View Full Version : THREADS MERGED - Patch 193 Discussion

11-12-03, 15:52
Patch Notes (http://www.neocron.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=428&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0)

We had to make some last minute changes to the faction guards placed in Plaza 1 and Pepper Park. The guards in Pepper Park will not kill on sight. In Plaza 1, only the guards inside the Medicare will kill CityAdmin enemies on sight.

11-12-03, 15:54
OMG! New uber patch! Thank you KK!! :D

(Just got 3rd account)

11-12-03, 15:55
all looks good except new pa reqs.(but thats only cause it screws my setup):D

edit: that is unless the stats on the pas are raised if not time to find a new setup and there is 200k wasted on pe pa4....oh wait nvm thats right i hacked it from a belt :)

11-12-03, 15:55
booo :( hopefully they will kill them ...hopefully

11-12-03, 15:56
looks good, cept for the PPU Rez thing, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 15:57

'Moved "Black Lilly" (epic run NPC) to the subway entrance in PP2.'


'Added faction medals and items. Visit your faction office or ask your faction counsellor for further details.'


All the item gfx stuff, very cool. :D


11-12-03, 15:59
Excellent patch.

Thank you.

11-12-03, 16:00
Looks like a really good patch, anyone know anything specific
about this part?

- Added faction medals and items. Visit your faction office or ask your faction counsellor for further details.

11-12-03, 16:01
must be some of the best and most promising patch notes i have yet seen..

if they even come anywhere NEAR what i think right now..


either way.. keep up the good work !!

1 wub j00 411 !! =/

11-12-03, 16:01
faction medals ? anyone care to elaborate?

11-12-03, 16:02
- Increased cast time for Resurrection spells.

only bad part of this patch

11-12-03, 16:02
Originally posted by Rade
Looks like a really good patch, anyone know anything specific
about this part?

i'm guessing its a RP think "Kill 20 fully buffed PPU's with a baseball bat for this medal!" :p

11-12-03, 16:02
Originally posted by Ryuben
only bad part of this patch

Or the best part about the patch, depending on who you ask.

11-12-03, 16:03
just have to wait till they rezz lex :p

also agree with rade i like the rezz taking longer makes you play smart at op wars so its not who has most ppu's.

11-12-03, 16:04
new tank rares. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG <3 KK


Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 16:04
I don't really want to start an arguement, but the res cast time will make people fight to the finish, and the winners getting ressed.
It will stop people coming back time and time again in the middle of a fight.

11-12-03, 16:05

Increased range on halos...........

anyone else see a problem with that? i already nail shit half a sector away with a tlk 57 spell......

Aside from that, we'll see how it goes.......

11-12-03, 16:05


lots of goodies in this one. dont know if it will fix the monkcron situation but it will have some good loving for all at least...

11-12-03, 16:07
I know something about the medals - not sure if im allowed to say here though.

Basically rewards for doing faction missions - various different ones that go up in 'rank'
Gives you ranking within your faction + some bonuses.

Only know item detail, not how they are distributed :)

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 16:08
Do we have to go to the FC or will it work just as well from the npc?

11-12-03, 16:11
LOL @ City Runners who logged off in Medi Care

*Me Takes my Hacker to medi and w8s for the belts*

The New tank rares arent that good
The Plasma Wave is less powerful than CS
is there need for a rare flame thrower?

11-12-03, 16:13
is "this" patch made with the new compiler? I seem to crash much quicker and cleaner on the test server, so think it should be used on retail :lol: :lol:

11-12-03, 16:14
Tanks needed more weapons to choose from, every tank you see has a CS. Now a tank could come at you with a CS, devourer or revenger (em spell is shitteh) - rahter then just being limited to jsut one weapon, becuase a tank would not run into battle with a DB and nothing else and expect to come out victorious.


btw great patch :D

11-12-03, 16:16
Originally posted by d00b
Tanks needed more weapons to choose from, every tank you see has a CS. Now a tank could come at you with a CS, devourer or revenger (em spell is shitteh) - rahter then just being limited to jsut one weapon, becuase a tank would not run into battle with a DB and nothing else and expect to come out victorious.


btw great patch :D

/me sexes d00000000000bers

11-12-03, 16:17
so about this medals thing

do we go to the same guy to speak about them as we would do for the epics? or what?

