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20-12-03, 22:37
GM's spend alot of thier time stopping people from spamming.

Its a waste of time lets face it.

I say why not implament something like battle.net has. You spam too much, you get booted to the login screen.

Its fair that way, no one spams when they are in danger anyway so no one can complain about.

And after being booted a few times, spammers will get the msg that theres no point in doing it.

20-12-03, 22:39
Just use the ignore feature ;)

20-12-03, 22:42
Originally posted by Drake6k
Just use the ignore feature ;)

Yeah thats what I tell people. But people don't listen. People spend thier own leasure time reporting people for spamming (which is actually absolutely pathetic lol).

This is a way to cut it, so UnkownDevice and Mercuri don't have to spend 12 hours a day on Saturn watching Trade-NC like it seems they do :rolleyes:

20-12-03, 23:01
Saw you spamming on Saturn 10 minutes ago :rolleyes: .

20-12-03, 23:04
They should implement a +gag feature so GMs can stuff a sock down the offender's throats.

See how they like being muted on all channels for 30-60-300 minutes.

J. Folsom
20-12-03, 23:06
Personally, I think something simpler should be put in, everytime you say the same thing twice in a row the server gives you a message saying "Stop spamming!".

Another possibility would simply be the possibility to take away the rights to the custom channel by a GM. Or the server automattically doing so after having to give enough of those "Stop spamming!" messages.

Edit: Spelling corrections.

20-12-03, 23:08
Of course they also need to block anti-city factions from pro-city trade channels.

20-12-03, 23:09
And whats wrong with battle.net solution like gort said? after certain ammount of msgs are sent you cant send anything for a certain time and if you continue to send msg at a quick rate you get booted to log in.

Nice to see decent solutions cant be comperhended with players here they have to resort to dum solutions or something to deal with droms.

20-12-03, 23:36
i dont mind the odd bit of spam but when someone saying the same thing over and over for about 20mins it kinda grows old fast

i was more amazed the spammer managed to just keep repeating the same thing for so long:lol:

20-12-03, 23:41
I don't see what the issue is. You guys were told to spam ooc if you wanted (by you guys i mean g0rt & kimmyg) as without a doubt you are one of the biggest spammers of trade channel. I really don't see an issue with keeping the trade channel free of "I pWnz j00" and "I'm not down with those nibs" Why keep looking for some sort of mechanical means for outsiders (ie: devs & game masters) to keep trade spam free when it's easy enough to exercise a little self control and stay on OOC like you were asked.

20-12-03, 23:48
Originally posted by Gotterdammerung
I don't see what the issue is. You guys were told to spam ooc if you wanted (by you guys i mean g0rt & kimmyg)

WE havn't really spammed since told not to. But its simple fix to spam and me and gort are not the only spammers why not put it in.

20-12-03, 23:49

Its (text) Flooding FFS

20-12-03, 23:55
Originally posted by KimmyG
WE havn't really spammed since told not to. But its simple fix to spam and me and gort are not the only spammers why not put it in.

The simple fix is to exercise a little self-control. So that means if it's 1am and some other guy spams you don't say "FFS, that nib's spammin' so no matter what anyone said to me or how much I been told to lay off trade channel spammin' I'm gonna do it cause he's doin' it".

21-12-03, 00:06
Well what about the 1 min gag on "shudder" habbo hotel

if u say more than 3 messages in about 2 seconds then u get a message saying "dont spam!! u have been gagged for 1 min"

and if u type in a message nothing happens.


21-12-03, 00:22
Matt, yeah that's the way to do it.

Googoo o_O People will never learn.

five stars.. I have enough players in ignore list already.
I put one msg per few minutes incase someone has logged etc.. (I don't count one on local and one on custom at the same time since everybody doesn't keep custom open..)

