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12-12-03, 12:05
Seeing as how Ive got a hybrid, and quite a few others do too, I assume that now there would be somewhat of a demand for Hybrid PA. Obviously this is a tricky thing to make because we dont want to overpower hybrids in any way shape or form, we just want them to get a little more dmg% out of their spells.
PSI in caps stands for Psi Power the main skill, not subskill

PA 1:
PSI req: 85
apu req: 85
ppu req: 85
psi power: +3
PSI: +3
STR: -2

PA 2:
PSI req: 95
apu req: 95
ppu req: 95
psi power: +5
PSI: +5
STR: -3

PSI req: 105
apu req: 105
ppu req: 105
psi use: +8
PSI: +7
STR: -5

PSI req: 125
apu req: 125
ppu req: 125
psi power: +12
PSI: +10
STR -7

These armors would not "overpower" the hybrid from everything what I have seen. This, however WOULD make hybrids more viable of a path.

Depending on the hybrid, at MOST they will see a bonus in their spells as follows:

12% on artifact dmg holy level spells

20% on artifact dmg holy level spells

32% on artifact dmg holy level spells

50% on ......

for instance, my current hybrid with apu kami, ds, psicore, exp psi3 in would most likely use PA3.
Current dmg
HL :425%
Holy Heal: 397%
Holy Shelter: 384%

Would bump me up to
HL: 457%
Holy Heal: 429%
Holy Shelter: 416%

Now, my setup is gimped to energy and pierce due to the Kami chip, which is why my DMG%'s are so high. You may say this overpowers me, But currently I take between 60-90 damage from most HL attacks, this _might_ lower it down to the 50-80 range. Whereas hybrids without the kami chip using blessed buffs would probably take around 40-60 currently, AND have better resists overall, AND have considerably higher body health.

This pa would definately NOT overpower hybrids, and would without a doubt make the hybrid a more viable route for those who dont like to be dependant on another

12-12-03, 12:10
Thats like asking for:

Spys 'hybrid' rifle/pistol PA,
PEs 'Hybrid' rifle/pistol PA,
Tank 'Hybrid' heavy/melee PA,

Its just aint right, i've jsut had some experience with a combat hybrid monkeh, and i worked EXTREMELY hard to kill him, yet i can rape almost any tank on a good day, Hybrids are bordering on uber again, wether this is KK's intetnion or not i dunno, but i'd certainly say no to any more 'hybrid' toys

12-12-03, 12:14
I agree with Oath

12-12-03, 12:15
kk doesn't condone hybrids. The more you try to be one, the more they will nerf you....

12-12-03, 12:18
Originally posted by Oath
Thats like asking for:

Spys 'hybrid' rifle/pistol PA,
PEs 'Hybrid' rifle/pistol PA,
Tank 'Hybrid' heavy/melee PA,

Its just aint right, i've jsut had some experience with a combat hybrid monkeh, and i worked EXTREMELY hard to kill him, yet i can rape almost any tank on a good day, Hybrids are bordering on uber again, wether this is KK's intetnion or not i dunno, but i'd certainly say no to any more 'hybrid' toys

I suppose it is kind of like asking for that, but seeing as how few people ever even consider any of those routes, with exception of the heavy/melee combo. besides, with the small amount of bonus recieved, I dont really see how you can consider the difference much more of a threat.
As to your run-in with the hybrid, if he had no kami chip in, he would take less damage than one with, therefore making him harder to kill, but apparently it took him a long time to kill you, if he even did because you say that you worked EXTREMELY hard to kill him, so how does it really seem that he is uber? it took him forever to kill you, if he even did... thus is the problem with hybrids. The apu/ppu offset are TOO harsh for someone to really be "Decent" at in either without the right tools, and for now, those tools are much too hard to get ahold of

12-12-03, 12:18
Originally posted by Oath
Thats like asking for:

Spys 'hybrid' rifle/pistol PA,
PEs 'Hybrid' rifle/pistol PA,
Tank 'Hybrid' heavy/melee PA,

Interesting you should bring that up. Why the hell should being good at one type of weaponry mean you need to lose points in the other? I mean, maybe fair enough if you have to cut down on your specialization in one weapon type in order to use another proficiently, but it's just stupid that for example if you use rifles you can't use pistols at all. Most soldiers in real life would have a primary weapon and a side-arm to back them up. Neocron is like the only game where you are not only not encouraged, but quite discouraged from being able to use both.

In beta there were actually people who had pistol and rifle skill (cracky had that once) and of course all monks then had apu and ppu skills.

12-12-03, 12:18
Originally posted by Lecko
kk doesn't condone hybrids. The more you try to be one, the more they will nerf you....