11-12-03, 16:18
We had to make some last minute changes to the faction guards placed in Plaza 1 and Pepper Park. The guards in Pepper Park will not kill on sight. In Plaza 1, only the guards inside the Medicare will kill CityAdmin enemies on sight.

in my opion this is stupid. why only at 1 gen rep, where we can't pull out weapons anyway

also got a question on pepper park if i as a next runner runs through pp2 past Black Dragon guards am i now going to get gunned down or are we only talking in plaza one ...

only thing i see this does is keep the riff raff emeny fations out of the med center big deal

just my thoughts

11-12-03, 16:19
Originally posted by Haxxor
LOL @ City Runners who logged off in Medi Care

*Me Takes my Hacker to medi and w8s for the belts*

The New tank rares arent that good
The Plasma Wave is less powerful than CS
is there need for a rare flame thrower?

Hmm isnt the flamer gonna be good against monks?
Also from what I`ve come to understand the plasma wave is more of a longrange weapon and is not supposed to challenge the CS as a damagedealer.

About the vehicle rank boost. I suppose this doesnt include the weapon boost that NeXT promised or does it?

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 16:19
Originally posted by Haxxor
The Plasma Wave is less powerful than CS

Other than the HL, the CS is the most powerful weapon in the game, so I bloody well hope it is less powerful.
Besides, the Ravager is FAR more accurate, and has a high range.
Will be great for OP wars.

11-12-03, 16:19
Ub3r patch :D

- Added faction medals and items. Visit your faction office or ask your faction counsellor for further details.

Would be cool :D gonna check that tonight

- Antigamma bones can now be bought from boneimp vendors.

they already were sold in via 2 tho.. chicky bought her's there..

- Help window popups in apartments and Area MC5 show only up once now.

Finaly.. that was one of the reasons i never used starter apps.. the windows were damn irritating..

and possible the best thing..

- Completed Tech Haven security update in all sectors.

Great work KK :D

11-12-03, 16:20
im hoping medals arent like epics, and like you have to partake in live runs or something, or have done something great for your faction that deserves recognition... if every1 has a medal, whats the point?

11-12-03, 16:23
i wanna know where the HQ's are, they dont even tell you :p

11-12-03, 16:25
Biccy u sexy bitch, seeya friday with how sexy this patch is :)

11-12-03, 16:25

BD and TS now have a decent functional zones

what about crahn ?

and no, outzone doesn't count - it's at the a** end of the city and the place is a dark booring maze where everything looks the same and you can never find a proper vendor

11-12-03, 16:27

WHA!!!! MY PE PA4 nooooooooo

now i need to bloody well drug up.

Nice patch :) Can't wait to get home

11-12-03, 16:28

teaches you to fucking with nature :D

god im happy, not more ROLH pe's back to judge ya go :p...or CRAPsun :)

Maester Seymour
11-12-03, 16:29
The faction medals and items sound wicked, gonna check that out first i think. Longer rezz time, ugh don't like sound of that bit really, both good and bad by the sounds of it.

Over all this sounds like a bloody uber patch. nice going KK :D :D

11-12-03, 16:31
I like the patch its very cool , but im just gonna miss my 6 second rezz :(

11-12-03, 16:32
Originally posted by DigestiveBiscui

teaches you to fucking with nature :D

god im happy, not more ROLH pe's back to judge ya go :p...or CRAPsun :) Whats the DEX reqs on them? I am a rifle so i am unsure.

My DEX level before patch was 108 with my PE PA4 on

11-12-03, 16:32
I think there are some really significant changes here - especially now that being in one faction or another actually means something :)

Fantastic patch KK - Best one I have seen in a long, long time :)

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 16:32
You can still wear PEPA4 without drugs... but you will be gimped :p
Easy to do with one drug.

11-12-03, 16:33

11-12-03, 16:34
Originally posted by garyu69
Whats the DEX reqs on them? I am a rifle so i am unsure.

My DEX level before patch was 108 with my PE PA4 on

well if u think about it PA PE 4 is now 105 dex

so, if u cant get 105 dex (gimping imps) then ure stuck with 90 dex PA3 which adds + 4 dex - which makes my setup (for example) 102 dex. Even with redflash my dex will be 107 - SO NO ROLH

synaptic accelerator maybe, but still, its a massive ROLH PE nerf :D

11-12-03, 16:35
Originally posted by DigestiveBiscui

teaches you to fucking with nature :D

god im happy, not more ROLH pe's back to judge ya go :p...or CRAPsun :)

What are you guys on about? I wont have to change anything in
my setup and Im a PEPA4 RoLH user. If you have 108 dex it will
stay on by itself, the only thing that you need to do is pop a
whiteflash or relog every time you get SI. And Im sure most PEs
are used to doing that anyway.

