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View Full Version : Should Reakktor Abandon Their Storyline?

26-12-03, 12:29
I've been stuck in work over Christmas and Boxing Day, and thus have had ample time to think about this, and detail it in length.

Should Reakktor abandon their storyline and let the Players develop it?

Let me indulge you.

Reakktor currently have a set plotline that they want to follow. This plotline will open up the doors for Dome, Tokyo and any other expansion in the years to come.

However, as we've seen, through no real fault of anyone, the advancement of the Storyline is really not that well executed.

So now that we have the Council positions for each Faction, and the Faction Chairman, is it time Reakktor handed over control to the Players?

This would need stringent control over the matter, but I feel that in the long run, it would be an amazing success.

The Democratic System

The Faction Chairmen of BioTech and Tangent get together, and meet up, negotiate, discuss... The two decide that as they are both suffering severe financial breakdown, that it would be best to unite the two Factions as allies and work together.

So the Chairmen then make a submission to the Faction Agenda, stating their intentions, and the final goals they aim for.
The rest of the Faction then votes on the matter, and if it gets a Yes vote, then the status between the two Factions changes to 'Allied'.
If they get a No vote, then the Status either stays the same or switches to Hostile if they were neutral.

By this time, the previous MASSIVE threads discussing the Council powers, would have been put in place, with each Faction having its own budget, that is taken in the form of a tax on its Runners (1nc per kill goes to your Faction coffers for example).

The allied Factions now have Resource sharing, whereby they can share funds, or even Research and Development plans.
( A new idea in brief, is that the Council now has an R&D Manager, whom is a high level Researcher, and has the ability to research new technologies via the Factions mainframe. These technologies are not present in the form of cubes, but as data on the system, thus the only way to share the information, is to be allied with another Faction, and you could charge them for access to the information )

This gives the Factions more reason to ally, if even only for long enough to get the Research material, then quit the Alliance, although it would then become hostile, unless both Chairmen agreed to a peaceful quittance of the alliance.

You could have a maximum of Four alliances at the same time, which would mean you'd need to carefully balance out your pros' and con's.

This way, Players will have a real insight and purpose in the game, and whilst many at first might not get too involved, once they see..
"Shit, this is having a real impact on my gameplay...."

Trust me, they'll get involved, if only to voice their dissent at going Hostile against a previously Neutral or allied Faction.

Comments please, constructive if you would. :d

26-12-03, 12:35
Although it does sound good, i am afraid it will not be used too much for RP. It will only be used to facilitate alliances between certain clans, allowing easier access to each others OP etc etc.

ie. Two clans (big clans) of enemy factions wish to become allies. What they do is they make their factions alies (since they are big clans they most probably control the faction council). The problem is that no actual RP explanation is given for this action. The only aim is the profit of those 2 particular clans.

As i said, its a very good idea, but it will need some thinking to prevent incidents as the above.

26-12-03, 12:41
The problem is that no actual RP explanation is given for this action

You have a point which I'd thought about, and here's how I see it possibly panning out.

1: We have dozens of fantastic Roleplayers in Neocron, they are just very supressed. I also know dozens that have left due to lack of Roleplay content. They'd stream back if this came in.
So I believe that any Faction that had an RP gap, would be plugged by one of these RP'ers looking to get into the action, and they would be accepted even by the l33t kiddies, once they realised that these people get results.

2: It's dominated purely by l33t kiddies. We all die lonely deaths.

Also, the entire Faction has to vote on the Alliance proposal, not just the Council. So they'd have to put a good reason forward, and if it came to it, if it really was just l33t kiddies storming the gates, the GM Intervention could be to swing that vote the other way.

Rigging? No. Just intervening to prevent total domination by idiots. :D

However, the other more established and RP lead Factions would probably beast these Factions into the dirt, and they'd have to adapt.

