View Full Version : I have Kami and Psi Core

17-12-03, 04:30
What shud I have in APU (base) and PPU (Base) with Kami, Psi Core, Exp 2 and 3

17-12-03, 04:39
how about figuring it out on your own? other people did, why cant you?

17-12-03, 04:41
I did figure out one on my own but getting other peoples opinions too thank you

17-12-03, 05:15
112 ppu & more than that in APU?

17-12-03, 05:18
haha blasehase, i saw that before your edit :p thats what i thought at first too ;)

17-12-03, 05:19
find out on your own.... help destroy cookie cut setups... plus its part of the fun... and god ppl can we stop with all these hybrid threads it just gonna make em get nerfed YET AGAIN

17-12-03, 05:39
Originally posted by Lafiel
find out on your own.... help destroy cookie cut setups... plus its part of the fun... and god ppl can we stop with all these hybrid threads it just gonna make em get nerfed YET AGAIN

hybrids are supposed to be a way..

they should never have been nerfed in the first place.. evolution should have tought us to fight them instead.

and yes i fully agree...

no more Cookie Cutters =P

17-12-03, 06:11
how about DS, Psi core move-on + pp resistor

:P 114 and rest in APU

Colt Starling
17-12-03, 11:57
Originally posted by VetteroX
how about figuring it out on your own? other people did, why cant you?

Lol, there's always an asshole :)

WTF do you think these forums are for divvy? What's the point in spending hours testing a set up when some one can help with a little advice?

Or are you one of these bitter and twisted selfish twats who's so far removed from the idea of a community that you've forgoten that this is a game?

IF you cant help... shut it :)

17-12-03, 12:02
Originally posted by VetteroX
how about figuring it out on your own? other people did, why cant you?

You know what, there are some real helpful people around... :rolleyes:

Then there are some right miserable fuckers as well - how they get by on a day to day basis beats me - got nothing nice to say? Then how about not saying it and saving us from listening to your childish drivel.

17-12-03, 12:16
because hes asking for a free ride when other people have worked for a setup. besides, 1/2 the fun is making a char, getting somone to make if for you takes the fun out. There have been plenty of idiots who before a fight go like "oh so and so helped me im gonna beat you" well first of all they never do, and second, if you do win, you have accomplished nothing, its simply a victory for your teacher. All my chars are 100% my own design, id never accept help from anyone, cause its fun to make my own chars and I have pride in my own setups. Why the hell would I wanna use someone elses?

Its ok to tell people where a nice leveling spot is or whatever, but char design should be your own.

17-12-03, 12:26
OK - so you don't want to help anyone - hows about not saying anything then rather than posting to say "Screw you" - others may be willing to help - just 'cos you're a miserable git !!!

17-12-03, 12:31
Fair does, Vetterox has his opinion and has shared his thoughts.

Then again if people want to share setups and ignore him, that's their opinion as well.

My opinion is I'd rather fight people on an even playing field, so it comes down to skill rather than who's setup is better.

this game is also too friendly to high pingers.
in other FPS they'd get slaughtered.

17-12-03, 12:51
lemme point out in the starters post, its not saying "any advise?" its saying "give me a setup"

This would have been better: "Im new to monks and need a little help. With these imps, psi core, kami, exp 3 and exp 2, what do you think would be a good balance, holy ppu spells and low level apu, or blessed ppu spells and higher level apu spells? I want him to be focues on pvm or pvp"

But no, he says "give me a setup, I dont even want to try"

Thats my problem.

17-12-03, 13:09
It's more fun when you make your own setup.

Besides, hybrids are getting nerfed next patch. Assuming there really IS a god...

17-12-03, 13:18
Originally posted by VetteroX
All my chars are 100% my own design, id never accept help from anyone, cause its fun to make my own chars and I have pride in my own setups. Why the hell would I wanna use someone elses?

i thought you figured out your resists on the test server. no?

Colt Starling
17-12-03, 13:23
Originally posted by VetteroX
because hes asking for a free ride when other people have worked for a setup. besides, 1/2 the fun is making a char, getting somone to make if for you takes the fun out. There have been plenty of idiots who before a fight go like "oh so and so helped me im gonna beat you" well first of all they never do, and second, if you do win, you have accomplished nothing, its simply a victory for your teacher. All my chars are 100% my own design, id never accept help from anyone, cause its fun to make my own chars and I have pride in my own setups. Why the hell would I wanna use someone elses?

Its ok to tell people where a nice leveling spot is or whatever, but char design should be your own.

Actually no, he's looking for advice. Set up is VERY complex. I've been playing Neocron for a long time and havent figured it all out.

There's nothing wrong with asking for a set up, it's OOC. All your worried about is helping someone that may eventually kick your ass at some point. But it's a game FFS.

If you feel so strongly, dont give any advice, it's that simple. If he wanted to try it himself, he wouldnt have asked so your comments are futile.

You may be an expert on set up, but some people arent and need all the help they can get.

You may see it as a free ride, I see it as someone saving some one else a freat deal of time and money on loms.

It's more fun when you make your own setup.

In your oppinion... Personally lomming and fucking about with set up bores the tits of me. Theres nothing wrong with having a place to start.

Has this community become so inward that even advice gets flamed?

GT-Rice hit the nail on the head.. your intitled to your thoughs about advice.. just dont ram them down every other fuckers throats. SOME people like to help others.

Psyco Groupie
17-12-03, 13:23
"IM GOD HERE" .. thats what vet thinks anyway .. hahaha

just play around with points .. sure you'll lose experience but you'll only level up again :D