11-12-03, 16:38
Originally posted by Oath

Increased range on halos...........

anyone else see a problem with that? i already nail shit half a sector away with a tlk 57 spell......

Aside from that, we'll see how it goes.......

Oh thats a point, it could be the new APU sniping spell, will do some tests tonight, maybe some live targets :angel:

11-12-03, 16:38
Help window popups in apartments and Area MC5 show only up once now

Best change in the patch. BEST CHANGE EVAR!

How long have we been asking for this?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 16:40
I hope they made the PEPA3 all dark and cool...

fucking tin can arse biscuit wankstain rusty bumfluff shiney arsed pa3

11-12-03, 16:41
i doubt the3y have changed the colour of PA3


11-12-03, 16:41
Im really excited about faction medals. After reading evs post on the first page I decided not to find out anymore, I'd rather see it in game first :)


11-12-03, 16:42
Ok great stuff, gonna be fun hacking TG, BD ,CS belt's for a bit. But when are servers coming back up?? (i know Patience is it's own reward) but hey i'm NOT OK!!

Edit:- Ok thanks Digestive, mope's off to sluk in a corner. Comping at the bit for new faction stuff!

11-12-03, 16:43
1 hour gone, they said 2 hours downtime

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 16:44
Damn PA..... invading my turf... grrrrrr

I been using the judge since i was dex 75, gimping myself, 10 months ago dammit, I was the only judge user for AGES, dman copy cat knob munching people using my gun ggrrrrrrr

Libby is better and the BS, but I don't care, I R a judge user for evah :p

11-12-03, 16:47
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
I was the only judge user for AGES

right... oh look whats that sig, can that be from when everyone
including tanks was using liberator because it was teh ubarest,
but rade was using a judge, like always? oh wait, just might
be. :p

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 16:48
On uranus that is.

I can't think of a single person who was a serious judge user on uranus before the PA, now I can think of about 5, and that's just the NF regulars.

11-12-03, 16:50
i was judge before PA on saturn :)


11-12-03, 16:52
wonder if FA enemy will like the new security!!!!

**rolls around laughing**

11-12-03, 16:54
Let me get this straight....They raised PA psi/dex req's??? :wtf:

11-12-03, 16:55
only the PA4 ones

11-12-03, 16:55
Dunno i certainley don't think there's much change for Spy PA, not sure about other's.

Edit:- there u go (me wrong again... crys)

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 17:00
Changed the attribute requirements for the tank, spy and monk Powerarmor to 90/100/115/135, for the private eye to 75/80/90/105 and adjusted the tech levels of the armors accordingly

11-12-03, 17:01
Glad PPUs got a bit of a nerfing (I'm sure my beloved Solitaire willr recover from the shock soon enough)...but extending the range on the halo? Was out-ranging a doombeamer just not good enough? Might just re-roll to apu :mad:

11-12-03, 17:04
Originally posted by Rade
right... oh look whats that sig, can that be from when everyone
including tanks was using liberator because it was teh ubarest,
but rade was using a judge, like always? oh wait, just might
be. :p lol

Who was it that used to run around with the "3 pistol combo" ?

A freezer for opportunistic zapping, a libby to rip 'em up while disabled, then a judge to set fire to the corpse as he ran off to look for the next /20 n00b ? :D

Someone with those bloody awful flame trousers - Space Antelope maybe ...

11-12-03, 17:04
Finally TH guards.

I'm hope their smarter than the old dumb security bots.

As for the droner changes:
I'm looking for something significant ->more drone types/ special abilities.
Not minor increases to the implants.

11-12-03, 17:04
Good patch and a definate step in the right direction.

PPU's, wait n see how much it affects ya, I dont think it will be as bad as some predict (Lexxuk :p)

Excellent move on Faction Guards, glad to see you took some notice. Next step is to remove the safezones now. Lets be honest, assuming the faction guards have been done right, safezones wont be needed anymore.

new tanky shit, Superb, about time too, first time since... ohhh. start of retail?


cant think of anything else offhand, the rest of the patch notes is a case of seeing how it looks then making an opinion.

generally a good patch though.

