View Full Version : Strange NC experience in real life

18-12-03, 00:39
I have reactivated my account a few days ago and after playing many many many hours (from 9 pm to 6 am) I went to sleep

I got asleep so when I wake up I had to run because I was late and when I was going to go out of home and on the street I promise you all that I was hearing the NC music... I felt like a part of me was hold by the Net... was a strange feeling.

Dont know what you will think about it, I just wanted to share it.

Oh... I forgot, I heard all the complete track... :D

18-12-03, 00:50
I once dreamt that i was driving around in a tank.. Then i ran down rizzy....

I played alot back then.........

18-12-03, 00:51
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18-12-03, 00:53
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18-12-03, 01:03
Im not english ... what means "fanboys" and "beans"

Clive tombstone
18-12-03, 01:06
Fanboys ARE basically people OBSESSING over something trivial to the extent that they eat, dream, bath, Etc the thing that they are Obsessing over. I THINK thats the proper word for it.

And Beans... well.. that was just random, and I cant really find a propper meaning for it in this context

18-12-03, 01:23
Originally posted by Clive tombstone
...And Beans... well.. that was just random, and I cant really find a propper meaning for it in this context

i guess he didn't wanted his postcount reset for posting +1, so he wrote beans.

i could be wrong though

18-12-03, 01:25
OK, let me explain the results of judge the habits of a person by a few lines to those persons that like to display their nice words related to other experiences

I THINK that they are noobs, in life related terms... not playing.

I work almost all day and left NC first time because one person of my family was ill... when at last I can log in again and have time to play all hours that I like... I am called obsessed ?

PLEASE, next time THINK before do an easy and quick judge about other person, lets give other players the opportunity to share... do NOT PK others posts

No reply required
Best Regards

18-12-03, 01:26
Happened to me when..

I played tetris as a kid, I would go to sleep and see blocks comming down my vision..

And when I played Counterstrike as If it was CRACK, dreamt permanantly like I was playing..

Happened on my earlier Neocron and DAoC days, if ive played them for a good 8 hours on a sunday :D

Then again, who gives a shit!

Fanboy! < :cool:

18-12-03, 01:31
ugh....I have NC dreams a LOT....at least they're more fun than AO dreams...

18-12-03, 01:41
Ha ha ha ... thank you for your understanding :lol:

18-12-03, 01:45
Originally posted by borlegan
do NOT PK others posts

Holy crap thats sooooo fanboy, how the hell do you player kill someones post?

Psyco Groupie
18-12-03, 01:45
one of lifes many conumdrums (sp?)
mech turtle or beans
daddy or chips


18-12-03, 02:18
nonamebrandeggs... maybe you should get used to the word "metaphor" :rolleyes:

18-12-03, 02:21
I remember one dude talking about how he was watching some kids fighting and seeing the little red numbers rise from there heads!:eek:

18-12-03, 02:21
I once saw a reaver in the rear-mirror when a friend gave me a
lift after playing to much Planetside. "shit shit missiles incomming
turn off the roa... oh rite..."

18-12-03, 02:21
This is going to sound incredibly lame but I was the same way with Minesweeper in college. I would play it a lot and try and beat my best score. Its a game of the mind and patterns so I loved it. After a while I start thinking about the patterns in my head during my free time, and then I start dreaming about it. Dreaming about MINESWEEPER!!! Yah it was definitely time to give that game up.

Shadow Dancer
18-12-03, 02:22
Serious here.

I once had a dream that Lexxuk was sniping me outside. I remember seeing Rade laughing like crazy. And I thought "yo who the fuck is hitting me".

Very strange dream.

18-12-03, 02:36
I gotta admit.. Ive had FuXoRD dreams bout Op wars n Shit:lol:

Think it was at cycrow AGainst GANG.Crackies and alot more * Basically the whole server:lol:

Man what a battle;)

Clive tombstone
18-12-03, 03:17
OK ok, I didnt mean that anyone of you were fan boys, i was simply stating what I think is a fanboy, not an accusation.

