View Full Version : Faction Guard Respawn Rate

14-12-03, 08:24
Thought up by -Duke- from Blood Titans, posted by me. Maybe it's been posted before.. oh well, eh?

Each time faction guards are killed, they shouldn't respawn until 1-3 hours+? ingame time. Therefore allowing for more mobility throughout the lands and of course pepper park.

I have no problem with the patch.. just letting you know =)

GiBBs -

14-12-03, 08:25
I agree. if FG are that powerful, the respawn rate should be many hours... that way we could raid.

14-12-03, 09:17

I do agree on the idea to a certain degree, maybe tone it way down to like... 15 minutes. Hour long raids on a HQ just makes the lowbies who are doing epics or the runners who cant fight stay away. it becomes lame. A raid shouldnt last all day.

14-12-03, 09:32
Neocron In-Game time goes by pretty fast, so...

1 Minute(real time) is equal to 6 seconds(game time)..
So in reality, it would go by pretty fast.

A raid on TH would never work, I don't see it being possible, all those turrets, no.

A raid at TG would never work, all those guards, no.

By the time the first batch of guards are killed and you move on to the next ones, the first batch will soon after respawn, I guess this depends on the opposing force.

I guess this idea is only plausible for the PP area.

14-12-03, 16:54
Originally posted by shrubbery
Neocron In-Game time goes by pretty fast, so...

1 Minute(real time) is equal to 6 seconds(game time)..
So in reality, it would go by pretty fast.

You have that backwards, 6 seconds realtime = 1 minute game time.

14-12-03, 17:03
talkin real life time..

i think 15 minute respawn of all guards is a fair request.

real life hour long respawn is really an insane thought.

J. Folsom
14-12-03, 17:05
Originally posted by WebShock
talkin real life time..

i think 15 minute respawn of all guards is a fair request.

real life hour long respawn is really an insane thought. Yeab, but shrubbery's talking about in-game time. When recalculated, his three hours actually come out to 18 minutes. Which is very reasonable.

14-12-03, 17:50
Yeah nice idea haven't tried killing any faction guards other than the tusnami ones though :rolleyes: but damn those flamers hurt like hell.

14-12-03, 18:22
Yeah, thanks for pointing that out Victor.

So all in all it's a fair trade, they have to kill the guards and bring ppu's, to get in.. so they deserve some time to raid the area, after all that hard work..

14-12-03, 19:45
i wish they ran in from the zone point, instead of just appearing

14-12-03, 22:05
Yeah I agree, That would be pretty wicked..

Having them run about towards their post, the guards could be stored in the related HQ, and after so and so hours INGAME time goes by.. the guards are released and run to their post. I like =D