View Full Version : the most gratuitous thing anyone has ever done for u in neocron

16-12-03, 15:22
2 things... i was a 0/2 noob tankand Rizzy (Saturn) was the first person i ever met. At the time he was */52, tankocron was in full effect and i had no idea how to do anything.
Pistol tanks were everywhere and rizzy built me a 4 slotted nailgun, told me about specialization and got me enough info and money to set me on the right track to addiction.

Months later as a capped tank the only thing missing to uberness was a unattainable Hercules chip. A m8 of mine who constantly helped me and i helped him gave me a free no questions asked herc chip. just for being cool. i was like..... :eek: :o :D
my first cs and moonstriker was given to me by this same person. thats whats made help noobs as much as possible. not only does it keep them ingame, it also creates a allie when they cap, or better yet, if they decide to go red on you, you are one person they wont lame pk ( ie Kill you while u hack a wb)

a clan member, was standing in plaza 1 and some random runner came up to him and just gave him a herc chip... no hi no hey u need this, just opened trade and pressed ok 8|

whats the most gratuitous thing a person has done for you?

Dribble Joy
16-12-03, 16:01
AngelDust gave me a Larent pistol Barrel.
I think he gave me the last piece to my Sa, but then the ronins and skulls pooled thier MC5 parts so it wasn't really a big gesture.
TCO giving me my first judge, ah the memories.

Psyco Groupie
16-12-03, 16:03
errr ... I dont think anyones done anything tooo special for me since im fairly old skool, i did however give someone like 9 mil when i went inactive .. the bastard onyl went and quit the game though lol :P .. so when i came bakc i had to make another 20 mil :D

16-12-03, 16:18
Brillo gave me his riggrs dream :)

16-12-03, 16:23
Magnazan gave me a 3 slot CS.
Malefic helped me out the most, us 4 farmed mc5 parts, im greatful for them helping me out, and in helping me get other rares too.
Cyborg helped me as a n00b and told and gave me everything i needed at that time.

16-12-03, 16:26
when i first started some guy gave me 5k and i thought it was a shit load, as i had a whopping 800nc :)

Jello a mate i used to work with gave me all the parts to a CS, marine, moonie, mal and doomie. I helped him get tech parts and that when it was 3 a warbot.

I ppu'ed all the time and he was so high rank i got zero exp.

But i did get the trade off of all tank weapons.

I gave most marine/CS parts i ever got to people i was clanned with...

16-12-03, 16:36
Def on Pluto gave me a TL 150 construction tool to help me start my construction job.

Ironically i joined his clan, and i re-rolled my char and gave the TL 150 tool to a fellow clanmate that was trying to be a constructor. Which he probably did the same thing, but i stopped playing on pluto along time ago.

16-12-03, 16:36
When Cryton quit NC the 1st time round, he gave me everything... and I do mean everything. That helped me get on my way and ever since I have been rich-ish (well, hovered around 1-8 mil).

Lexx once gave me 40 Billion in datacubes :D. Capped my characters INT in around 1 hour - lol

16-12-03, 16:51
Got free stuff from a few constructors when I was a retail noob for collecting and giving them junk.

Got 1.7 million from a bloke on Saturn for helping him hunt.

Got lots of stuff from my past and present clans but gave lots in return.

16-12-03, 17:06
Flea (AKA Keypad) tought me the PKing side of the game when i was a rank 18 pistol PE about a year ago.

Most fun i ever had in one night online :D

J. Folsom
16-12-03, 17:09
I've been given plasma a few times, face first mostly.

Nicest thing I've ever had was a REVENGE, as far as I can remember, though I've got a bunch of level 2 imps as well through people I know, which was a reasonably nice business back when they didn't drop at all.

Original monk
16-12-03, 17:23
SOO many people did me sooo many favours and helped me out sooo much that i dont know who to thank, to many people from the smallest noobs till the biggest veterans/neo-addicts all helped me out wonderfull in my neocronlife, THANK YOU all, for all the wonderfull trades, wonderfull fights, wonderfull chatting, wonderfull help when i was in trouble ...

one extra mentioning, happend last night: i was looking for the hull of devourer badly and someone was selling it. Aguy called rox(ethereal) needed the parts also and also wanted to buy em ... after i asked him he left the trade and told me i could have my last part wich i wanted to thank em for a 1000 times. Also, i got badluck and a 0slotter but i will never forget that he left me buying the part witouth any hassles: i ow em a BIG favour now... with this : THANK YOU ethe