I honestly believe a lot of people are tired of the PvP and Op War routine, and would jump at a chance for a new style of gameplay, interaction, and development. They just need to be given the tools through which to do it.

26-12-03, 12:45
The yes options would be really cool, but I think you'd need a mucb bigger playerbase for it to really work. Partly for the reasons shodanj_gr gave.

It would, however, be a step closer to what I'd ultimately like to see in a mmorpg (a virtual world that acts like a world at least as much as it acts like a computer game).

26-12-03, 12:48
The other option for control of things, to make sure it does not become ridiculous, is this:

The Faction Councillors. Reakktor hand-picked these people, for good reason, they were competent. (No jokes please)

So, the Faction Chairman could be hand-picked by Reakktor, for each Faction, and they could be limited to only one option - To 'Motion' or 'Veto' any submissions put forward by the Faction Council, whom are Player elected. As we all know, it's the Council that holds the power, never the individual.

This way, it's still Player controlled, but the Chairman, whom doesn't really get involved in the politics, is there to keep the sanity in place, and could also find himself being advised by Reakktor on the odd occassion, that the motion should not be accepted, or should be accepted.

This keeps things from getting out of hand with l33t kiddies, retains power with the Players, and gives everyone a chance to get involved.

Psyco Groupie
26-12-03, 12:52
[edited for violation of the forum rules - please refrain from posting if all you feel you can add is flaming & trolling]

26-12-03, 12:55
Originally posted by Psyco Groupie
[edited for consistency]

Instead of flaming people would you mind clarifing a bit more?

26-12-03, 12:55
I think they shouldn't actually abandon the storyline, just make players do adjustments to it.


GM's create an event when they want the course of the storyline changed. This event would be for example an anti-city vs. pro-city fight at the gates of DoY. This would either enforce or hinder DoY effect on the neocron world. If pro-city wins, they gain access to the outer parts of DoY, turning them into constant battlezones. If anti-city wins another event would be created at NeoCron gates, if anti-city wins the devastation would meet industrial and pepper park areas.
The battlezone makes the area look, like I said, devastated. Wrecked buildings, burning cars and barrels. NPC gangs walking the street shooting at eachother when they meet, etc.

Now, if GM's want to make the scales turn in favour of the other side, they'd spawn NPC guards: at the DoY gates, guardians to protect DoY... of course this would piss off the pro-city guys, so they need somekind of a compensation - paycheck or other cool stuff from their employers. And DoY fellas can keep their area.

These should affect the economics of course. If they want to go the easy way, just lower the prices at the victorious side and boost the stocks a bit.

That's what I think should be done... or something like that. It wouldn't be even too hard to organize. Just admin-channel all players "Anti- vs pro-city fight at DoY Gates at K-14 (or whatever)" and before that model the burning cars and barrels and then just jack up the place when the fighting ends.

Oh well... we can't see this kind of a server-individual progress happening. Oh I do understand that the understaffed GM's can't be buggered to recruit a few event coordinators... even as pro/anti-city representatives (*ahem* :) ) to do a 20 minute job to arrange something like this.


that's my idea anyway

26-12-03, 12:56
Firstly, psyco is spelt psycho. It's not cool or smart to be ignorant, even if it is by choice. :)

Secondly, if you're not going to be constructive, and act like a thirteen year old, don't bother makin a post in my thread.

On which note, why do servers have to be consistent?

Tell me why?

They only have to be consistent so Reakktor can put their events and Storylines through smoothly. Without that, there is no requirement for it to be consistent.

Can you give me a good reason why it should be?

*edit - i wouldnt want my FC on uranus deciding anything shes a complete airhead and id love to know how long shes been playing and/or does a day ...

I don't know her, but I'll defend her, there is nothing for an FC to do right now, thus why most of them don't bother their backsides. They have no power to go with their position.

26-12-03, 12:57
Originally posted by shodanjr_gr
Instead of flaming people would you mind clarifing a bit more?

