if it was my 2 slotted Ray of God ( with lazdot - radiation) or my marine...

Military Ten
31-12-03, 01:23
my first rare...marine and CS lol at the same time too it was fun :D i sexed up ppus when they tried to Rez

31-12-03, 02:42
the first rare thing i got was a 4 slot chaos queen ava

when there were selling in plaza for a couple of hundreed k ;)

after that PSI core + holy para for meh hybrid got it from the clan i was in that i started :D

The BrotherHood

31-12-03, 02:51
my very first rare must have been a paw of tiger back in the day....:lol: i thought it pwned at the time... the swirly and all (this was the first character i ever had though....:rolleyes:

31-12-03, 02:56
mine was like a ceres blade or marine, in beta 4 it was a marine I think. retail = ceres. I never actually used the ceres blade :p.

31-12-03, 02:57
Originally posted by spongeb0b
my very first rare must have been a paw of tiger back in the day....:lol: i thought it pwned at the time... the swirly and all (this was the first character i ever had though....:rolleyes: back when i got my fire apoc and holy light they didnt have monkey swirlys, i was so happy when i eventually got a swirly on my spell:D

31-12-03, 02:59
my first rare was a blade of ceres that my first clan (the mafia) gave me on pluto to level with...back then though you didnt have to put every single point into somthing to be good at it...like lame specialization is now:mad:

31-12-03, 03:02
I think that is what makes the rare great... (ignor the over exagerated dmg and ROF) the swirly = teh greatest :lol:

Doc Holliday
31-12-03, 05:59
as bob says the swirly on a cs. that makes it look fuckin rude.

first rare. 2 actually. pain easers. 1 slot perfect and a no slot arti dam and freq :rolleyes:

31-12-03, 06:15
In december Mad Hatter built me a 3 Slot Pain Easer

I tipped him a advanced Nerve 3..The same day level 3 imps started dropping again and they were fukkin MINT, which he asked for.

Tycho C
31-12-03, 06:30
3 Slot Pain Easer was my first Rare..... I'm still using it today :)

Moded with lazer, scope, and Uranium tipped bullets.

31-12-03, 06:34
First was an artifact 3 slot Paw of Tiger. Soon after I got either Marine or Blade of Ceres for my tank, or a SF for my spy. The Marine I still have and is at something like 107%. I can't actually remember if my spy has the SF implanted or if I sold it though. :p

31-12-03, 07:29
5 Slot Sid Special Lib, iirc.

Either that or a 3 Slot Arti CS... beta was too long ago :/

31-12-03, 08:28
well i got a psi core that was giving to me, but the first real rare and by that i mean i went out and got my own parts was a mal

31-12-03, 13:46
omg, i first would need to remember when rares came to game :)

do those thingies count when everyone was hot for brownglands? duno, was kinda rare too, for some :P (not for me of corz ... hrhrrr....... thane allways has enough)

anyway..... if that counts, first rare was build by elle.... too long ago....
if only real rare counts... who the fuck remembers when they came? i don't :D but most likely i build it myself with archimedez

31-12-03, 21:21
devils grace, spent like 2 days constantly spamming for parts, finally got it made 2 SLOTS!!!! no mods =/ great. just ran around pretending to be darth vader for weeks. sweet. also got a 2 slot PoB at same time, i always thought that was a bit ghey though.

my first dodgily acquired rare was a 2 slot electric tempest, was running through wastelands in middle of nowhere and found a belt, hacked it and it was in there! schweeeeeed!

01-01-04, 17:43
Originally posted by ezza
back when i got my fire apoc and holy light they didnt have monkey swirlys, i was so happy when i eventually got a swirly on my spell:D
it was just after MC5 appeared

i was with NAT raiding one of the smaller rooms (i was there coz of my leet rezzing skills when i used to be able to rezz in 6 seconds) and a patch came.

when we logged back in I pulled out my Holy Para and everyone was like OMGWTFHAX!!!!

01-01-04, 18:09

01-01-04, 18:19
2 slot CS

01-01-04, 21:02
2 slot fire apoc, later the first double modded spell on pluto! (laurent and store)
Was glitched went over 120% damage.

02-01-04, 01:50
My frist rare was actually the very first rare ever on Pluto during beta. It was a Malediction

02-01-04, 01:51
Erm ? i cant remember... It might have been my CS... Or my marine. cos i dont remember havin a POB or POT cos my tank went heavy way before that... :/ i cant remember

But swirlies do pwn....i reckon girlies should have pink ones... That would be class.

02-01-04, 01:52
My first rare would have to be my 0 slot CS which I still have lying around somewhere... but its not worth searching for due to its shitty stats and lack of slots..

02-01-04, 01:54
Think my fisrt rare was my marine way back in jan, bought the full marine for 200k a week later they nerfed tech part drops :D

02-01-04, 02:33
Originally posted by Kimiko
5 Slot Sid Special Lib, iirc.

Either that or a 3 Slot Arti CS... beta was too long ago :/

Your first rare was the Special Science CPU Kalina had in beta / pluto. I destinctly remember (and have a screenshot somewhere) of you gibbering on about it for hours :P

Then you used a CS before a Lib (we were rifle PEs and then tanks, before rolling to pistol PEs in retail)

02-01-04, 08:24
FOUR slot liberator was my first rare. I was such a newb i didn't even know that 4 slots was cool.

jj dynomite
02-01-04, 08:33
Hehe....um my first rare was the damn backbone....the exp reflex 4 i believe....talk about lame