21-12-03, 00:25
Originally posted by Gotterdammerung
I don't see what the issue is. You guys were told to spam ooc if you wanted (by you guys i mean g0rt & kimmyg) as without a doubt you are one of the biggest spammers of trade channel. I really don't see an issue with keeping the trade channel free of "I pWnz j00" and "I'm not down with those nibs" Why keep looking for some sort of mechanical means for outsiders (ie: devs & game masters) to keep trade spam free when it's easy enough to exercise a little self control and stay on OOC like you were asked.

erm...w33man and kimmyg are the biggest trade channel spammers not me

i buy/sell/trade techs & rares for 5 people on saturn. anyone that knows me knows i use that trade channel ALOT for whats it meant to be used for

lately i have been using OOC for everyhting else

TBH its pathetic that ingame help tickets sometimes take 2-3 hours to get looked after, but devils grace last night spams trade-nc ONCE and gets 2 gm's on his ass. when a noobie sees 2 gm's taking care of some guy that spammed a few lines of text on trade-nc, after waiting 4 hours to get something fixed, it doesn't really make the game look too good.

instead of wasting gm's time, something should be implamented so players couldn't spam

21-12-03, 00:43
Putting people on Ignore for spamming is stupid. It's like spam filters on alot of email boxes. The more that are ignored it seems the more you see. Not to mention that you might ignore more than half the population :rolleyes:

Anyhow a Good start would be to not let people /sms so quickly. There is no reason they need to post it so fast again. Hell make it 1 min per /sms use. (although I"m sure cave teams will suffer cause they have ppu cries for buffs sms'd :lol: )
And also make it where you can't do the push the up arrow and repeat quickly again also .. what's the reason for someone to type something and be able to push up and hit it again? .. .
So they can say sex a crap load of times? ... I've mostly seen insults thrown with it .. lol. Also I've noticed the trend on the trade channel to post your trade twice in a 1 second interval . . hell some people post it 4 times. . that is SPAM. And I don't think it belongs anywhere in the game. Even in OOC Gotterdammerung. It's not tolerated in many places. OOC should be your out of character talk ... talk about your life ... maybe chat about things to do in neocron .. world affairs :p It shoudn't be post I'm a sexy Drom 50 times in a row spam central.

Doc Holliday
21-12-03, 01:12
Originally posted by Gotterdammerung
I don't see what the issue is. You guys were told to spam ooc if you wanted (by you guys i mean g0rt & kimmyg) as without a doubt you are one of the biggest spammers of trade channel. I really don't see an issue with keeping the trade channel free of "I pWnz j00" and "I'm not down with those nibs" Why keep looking for some sort of mechanical means for outsiders (ie: devs & game masters) to keep trade spam free when it's easy enough to exercise a little self control and stay on OOC like you were asked.

owned. now what u gonna say?

21-12-03, 01:28
so your not down with spam? :(

you down with ham?

21-12-03, 01:33
I think spamming should just be an instant ban... I mean its not like you cant aviod doing it. Theres no reason to. Yes, I know I can ignore people and I do, but its annoying when im having a conversation or trying to trade and mayham mke or someone on one of thier 8 names start spamming words made out of numbers and stuff... But if they wont do that, I say just auto boot people to the login screen if a msg repeats more then 3 times in a minute.

I know ive used the trade channle and ooc to rub it in peoples faces ive killed but I say like Haha I beat you 3vs1, you suck" not spam literaly 300 lines of I R th4 pwnz U I r l4et u r nib or whatever... spend more time killing people and less time spamming, you will have more fun.

I mean I agree if it must be done it could be a better feature to have an auto kick then to take up a gms time, but why is it an issue? why spam at all?

21-12-03, 01:37
I really doubt that anti-spam messages tax the GMs that much. All they need to do is keep TRADE-NC open whenever they are on duty.

We all regularly chat on more than one channel at once so why do you think they can't - ticket-person on Direct & spammers on Custom.

That's what I'd do if I were them anyway. I wouldn't bother waiting for a support ticket.

21-12-03, 02:49
Seeing as people seem to think spam is a problem implement a fix and that will be that how hard is it?

