View Full Version : Excessively Annoying Neofrag Bug - Fix?

20-12-03, 22:41
If you leave Neofrag with a shelter, heal, poison stack, fire stack, anything like that, it somewhat "stays on" but doesn't.

What I mean is, for example, if you leave Neofrag with a poison stack on, your char will not have that stack on when you get outside. BUT...until you LOG OUT, you will take little poison damage hits that will just bounce up.

Same with heal. If you leave with a heal on, the entire time you're playing afterwards (until you relog) you will have a heal on you, that will SEEM to behealing you, but will just bounce down.

Im sure others who use neofrag know about this bug. I know I know....so don't leave neofrag with a heal/poisonstack/firestack/etc on you right? Well sometimes its inevitable. Today we were in Neofrag when we had to run to an op fight. I had a poison stack on me, and I wasn't about to sit around for 20 seconds waiting for it to go off in order to leave neofrag. For the entire fight I was taking a bit of dmg then bouncing up and it was driving me CRAZY.

Small thing, but could use a fix. WOOT.

20-12-03, 22:43
Same with stealth lol. I thought I found a big exploit when my PE was invisible for 10 minutes. :D Also if you kill someone as they are leaving they die outside and drop a belt. :D :angel:

Shadow Dancer
20-12-03, 22:46
Yes i hate that, it's annoying. Or worse when you are parashocked then leave neofrag.

21-12-03, 01:55
ive noticed it, hate it, fix it please.