Beleave it or not, there was one time, where I stayed up till about 3 in the morning. Anywho, after spending a huge time lving in the aggy sewers, I was in a combination of half alseep half-awake and a little crazy. So I head down to the kitchen to get some water, and I "hear" a "merrerrhh". I swear to god I jumped about 7 feet in the air(hmm I guess reflexs are multiplied when your half concious :D ). Turns out it was my cat, who at first I threw accross the room. Then relized, Oh its my cat.( dont worry, he landed on the couch :) )

Thats basically my "neocron-indused-daydream"

18-12-03, 05:51
I have woken up in the morning, realised I was late, jumped out of bed and actually thought to myself "fuck, bugged, no RPOS."

Also I passed someone i didnt like and said in my head "noob"... o_O

Clive tombstone
18-12-03, 05:58
Heh I was walking along, then my legs went numb, I was like Awww F***in Sync!

Dribble Joy
18-12-03, 06:21
Though as a rule, I never say LOL in game (I hate it, horrible 'phrase') I have on many occation, nearly said it and occationally have said it IRL.
I have called my sister a n00b too.
Wondering why there is no box around the bus as it comes along to the bus stop, and why I can't right click it, confuses uttery me on mornings when I'm not quite awake yet.

Shadow Dancer
18-12-03, 06:37
Yea Dribble I tend to call people n00b RL too.

18-12-03, 08:51
when i was playing my ppu for a long time, i noticed everytime i woke up i would try to sellect my heal spell in slot 8 and heal myself... hahaha

18-12-03, 09:19
I am constantly tempted to do the sex emote myself. And not just do the motions, but actually say 'sex' along with it. People give you REALLY weird looks when you do this haha.

18-12-03, 09:30
ok dont know if you guys this to but i find myself saying chat room words too ppl who have no idea wut they mean i have to stop myself from saying them, when some one says somthing funny its almost second nature to say lol " said like: Luagh out loud" too 0_o, or gd the most anoying, since in nc my type buttuon is set to "y" when typing on aim or msn i always start with y lmao... any you ppl have that problem too ? :cool:

EDIT: as far as saying n00b to myself in my head about ppl yea i do that too ;)

18-12-03, 09:34
My cousin from overseas works at my firm now, and i share my room with him until my sister moves out in a couple of months.

At 3 in the AM, i awoke hastily and made a beeline for my sister's room. I blew open the door, and she immediately sat upright in bed and asked me what the matter was. I just shrugged, and turned to head back to my room when i almost jumped at the sight of my uncle standing directly behind me, flabbergasted.

The conversation went something like this:

Frank: Whazzamatter with you? Why'd you dart out like that?
Me: Thought i heard something.
Frank: Heard what? I dont hear anything.
Me: Wait...There it is again. You hear it?
Frank (*Stands absolutely still, getting scared now): Still nothing. Whats going on?
Me: How many points do you have in recycle?
Frank: What?
Me: Nevermind, ill explain it in the morning. You wont understand now.

And with that, i retired to bed. Whether or not he decided to sleep in the same vicinity as myself that night, ill never know. In the morning, i could remember all of what i had said and done, but i had no idea why i did or said them. I dont take any intoxicants, so the fact remains that i had been overworked that week, and my brain wasnt functioning properly because i awoke in the middle of the night.

Damn Neocron.

18-12-03, 09:38
lmao ahh this thread is the best, GM's make it a sticky ^^:D

Original monk
18-12-03, 10:35
my dreams tend to take place in the mc5 area :/ most times is fun but not always ya see, sumthimes its creepy :P

i dunno but alot of things happen in my dream alot concerning me being in mc5 and and dunno what i all do over there, probably talk to the commander and he's friends a bit lol

other things that happen is when i read a short in real life (like cs) i always immediatly think of the neocron words concerning the shorts ... pretty annoying when it involves trafficsigns etc ...

also i use the word sex alot (in the neocron meaning i mean) and regularly use the emote with it irl :)

yeah, neocron plays/screws with youre brains, even after you stopped playing hehe :)

18-12-03, 11:49
Lol ... There are so many things that i dont realise that i do IRL...

