View Full Version : Its Official - Hybrids are back!

13-12-03, 19:22
Having just logged out from fighting the newest form of hybrid im fairly disapointed.

Mainly because this select few who own Kami chips not only have opened up the hybrid theory again, but have started to effect others play. Especially when Im not an APU.

Litterally this guy (monsoon his name was) was kicking the shit outta me, and my 5 slot ROLH which I cap as a PE was doing next to nothing, when he did loose a little health he just ran in a circle for 2 or 3 seconds and was back to full health.

I wouldnt mind if hybrids existed if they had limited capacity of the APU and PPU, as it stands those with a Kami chip have them all once again.

People say there shit in OP wars? I strongly disagree, this guy in PP alone was taking on about 3-4 of us PE's.

Taking what Rade said, it wouldnt be so bad, but the heals rate at which it heals and the amount it heals needs sorting.

Thankfully hybrids are rare now thanks to the chips being inexistant. :eek:

13-12-03, 19:24
Yayayayayay! Nerf the hybrids!

Better yet, make every point in APU subtract a billion from PPU, and so on and so forth.


13-12-03, 19:25
The sledge hammer approach? sure, but I actually want hybrids to exist, but for them to reach the maximum capacity at which they do at the moment.

KK, great patch, now take it further and sort it ! :angel:

13-12-03, 19:27
If he's a Kami hybrid all you need is an Xray modded RoG to drop em quick.

Ako soku zan.

13-12-03, 19:28
i wouldn't have a probs with a uber hybs coming back as long as they made em have a weakness which most could use to take em with a chance of walking away.
Like make the forc/pier a real weakness with like nothing bonus wise to boost it or even have some bits n bobs taking it away or just something so that damn heal dosent negate all the dmg you inflict in the blink of an eye.....

13-12-03, 19:29
Unless, you know, he's got a good resist to Xray.

With shelter, a hybrid can reach 90+% resistance to energy, and 60+% resistance to fire and xray. Not hard at all.

13-12-03, 19:38
If he's a Kami hybrid all you need is an Xray modded RoG to drop em quick.

mines an Xray ROLH, thats capped and it was doing fuck all. ROG is hardly different.. :confused:

13-12-03, 19:57
Yeah its a shame that we all dont have a chance to make a hybrid, just the selcted few :(
Bastards spawn kamis again!

13-12-03, 20:08
Originally posted by Sanch0s
Yeah its a shame that we all dont have a chance to make a hybrid, just the selcted few :(
Bastards spawn kamis again!

Thats exactly what pisses me off. Only the rich or influential can get hold of the equipment needed to be uber, fun.

13-12-03, 20:10
Why are you using energy weapons? Switch to libby, no hybrid can survive piercing attacks, no matter how well polished they are. If you mod it with xray they won't last a clip.

Anyone who uses energy against monks should take a look at how their implants and armor works.

13-12-03, 20:12
This game gets harder every patch. Never easier, really _never_.

13-12-03, 20:15
1 Vs. 1 most hybrids will dominate.
I can accept that, only thing that lead to the hybrids being nerfed a while back was the fact that you could have massive amounts of people attacking one and they wouldn't drop at all.

Shadow Dancer
13-12-03, 20:53
Originally posted by KramerTheWeird
Switch to libby, no hybrid can survive piercing attacks, no matter how well polished they are. If you mod it with xray they won't last a clip.

Sorry that's not true.

13-12-03, 20:55
Yeah true libby sucks against hybrids

13-12-03, 20:55
Agreed. A decent hybrid can spec a load of force resist. And that's not even considering how easy it is to get a high damage percentage on Holy Deflector.

13-12-03, 21:00
Originally posted by KramerTheWeird
Why are you using energy weapons? Switch to libby, no hybrid can survive piercing attacks, no matter how well polished they are. If you mod it with xray they won't last a clip.

Holy Spirits.... Filter 2/1. sorted.

Anyway, Id like hybrids to still exist, but they are still overpowered. Hybrids should only be allowed to use blessed heals/level 2 buffs/blessed shields, and be able to use all (non-rare) Beams, OR make it so they can use Holy Heal, Holy shields and level 3 buffs, but only use mid-tier APU spells.

13-12-03, 21:04
You can get proper Energy, X Ray and Fire Resist ( With Postion and Self Buffs ) but its very difficult to get proper pierce Setup ( Although its not impossible and will always be better than a pure APU`s )

But at least it takes more playerskill than before

14-12-03, 13:00
They really aren't that over powered. The amount of dmg they output isn't that great, and you can certainly tear them up enough so they have to keep healing. Why didn't you nube heal him then shoot him? What kind of person uses an energy weapon (Apart from HL) against a Monk anyway? The kami chip causes minus millions of piercing, a pinfire would pwn him.

