View Full Version : Community Panel

28-12-03, 10:40
This was something I was just thinking about, so I thought I'd chuck it on here. How about forming a small (3-6) panel of community members who can have weekly/bi-weekly irc meeting with one or more kk representatives, it would be kind of like the FC project, only totally OOC. These panel members would be chosen based on the way they play Neocron (lone mob hunter, pker, pvper etc) plus on how well they can express themselves and their points in a clear and mature manner. They could then bring the major concerns of the community, from both the forums and in game and make sure that kk is aware of these concerns. Of course, it would be naive to expect to have all these concerns solved in the next patch as a direct result, but at least it could be said that kk is definitely aware of the problems and can make a response.

I feel a lot of important stuff gets lost on these forums, and I know that there's no way that MJS or KK can read all these threads and do them justice. Well, some people can and do, and these people would also make ideal panel members, by bringing thoughts and ideas that could get lost in a spammed thread where Niddy had to wade in with his arms and the Thread Closed stick.

One thing - if this were to be considered a good idea by kk, please don't let it stagnate like the modifications forum. Some great stuff was put in there, but the kk support went away, and the only player made thing to make it in game (the spell icons) were never actually posted in there afaik.

Just off the top of my head, I think Danae would be a good choice to co-ordinate this providing she has the time, since she still in touch with the player base, and can be counted upon to listen and give everyone a fair hearing (and keep people in line if need be o_O :D )

So, vote and rate the thread please! Also post your own suggestions.

28-12-03, 10:48
Very good idea, i think QD suggested something like this before, however the problem is that everyone has their own view on how to balance things, or how to make a fun event, and their nearly all different :\