View Full Version : No Slot Epic Items

26-12-03, 18:07
MY TSG (Tangent Speed Gun) HAS NO SLOTS
*shakes fist*
So i gotta reroll to rerun the epic or what?
:mad: :( :mad:

26-12-03, 18:10
or buy it from some other runner...

I've had the same problem with the TT epic gun a while ago... :(

26-12-03, 18:13
Its criminal Damnit!!!!

26-12-03, 18:26
Heard of rares?

Good Speed Gats should be one of them.

26-12-03, 18:33
sure mumbly raise logical arguements when your shooting down my posts.. do you realize how much running around i had to do for that damn thing....

26-12-03, 18:42
Originally posted by FeeNiX
MY TSG (Tangent Speed Gun) HAS NO SLOTS
*shakes fist*
So i gotta reroll to rerun the epic or what?
:mad: :( :mad:

After all that it is a let down.

Epic items should probably default to a minimum 1 slot.

26-12-03, 19:56
Hope your not faction hopping :rolleyes:

26-12-03, 19:57
Originally posted by FeeNiX
sure mumbly raise logical arguements when your shooting down my posts.. do you realize how much running around i had to do for that damn thing....

It took me about an hour or two's effort. Certainly doesn't constitute getting a rare weapon.

FYI I got a 0-slotter.

26-12-03, 20:02
I logged a complaint ingame, and they respawned me one while I was online a few days after

26-12-03, 21:10
As i understand it the GMs will swap no slot epic weapons for ones with slots.

26-12-03, 21:14
The whiners win again!

26-12-03, 21:46
Epic weapons should be one slot only. Getting no slots on a rare weapon doesnt bring the end of the world since u can always regather the parts and build a new one. But getting 0 slots on an epic item is evil since you now have 3 options:
Keeping the useless gun (no ammo mod=useless in combat)
Rerolling/making and leveling a new char to redo the epic (with the fear of getting 0 slots again)
Paying thru ur nose and buying a new gun.

26-12-03, 22:21
Bah try doing the anti-city epic as a PPU and tell me how fair the epics are.

26-12-03, 22:24
0-slot speed gat still does good damage.

26-12-03, 22:57
0 slot speed gat is still good for huntin and killin monkeys... but thank god ive never had a 0 slot, all mine have been 1 or more ^^... but i think that if you get a 0 slot you should be able to give it to a gm and he gives you a multislotted one or even they should come with a minimum of 1 slot ;)

27-12-03, 00:30
this arguement has been thru the forums about 15+ times, so you get one chance at getting a speed cannon, u got a 0 slot, whoop dee doo, now everyone who got a 0 slot epic weapon can whine with you, slotted speed cannons should be rare, its like saying all rares should have 1 slot or they are useless.

im going to save this so i dont have to retype it for the next epic whoreing bastard slot thread.

27-12-03, 00:31
0 slot speed gat + some monks = pile of dead monks and a tank with a big cheesy grin on his face,

but anyway, GMs will give you an epic item but will only giv you one slotted ones i think as this is what epic items are supposed to come with at least


27-12-03, 00:32
Then again you can hunt for rares and get more. You only get one shot at getting a speedgat.

27-12-03, 00:41
0 slotted weapons, rare or not, suck. they do at least 1/6 less damage then one modded with a ammo mod, and degrade at an insane rate. I think all weapons should have at least 1 slot when built... otherwise its just a money/time sink. 1 slot sucks too, so its no big deal. you need at least 2 slots, ammo + ultima or insane luck on stats. If theres anything I hate, its luck. I hate randomness. its lame that some people get a 5 slot cs and some get 0 just "because" it should be based on cster skill, and some sort of system.

27-12-03, 00:43
0slot weapons are shit

0slot rares? tough luck, but its not hard to get another set and try again

0slot epic items? really, really sucks cuz you cant do it again...

there should be a 1slot minimum on epics imo

27-12-03, 01:20
Originally posted by Revslad
0 slot speed gat is still good for huntin and killin monkeys... but thank god ive never had a 0 slot, all mine have been 1 or more ^^... but i think that if you get a 0 slot you should be able to give it to a gm and he gives you a multislotted one or even they should come with a minimum of 1 slot ;)

Hhehehe my pluto tank got a 4 slot one, all ammo mods and a flashlight of doom on it. Ph33r!!!!!