21-12-03, 03:07
Using Trade-NC for conversation related to a buying decision does not seem out of line to me. I can even see using it for general conversation when there's maybe 50 people on Pluto in the middle of the night.

Using it to spew "i 0wnz j00!" over and over and over, though, isn't useful. It's not even useful in OCC, and that's where the ignore list comes in handy. Problem is, people don't use it, they just cry to the GMs...

21-12-03, 03:40
i wish people would stop crying to GMs over every little thing

21-12-03, 03:41
Originally posted by ezza
i wish people would stop crying to GMs over every little thing

Ya hahahaha

so many people are happy to see otehrs potentially banned. its like they WANT this game to be empty.


21-12-03, 04:10
I have no never cried for a GM cause of spamming.. and such . . and ignore as I've said is lame ... they might be trading a part I want or need a question answered that I can personally answer .. since I like to be helpful if I can. But it's spamming a message in chat modes that's annoying .. .all they need to do is add the delays to /sms and up arrow text repeats . and that's that. This wont' affect you being able to type it out .. so it won't be like the old days where if you could type really fast it kinda screwed you over if you hit enter alot . . lol . .the typcial spammers could still techinically type it all out again . .but if they want to do that . . so be it . . . the convience of repeat and /sms is too easy to abuse . and it is being abused -_-;;

21-12-03, 04:48
Originally posted by KimmyG
Seeing as people seem to think spam is a problem implement a fix and that will be that how hard is it?

There are a thousand other things I'd rather they spent time on than enforcing common-sense and decency in a very small minority of the community.

They have way more GM resource than coder resource so the easiest solution is : 2 warnings then a ban. I don't think the spammers want to see that. ;)

21-12-03, 05:58
Originally posted by jernau
They have way more GM resource than coder resource so the easiest solution is : 2 warnings then a ban. I don't think the spammers want to see that. ;)

2 warnings then a ban? 2 warnings then a ban? Piss low population as is and you want 2 fucking warnings then a ban?

How hard is it to implement a system that ever other game useing?

21-12-03, 06:04
Originally posted by jernau
There are a thousand other things I'd rather they spent time on than enforcing common-sense and decency in a very small minority of the community.

They have way more GM resource than coder resource so the easiest solution is : 2 warnings then a ban. I don't think the spammers want to see that. ;)

ya lets ban some more people for something stupid like spamming! smart idea considering i saw 9 people on venus the other day and an all time low of 72 on saturn at night.

but hey...lets hand out some bans! SMART!


21-12-03, 06:20
Lets let people do anything since the game has a low population. What an oh so excellent idea.

21-12-03, 06:22
Originally posted by Gestra
Lets let people do anything since the game has a low population. What an oh so excellent idea.

Ill quote myself...

ya lets ban some more people for something stupid like spamming!

Did I say let people do anything? No....but banning people for stupid things that really DONT matter (aka spamming since ignore is in the game for a reason) is stupid.

Devils Grace
21-12-03, 06:24
all i have to say is this


there is much more worst things then spaming trade channel

its harmeless, and usually short time.

i know i usually do it after somne war and i want to piss that other person off

besides theres 2 things way diferent
one is spaming and the other is talking someting else besides trade, wich i dont consider spaming, only off topic

u all nerf cry babys, and nerf gm's babys,



21-12-03, 06:25
Originally posted by KimmyG
2 warnings then a ban? 2 warnings then a ban? Piss low population as is and you want 2 fucking warnings then a ban?

How hard is it to implement a system that ever other game useing?

I said it was easier, not better. I didn't say permanent-ban either ;).

Since when did you know anything about software development Kimmy? Please don't make assumptions about things of which you know little or nothing.

21-12-03, 07:13
Originally posted by jernau
Since when did you know anything about software development Kimmy? Please don't make assumptions about things of which you know little or nothing.

Well im no programer but I know loads of shit that have chat have anti spam running, so simple

and who said anything about letting people do as they please because its low there are some that have done worse things than spam that could use a ban im saying lets not lower population over little things is my point.

