View Full Version : Teenage mutant ninja babies

15-12-03, 03:05
This is really getting annoying. We tooke some ops today and now instead of fighting for the ops or retaking them. This clan has one or two hackers and fighters running to every op we have hacking 1 layer or blowing a turrent and running. Its really annoying people to have to keep checking shit out.

I say have it so your if your clan hacks a layer and doesn't take the op within a certain period of time you cant retake it for 4 days. This pussy temper tantrum shit I lost so I will blow turrents and hack a layer.

Psycho Killa
15-12-03, 03:07
Stupid shit like this has gone on all of retail. Though all they have done about op fights is beef up and add new turrets along with adding the 3 hack rule. Still hasnt made people have to take ops by fighting for them.... or doing stupid shit with the ops to aggravate you.

Psyco Groupie
15-12-03, 03:10
cry me a river ...

its called a diversion ... or maybe even just anoying some people you particularly dislike .. cant see why anyone would dislike kimmyg though *cough* *splutter*


15-12-03, 03:12
You can't do much besides ignore them... :(

15-12-03, 03:15
Well I find it really annoying and rediculos that 1 layer is being hacked at one outpost every 5-20 mins.

15-12-03, 03:24
Kimmy, you and your BD group decide to do your op warring against the CMA. We are merely doing what we can, but considering you chose to attack when you severely outnumber us we are not going to fight you head on.
The CMA is always interested in a good fight, but we aren't stupid. There is no fun in attacking a group far that has a vast number advantage. If you don't like the annoyance then don't take ops when we have so few members on.
We are merely doing what we can, and believe me, we're getting a lot more fun out of annoying the hell out of you, than you have by capping empty ops all day.

15-12-03, 04:01
Keep it in game.


15-12-03, 04:01
25v4 you beat us.

We got more on to handle and it was about 25v13 you scouted cycrow and never came this was a fair fight you didn't show for it dont cry to me.

This is an english server we moved at started at about 3-6 PM with the main attack we have people from north american and europe are allies in BD I think have alot from german I cant think of a more prime time we could have launched an attack.

15-12-03, 04:05
Originally posted by Ryuben
Keep it in game.


^^ I with the stupid one :D

15-12-03, 04:11
City Mercs have no right to talk about unfair numbers. Everytime I pk at MB with just me, or 1 other person, they gotta send the whole faction to stop it. It was really sad a few days ago when A group of 5 was after me, and I kept picking off members 1b1. Finnaly they had to dredge up a ppu with true sight sanctum to get me, and about 5 other capped players. So City mercs never have a problem with using overwhelming numbers, but cant ever try to fight a battle where your outnumbered? At least give it a shot, maybe you will catch them fooling around or something, but hacking 1 layer and running is lame.

15-12-03, 04:23
lemme let you in on a little strategy (i thought everyone knew)

A kid goes to a door, rings the doorbell and run away..
Man opens door, gets angry no ones there.
Kid runs up rings doorbell again, and run away..
Man opens door again, gets even angryer..

this repeats itself for a while, until suddenly.

the doorbell rings, the man doesnt open the door and lose a check of 20 million cuz he "isnt" at home..

get the idea ??
or you want the entire strategy in NeoCronian terms =P

15-12-03, 04:40
if u get vexed from something as small as this someone does to u ingame u got issues blud

Psycho Killa
15-12-03, 04:41
Its annoying if u show up nothing happens u cant get them there already hightailing it out of there.

If you dont go u lose ur op.

Call it a strategy if u want I call it lame ass tactics that should have something implemented to stop it.

I havent even been in an op fight in a long long time but its the same exact stuff that use to happen when i was in them.

15-12-03, 04:54
u call ya self a thug psycho, modern times now. ppl call it lame for some1 to use a gun, but no one argues, u deal wiv it.

if your a thug what chu whinin for, lay back its all been dun befo

Psycho Killa
15-12-03, 04:56
Hell man all is fair in love and war

But I dealth with this shit for over a month and it just wears u down.

15-12-03, 05:05
those CM kims are mocks nuff said

15-12-03, 05:21
Please leave these issues in-game