And ffcourse thank you all people for all those cool trades and ffcourse all the other dutchspeaking people ingame: yeah you guys know who im talking about: catcher, inchenzo, dutchpowermonk, ethe, and daamn all you other guys also


exagurating ? NOPE not at all

and ffcourse all the people that take care of the wellbeing of the game in genral, those include all devs, GM's, mods etc

over all this time there was to many help, to many support, to many friends and to many cool people surrounding me to thank em all: so by this one:THANX all

friendly greetings of original, with deep respect to you all

16-12-03, 17:27
Originally posted by Original monk
friendly greetings of original, with deep respect to you all

You can feel the love in that post :D

16-12-03, 17:32
a mate gave me the 4 last parts for my DS for free, fw was his name.

fang gave me an artifact HL for free once.

there might have been other things i could mention here as well, but i cant remember them anymore. too many ppl helped me.

but the best things is being in my clan.

thx for everyone who ever did me a favour ;)

16-12-03, 17:34
The Pro clan and there members gave me more stuff than I can ever wish for.

MC5 chips, rares, techs, cash, help, a laugh.

Always greatful and still use most of it today :D

Thanks guys :)

16-12-03, 17:36
heh i gave a guy 1 million creds to start on uranus, i think he quit about a week later, but he Dm'd me EVERY day for like a week saying ffffffaaaaaaaaaaaannkkkkk woooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

amongst the other noob questions............

16-12-03, 18:36
First five minutes in Beta4, someone came up to me and gave me 80k to hold, and asked me to give it to another char.

No I didnt steal it, but they did give me 10k of it - which made me rich beyond my wildest dreams.

At least until Carl Villient charged me 8k for a slotted Colt. Daylight robbery!

16-12-03, 18:40
was given 2 million on pluto to let someone kill me to get their TG sympathy up.

was given a 2 slot PE on pluto when i made a rifle PE when i started playing.

was given 200k when i asked for 5k

was given a balance advancer 3, moto 3, balistic weapons chip 3 when i was asking for them on saturn long time ago.

nothing BIG besides the first 2 maybe.

Shadow Dancer
16-12-03, 20:10
Fred1 gave me a 5 slot artifact liberator 10 minutes after meeting him. o_O

16-12-03, 20:12
I dont think any one has ever done anything huge for me, but its more of the constant small acts of gratuity that I remember in the long run and there are plenty of people who give me those.

16-12-03, 20:14
clan mates for managing to live with me :)

Shadow Dancer
16-12-03, 20:23
Originally posted by KramerTheWeird
clan mates for managing to live with me :)

Amen. :p

Beanie McChimp
16-12-03, 21:33
Ahhhh the early days Neocron was freshley installed and patched account up and running i log on wtf do I do went through my mind I asked for help soooo much and never got it but as 2 months progressed i asked for help inject13 i asked what to do his exact words were "go and kill in sewers cock" lol best advice ever. Oh and my first clan helped me out so much John Spike built me shit loads of stuff(leader of second clan after split remnants of previous clan) helped me out drving the clan on gr missions oh and shakey how could i forget shakey of course he helped me out fun times fun times.

16-12-03, 21:38
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Fred1 gave me a 5 slot artifact liberator 10 minutes after meeting him. o_O

Did he cap ur char for you too?

Doc Holliday
16-12-03, 21:43
i got locked in the sewers one time when i was like 0/5 and whiterabbit came along and hacked the door so i could get out with a poison plant on my ass. then he told me all about poking and showed me the ropes an gave me 40k to get on with. top bloke.

16-12-03, 21:43
well Ka Jion gave me a NeMa #7 Magazine!

16-12-03, 21:45
Fred1 gave me a 5 slot artifact liberator 10 minutes after meeting him

fredware as i recall was all spawned using his gm char...which was later banned

16-12-03, 21:46
Alex has gave me alot of shit since i met him...

Lib, DS, PPU shit, APU shit, rare parts....money.....

Mini and Sleazy P helped me out alot too, MC5 and shit

Also kobra, rade and red harvest were the ones that teached me how to PvP, learned a little from each of them at the start or retail. Something worth more than money ;)

Dribble Joy
16-12-03, 21:51
Outside a pub, somewhere in the hole that is bristol.

QD telling me that dmg affected shelter/deflector effectivness, and that no, shop bought ones were not a good idea.