(although the psi spells nerfing and boosting is so backwards I nearly fell off me chair readin it... range wasnt the problem with Halo spells ffs... what the hell were you people thinking??, still no blue glue reduction, although the increase in cast time MIGHT alleviate some of the problem.... meh, like i said, lets wait n see))

11-12-03, 17:11
Sweet patch, I like the sound of those faction medals etc. and the new tank rares are finally in rwar :D

Might reactivate my account :eek:

Must.....wait....for.....doy..... *slap* 8|

SeXy Happy
11-12-03, 17:13
decent stuff to the droners. Would have rather have seen fixes that adjustments to imps and the like.

WOOHOO I am going to start playing my tank now on Pluto again, Cause I want that damn flamer. I am going to be one Happy Flamer!

11-12-03, 17:13
Damn, I left my char inside medicare sitting :rolleyes:


11-12-03, 17:14
Originally posted by kurai

Who was it that used to run around with the "3 pistol combo" ?

A freezer for opportunistic zapping, a libby to rip 'em up while disabled, then a judge to set fire to the corpse as he ran off to look for the next /20 n00b ? :D

Someone with those bloody awful flame trousers - Space Antelope maybe ...

Theres nothing wrong with those trousers! :mad: :p

11-12-03, 17:17
I had already started lomming my tank to melee before I knew that the melee boosts were coming with this patch. That made my day :)

(Which is good, because lomming is going to use most of it up o_O )

11-12-03, 17:19
Not to sound too pessimistic...but...rather than more new content, even though it is really cool and would be a really good patch....you try to sort out all of the FRE bugs instead? Cause, well I mean...yeah they're all good ideas that would enhance playing enjoyment in this patch but it's hard to enjoy it when you're maybe scrolling through the list of new weapons to see the new graphics and boom...FRE.

Or you happened to log off a TG in medicare, realize you've gotta haul ass, and boom FRE in front of the new CA guards as you're running out.

Pleeeeease fix the FRE causing problems!

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 17:20
Originally posted by Rade
Theres nothing wrong with those trousers! :mad: :p

Better than my trousers. The 'wet crotch' look ones. O_o

11-12-03, 17:24
just a couple of questions pa req 90 = ok 100 =ok 115 =ok 135=wtf red pe come s to mind why make a armour thats impossable to wear without drugs i thought kk soorted this brain fart out wen they adjusted the pa's b4 ( spacificly tank pa im talking about here ) it was just possable for a tank to wear pa 4 with a herk moveon marine and zerk 3 which 90% of tanks opted out of for the resister but at least it was possable to do now uve added another useless item to the game WHY?

this also brings up another point ty for reducing the stamana drain on hc weapons it was needed but do unot think the speed nerf is silly on heavy weapons moreso wen u make weapons like the cs nearly impossable to capp aiming on (hence making the pa hc bonus a must if u want good aim with a cs) but also adding the spped nerf on the pa to do u not think the speed nerf should have had a snip like the stamana nerf u have given .

tanks have had alot in this patch dont get me wrong but in my opinion it wasnt more weapons we needed it was other aspects adjusting .

slow movement with gun drawn + aim thats nearly impossable to cap + spy /monk/pe speed eccess(in comparison to tanks )+ resists that dont work how they should = tanks still get owned far to easy .

compared to a pe (which inserdently is the easyest char to capp there for should be one of the less powerfull ) of the 4 classes as int on a monk and con on a tank are a nightmere to capp and takes alot of play time to do ( spys also struggle but have in int and dex but they have a number of ways for each to be lvled unlike tanks and monk)

well apart from from the stuff mentioned i must agree that this is a uber patch and is a small indication that kk may be heading in the right direction. but untill they do something about these dumb gr rules , as in not change what it is know but add alot ALOT more unerversal gr's around the world ( crp being one and not controled by cycrow) there not guna get anywere cause i think that is the reason nc's play numbers have droped drasticly as most people dont wana spend 70% of there time trying to get to a place to play the game only to die and have to spend another 30min walking back to die again . kk do u not realizze people play games to have fun not pull there hair out .