14-12-03, 13:13
Thats wrong cause there comes Holy Deflector in...

14-12-03, 13:17
You may think it doesn't matter the resist, but you cannot deny that pierce/force takes much more effort for a monk to get decent resists with compared to energy. Xray as well because of lack of gamma bones, and Holy Spirit belt is not as efficient as heavy protection belts.

‡ Stormlord ‡
14-12-03, 13:35
And again I repeat to those who still whine about nerfing the hybrids, to those who dont and are about to rock we salute you...

All what i have realisized is, that some of you guys really never stop whining about the fucking nice hybrids. Stop fucking cry the Hybrids are overpowered!

Give every Player a chance, to make in his own opinion perfect skilled hybrid ingame and give him time to get trained for a perfect control skill to his character class of a hybrid, BUT DONT FUCKING WHINE, IF YOU DONT KNOW YOURSELF HOW TO DO IT AND YOU DIE AND LIE...

Overpowered is someone with a perfect skill setup and personal ability to control a hybrid in a perfect way, AND ITS NOT KK´S FAULT, M´KAY ???

14-12-03, 14:18
I used ROLH as it is all I had at the time, and didnt have any other weapons near by (most are in my apt) and yup its not that appropriate.

TBH, holy shelter and deflector just counteracts everything that the kami takes away :confused:

14-12-03, 17:48
well for one youre using quite possibly one of the best PvPers on saturn for youre analysis....secondly i concur even with the massive energy blow with a kami chip combined with shelter, heat, and the ability to have 114 in con energy resist theres really a way around that energy negative on the kami.....however peircing is a different story.......I

14-12-03, 18:23
if he has a kami in use a lib or pe on him. he'll fall faster than a sack of potatoes

[edit] ps monsoon is also divide - hes pretty good :)

14-12-03, 18:25
Originally posted by zAo
if he has a kami in use a lib or pe on him. he'll fall faster than a sack of potatoes

Yeah ok, then how about you actually try that? You will notice
that they have no problem whatsoever outhealing you.

14-12-03, 18:39
Monsoon... holy heal + holy lightning using Hybrid

Hard as fucking nails - tho not has hard as the old Hybrids...

That said his Spy is hard as fucking nails, as is his PE... so its not exactly suprising...

14-12-03, 18:44
Originally posted by Clownst0pper
TBH, holy shelter and deflector just counteracts everything that the kami takes away :confused:


kami hybrids r quiet easy to take out, i fear pure apus more

14-12-03, 18:47
Originally posted by Sigma

kami hybrids r quiet easy to take out, i fear pure apus more

Then you havent met any good ones. The ones that you wont be
able to nail even with libs and tl3 heals.

14-12-03, 18:47
The thing is they can Freeze, and killing some1 who is frozen + dmg boost with a monk is pissEASY, if they couldnt freeze it would be way way better, but oh well....

14-12-03, 20:01
ps monsoon is also divide - hes pretty good

OMG im so stupid, LOL should have expected a good setup then, aye, his spys got the same setup as mwoah.

TBH anyone who says a libby is amazing at taking out a hybrid hasnt encountered a good one, Divide (monsoon) was taking a good deal of hammer from a libby with no problem at all.

Respect to the guy, but lets see hybrids as a confirmed class from KK, which eventually could be a perfect balance of APU and PPU (dreams)

15-12-03, 00:16
ikari, if you keep pushing this idea, Im going to have to get my lawyer, Harvey Birdman on you :lol:

15-12-03, 01:14
ikari, if you keep pushing this idea, Im going to have to get my lawyer, Harvey Birdman on you :lol:

Couldnt resist :D

15-12-03, 02:23
Sounds like a flaw in the Kami chip design, they where intended to remove all resists, I think it should atleast partly affect deflectors and shelters aswell. That would leave the armour for defense and a little bit of deflector and shelter effects.

That makes the hybrid (which is even withoud a kami chip still good, just extreemly difficuld to balance out) a still powerfull enemy, but makes the kami chips effects more realistic.

Doc Holliday
15-12-03, 04:56
lol hybrids are back and its only to the players who 1 have skill to use em and 2 have the necessary chips. however they still arent what they used to be so quit whining. Calvin if u see this thread pm me. we need to talk. adios amigos.