Doc Holliday
16-12-03, 21:55
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
Outside a pub, somewhere in the hole that is bristol.

QD telling me that dmg affected shelter/deflector effectivness, and that no, shop bought ones were not a good idea.

so u went out on the piss and talked cron??

Dribble Joy
16-12-03, 22:05
Hehe, I wish.


It was a small get to gether in bristol, we went to the pub for a pint, I wanted to stay and get blatted, but the other two chumps wanted to go to pizza hut of all places.

16-12-03, 22:25
well.. when i quit.. the first time :/

= acidfate from TR btw incase anyone was wondering.. last winer

i gave around like 14 first loves that i had collected away.. my SS/SF/... CS/moon/doom bunch of stuff

and done to me...

Hygh.. i was a semi-noob char and he hooked me up with whatever i needed.

16-12-03, 22:45
Def gave me a Filter Heart 2 and two slot Fire Apoc.
Blaize gave me my first rare a two slot Judge near beginning of retail.
Gannon gave me a 5 slot wyatt earp, two libs, and a SF CPU (thanks! sorry I got rid of all the stuff by the time you came back...)
Many many others, but those at the time were the best.

16-12-03, 23:17
Rabbi is cool, he gave me a 2 slot liberator for my love.

fw gave me a HL part once too.

Eric Draven though pretty much funded my characters. I miss him.


Shadow Dancer
16-12-03, 23:37
Originally posted by g0rt
Did he cap ur char for you too?

Uhh no. I heard rumors he was a GM, but way after he gave me all that free stuff.

17-12-03, 00:08
Varaem gave me Titan armor, before the scorpion queen was spawning :) She also gave me a 4 slot BS and offered a Filter 2, which I declined.

Trillian has gave me several liberators! and plenty of sex'ing

Stacey has cloned titanic amounts of various ammo/boosters/drugs

The Owner gave me 400k-500k to help me start a clan

Lisa Davitt has gaven me so much I can't really begin or I'll take forever :D

Freeejumper gave me a Terminator.. actually no, but she's supposed to because I say so! :p

17-12-03, 00:15
i gave a firend of mine an SA :eek: for free jsut outta kindness o_O :p

EDIT: am i a nice person or wut?:cool:

17-12-03, 00:18
i started a noob char on pluto
people gave me free beserk 1 2 and 3, and marine cpu

then all the tank melee rares got for free too ;], cept the paw of bear and i only paid 100k for it ;]

17-12-03, 00:45
Originally posted by Shujin
i started a noob char on pluto
people gave me free beserk 1 2 and 3, and marine cpu

then all the tank melee rares got for free too ;], cept the paw of bear and i only paid 100k for it ;] I would have given it to you for free since I have enough parts to build like 5 of them haha, but I needed the money to change factions. :p

17-12-03, 01:11
someone gave me 20k once after i asked for some money:rolleyes:

thats about it....

17-12-03, 01:13
Hrm, well I've never had any really nice big things done for me, but I've had small stuff given to me here and there. I started a nooblet rifle PE on Pluto a few months ago (still only a rank /30-/35 or something :() and I had finally managed to find a researcher to research a heal for me. I collected the parts and eventually found a constructor. I went to trade him all the parts, and instead of building my heals, he just outright gave me a modded 4 slot heal. :D And another time shortly before or after that, I had needed a rifle built, and I was spamming trade with 'WTB TL 13 rifle' or something, when this guy walked up to me and gave me a 4 slot TL 13 rifle for free. :D

That's about it :( I'd mention various clan things, but that's not really out of the ordinary (getting free stuff from the clan and clanmates).

Ever since I found a way to rake in tons of nc whenever I need to, I've been giving noobs 100k+ nc whenever I get the chance. I even gave one 300k nc the other day, but he said it was too much and gave 100k back.

I gave Kelly Bontag my 2 slot liberator when I lommed that character to rifles way back in march or so (though she/he says they can't access that account anymore :()

So I do lots of gratuitous things, but I don't get much in return. =/ Ah well, such is the price of being a nice guy. :)

17-12-03, 01:15
someone saw me trying to get by in english on jupiter and gave me a psi core (no joke) after talking to me for less than 30 seconds

17-12-03, 01:24
I can't count how many times ive run into generous people on Neocron, even some recognized my player from earlier betas or because I was a newbie char and they gave me some cash or freebie items in return.