I do the whole say Lol thing... I do the whole noob thing... The oddest thing is when im walkin and i have my right hand like it would be pressed down on my right mouse button to move, and my left hand with fingers on my strafe keys :/

Or when i've been talking in IRC alot then i start some sentences with /me.....

thats annoys people lol

Or i start to think out loud about how to change my set up..."if i lommed some of my transport i can put it in mellee...." Lol

I'ma strange girlie :p

18-12-03, 11:50

nuff said

18-12-03, 11:53
Im not a child im just a woman with too much time on her hands sometimes.. so :p

Anyways i think it happens alot, i apparently start talkin about work in my sleep...

The main three/four things in my life are Work. Neocron, My Bf and my family.. So these are goin to be the main things that my brain remembers.. Lol

18-12-03, 11:56
Originally posted by darknessfairy
Im not a child im just a woman with too much time on her hands sometimes.. so :p

Anyways i think it happens alot, i apparently start talkin about work in my sleep...

The main three/four things in my life are Work. Neocron, My Bf and my family.. So these are goin to be the main things that my brain remembers.. Lol

talking about this thread starter guy whos walking around hearing music?

get the exorsist (nice spelling there i bet)

18-12-03, 11:57
Or i start to think out loud about how to change my set up..."if i lommed some of my transport i can put it in mellee...." Lol

Im in my office. Im sitting at my desk running up some numbers. I look up and say "If i lom to 90 agl, i can still cap the damage on blacksun and stealth simultaneously". Everyone looks at me. Everyone looks away.

I resume working.

18-12-03, 12:01
How the fuck can u dream about nc, Stop playing that much, its not healthy

btw I only dream about girls

18-12-03, 12:07
Originally posted by ResurgencE
Im in my office. Im sitting at my desk running up some numbers. I look up and say "If i lom to 90 agl, i can still cap the damage on blacksun and stealth simultaneously". Everyone looks at me. Everyone looks away.

I resume working.

Im Glad im not the only one, i thought there was something very strange with me then ... Well maybe there is, but at least people share my strangeness :p

Shakey -=Tank=-
18-12-03, 12:14
So far I've never actually said it out loud (I hope) but lol pops in my head all the time when someone says or does something funny. & to the guy who heard music in his head don't worry it's quite normal although i've never heard NC music but when I listen to the same album too often the odd track can pop in my head when my mind is blank, it's like having a f**king walkman on :lol:

18-12-03, 12:49
Ive actually said LOL out loud at work, my GF says i talk bout NC in my sleep alot, although she doesnt understand what im sayiing :D I work with by best bud and we are ALWAYS getting told to stfu by our bosses when we start going on about "Anyways i wuz atMB last nite an this Templars d00d was like Pwning the shit outta me..." that sorta stuff.

Ive found myself stood in bars half drunk and mentally planning who id take out first with my lib or CS if all of a sudden it cracked off :lol:

Surly its not healthy, and i nearly forgot, i FREQUENTLY hear the NC music, not the whole track very often but i always hear WBs too 8|

18-12-03, 12:56
I think thats its not the matter of that there is something wrong with us i just tink we enjoy things to much maybe, if you can do that at all! So there is nothignwrong we are all perfectly normal, i just think that it is the rest of them that are wierd!

18-12-03, 13:06
pfft... i just dl a char planner and sit on these forums at work :p

oh and i dream about NC so much it gets to the point that i have no idea what i did last time i played...

"did i PPU in caves last night or was that a dream? am i logged in medicare or at CRP? did i really PK those people or did i imagine it?"

it really messes with your mind after a while :p

18-12-03, 13:17

I havent really had any weird stuff happen to me lately, but i remember back in beta when i first started playing I had a few occurances that kinda freaked me out...