But most off all why does everything have to be a huge debate here simple idea to the DEV's!!!! needs to be hammered by this community. Go back to drom intercourse talks.

21-12-03, 07:14
As I said before, exercise a little self control and no one has to worry about any bans. Trade channel is for trade, not for spamming
"llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"
Like I know a few people in this thread have done as (I personally have seen it) or the afore mentioned "I'm not down with those nibs" stuff.

Now stop and think about this thing you want implemented in the game, this "anti-spamming" tool, on the one hand those without any self control, so little that they can't tear themselves from spamming cry out for a tool to be implemented to assert the control over them that they themselves can't exert and yet if an item as such were to be implemented in a patch don't you think you'd be reading about how "ffs kk, why waste time on this when you could add content or doy/bugs/fatals etc...." So on one hand we are damned if we don't and damned if we do.
Personally if you feel the game has low numbers around the holiday times at 11:30pm canadian time thats your opinion, but I think a player would be more apt to be driven from a game if it seemed that he could never trade for that rare part he needed, advertise his res/const skills or get some weapon made if he was always facing a barage of "lllllllllllllllllll/nibs/l33t h4X0r/I pWnz J00"
and thought his voice was never heard.

21-12-03, 07:16
I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just that there are a lot of other things (large and small) I'd much rather see them do.

Adding any feature is not "simple" just because others have done it in another system.

21-12-03, 07:41
Originally posted by Gotterdammerung
As I said before, exercise a little self control and no one has to worry about any bans. Trade channel is for trade, not for spamming
"llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"
Like I know a few people in this thread have done as (I personally have seen it) or the afore mentioned "I'm not down with those nibs" stuff.

Now stop and think about this thing you want implemented in the game, this "anti-spamming" tool, on the one hand those without any self control, so little that they can't tear themselves from spamming cry out for a tool to be implemented to assert the control over them that they themselves can't exert and yet if an item as such were to be implemented in a patch don't you think you'd be reading about how "ffs kk, why waste time on this when you could add content or doy/bugs/fatals etc...." So on one hand we are damned if we don't and damned if we do.
Personally if you feel the game has low numbers around the holiday times at 11:30pm canadian time thats your opinion, but I think a player would be more apt to be driven from a game if it seemed that he could never trade for that rare part he needed, advertise his res/const skills or get some weapon made if he was always facing a barage of "lllllllllllllllllll/nibs/l33t h4X0r/I pWnz J00"
and thought his voice was never heard.

Meh you can beat around the bushes all day. Games like uo/daoc/eq/etc not only don't crash, they also have ingame mechanics to not allow spamming.

Magic? No...just a well made game.

It all helps.

21-12-03, 08:04
Originally posted by Gotterdammerung
I think a player would be more apt to be driven from a game if it seemed that he could never trade for that rare part he needed, advertise his res/const skills or get some weapon made if he was always facing a barage of "lllllllllllllllllll/nibs/l33t h4X0r/I pWnz J00"
and thought his voice was never heard.

I never took it to a pont where something could not be done or someone was seriously hindered, I dont even have the attention span to do it. Anyway its an idea that the devs may wanna look into and should look into.

21-12-03, 08:06
Originally posted by KimmyG
I never took it to a pont where something could not be done or someone was seriously hindered, I dont even have the attention span to do it. Anyway its an idea that the devs may wanna look into and should look into.

That and if a player is so picky about his games that he'll leave from a bit of spam, hes gonna be gone in a week anyway once he gets 50 fatal's LOL

21-12-03, 08:56
Originally posted by ezza
i wish people would stop crying to GMs over every little thing

seriously it's as if everyone thinks our clan is to blame for spam. There's plenty of people who don't try trading on that channel, but it seems a tad unfair that just our clan is singled out. Pretty biased if you ask me. People constantly having general conversations on a trade channel, nothing to do with buying/selling/trading anything...spam if you ask me

21-12-03, 10:06
The ignore feature works, and it works very well.