11-12-03, 17:24
Originally posted by ZoneVortex
Not to sound too pessimistic...but...rather than more new content, even though it is really cool and would be a really good patch....you try to sort out all of the FRE bugs instead? Cause, well I mean...yeah they're all good ideas that would enhance playing enjoyment in this patch but it's hard to enjoy it when you're maybe scrolling through the list of new weapons to see the new graphics and boom...FRE.

Or you happened to log off a TG in medicare, realize you've gotta haul ass, and boom FRE in front of the new CA guards as you're running out.

Pleeeeease fix the FRE causing problems!

For me content and balance is 100 times more important than the
FREs, I dont really care about them.

**edit: I mean, if the game is boring then it doesnt matter how
smooth it is, but if it crashes every now and then but its fun as
hell between the crashes I will play anyway.

11-12-03, 17:28
Patch 193 (ftp://ftp.neocron.com/retailpatches/cp000193.pat) is now in the patch centre. The launcher webpage will be updated shortly but you can get it from this link for now.

/edit - launcher is now updated.


11-12-03, 17:31
Originally posted by Rade
What are you guys on about? I wont have to change anything in
my setup and Im a PEPA4 RoLH user. If you have 108 dex it will
stay on by itself, the only thing that you need to do is pop a
whiteflash or relog every time you get SI. And Im sure most PEs
are used to doing that anyway.

Well, it requires a drug every time you take off the PA to cast a spell, making the negatives on it actually mean something now.

11-12-03, 17:32
Originally posted by Hagbart
Well, it requires a drug every time you take off the PA to cast a spell, making the negatives on it actually mean something now.

I never take it off to cast a spell *shrug* I use a lower TL

**edit: .. so for me the negative always meant something, 21%
deflector instead of 30%.

11-12-03, 17:39
cool all we need is heavy combat eye for tanks plz plz

11-12-03, 17:41
medals are in the faction HQ's?

but CM dont have a faction HQ

11-12-03, 17:42
Help window popups in apartments and Area MC5 show only up once now

Thats makes this the best patch ever :D :D

11-12-03, 17:42
hmmm maybe MB db :p

11-12-03, 17:43
all we have is guys scattered about though :p

11-12-03, 17:43
CM doesnt need one look at it... think anyone might confuse it with there faction HQ? I sure as heck wont it is a Faction Castle

BUT it is a friggin base man maybe it should be cleaned up some but it is a damn base stop your complaining already

11-12-03, 17:46
ehh isnt the 2 hours up yet?

11-12-03, 17:46
Originally posted by necrocon
CM doesnt need one look at it... think anyone might confuse it with there faction HQ? I sure as heck wont it is a Faction Castle

BUT it is a friggin base man maybe it should be cleaned up some but it is a damn base stop your complaining already


stop my complaining, in was merly pointing out how are we going to know where to do if we dont have a specific HQ place

someones new.....

11-12-03, 17:47
use the force or something its part of the fun you have like 15 NPCs to talk to less just walk by and poke em in the ribs

and what do yo umean someones new?

11-12-03, 17:47
A known issue is that NPCs may take a while to load, currently looking into it.

Hmmmm I smells a patch 194 but hey we all expected it....I mean there is always a patch to fix the patch or so it seems.:D

11-12-03, 17:48


....sorry :p

11-12-03, 17:49
noo patch to fix 192 I think erm is that the first no fix patch ever?

11-12-03, 17:50

11-12-03, 17:51
Originally posted by Rjn
just a couple of questions pa req 90 = ok 100 =ok 115 =ok 135=wtf red pe come s to mind why make a armour thats impossable to wear without drugs i thought kk soorted this brain fart out wen they adjusted the pa's b4 ( spacificly tank pa im talking about here ) it was just possable for a tank to wear pa 4 with a herk moveon marine and zerk 3 which 90% of tanks opted out of for the resister but at least it was possable to do now uve added another useless item to the game WHY?

Yeah lvl 135 wtf?

Another thing, consider that the gap between 90 and 100 is far smaller than the gap between 100 and 115 as exp gets progressively harder to earn. So PA 1 lasts only a short while, PA 2 you have to wear for a lot longer, and PA3 you wear for good because PA4 is unnattainable. Kind of stupid?

edit: Server just went up :)

11-12-03, 17:51
Originally posted by kurai

Who was it that used to run around with the "3 pistol combo" ?