Then again ive also dealt with some scum during the earlier betas (and retail) which was'nt so pleasnt. However my experiences now with NC and players is mostly a pleasnt one due to the generosity of the more advanced and leveled players. Heck someone recognized me from beta and offered to help me switch factions provided I get the sympathy. Gave me 300k for the switch and everything! Was quite an experience.

Thanks to those who have helped my chars out in one way or another, definately appreciated. :angel:

17-12-03, 01:25
Originally posted by Spectra260
someone gave me 20k once after i asked for some money:rolleyes:

thats about it.... Oh no 20k for free what an ass! :lol:

17-12-03, 01:52
i went around giving out energy soulblades to melee tanks because i felt so, so sorry for them :D

17-12-03, 01:56
Oh, most thankful, Kasumi, giving me all her money and stuff when she stopped playing :) But I'm not really taking it all! If she ever comes back it'll go to her, but doubtful she will.

17-12-03, 02:15
I had just walked out of TT hq and a guy happend by and he gave me the key to a an apt in P2. He didnt want it as it was too small. I had never seen the guy before.

17-12-03, 02:17
Alex for all the stuff he has given me (too much to list)
Nexx for that 5 slot lib *cough* that he gave me months ago
Pete for the 4 slot PE
and all my friends for their friendship

17-12-03, 02:28
Once some girl (irl girl) sexed me for pking her.... I guess she liked it like that.. :confused:

17-12-03, 02:33
Uhh.... *thinks* damn, my head hurts *stops thinking*

Nope, can't remember anything nice done to me in retail.

Unless you think it was nice of LVirus and moregore to give me their accounts when they quit.

7 accounts at the moment... argh, what the hell I'm gonna do with them :P

// Wannabe

17-12-03, 02:50
in beta, someone gave me 1.2 billion credits.... you could say there generosity moved me.. TO A BIGGER HOUSE!!111

17-12-03, 02:51
Originally posted by Possessed
and all my friends for their friendship Aaaawwww. How sweet. :p

17-12-03, 02:52
Did i mention the sex too?


17-12-03, 02:58
Originally posted by Jest
Oh no 20k for free what an ass! :lol:

well compared to some people giving away whole rares with multi slots and 500k at a time, rare implants...etc....

20k is like...1 cave run:p

17-12-03, 03:03
i gave lots of n00bs con exp :angel:

17-12-03, 03:26
Chyna and QD spent from my very first day in neocron and 2 months forward, every minute i was online and either of them was, on teaching me this game, and giving me everything i needed no matter what at no cost whatsoever.

17-12-03, 07:36
i was asking on uranus a Tsu about where to find a medpack in canyon. i was apu lvl 0/2 straigt out of mc5. The guy open the trade and give me over 8 million.. the guys came back a few minute later ans ask me for 10k to take the GR !!!!

17-12-03, 08:11
Bennys sig lol
I used to hate weddings cause all my aunts and grandmas would poke me and say "Your next sonny!" They stopped when I started doing it to them at funerals :p :lol: :p how true

17-12-03, 08:26
Wow, i really never had much fun pkin....Just did it cuz i felt like it. If anyone knows how to PK in style gimme a dm <<Uranus>>

17-12-03, 10:53
Originally posted by Obscene
Wow, i really never had much fun pkin....Just did it cuz i felt like it. If anyone knows how to PK in style gimme a dm <<Uranus>>

whats this got to do with how someone helped u out or gave you a very nice gift??

20 k or rare parts isnt highly gracious lol... i was talking about full rares or high level imps

17-12-03, 19:52
As one of the few pokers that would poke him, Ying gave me a 500k tip nearly every time. Also as a poor poor ppu monk, it was nice to have people buy me the spell they wanted cast. Parad0x and Pittspawn are the ones I can recall.

Oh yea, kb showed up one day and gave me a DS because he wasn't playing anymore. Interestingly enough, I gave it to Shadow, who then sold it ; D

Shadow Dancer
17-12-03, 20:08
Originally posted by Carinth

Oh yea, kb showed up one day and gave me a DS because he wasn't playing anymore. Interestingly enough, I gave it to Shadow, who then sold it ; D


I gave you 3 parts to a DS when I joined up. And we got 2 parts to the DS when went hunting at mc5. Then you haggled some guy for hte last part.

I think your paragraph is a bit misleading, as if you tossed a DS to me without me working for it at all. :angel:

17-12-03, 22:20
Agh, sorry. I thought that was the one I gave you, but now that you mention it I do remember building yours. Kb gave me one around the same time, I think Lord actualy might have it. Sorry shad : )

Capt. Rik
17-12-03, 22:38
a guy called Captain Caveman gave me his 2 slot gatling speed cannon + a set of exp. bones on his leaving day!