You spam, then you get put on ignore and the people who ignore you can no longer hear your cries for help or trade with you. Its a win-win situation.

The only real thing need to be fixed is when the person has a werid name and it's impossible to put them on ignore (unless you can get them local).

As for text spamming, the server has a built in flood protection which stops a person from flooding. Try flooding a channel that no one is on and you will get a message saying the server is muting you.

But as mentioned, just go to OOC. I don't have a problem with talking on TRADE-NC, except when people are trying to sell stuff .

trigger hurt
21-12-03, 11:35
Originally posted by 40$Poser
seriously it's as if everyone thinks our clan is to blame for spam. There's plenty of people who don't try trading on that channel, but it seems a tad unfair that just our clan is singled out. Pretty biased if you ask me. People constantly having general conversations on a trade channel, nothing to do with buying/selling/trading anything...spam if you ask me

Think it might have something to do with some of the GM's leaning towards TG or CM?

Sometimes, with some of the reactions you see from gm's and mods here, you get the idea that they've had a taste.

I posted my opinion about this earlier. I don't care what anyone claims, GM's and Mods are players of this game too. Being players of this game, I am quite positive that they have their own opinions about certain clans. And I do believe that those same people allow their bias to spill over into the way they handle certain situations.

I'm still waiting on a reply from someone, anyone about what they are doing about the guy I sent in an abuse ticket about on two seperate occasions.

21-12-03, 13:58
Originally posted by trigger hurt
Think it might have something to do with some of the GM's leaning towards TG or CM?

in that case i aint down with those nibs


Devils Grace
22-12-03, 19:22
Originally posted by Gotterdammerung
(I personally have seen it)


whats ur chars names

i want to KILL j00 and spam the trade channel :lol:

really some ppl takes this issue to serius

its like their world is gona end.....
i know i spam a little, theres some worse then me and w33man, and tho i hardly see it Kimmi G.

but its not like we do it 30 min in a go, its like once or twice, how can that prejudice u in any way
its not even longer enought to be annoying.

the ones that complains are the ones that cant beat us in the field so they want us banned for anyting....grow up

22-12-03, 20:50
i usually write fast enough for most "spam filters" to detect me .... i dun wanna get booted out every second

"hey how many solts did u get?"
"*You were booted out because of spam."

22-12-03, 20:56
Originally posted by RuButt
i usually write fast enough for most "spam filters" to detect me .... i dun wanna get booted out every second

"hey how many solts did u get?"
"*You were booted out because of spam."

ITs doesn't work like that.

Like on Bnet

you spam to much its like
Then you get a msg that your sending to many msg's and nothing gets sent so you have to wait a few seconds before you can send again
Then you get a msg that your sending to many msg's and nothing gets sent so you have to wait a few seconds before you can send again

Then after a few more sends your kicked

22-12-03, 20:56
how about just get rid of that alt-up command or whatever that allows you to repeat your text over and over. Or using ignore and listenin to our GM buddies and show some self-control. Nothing more that I hate then someone tryin to talk shit on trade channle then spamming cause he's pissed... you say something back and he's like... ONOZ abuse@neocron.com... 1000000000 day suspension 4 u! Obviously I have had run-ins with ppl that do that. But I think self-control would be the best solution.

Original monk
22-12-03, 20:57
what are all you guys spamming about ?

im sorryz i didnt read the thread o_O

22-12-03, 21:00
lol some guys are talking about certain ways that you would get booted for spamming to much. Then someone said he types to fast and would get booted because he types words super fast in like .00001 of a second (just kidding).... and then someone explained how it would work.......

22-12-03, 21:04
Someone on another thread is complaining that there's not enough spam. :)


22-12-03, 21:09
Originally posted by Nidhogg
Someone on another thread is complaining that there's not enough spam. :)


See what you guys did life without spam :rolleyes:

Anyway dont see what the problem is with putting in a system to control spam if people view 30-40 secs probably not even that long of not having there trade msg there.