What he is saying is his faction counceller dosen't seem to be good at her job which if occurs with other fc's to could cause problems with it.
Also the servers all need to run the same story because if they don't then how is it fair that 1 server gets a sexeh rp story yet the others who pay exactly the same monthly fees get the middle finger?

26-12-03, 13:01
japata, I see your point clearly.

Here's an idea to make it more of a smooth transition.

The GMs' need to make it change direction to advance the next part of their Storyline, so they create an event, and after the event, the Faction Chairman, whom is 'guided' in some decisions by Reakktor, makes a formal statment to his Faction which explains why the alliance status has changed, due to this event, etcetc, cannot tolerate / feel the time for unification, etcetc.

Thus a smooth transition.

LTA, as I said in an edit above, the Faction Chairmen don't have anything to do, they have no power, so there is no point getting involved, and it's a kind of spreading lethargy.

However, with these new systems, they'd have to get involved, or they'd get the boot.

Also, each Server would be its own world, and I'm sure that whilst some players might migrate to servers that are showing a higher form of interaction and progression, each server would hold its own. That, I'm fairly confident of.

If not, it's up to the Player to make a difference, I mean, that's what they wanted, isn't it?

26-12-03, 13:06
Originally posted by LTA
What he is saying is his faction counceller dosen't seem to be good at her job which if occurs with other fc's to could cause problems with it.
Also the servers all need to run the same story because if they don't then how is it fair that 1 server gets a sexeh rp story yet the others who pay exactly the same monthly fees get the middle finger?

Swearing at people and telling them there ideas suck is flaming. Also he "should" use some spelling and grammar so that his posts make sense.

No the servers do not need to run the same story. Its a MMORPG, players create the story, they change the course of events with their actions (at least it should be this way). NC promised to do that with the BoP engine which was unfortunately droped from the game. If the players do not like the current state of events in their server they should get together and change it. Its been done with hybrids and parashock, im sure it can be done with the storyline :-)

26-12-03, 13:09
Originally posted by MrBane
japata, I see your point clearly.

LTA, as I said in an edit above, the Faction Chairmen don't have anything to do, they have no power, so there is no point getting involved, and it's a kind of spreading lethargy.

However, with these new systems, they'd have to get involved, or they'd get the boot.

If not, it's up to the Player to make a difference, I mean, that's what they wanted, isn't it?

I dunno so much as to blame purely the lack of power of FC's but the lack of options they have in terms of RP missions... kill? kill somemore? run around killing something else for a item?

If you want to run rp more heavily maybe you should speak with some venus gms, the only power there FC had was invincibility, but they were so involved in the players games it was great.
They set meetings in regular slots and even the turnout was low they would still hold it, eventually you knew when meetings where coming along.We'd discuss a-lot of things then the FC's would have a meeting with the gms, or the gms would tell the fcs what they want, so it wasnt the gms telling us the story it was the fc's.
Then when the faction chairmen came along they where heavily used by the FC's to setup alliances/enemeies trades.
We got alsorts of events from the spawning of a crahn enemy from ancient times called Saahn (Scorp queen which randomly appeared in diff zones). We had a archeological dig raid, the ca actually excavated something and we had to retrieve by any means neccessery.

To blame it on lack of FC power well sorta.... but it's more down to the players themseleves, they put work in instead of sitting idle and even only 10 people ever come thats 10 people rpin who will eventually pass word on and slowly develope interests. As it stands now i have never seen a Faction person for my factions at all cept Venus.

and shodin... i hope when you criticise someone's spelling or grammar that from that day on every single one of your forum posts is in perfect Queens English.... otherwise your ain't much better. It's a forum people type fast, you know what he said so heh...

26-12-03, 13:12
If the players do not like the current state of events in their server they should get together and change it.

I think some MMO's develop the whiner mentality. Whereby you don't like something, moan about it.

Which is fair enough when it comes to game mechanics, which you can't change yourself, but I still see people whine about in-game happenings.