1) I was walking through a park near my house heading home when I swear I heard the grumble of a warbot. Immediatly I ducked behind a tree without even thinking and didnt move until I had a good look around the area. I quit stayin up playing all night after that one.

2) Another time I was half awake and my girlfreind dragged me to the store for groceries. She was looking at some food while I hung out by the cart (as always) when I swore that I heard someone ask for high TL constructor over the stores PA system...

and 3) Similar to some of you, I guess I was dreaming or something...but my girlfreind said I was kneeling on the bed like I had a rifle butted up against my shoulder while i was making "shooting noises" (as my gf calls it) and acting like I was shooting things that werent there. This doesnt suprise me because I often sleepwalk....nothing big. I usually just go to the kitchen and eat some weird stuff and talk in a "weird language" while im asleep.

So yeah, I know first hand that if you immerse yourself in something so much, it will end up becoming a reality for you in one sense or another.

My gf's just glad I dont "shoot guns on the bed" anymore.


18-12-03, 13:20
Originally posted by Deo
3) Similar to some of you, I guess I was dreaming or something...but my girlfreind said I was kneeling on the bed like I had a rifle butted up against my shoulder while i was making "shooting noises" (as my gf calls it) and acting like I was shooting things that werent there.

hahaha... thats insane - i wanna do that!

18-12-03, 13:24
Originally posted by Jesterthegreat
hahaha... thats insane - i wanna do that!

Not with my girlfreind you dont. Shes got a killer left hook when shes half awake.:D

Dribble Joy
18-12-03, 13:46
Not haveing a recticle while walking down the street infuriates me sometimes. I soooo want to lock onto and blast away with my judge at all the fucking townie neds around me.

Seeing a small rat in the hedge and thinking about all the xp I would get, and the meat... mmmmmmm....

18-12-03, 15:01
So now you all see just how easy it if for your minds to accept an alternate reality?
You'll get along just fine when in the future you have to have your brain transfered over to computer and stay permenently connected to the internet.

Yay for technology!!!

18-12-03, 15:14
I was in a presentation by a Time & Attendance company and the directors of the effected areas were there. The HR Manager starts going on about employee rights and BIG BROTHER MENTALITY with regards to thumb readers and I indirectly call her a carebear whilst discussing the problem DOH !

I got a couple of knowing glances from IT guys :p

Original monk
18-12-03, 15:25
indeed ckvega: the idea of the matrix: all connected to the internet and living in the same giant virtual world.
Where not physically connected yet but that wont take long :)

Solipsism by descartes comes into mind: "onlything that i am sure of is that i life and think, but anything and everyone around me can yust be a big dream (virtual world), ya yust cant be sure of that, onlything ya can be sure of is that you are here yourself thinking the tought you have at that moment" je pense donc je suis, i think so i am (freely translated) ...

now to get back to the topic: about the neocron music: do you mean the music ? or do you mean those (semi-subliminal) messages :P

The messages i hear em constantly :/

"from head to feet, all you need"

"for reeza for neocron, for the people"

"dre, its where you live"

"dangerous criminal sighted inside the innercity limits"

i really get nuts of those LOL

18-12-03, 16:52
Originally posted by Jesterthegreat
oh and i dream about NC so much it gets to the point that i have no idea what i did last time i played...

"did i PPU in caves last night or was that a dream? am i logged in medicare or at CRP? did i really PK those people or did i imagine it?"

it really messes with your mind after a while :p

DUDE!! Don't ya HATE that????? :eek:

18-12-03, 16:54
Originally posted by Wharg0ul
DUDE!! Don't ya HATE that????? :eek: you know what... i really do

18-12-03, 17:59
I used to play Rogue Spear(Tom Clancy's first-person shooter anti-terrorism multiplayer online) non-stop for hours everyday. My roomate would get pissed when he wanted to go to a bar or have a party and I would chill in my room playing this game.

