View Full Version : <3 Terminator

24-12-03, 00:53
We all love you guys.

<3 Odin
<3 Thanatos
<3 Callash



And again, Love y'all. And merry christmas!

(I know, I know, it's only 1 slot, but any decent riflist will cap it. \o/ )

24-12-03, 00:55
congrats you lucky son of a bitch. :p

24-12-03, 00:56
Sweet man! I was on Saturn, and i travelled all voer..it was at the B-Dome right?

Has pluto been done yet?

24-12-03, 00:59
And here's the gun in use. Notice the 1337 swirly color. :D


24-12-03, 01:01
Well it went like this:

There I was, chatting with a friend riding my Trike at I - 05 when callash made his Admin message. Soon I got a strange lag spike and Odin[KK] appeared right on top of my trike..
"Ok. Sweeeeet", I think. So I start whooping my rockets at him while synching every 2 mins. After like 10 minutes and 10 synchs me and my just there arrived apu friend killed him... but the tag fell through the ground. I felt so sad... so I just stood by my bike weeping virtual tears.

That's when I saw a strange shadow in the horizon... Thanatos[KK]. This time everything went perfect. The bastard put up a good fight, but when my APU bitch came back, he had no chance. Pumped up to the brim with adrenaline, I took the tag. Oh damn sweet!

All I can say: WUB Y'ALL! :D

And suck y'all who got none :p

24-12-03, 01:02

Sam Tarrant
24-12-03, 01:09
i was nearly sick. i was at battle dome and thanatos AND odin show up. i run after them there faster then my very fast tank and never run out of stamin and then when they finaly stop tehy whip out some plasma rifle start whooping my ass and then some biotech come and pk me and get there tags:mad: :mad: :( :( :(

24-12-03, 01:16
yeah i got pk'd before the event started by a protopharm runner that was being "buddy buddy" with a bunch of biotech clan members :wtf: and the biotech memebers didn't even bother to rezz me or anything, they just left me...some alliance...

24-12-03, 01:22
take a screeny of the bottom of the stat box i wanna see the rest of the story behind it, lol.


ps, you lucky bastard well done :)

24-12-03, 02:16
Great Events Guys!

Lots of Tags were Gain some large clans got em some small

Thanx Callash;)