The best lesson I ever learned from my Father when I was growing up, was that in this big, nasty world, you were on your own, and if you wanted something done, you had to do it yourself.

People need to adopt that attitude in MMO's as well as reality.

So if we gave people the freedom to make their world, true, it'd probably be chaos for about a month, then settle down, and slowly but surely pan out into a good democracy, with of course, the odd Faction that was operated like a Dictatorship, but more so the good for variety and true interaction!

and shodin... i hope when you criticise someone's spelling or grammar that from that day on every single one of your forum posts is in perfect Queens English

By the way, LTA, it's your Profile which says:


*Grins and slaps him on the back*

As for the Venus Faction Chairman, I can't even comment on that, they're a totally different company from Reakktor. So they might be getting something for the work they're doing, I don't know.

However, I know that for the ones of us that have been Councillors, we've all tried our hardest, but people simply weren't receptive to the attempts we made at Rp and discussion, so we gave up after about a month. Was the same when I was Faction Councillor at one point, people just didn't give a toss.


26-12-03, 13:20
Originally posted by LTA
What he is saying is his faction counceller dosen't seem to be good at her job which if occurs with other fc's to could cause problems with it.
Also the servers all need to run the same story because if they don't then how is it fair that 1 server gets a sexeh rp story yet the others who pay exactly the same monthly fees get the middle finger?
If the RP happens as MrBane suggests then it's the fault of the players on the server that doesn't get the 'sexeh rp story' that another server does. :rolleyes:

I like the idea of a more player centered roll play storyline. As long as there are checks to avoid abuse of the story by large groups of players with singular goals.

The idea of having a Faction Chairman who can govern the rulings made by the populace would serve as a great measure to promote fairness in decision making in an effort to avoid manipulation of the storyline by certain groups.

Of course this Faction Chairman, appointed by KK, would not be all powerful in decision-making. He/She would simply serve to ensure that the reasons for alliances, etc. are for the benefit of the story and for the story alone.

Anyway, this is my opinion. :)

26-12-03, 13:22
Originally posted by LTA

and shodin... i hope when you criticise someone's spelling or grammar that from that day on every single one of your forum posts is in perfect Queens English.... otherwise your ain't much better. It's a forum people type fast, you know what he said so heh...

Well all my posts make sense so far. I type quite fast as well but i at least use gaps when i want to separate words.


Im not talking about a whiner's mentallity. What i mean is that players should do actions ingame to change the state of affairs. For instance lets say on a server there is a BT/TT alliance but the players dont want it. What they should do is quite simple. Kill between themselves. Even the most weak-minded FC should see that said alliance can be no longer and he will break it. I mean actions, not whines in forums. The hybrid/paraspam thingie was just a joke :-)

26-12-03, 13:25
Originally posted by MrBane

By the way, LTA, it's your Profile which says:

*Grins and slaps him on the back*

As for the Venus Faction Chairman, I can't even comment on that, they're a totally different company from Reakktor. So they might be getting something for the work they're doing, I don't know.

However, I know that for the ones of us that have been Councillors, we've all tried our hardest, but people simply weren't receptive to the attempts we made at Rp and discussion, so we gave up after about a month. Was the same when I was Faction Councillor at one point, people just didn't give a toss.


yeah it does, but then i don't give a flying fcuk about sp or grammar tbh i don't tell other people to spell properly or stick correct grammer everywhere, as long as i can grab the jist it dosen't matter. Just saying though if PG wanted he could like sift the whole forum and dig up shodans posts where he's made mistakes....

and for the italic bit... so would it even matter if you where deciding it over kk? if players are receptive to it then no matter where it comes from it's gonna be the same.
The only perk i can see from it would be the ability to sod around with certain ingames things and the possibilty to actually shift balance.
But i don't really get how you will make people who blatently won't rp (a good majority of servers) wheather it comes from GMs or from other players?