Well, there was a feature of the game where you could look at yourself in 3rd person view, much like Neocron and look around walls and corners. The default button for this was F1. This 'feature' was effectively the best way to win any sort of matches by planting your person looking directly into a wall or box in 3rd person view and when someone came down the corridor just straffing out and headshoting them. The term used in the game for this was F1 CAMPING. My roommate heard me yelling numorous times "GODDAMNIT YOU FUCKING F1 CAMPERS" and apparently knew basically what I was refering too.

We went to a hockey game and had a few brews and were really getting into the game when one of the players on the opposing team has taken the puck behind his goal and is sitting there letting the time run down waiting for someone to come and get him. My roomate stands up and screams "YOU FUCKING F1 CAMPER!!!!!" and I pull him down and say "shut the fuck up dude, people are gunna think you're crazy"

18-12-03, 18:01
Originally posted by Crashtec
I used to play Rogue Spear(Tom Clancy's first-person shooter anti-terrorism multiplayer online) non-stop for hours everyday. My roomate would get pissed when he wanted to go to a bar or have a party and I would chill in my room playing this game.

Well, there was a feature of the game where you could look at yourself in 3rd person view, much like Neocron and look around walls and corners. The default button for this was F1. This 'feature' was effectively the best way to win any sort of matches by planting your person looking directly into a wall or box in 3rd person view and when someone came down the corridor just straffing out and headshoting them. The term used in the game for this was F1 CAMPING. My roommate heard me yelling numorous times "GODDAMNIT YOU FUCKING F1 CAMPERS" and apparently knew basically what I was refering too.

We went to a hockey game and had a few brews and were really getting into the game when one of the players on the opposing team has taken the puck behind his goal and is sitting there letting the time run down waiting for someone to come and get him. My roomate stands up and screams "YOU FUCKING F1 CAMPER!!!!!" and I pull him down and say "shut the fuck up dude, people are gunna think you're crazy" lmfao

J. Folsom
18-12-03, 18:12
Originally posted by robdekoning
btw I only dream about girls Female PEs? Or the PP strippers? :p


As for the continuing to hear music from a game, I have that a lot, except usually with stuff I played years ago and which I only vaguely remember, after which it get's on my nerves that I can't remember what it's from, only to have a sudden insight a few hours later on what it's from, but then having completely forgotten why I was wondering about that... Well, until I usually wake up the next day, after which the whole music and remembering thing is suddenly as clear as it can be.

I rarely use online terms outside of games though, on ther other hand, I rarely use online terms online, so I suppose that helps.

Also according to various people I've shared rooms with, tell me I apparently sleepwalk, but in a highly coherent nearly awake manner... However, the only reason I ever figured this out is because people told me about it, I'm never consciously aware of it.

... As for dreams, I have the full thingamajig going on there as well, though I'm always fully aware of it being a dream, I can even force myself to wake up if a dream starts seriously freaking me out.

18-12-03, 19:26
Im really glad to read all your posts and to see that many people enjoy this game and other games and have an ... intense experience when playing.

I have forgot to answer a couple of posts... to the guy that recommend a link... bah, I wont answer that :rolleyes:
And to the guy that ask me about music/msgs of the female voice, it was the music :)

One more thing that I have forgotten... I think that NC soundtrack is one of the best Blade Runner style music that I have heard on this kind of games and its a really important thing to create the NC cyberpunk atmosphere... congrats !!!

Happy Xmas to all

18-12-03, 20:50
I used to play a bit of Deus Ex about two years ago... SP here and there, but MP moreso.

I walked past a cash machine and stopped in my tracks, deciding whether it was worth hacking for some extra cash.

I've thought to myself "lol", "noob" etc and have called a few people noobs... I think i said "lol" out loud once or twice :)

19-12-03, 06:18
I've had times when my girlfriend has woken me up to tell me i was talking about Pain Easers in my sleep, and i've also talked about stealth tools when im "nearly" awake..but not quite.

