12-12-03, 01:23
Yet another thing that KK leave out of patch notes, im fucking sick of it

im there in pepper park, i go out to heal and i realised my heal (with pup about 68 or something) ITS HEALING ME BY 3 FUCKING POINTS!

its like a bloody tank heal but worse

If this is a change that was ment to be, then thats just fucking pathetic, give everyone tanks heals and let us get owned by the tanks again - woooo we just gone back a year

12-12-03, 18:07
any official response mod people?????

i've had a 2nd look, asked a few people, and we are healing 3 pts or 4 pts a go, what have u done now?

12-12-03, 18:08
o_O my tanks still heals at 7-10 a tick s i dont see why you pe would be nerfed

12-12-03, 18:10
dunno why - but its fucking me off

i want an official answer plz

12-12-03, 18:12
My heal works fine, on both my PE's.


12-12-03, 18:13
My heal on my PE is healing ALOT more than yours....i'd say exactly the same as b4 the patch.

12-12-03, 18:16
My heal spell is fine.

My tank heal spell is like my PE heal spell so :p

Its just off by 50% ^_^

12-12-03, 18:16
then why am i healing 3 pts only???????? thats what i wanna know lol

12-12-03, 18:20
check the % on your spell perhaps?

put in more PPU points?

make a new heal spell?

12-12-03, 18:37
i think its a bug, i think its the player not the heal, i say this because i was healing peeps in pp last night, 4 slot holy heal, not capped but usually does 30+ per tick 500% ish dmg, some characters (PE's mostly i think) it was only doing 14 a tick. i think it could be a clash with a certain imp or setup or something. think it also did it on a tank, cant remember anyones name though =(

12-12-03, 18:39
imps dont lower anything via psi

i have tried a new heal

my current heal is capped

and i have 68 in ppu

12-12-03, 18:47
i know, thats why i said it might be a bug o_O


12-12-03, 18:48
thats why i want a mod or gm to answer me so i can shut up :p

12-12-03, 18:59
If you log on a char after signing off and his spell or weapon is
drawn, the server doesn't update the %'s on them. You'd have
to holster the gun then draw it back out (or spell) and it updates.

sometimes zoning can do the same thing. that's why as you run,
toggling between weapons gives u a speed boost, server updates
transport, speed, weapon runspeed etc.


12-12-03, 19:05
done that a million times

its either bugged on setps, or KK have done something that makes psi use the main stat that affects how much you heal

because i dont have any atm

12-12-03, 19:08
68 in ppu??

nub :P


12-12-03, 19:12
I have 72 :cool:

12-12-03, 19:42
Originally posted by XanX
68 in ppu??

nub :P


u still play - bloody hell

anyway, its a possible bug like someone stated

sent my setup off to be looked at so i might find out soon :)

i hope its a bug, and not a feature :(

12-12-03, 21:31
right, ok

lomed to 50 psi use, added some more ppu (now 75)

it works at times, others bugged

it has to be a bug with the setup, because if other people have no prob then they couldnt of intentionally nerfed the heal on pe's

so, any news from mod people?

12-12-03, 21:43
sex @ xan, cant say i've noticed any change on my PE heal

12-12-03, 22:00
PE heal is exactly the same as its always been. It'll most certainly be a bug.

Shit bug tho, i dont envy u

12-12-03, 22:03
i hope its a bug

and i hope its fixed :(

12-12-03, 22:23
What state is your spells stats in?

12-12-03, 22:29
heal is capped at 576

what else u need?

13-12-03, 02:10
I meant the quality of the spell. Does it need repairing?

13-12-03, 02:18
nah 102/120

it is a bug, happens to everyone, but not all the time

its been about for a while apprently (after speaking to another guy who noticed it). It was before the patch, but happend very rarely. Now it happens a hell of a lot more (say one in every 5) and once it has started, u have to one a lot for it to stop

13-12-03, 03:37
Originally posted by DigestiveBiscui
nah 102/120

it is a bug, happens to everyone, but not all the time

its been about for a while apprently (after speaking to another guy who noticed it). It was before the patch, but happend very rarely. Now it happens a hell of a lot more (say one in every 5) and once it has started, u have to one a lot for it to stop

i guess your talking about me =)
yeah i've noticed it happening, first time today when i was in tg caves
it was doing 3 or 4 ticks at a time, so i zoned out... so i tested some stuff
i cast a heal inside the cave, it does 3 or 4 ticks, zone out (with heal running)
and it did the usual (capped 576%) more... then i zoned back in
and booya 3 or 4 ticks again...

this kinda sucks... but it seems random for me, later today i returned
to the caves and it was the other way around... atleast i could
heal good while caving :)

edit: due to shit spelling


13-12-03, 03:40
Originally posted by DigestiveBiscui
thats why i want a mod or gm to answer me so i can shut up :p

Why not shut up anyway ? :p

A little tip - perhaps try being a little more polite when asking for official responses, and perhaps someone will take you seriously - rather than coming across as a foul mouthed little jerk who can't form a sentence.

13-12-03, 10:03
Originally posted by GT_Rince
Why not shut up anyway ? :p

because i care about keeping my PE alive perhaps ? :)