this is my suggestion, scrap the Chairmen business, replace the Chairmen with basically the councellor then form a faction Board of Directors so to speak, this would basically consist of a member of clan from the faction and member 1 or 2 unclanned runners. Every so often the GM's will speak with the councelor, the councellor sits in a meeting with the board and they alk about what's gonna happen where and why.
LEt them have the ability to suggest certain events that could fit the current state of affairs (ie tangent pull a quick raid on bio can gms spawn us some extra TT guards into the bio hq and some extra bio guards to defend against em) then the FC passes the ideas through to the gms in another meeting of some form and they discuss if the ideas are possibleand viable to the situation

26-12-03, 13:30
What I think that is in extreme need of a kick in the backside is the faction politics. There is a time in every smaller faction when the ally/neutral/hostile status toward another faction needs to be changed. This would of course be arranged, discussed and voted by the faction council... which doesn't even exist in many factions nowadays. Why? Because being even a chairman doesn't bring ANYTHING to the player, there's no election debates for faction members to meet the candidates, there's no reminders of the next faction elections. Something needs to be done to this so those dynamic storyline events would even be remotely possible.

I propose new elections in ALL factions after the next patch, which I hope will have the following in patch notes: "- Faction representatives now will have subsidies in their own faction products and will participate in events" and "- Council meetings will be held every saturday, possible votings will open at fridays so the reps can vote even if they're not present."

This would boost the politics, enhance roleplay, ease the life of gamemasters, bring new ideas for events and thus make playerbase happier and alter the course of storyline.

Edit: Oh yeah, and to make players vote, make voting obligatory.
Perhaps a popup that can't be dismissed without voting when logging on during elections.

26-12-03, 13:33
Originally posted by LTA
But i don't really get how you will make people who blatently won't rp (a gooa majority of servers) wheather it comes from GMs or from other players?
Those people could always become factionless and then become 'hostile' to every faction. They don't have to roll play, but everyone else can role play around them.

It's win/win. The RP'ers, get to roll play; those who don't, get to PK or be PK'ed.

Also, it could add an element of excitement to the idea of enforcing faction ideals on the faction members. For example, someone from City Admin found aiding someone from Crahn or TG could be deemed guilty of treason, and held accountable for it by the faction.

While it would be a headache to roll out, I think the idea of a player controlled storyline has potential no matter what really happens.

26-12-03, 13:36
Sadly i think most of the players are either too selfish to 'help' anyone, or are too immersed in their own petty agendas to consider the bigger picture.

KK arent doing (from what i see) much in the way of any storyline atm, not their faults i'd assume theyre busy with doy, the only thing we have in the way of a storyline comes via nema and neochronicle, also the involvment of many players is hampered by the 'bigger' clans, uranus in particular is ruined by many of the bigger clans.

Im not sure that there are enough players willing to even try to create a story and even fewer that actually try and role play.

26-12-03, 13:45
I think the issue here, is not forcing people to Roleplay, but simply giving them the option to become involved if they want.

It would also make the situation more realistic between Factions.As opposed to having Hostile Factions allied, just ally them and be done with it, so the RPK'ers and the RP'ers are all catered for.

If people want this game to reach its full potential, it needs to be Player Run.

Here you have a large political system sitting dormant and unused. If Players can't control anything, why the hell are there so many Factions, when it could feasibly be four or five, and no more? Because Reakktor also intended for Players to be given control eventually, and the large number of Factions allows for plenty of negotiation and room for manouver. So we need to follow this on again and get it moving once more with suggestions and ideas.

People say there isn't enough to do in Neocron, and no amount of new weapons or vehicles will change that.

It was summed up in a review once.

" The sewer rat you killed as a newbie is basically the exact same as the 100/100 monster you killed as a veteran... Only the model and some numbers have changed."

So we need interaction, we need our own system of control and development, we need Balance of Power, we need political infighting that can mean something!

