View Full Version : idea for tradeskillers on neptune

23-12-03, 16:28
if there is no safe zone and no LE life will be too tough for tradeskillers on neptune and god knows we need em.

so how about a chip that disables PvP like the LE and disables any combat subskill too, once u put the chip all ur combat sub-skills go back to 0 and no one can kill u. That way pure tradeskillers will be safe anywhere on the map :)

the other problems is getting pk'd when u go get ur contruction or things like that done, just gotta watch ur back :p

23-12-03, 16:36
no need

pk the tradeskiller all you like.... but remember it when you ask him to give you a service like a cst res or poke or summink :p

He'll still get ganked obviously but unless the person has alts he will run out of options slowly..... and besides now days you have the hqs with the 120 guards (which imo should just shoot enemies on sight regardless in hqs)

23-12-03, 16:41
There won't be many tradeskillers on neptune.
If you feel like killing them, do so. But don't complain if you won't ever get something constructed again. Or you have to wait for your friend to log on to get pokes, because all the other pokers won't serve you :lol:

23-12-03, 17:41
No, players should unite to protect the tradeskillers on neptune.
Furthermore, kill a tradeskill and thou shall recieve no more tradeskilling from him.

You dont need chips to protect em.

23-12-03, 22:49
Kill tradeskillers and you can get used to using shop bought weapons and throwing un researched rare parts at people to defend yourself when their clanmates go after you.

23-12-03, 22:50
I remember seeing a thread where a lot of people said they would be tradeskillers.

Anyway, unless someone has a pile of accounts and the time to level a bunch of characters on a 'hardcore' server - tradeskillers aren't going to be killed as often as some people think.

23-12-03, 23:05
When neptune arrives, I'll be doing cst and repair. Feel free to pk me because it'll be your loss in the end.

23-12-03, 23:08
You could even work out of an apartment if you liked, changing the password for each customer maybe, have someone up there to defend you should something go wrong.

You can see how many people are in your local list before you open the apartment door.

24-12-03, 02:31
More likely working out of an op would be a good idea especially if your clan own it, gives you the advantage of op bonuses, clan turrets and being able to use gr security to screen out who you want GRing in and out, might also have the advantage of not droping belt but not sure if there will be warzone belt drops or not on neptune or even belts at all, maybe back to the old ways?

24-12-03, 02:52
or, you give ciy mercs a reason to be hired, and trade skillers have to hire mercs, or have a trade skill clan that has body guards with them. = roleplay, what neptune is about, makin players interact more via paranoia. paranoia is what makes most things work in the world, the law, court of justice, and many business. etc

i mean heck, im sure theres gona be a city admin faction who are big, because they have a rason to be and protect plaza and viarosso, so they can use their guards or hire mercs to come defend the city and stuff :D

see how good a game can be without some of the current rules

24-12-03, 02:58
server with loot in a game where a good tradeskiller is a must woe to those who would PK them.