As for following the GM's thoughts on self control untill I see equal treatment on for the same crime im not for it at all.

22-12-03, 21:23
Originally posted by KimmyG
See what you guys did life without spam :rolleyes:

Anyway dont see what the problem is with putting in a system to control spam if people view 30-40 secs probably not even that long of not having there trade msg there.

As for following the GM's thoughts on self control untill I see equal treatment on for the same crime im not for it at all.

It just makes sense, and every successfull game onthe market has features like this.

Oh but what do you know, except neocron with its 250 people playing across 5 servers at night.


Devils Grace
22-12-03, 21:26
Originally posted by Nidhogg
Someone on another thread is complaining that there's not enough spam. :)


who, what thread so i can give him a round of aplause


21-01-04, 20:57

21-01-04, 20:57

21-01-04, 20:58
omg thread ressurection :p

21-01-04, 21:00
waits some more...

21-01-04, 21:02
Originally posted by Xiphias
waits some more...

Actually i dont think this thraed is old enough to be closed under those rules, its still fairly recent.

And TBH there should be an antispam feature inteh game, cuz honestly EVERY OTHER MMORPG in existance has it, why not neocron? The little 1 second between messages thing doesn't work.

21-01-04, 21:03
Originally posted by Gotterdammerung
I don't see what the issue is. You guys were told to spam ooc if you wanted (by you guys i mean g0rt & kimmyg) as without a doubt you are one of the biggest spammers of trade channel. I really don't see an issue with keeping the trade channel free of "I pWnz j00" and "I'm not down with those nibs" Why keep looking for some sort of mechanical means for outsiders (ie: devs & game masters) to keep trade spam free when it's easy enough to exercise a little self control and stay on OOC like you were asked.

obviously you hardly are on saturn then, there's people way worse then g0rt and kimmyg, but when other spammers are on, no one from KK speaks up or even is on. Kind of unfair to point all the spam at just those 2 people. Although Mercuri spoke up last night because people decided to have convos on trade (other than kimmyg and g0rt)

21-01-04, 21:05
lol, yeah.. lets make this thread worth something...

yes.... i think that all the old clans in the game that haven't been active in over a year should erased... then again, its fun browsing the old forums when lomming... makes the time go quicker :p

Devils Grace
21-01-04, 21:05
Originally posted by Gotterdammerung
I don't see what the issue is. You guys were told to spam ooc if you wanted (by you guys i mean g0rt & kimmyg) as without a doubt you are one of the biggest spammers of trade channel. I really don't see an issue with keeping the trade channel free of "I pWnz j00" and "I'm not down with those nibs" Why keep looking for some sort of mechanical means for outsiders (ie: devs & game masters) to keep trade spam free when it's easy enough to exercise a little self control and stay on OOC like you were asked.


im the biggest spammer in saturn not them:mad:

21-01-04, 21:11
Originally posted by Devils Grace

im the biggest spammer in saturn not them:mad:


Devils grace random WUWU spams on trade were always good...

Its definately a competition between DG and Harry.

Although...one time Harry. spammed ooc for about 15 minutes WITHOUT letup HAHAHA

Its hard to say whose the bigger spammer :P

tbh me and kimmyg havent spammed for a LONG time, and there were alot of people just as bad as us that you forget gotter...like mike for instance? :p

Devils Grace
21-01-04, 21:16
Originally posted by g0rt

Devils grace random WUWU spams on trade were always good...

Its definately a competition between DG and Harry.

Although...one time Harry. spammed ooc for about 15 minutes WITHOUT letup HAHAHA

Its hard to say whose the bigger spammer :P

tbh me and kimmyg havent spammed for a LONG time, and there were alot of people just as bad as us that you forget gotter...like mike for instance? :p

hehehehehehe yea

15 min 8|

DAMN, get ready saturn, kuz if i got a chance on loggin tonight (wich i dont know if i will ) (just to let ya know)
im goin to break that record, u can bet my ass (not urs) that i will


21-01-04, 21:39
do not resurrect the dead