People make NAP's and they get broken by people that don't care, but want to ruin that NAP, because they know they can't be punished for doing so, unless they get set upon by the Factions involved.

Here, we have a way to make solid NAPs, as they would be punished for attacking allied Factions.

It's all about giving us control, giving us our monies worth, and I feel that executed properly, with plenty of consultation between Reakktor and the Player base, that it would be a huge success.

26-12-03, 14:43
No for two reasons

1) The put shit loads of work into the storyline

2) RPlayers are outnumbered by "1337" PKers so it would all go to shit

26-12-03, 14:45
Would've expected more than that from you Syntax.

They've put shitloads of work into the pre-history, but from here on in, there isn't a great deal to go on. Yes, they have their long-term plans, but in the meanwhile, what is there to stop them from developing a Player-Run system?

As for the l33t3rs ruining it, surely people like you will be able to join up and make things work for the good of it?

26-12-03, 14:49
Ive kinda lost heart for it tbh. stuggling along watching all the best RPers leave ( Drusus, Janos, Kendo ) watching how people treat the RPers like phoenix. watching how much work it takes to even get a RP event off because of the immature bastards ruining it ( Concentre anyone? )

*sigh* i truly have lost alot of hope for this game. i would love. beyond all doubt, for the player system to work. but i just cant see it. Far to open for abuse.

Now. if we got a few of the Devs to listen. got callash to read. "maybe" we could "Possibly" work out a true system. but the thing is. i dont think KK will support it.

26-12-03, 14:53

Basicly because it would be damaging to the community, as it would be fucked up for players who play on multiple servers and could also end up to completely abandoned servers due to everyone going to the server with the best storyline. (that is if you mean for it go be completly free range on diferent servers which it would have to be for certian clan wars and such) I personaly think this is a very bad idea, as Reakktor have worked hard on this current storyline which i think is very good, it just needs a few more events here and there, as the storyline has been picking up great pace over these last few months leading us to the not to distant DOY, just think wthout these delays of NC:BDOY we could not have recieved some things ingame. but anyway personaly i really like the current storyline and think it has a great depth to it. and if Reakktor's were to recruit more GMs ( i know there are many people from the forums who would love to become one) this could possibly lead to more events and even events on multiple servers at the same time instead of one after another.

i think that has been my longest post ever without being pissed off, lol


[OT] PS, by the way MrBane your sig goes againt forum rules :p it has to be no more than six lines high in both text and graphics yours is 9 :p, only saying this cos i got busted by Gungnir the other day, hehe, so if i cant have a big sig no one can :lol:

26-12-03, 14:57
Reakktor have loads of GMs . its just they can only trust so few to do anything due to the fact 90% of people in this community would love to try and exploit the system and spawn loads of shit

26-12-03, 16:52
I think it's a great idea. What should really happen IMO is instead of having individual clans within factions, we should combine the two. Instead of having split up, independant clans, everyone in the same faction should be effectively in the same 'clan', and establishing a clan within a faction creates an office, or branch, or unit, or gang, or whatever. The main reason is that clan politics are currently not very dependant on the factions. Look at how many alliances there are between clans belonging to hostile factions, and clans from allied factions who are at war with each other. Especially on Pluto.

The other point is, by adapting to a system like MrBane's we wouldn'd actually have to abandon the storyline at all. It's not set in stone remember? I don't think it would really be that hard for Callash to work with the FCs and adapt his storyline to the situation between the factions? Even if the faction alliances are quite different between servers it wouldn't be too much of an issue: i.e. On Saturn Tangent could develop a new plasma weapon to use in response to Black Dragon aggression. On Pluto BD and TT could be allied, but BT could be enemies with BD, so on Pluto BioTech develop the weapon instead. The storyline could still follow in the same general direction. Remember also that the FCs themselves, if they were working more closely with their factions, as they would be, could possibly influence the runners in their factions a little more (i.e. threaten to kick them out if they attack CM again. :p).