17-12-03, 23:55
Some n00b PSI monk gave me a 4 slot heal and a 5 slot Deflector and 6 sets of VK armor on Pluto....
The same person then gave me a 4 slotted E beam on Saturn...

Apparently, this n00b monk couldn't use the spells because he had all his PSI in Resist PSI........rofl.....

Then he sold me 5 tech parts for HL and FA, I paid 800k for them, it turned out that the parts were Computer Junk......:mad:

j/k about the C-junk

Dont Mess
17-12-03, 23:57
er i think rizzy helped me get my first cs by trading with me about 2 or 3 techs err OriginaL cant 4get u helped me the other day in geting my revanger. some1 tipped my barter 300k for selling apcs for them which i thought was alot till i found out u make like 4 mill profit. thats about it

17-12-03, 23:57
Originally posted by Spoon
j/k about the C-junk
for the people with not so good eyesight :D

17-12-03, 23:59
Originally posted by Capt. Rik
a guy called Captain Caveman gave me his 2 slot gatling speed cannon + a set of exp. bones on his leaving day!

Was this on Uranus? If so I had a pistol PE called Captain Caveman, cant remember giving stuff away to anyone though o_O

Shadow Dancer
18-12-03, 00:00

Yea spoon, very funny. :p

18-12-03, 05:31
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer

Yea spoon, very funny. :p


thx again, nub........

18-12-03, 08:52
When i initially started the game, i had no idea where in God's name i was. I dont think a tutorial was even available at the time, so i was thrown directly into MC5 with nary a clue as to what to do.

I saw a runner pass by and asked him if he was a veteran, to which he prompty responded "Yep!" and disappeared, leaving me alone thinking 'Thanks alot, arsehole'.

I stepped outside to have a look around, and Rydell (Who was in NEXT at the time) noticed me looking about warily. He wandered over and asked me if i was a first-timer, to which i nodded my head vigorously. He then proceeded to teach me all the basics of the game, from hunting in the sewers and where i should allocate my initial points, to how i can acquire armour and where i can tradeskill. He gave me 10k (Yes, hes a cheapskate ;)), but that 10k goes a long way for a new runner.

His alt was in FA, as was my new character, and he handed me over to Roneva who was in UPC at the time. I recall Rydell driving me to NC and showing me about the subway, and Roneva guarding my alt as we ran all the way from TH to NC. At the time, they talked so enthusiastically about the game they both loved, that i actually began thinking that there was a story behind it all (At that time, the storyline was quite weak in-game. NEMA wasnt born yet...Or if it was, i was incognizant of it.)

Rydell showed suspicion of a TT runner who passed us by in TH, and i was immediately intrigued by the politics. The second time around, when i was being escorted to NC by Roneva, i instinctively halted when i saw a TT spy heading towards us. Little did i know that Roneva was a hybrid monk...And we all know what would have ensued should a fight have taken place, specially since this was pre-nerf. Roneva merely said "Relax. He wont even think of attacking", and i recall thinking how confident this monk whos supposed to have the hit points of a wet kleenex was.

It was then that i experienced my first sync loop, and when i relogged, it showed my cash at 0. Not knowing i was bugged, i complained to Roneva who instantly reimbursed me for the 40k i had lost. After zoning once, it was 80 again, and i offered it back to him, but he declined and told me to keep it.

Theres alot more to relate, but this is turning into one of those 'Ah, to come alive once more as an oblivious noob' posts, so i think ill desist.

Funny the things you remember. :)

Capt. Rik
18-12-03, 12:36
Originally posted by *ph33r*
Was this on Uranus? If so I had a pistol PE called Captain Caveman, cant remember giving stuff away to anyone though o_O

Nope Saturn. It happened back in september.

18-12-03, 12:49
a pink shirted tank gave me 1mil cr back in beta 4, i thought he was a god or something. a few other people showed me some really helpful tips, and the most recent thing, spanked by dank gave me a holy peralisiss.

18-12-03, 13:44
Hinch gave me my titan armor.
And Vicotnic/Gimling/Tobias (the list goes on) finished a SA and gave it too me.

other then that people are bastards :P

19-12-03, 06:27
oO0... me thinks back to early retail... well when i was a wee tank on saturn i joined a clan called blood brothers like 5 mins after joining them i recived a 3 slot cs .. and i still have it to this day :D

19-12-03, 08:51
hmm, ya, I gave Drake al lthat stuff, couple libs, SF ,etc. 5 slot earp that trillian has now, for her pistol set.