They made it possible again.......

That speaks volumes, either that due to the bitching theyre making them viable *wich they are now* or that they just arent looking at the REAL effects of their patches, wichever applys.

tbh i dont care wether hybrids exist or not, its when they start to get GODLIKE again that im gonna be pissed.

But thats not the topic here is it, so sorry for going OT.

No to hybrid pa!

Yes to Oath PA :D

12-12-03, 12:20
Originally posted by Dissenter
I agree with Oath

What he say ^^

12-12-03, 12:21
kk doesn't condone hybrids. The more you try to be one, the more they will nerf you....

yea but in the process they will most likely nerf pures . . of course I don't mind that if it's the ppu side :D

12-12-03, 12:24
Originally posted by TheEnemy
Interesting you should bring that up. Why the hell should being good at one type of weaponry mean you need to lose points in the other? I mean, maybe fair enough if you have to cut down on your specialization in one weapon type in order to use another proficiently, but it's just stupid that for example if you use rifles you can't use pistols at all. Most soldiers in real life would have a primary weapon and a side-arm to back them up. Neocron is like the only game where you are not only not encouraged, but quite discouraged from being able to use both.

In beta there were actually people who had pistol and rifle skill (cracky had that once) and of course all monks then had apu and ppu skills.

Well, to be entirely honest with you, i wish we could, but right now no class is effective as a hybrid barring a monk, thats what i meant by it.

I HATE specialization i especially HATE heavy tank specialization, i got EVERY point of STR in heavy combat yet i still cant cap my cs, now pvp with a tanegant plama cannon is somewhat......lame, BUT a hybrid can pvp witha spell 30 TL's lower, and whup arse, THATS why i say no to hybrid PA, even oif the other classes were made viable 'hybrids' i'd still say no, the defense of a ppu and *not so a pure* offense of an apu, tell me why it should happen?

Shadow Dancer
12-12-03, 12:49
I agree and disagree.

I think the monk pas should have no - to the other skill. No special hybrid PA, but they just choose which one to wear.

12-12-03, 14:09
Now, my setup is gimped to energy and pierce due to the Kami chip, which is why my DMG%'s are so high. You may say this overpowers me, But currently I take between 60-90 damage from most HL attacks, this _might_ lower it down to the 50-80 range.

The kami hybrid I play with takes 10 bursts from a CS, and as many from a HL.

Learn to setup your charactor.

Oh and thats a no to the Hybrid PA. KK never intended hybrids, although I do like Shadow Dancers idea.

12-12-03, 14:28
Just wondering, did you want anyone to use these armors?
Say they did come out like this... I can see PA 1 being used. PA2 probably. PA 3? A stretch... But I guarantee no one would use PA4. PSI req 125? That's just a tad hard.
APU and PPU req 125? What? Why? I mean... never mind. No one would get that high.

Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind pistol/psi power armor for PEs... lol. Like that'll ever happen.

12-12-03, 17:06
What I was sorta getting at in my post up above - you can't be a hybrid if you wear APU PA for example, since it not only puts your APU skill up, it even moreso puts your PPU skill down. Same with Rifle/Pistol, Heavy/Melee etc. It's kinda dumb, and that's the main reason why this thread exists, because it is not viable for hybrids (monks or any class) to wear any PA right now...

12-12-03, 17:12
so hybrids would want to sacrifice an actual armor piece for pa thats more like an implant?

12-12-03, 22:53
Originally posted by Flyl
The kami hybrid I play with takes 10 bursts from a CS, and as many from a HL.

Learn to setup your charactor.

Oh and thats a no to the Hybrid PA. KK never intended hybrids, although I do like Shadow Dancers idea.

FlyL, we know you are 1337, and that you were a trial gm, until they kicked you out for spending all of your time in neofrag, and know you have "hacked accounts" and even "hacked GM accounts" but you dont fucking have a clue who I am, and insulting my character setups is something that idiots, and people who have no fucking clue in general do. My character setups are planned out very well, and executed as such. The kami hybrid you know more than likely has capped int, is wearing this to take so little from energy:
DS, core, kami, exp psi3
smart cybereye 1
adv nerves 2

this setup only takes 2 int away after everything has been calculated, so, a monk with CAPPED INT can wear a heavy energy belt, and get the resists that you would need to take 9-10 fucking hl shots.

anyway, mrs leet, thanks for posting on my thread, and thanks for giving yourself too much credit.... oh, and thanks for hacking accounts and being let back in game.

edit: furion, thanks for the heads up, but Im not going to censor myself on this.

12-12-03, 22:55
that post was stupid in general divide, u should edit it....

