View Full Version : Clan ..... are a shower of .....!!

18-12-03, 16:00
(note: Wonder if the mod will read this rather then closing straight off).

This relates to a heated discussion last night regarding a clan. I am not going to the name the clan because what I am talking about really has nothing directly to do with them.

I am talking about a symptom in the game that a lot of people seem to overlook and to be honest need to take a step back and realise it is a game.

Anyway the discussion was about how Clan 'X' were all a shower of asses (to put it mildly) because they had killed someone who was levelling, and to be honest they kill a lot of a certain faction. The point is that they are an enemy faction it should be expected even if they are civil or not.

But the main point is, the majority of enemies in the game (due to the faction mechanics) are still decent people once your civil to them.

I help *a lot* of noobs (actually prefer it). So being civil and getting assitance for the new players tends to get me treated sometimes as collaborator (as I would be able to wander into an area that is extremly hostile). Which I find funny sometimes because when I don't have a newbie in tow I am just as much a target as anyone else.

I expect to be attacked, I expect to loose stuff if I die. If the person is civil and gives the stuff back or lets me stay in an area and level in peace then it is a bonus. But they shouldn't have to do this by some unwritten rule. Give as good as you take, but don't assume because someone ganked you that they are an ass.

The same goes for PK'ers. There are moronic PK'ers out there who seem to get a kick out of trying to annoy rather then kill, but being civil tends to mean you get more help or make more friends along the way.

Just remember at the end of the day it is just a game, and just because a friend moves to an enemy faction doesn't mean they have become some kind of baby eater.

18-12-03, 16:36

less whining more playing

18-12-03, 16:39
Here here.

I usually draw a line below a certain level, and don't attack every enemy I see on sight, but that doesn't mean everyone should "have" to play the same as me.

Whats the point of a role playing game, if people can't play the role of the a**hole (however annoying it can be).

18-12-03, 16:52
It's only because someones idea of role playing is different from others. KK have encouraged the F6 roleplaying by NOT changing that system that encourages it since beta.

I prefere the other roleplay where I will not attack other people unless attacked 1st. It always supprises me to get attacked by some other clan member out of the blue but then I take the stance "Do unto others as they would do to you" meaning I then gank them right back. And if I can get a few rez kills that just a bonus :D

I am always civil to people, even if they just killed me or hacked my belt etc......

The only thing I think lets this game down is the lack of people who are actualy roleplaying properly. People can RP faction fanatics and kill red/hostile factions but they don't. They do it as they think this game is some kind of CS mod.

18-12-03, 18:15
Noobs leveling without an LE have to be very brave indeed. Those that help noobs are to be thanked for their support of the community not treated as traitors.

Now people change factions and clans frequently which means friends might end up enemies so red, yellow or green its hard to know who to shoot any more.

I know my clan has enemies, DARK, FF and a few others, I'm goign to shoot there runners when ever I see them and I'd expect no diffrent from them but I wont target everyone in their factions because of them and I certainly wouldnt kill noobs from those factions just because...

Of course everyone had a diffrent definition of noobs :)

18-12-03, 18:25

Just noticed your sig,

May as well note this is OT........

but :lol: :D

18-12-03, 18:27
I whine when I'm ganked fighting warbots and such or when im hacking. That is soo god damn anoying because you cant even really fight back!

Also anoys me when I'm fighting 3 or 4 warbots and a NEUTRAL faction runner attacks me. Which happened last night at the MB.

Fortunatly, my PE can take attacks from 3 or 4 warbots BRIEFLY. So I cloacked and "ran away"

The runner probably thought I went to GR out of there because I didnt see him after I did cloack.

Ah well, I whine when I am really anoyed :p

Maybe I should be more civil and give back what I hack ^_^

18-12-03, 18:35
Twice in the last few weeks I’ve helped 'enemy' newbs out, WHY? because a year a go when I started a very nice guy talked me through a lot of the game and put me on the right track. Neocron newbie’s should not be victimised because they chose a particular faction.

One of the lamest things I’ve seen is when a newb is killed and you confront the killer for their uber lameness. Here's an extract from a covo a while back.

Me: "Dude why did you kill him he's only 3/10"
Killer: "Cos he's red"
Me: "Red? He's a newb, he does't know the game, he cant defend himself"
Killer: "Well he'll soon learn wont he"
Me: "No, he'll soon leave"


Often new players are given wrong information and told they need to remove their LE so that they level faster, make more money or people can heal them. For every 1 person that wants to help them there are another 5 ready to PK them.

18-12-03, 18:39
I don't mind getting ganked to much these days. What really makes the PMS in me come out is when said ganker immediately turns and destroys my hover. :mad:

18-12-03, 18:40
Thats unfortunate but we cant do much about it.... or maybe we can, brainports small idea.

Devils Grace
18-12-03, 18:56
i help n00bs

those u i see that are really n00bs i dont do nottin to them and even help with money, advices etc..

i also help n00bs...............allied to me

the rest....

i stoped ganking in the agie cellars tho....

buut everitng else ur goin down and i expect the same from others

Shadow Dancer
18-12-03, 22:16
Originally posted by Archeus

just because a friend moves to an enemy faction doesn't mean they have become some kind of baby eater.


I want everyone to read this 20 thousand times.

18-12-03, 22:19
I can't read it more than 6 times without laughing :(

19-12-03, 01:25
Originally posted by Legoias

Me: "Dude why did you kill him he's only 3/10"
Killer: "Cos he's red"
Me: "Red? He's a newb, he does't know the game, he cant defend himself"
Killer: "Well he'll soon learn wont he"
Me: "No, he'll soon leave"

That is a good point. Why play when your being attacked all the time and your game experience is stopped in such a rude way?

There should be a trigger in LE so you can't take it off unless your, let's say, /15 or /20 just to stop people attacking newbies.

Oh well, back to play AO.

// Wannabe

19-12-03, 02:00
Some of my low level chars have been ganked a real lot and often by a certain faction, especially coming off genrep and other unfair type of practices, and these chars were merely constr /Res chars with no weap skills, i.e. rank 2 or so.

As a result, even though that faction is NOT the one everybody is thinking, i.e. the faction that everybody seems to hate, but it is a kind of 'respected' faction that is quite powerful.

Therefore, somehow that faction leaves me with a bad taste and I think I would never ever join that faction

I guess there are good and bad in all factions, but it shows that a few bad eggs can leave a bad impression and people should be aware of that

(nothing wrong with PK etc I guess but there are limits, like genrep ganking and noob or low level player ganking)