Lately i have also been aware of my dreams being dreams and not reality, and i can force myself to wake up.

19-12-03, 11:55
Originally posted by |R@zor|
I've had times when my girlfriend has woken me up to tell me i was talking about Pain Easers in my sleep, and i've also talked about stealth tools when im "nearly" awake..but not quite.

Lately i have also been aware of my dreams being dreams and not reality, and i can force myself to wake up.

I kind of do that too, as far as the realizing that dreams are dreams, Ill start thinking to myself a lot and be like "oh shit Im awake, stop thinking and go back to sleep." and I immediately do so

Ive had 1 dream where I was in this mudhole town for some reason or another, and carniflex and gestra were there, both were apu, and were using poison, but then they just seemed to disappear. after that I was running around asking the folk if there was a genrep around, and they all were like "yeah, but it dont work so we buried it" -- very long story short, I halted some kind of dance in the town center by blowing a hole in the deck outside so I could get to the gr. It cost me 50 cents and worked.

other than that, for some odd reason the number 127 is of a more significant meaning in real life now as well. o_O

19-12-03, 12:15
lol, I get that after playing/doing anything too much. Often after a long time on Ventrilo etc I can still hear people talking O_o

Heh, nd sumtimes I hear the cron music too :lol:

19-12-03, 13:07
Only ever happened to me once - was back in Beta when I was moving house and took 2 months off work... I played a lot.
At the time, I had little knowledge of PvP and kept getting PKed over and over by the same guy 'cos I used to call him names and dreamt I killed him once - That was the 1st time I killed Sid :D

But, I have 'thought' "LOL" sometimes and then wondered if I should be laughing or saying LOL :D

19-12-03, 14:58
Originally posted by Jest
I am constantly tempted to do the sex emote myself. And not just do the motions, but actually say 'sex' along with it. People give you REALLY weird looks when you do this haha.

Yeah this is great when youre on the pub or clubbing or
whatever. Dont do it if you actually want sex tho.

Another thing I had a problem with was when I was dev on a
mud a few years back, when I couldnt find something irl I was
always like "oh Ill just use the locate command... doh"

19-12-03, 15:59
Being waked up from deep REM phase of sleep (that's the one where you see the wildest and most obscure dreams) sometimes makes the drowsy victim say something veeery weird.

An example of this:

This happend back in the beta 4 days when I was introduced to this game, I had played about 48 hours with only 3-4h of sleep each night - yes, I was heavily addicted to neocrack back then. Anyway, after that gaming 'session' my bro came to wake me up to ask if I was going to school. I raised my eyebrows and answered "2 dex to gatling rifle". He repeated the question and I just said "gatling". Being a bit confused he left the room. I of course had distorted memories of this event - I distinctly remember answering "let me sleep" or something like that. :)

NeoCrack - See the pretty lights

19-12-03, 17:47
I lived GTA3 for almost a year. Fortunatly im too young to drive, but whenever i was in a car with someone else i just had the urge to rip them out the door, and floor it to the nearest pay'n'spray.

Whenever i saw a black four door car i nearly hid, thinking it was the mafia lol.

I never had much weird shit to do with NC, apart from always thinking up new setups when bored at school.

19-12-03, 17:55
that used to happen to me when I played game boy too much. Never with any other game, although I don't play neocron with the music on. If the music in a game gets old it can ruin the whole game.

@ Ormy ROFL when I was on my GTA3 binge for like 2 seconds I thought I was playing the game or something while driving.... I was like "look pedestrians on the sidewalk... 10 pts each" then I was like oh wait this is real life...

19-12-03, 18:02
Originally posted by Jest
I am constantly tempted to do the sex emote myself. And not just do the motions, but actually say 'sex' along with it. People give you REALLY weird looks when you do this haha.

OMG i have that to irl.. more the urge to say sex to everybody lol.. u but lucky i always get a grip on live because saying sex to girls and all..