12-12-03, 23:05
wtf is so great about hybrids? being abled to solo every mob and win every duel? haha now thats fun. o_O

Youre already abled to do that again! Dont even ask for more hybrid shit. :mad:

12-12-03, 23:11
Divide is lame - Hybrids = teh sux

12-12-03, 23:12
magnazan, I want to make 1000 babies with you

12-12-03, 23:19

12-12-03, 23:20
Originally posted by Callash

u have to post 3 more words or Nid will come own u!

13-12-03, 01:05
But Callash got it RIGHT.

Hybrids are too powerful. WAAAAY too powerful. If anything, they should slap a big bitch-face nerf on them. I suck. Give me a raise.

13-12-03, 02:06
Hummm... KK went thru the trouble of nerfing and such to get rid of the hybrids and you think they will give you Hybrid PA??

*laughs to self*

13-12-03, 02:18

well since it appears hybs are coming back into the game i reckon its time i see wut i can do about it... will report back to see wuts possible :D


13-12-03, 02:51
without an apu kami, your setup will suck... this armor could help that, but this forum is the biggest bunch of nay-saying whiners that it wont happen

13-12-03, 03:22
i don't understand what the commotion about hybrids today is...
the people who do create hybrids want to create something unique
and not go mainstream, and just because alot of people think it's
so cool doesn't mean that every player should have the ability to
create a hybrid with ease...

my 2 cents..


13-12-03, 04:40
Originally posted by Callash
No. Pwned :D

No for real... who wants a Class, that has über heal ability and dishes out damage? Can't you think for yourself about it? Is it really that hard? :rolleyes:
Just mentioning "hybrid" will be a call for a nerf bat. And you know what? Its' just because the APU Kami Chip. I don't think the intention of that chip was to give the Monkehs a new toy while the other classes get - about nothing. :rolleyes:

Hybrid - yes - if it is not "better" than a say.... a Tank in 1 on 1. Or a PE.

13-12-03, 05:13
come on divide. Though I delighted in killing most of new dawn, you always seemed pretty reasonable. and I know u can build a char well, a spy at least. I dunno why you would want hybred PA, I would hope that you would be one of the people that know hybreds suck (suck as in are lame, in nc) and shouldnt be in the game, or if they must be, they need another nerf.

13-12-03, 05:24
Originally posted by VetteroX
come on divide. Though I delighted in killing most of new dawn, you always seemed pretty reasonable. and I know u can build a char well, a spy at least. I dunno why you would want hybred PA, I would hope that you would be one of the people that know hybreds suck (suck as in are lame, in nc) and shouldnt be in the game, or if they must be, they need another nerf.

vet: one thing that I have never set out to do is to gain some sort of acceptance from you, but for whatever reason I feel slightly "honored" to recieve an almost compliment from you.
True, hybrids may "suck" in this manner, but I promise you it will take a skilled character to create a hybrid that doesnt suck a fat wang. Also, the "new" hybrids are nothing in comparison to their older counterparts, and a single good character CAN bring me or any other hybrid down so long as they know how to play the game. so, despite the fact you think they "suck" they are actually quite balanced and require a patientminded person to setup/play. Which is why you see SO few of them around. as a matter of fact, Ive seen about 10 different people on the saturn server lom to hybrid, with a kami chip, and get so fucking sick of the resist bullshit, and the apu/ppu offset they they lommed right back to pure, and slapped the kami chip back in their cabinets never to see the light of day again.

I stick by my original message, these powerarmors will NOT overpower A SINGLE person, nor will they overpower all hybrids.

13-12-03, 09:12
well, i meant suck in ruin the game, overpowered. I fought a hybred today, who was moving at light speed... proably capped dex and spy and melee 3, heat 3, and holy shelter and def. It was a mb raid nish and I did, and as usual we were ripping through mercs. But this guy took A LOT to go down, and th\at was with nish dbing him. He was so fast I couldnt get a lot of hits on him until I noob paraed him with my para ball, and then he only went down when i tl 3 healed and paraed him.

they can get "decent" resists, and with shelter/def they are quite good resits. A capped energy halo and db can be retty deadly. Its only a matter of time before everyone with a kami figures out how to make good hybreds, and then the damn nightmare returns.... I litteraly jumped up and down they day hybreds were nerfed, "whoo hoo, I can beat anyone 1vs1 aagain now" and now the evil is back....

btw what makes me maddest is its not skill... a chimp could beat me if he had holy or blessed shelter, def, db, para, heal, and capped energy halo. its just an unfair class.

Shadow Dancer
13-12-03, 09:39
Vet can you clean out your PM box?

I mean like not 1-2 messages, like for real for real.