26-12-03, 21:41
CA/TG? no thankyou.

26-12-03, 21:46
I think this is a great idea if it could be pulled off properly. As for those who say that KK has worked to hard on their story line well they can still influence it. Say that for some weird reason the FC of TG and the FC of CA have become friends. This might ruin KKs story so the GMs get some loyal runners and make them appear as if their faction is TG. This group then attacks the CA FC and his friends. This pisses of the FC so he launches an attack at the real TG which fights back and, poof they hate each other again!

Another way is to encourage RP with slight rewards. Say a Runner is trying to RP as a robotic FA guard. He does this really well and the GMs take notice so they make a quick new model for a robotic looking PA that only he can use. If he stopped RPing then they would take it away. This would encourage L337 kiddies to RP because they want something special for themselves, but only the really top RPers would get anything so you would really have to work at it.

On a larger scale here is what players could do with a system such as this. Say TT Runners are getting owned big time so the TT FC has an idea to develop a new weapon. They dont have the money to work on this new weapon so they make an alliance with Biotech saying that if Biotech loans them money then they will get some of the new weapons. To make these weapons TT needs 400 special weapon parts that can only be obtained from some far off mob. They promise that whoever brings them them a lot of parts will get the first weapon so some people go and harvest the parts (something for L337 kiddies) TG finds out about this new weapon and decides that they dont want this to happen so they raid TT HQ in hopes of destroying the machine (something for RPers)

Of course this might be pretty hard but it would have benefits for both L337 kiddies and RPers.

26-12-03, 22:31
CA/TG? no thankyou.

Think before you reply next time.

This obviously wouldn't happen, thus the GM / Faction Chairman intervention part.


26-12-03, 23:58
Do you know how hard I tried to RP in Uranus?

I was the Faction Assistant to Tsunami, 5 months ago when Tsunami had one or two good clans, but were the under-dogs. I was the ONLY one who wanted that position, and I tried like hell to make it work. I wrote stories, came up with an event to help fuel the TS/BD war, and would go around teaching newb TS what it is like to be part of the most profitable business syndicate around. I'd even argue in Plaza 1, with BDs and the damn mage-scum Crahns, and it was for NOTHING.

No-one cared. No-one wanted to know, and No-one gave a damn. Now, it seems on uranus, that Tsunami is the "overdog" now, along with the rebel TGs, so what point is there in RPing? Just because of my faction, I'm KOS to anyone who hates this GLA league (although the fact I speak english does get me out of being PKed sometimes) and If I do RP, no-one wants to know because they are too busy leaving thanks to this alliance.

I'd love to RP. I'd love to see if I can get my old job back maybe, organise some events, and get with the BD faction assistants and do some "random street combat events" too. I had plans to call on people who either were female, or played female characters, to do a "live pussy club" event, with bouncers too incase it got too heavy or the girls got offended.

And what happened to the cool player events? The last ones I saw, was the vehicle race, and the one where runners were going through Neocron wastes, with a disk and such, and runners had to find and stop them.

So Yep. We need RP.
And nope, I don't think it will matter though. No-one cares. Everyone's a power-mongerer.

27-12-03, 01:42
Yea one time I tried to start RPing in plaza as a slighty crazy hero returning from the DOY war. At first I got things like "OMG Sealdude STFU Noob!!!!1111" and then one of my clan mates jokingly came up and said I molested sheep so then half of plaza 1 came up and sexed me :mad: The horror!

Colt Starling
27-12-03, 02:39
What story line?? :confused:

Starving Poet
27-12-03, 06:01
It would be nice if Neocron actually lived up to the role playing aspect of the game. I still try to RP a bit and I have people who RP with me, but 99% of the time all I ever see/ hear are people leveling and building rares.

It would also help in giving the faction counselours something to do as stated earlier. I'm tried of having ours for a week or so then having them disappear.