Let's see, Lore/Casius has given me a lot of stuff, 2 slot libbeh, 3 slot libbeh, 2 slot judge, PP chip (i'm borowing the lib and PP chip tho) ya, very nice guy.

umm my good friend Deac has given me cash to start out when I came back a couple months ago...hmm..about it I guess.

..going in game now

19-12-03, 08:52
oh forgot, I traded Deacon a construct glove part for a 2 slot RoLH =D, good deal.

19-12-03, 09:43
heh ive been paying for ring0's account for the last 6 months :)

one of the ebst guys i met in NC was a bloke called kibbs, really sorted me out from the start, same for ring0, sorted my tank out for all equipment etc that he needed, kibbs give me a 3 slot CS aswell and built me various 5 slot nonrares

]-[aXoR*** sold me a damn rare 4 slot tgc with laserpointer for a whole 100k he wanted for psiboosters :lol:

Ive given out loadsa shit to newbs i meet etc, always give them the basics of the game, give em some starter cash or normally 30-50k so its not too much, theyll still need to hunt ;) then take them out and show them the sights on my reveller :)

Shadow Dancer
19-12-03, 09:46
Oh yea, I can't believe i forgot this. But Trillian paid for my account for 2 months. :)

19-12-03, 10:32
actually can i change ?? or at least append ??

I would like to thank KK for making NeoCron

( can i have Cookies implemented as medkits now ?? ;) )

19-12-03, 10:45
Lore on pluto gave me my a copbot rifle and my first Pain Easer.

( can i have Cookies implemented as medkits now ?? ;) ) [/B][/QUOTE]

Original monk
19-12-03, 13:37
Originally posted by viscious666
a pink shirted tank gave me 1mil cr back in beta 4, i thought he was a god or something. a few other people showed me some really helpful tips, and the most recent thing, spanked by dank gave me a holy peralisiss.

i bet it was nathan profit, a.k.a jack of all trades, we all know em well cause he was the true flamermaster :)

he left a long time ago, probably banned for the million of exploits he used or sumthing lol

i killed em a few times with my lowlevelapu-hybrid in beta :) and also stole he's poisonflamer that he dropped LOL, i sold that flamer for TONS of money :)

edit: if anyone wonna give me a working copbotrifle on saturn : GO AHEAD :P

19-12-03, 13:41
Originally posted by Oryx
oh forgot, I traded Deacon a construct glove part for a 2 slot RoLH =D, good deal.

RAWR and who gave you your SF? EH EH EH???

19-12-03, 15:33
Deac did....forgot that one. =D, thanks buddy.


19-12-03, 16:24
id like to thank doc holliday , scorpius, QD, ph34r, made in switzerland, pyper, rabbi fang, just about anybody that poked me, bite, hmmmmmmm...... christ , theres quite a few i need to thank but for all who........oh and hivemind..........have help me out since retail started on uranus for major and minor gratuities during my time here .

.......but truthfully im glad all of you are here and this is what we do......... without the rest of you ,neocron would be utter shit im most grateful for this community an i dont care what people say about it going to shit .....you guys (all of you) are the reason i even bother to crank up my pc an play cron.

ps .maybe except uts. they prolly the only ones that if they gave me a 5 slotted cs id smile put my hand down the back of my pants and slap a big steaming clinkers in their palm and say thanks

Vid Gamer
19-12-03, 16:45
Many people did a lot of nice things during my time of play so I can't really name them all (I probably forgot half).

Something that sticks out is I made a melee Tank on Saturn and I was 0/2 in Plaza 1 and some capped Tank comes up to me and just gives me a MoveOn. :D

Darth Slayer
19-12-03, 22:26
Felixy for sticking by me throu thick and thin.
Decimator, Sir Ramic Hobbs, Arkanis, Jack Torse, <Akasha> , Doc Holiday and Pyper for being a great bunch of guys and girl....:D
Ph34r for giving me my first SF, Wyatt Earp and Libby...:)
Oath for always making me laugh......:p
SSC for inviting me in and putting up with me.
Quantum Delta for well being Quantum Delta.....:lol:
Loads more but I'm tired and can't list them all.

Happy XMAS u Guys and Gals