View Full Version : Possibly why the BS is as viable as the libby.

18-12-03, 07:35
It seems quite a few folks have inquired in the past as to how a non-rare weapon such as the pistol BlackSun could possibly serve a fairly good purpose in a scrap, much like the rare libby.

I pondered over this for a bit, and came to a somewhat sketchy conclusion.

Primarily, the libby, though it is rare, cannot be compared in terms of feasibility to the BS because it is a non-TC weapon. These are two entirely different types of pistols, and one of them requires more points in two different sub-skills to utilise. However, one might argue that it is relatively easy to cap them both anyway.

To my understanding, the liberator is the rare version of the lower TL 63 A&W SMG224, and the BS the lower version of the ROLH. In terms of balance, both the SMG and the BS are over 25 levels lower in TL than their counterparts, the libby and the ROLH.So if the BS was as powerful as a ROLH, there would be concern over this imbalance, and rightfully so. But to compare two weapons of different genres, though each is essentially an upgrade of a lower TL one, isnt sensible.

Both guns serve their own purposes, and since the BS cannot be used to take out a monk as easily, i think it should remain the same as it is now, and the easier aiming of the BS is well compensated for by the inability of killing the class which predominantly inhabits the server.

Bear in mind, this is mere speculation on my part of what KK was thinking when implementing these weaps. :)

18-12-03, 13:13
I find Libby WAY better than Blacksun.

18-12-03, 13:15
i hate libby... for PvP i would rather use a wyatt earp than a libby.

i killed a dev with a wyatt earp :p

i cant use a lib to save my life lol

18-12-03, 13:29
Matter of opinion, i suppose.

All in all, a libby-user does tend to miss more often than a BS-user.

All depends on the person's skill and playing style.

Dribble Joy
18-12-03, 13:38
The BS benefits from the raygun dmgtype modifyer over range.
Atm, the high end dmg at point blank is probably a bit high, but it's main advantage is it's high rof and aiming style.
More shots are landed compared to the libby or judge, at a higher rate.
In a straight shootout the BS looses to a Judge, but aiming means that is is relitivly balanced.

The libby (if you can aim it) is still the best pistol availiable to PEs (ignoring the RoLH :rolleyes: ) and can do serious dmg.

Psyco Groupie
18-12-03, 14:50
at the end of the day, if you can track people it all comes down to peoples resists and the damage types your dealing.

ive seen people put whole lib clips into people whilst running about pepper and all that ... pistols really are second to heavy for ease of use O.o

18-12-03, 18:47
I can't aim a Liberator if my life depended on it. Out of an entire clip I'd probably manage to land about 1/4 of the bullets it spits out. :mad:

18-12-03, 19:06
What? No tangent pulse laser pistol? It DOES have a dex requirement of 92.....

speaking of which, im getting my clan mates to build me a black sun and tangent pulse laser pistol later today. ^_^

18-12-03, 19:10
The BS is viable because its easy to use.

The Libby has far more potential, but unfortunately its hard to use. For example I stopped playing NC for a while and when I came back I couldnt hit crap with it. Ive been back for 2 months and only recently have I started getting back to my former skill with it. Plain and simple the weapon is hard to use, by far the hardest to aim with out of any other weapon.

18-12-03, 19:18
Libbys do more damage than Blacksuns but BSs are easier to shoot, I use both depending on the circumstances.