A freezer for opportunistic zapping, a libby to rip 'em up while disabled, then a judge to set fire to the corpse as he ran off to look for the next /20 n00b ? :D

Someone with those bloody awful flame trousers - Space Antelope maybe ...
never! i would never use a freezer and i never used my judge

11-12-03, 18:03
Everyone loves the little blighters, often expressing more in a few pixels that even neatest paragraph of text could.

Everyones seen the old reliable o_O (used more on this board than any other i visit, cynics the lot of us) :) :D :mad:

But theres always the one offs, the unique ones that cuase you to pause your scrolling and make you laugh.

Heres one I saw today to get you going...


11-12-03, 18:09
Originally posted by DigestiveBiscui
medals are in the faction HQ's?

but CM dont have a faction HQ

I think that might mean

Added faction offices in public and hidden locations.

dunno but it might, lol


11-12-03, 18:14

one of the best patches I've seen ever!

Beanie McChimp
11-12-03, 18:15
Aw crap I logged off my main 2 characters in plaza 1 medi square and they all crahn *me puts on running shoes*

11-12-03, 18:18
hehe, i'm getting reports of dead bodies everywhere, lol

11-12-03, 18:19
heh just say i like these, if more npcs actually walked around it would give a little there actually alive as to statues with a script, the copbots that are now patrolling imo are quite cool.

11-12-03, 18:22
0.o Think i have logged out 2 spys there =\.

Now can anti-city factions go into p1 without getting shot? Or are these pigs...err copbots going to come running out of the Medi gunz blazing?

11-12-03, 18:23
Parashock and Rezz have been sledgehammered to tiny little pieces then crushed up somemore.

Nice little tweaks to balance there. So good it did not go from one extreme to another.

11-12-03, 18:24
just been told there is plants and seats in P1, and that the Copbots patrol instead of standing still..... ohhhh i can't wait to get on

11-12-03, 18:25
Originally posted by Rjn
just a couple of questions pa req 90 = ok 100 =ok 115 =ok 135=wtf red pe come s to mind why make a armour thats impossable to wear without drugs i thought kk soorted this brain fart out wen they adjusted the pa's b4 ( spacificly tank pa im talking about here ) it was just possable for a tank to wear pa 4 with a herk moveon marine and zerk 3 which 90% of tanks opted out of for the resister but at least it was possable to do now uve added another useless item to the game WHY?

Unfortuanetly Monks have never been able to use pa4 unless they gimped their imp setup and use drugs. So I could really care less about PA4, won't ever use it. I put it on once just for fun and ppu pa4 is purple, it's pretty!. It really doesn't give any benefits, you actualy have a net loss in psi points. Once the drugs wear off, pa4 will fall off.

Originally posted by Promethius
Now can anti-city factions go into p1 without getting shot? Or are these pigs...err copbots going to come running out of the Medi gunz blazing?

In short, you won't. Plaza 1 is off limits to anti CA factions. When they eventualy fix it, Pepper 1 will be off limits to anti TS factions. Pepper 2 will be off limits to anti BD factions. If you're fast and know the hiding spots in each zone, you can prolly do alright runnin by the guards. But understand that you're not meant to stay in those zones anymore.

- Increased mana consumption for Freeze spells.
- Increased cast time for Freeze spells.
- Increased cast time and Psi consumption for stun spells.

I wasn't aware there were different types of parashocks? What's a freeze spell vs a stun spell? Maybe a typo : )

- Fixed a client crash when zoning to sector B_12.

Good lord, is that by Mcpherson? That crash has been with us for quite a long time. If you travel south and hit the zone border, you will be sent to the login screen with a cryptic error. Relogin and find youre back in NC in your apartment. Nice to see stuff finnaly bein fixed!

Otherwise I'm holdin my opinion until we see how these changes effect the game.

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 18:26
Plaza is utter sex.

New plants and chairs.
And the lights, omg the lights, and yes patrolling copbots.

11-12-03, 18:30
Can't find anywhere that the CM guy would be that speaks about medals, i've checked all over sector 1

any CM people found him yet??

11-12-03, 18:31
This patch is really great, except for one thing, My starting appt is in BD territory and I'm a TS. :eek:

I was wondering if there are going to be new TS that are going to have their starting appts in BD territory or have you prevented that from happening?

11-12-03, 18:32
FYI, its the faction guards that do the killing. Its the CA guards that kill in medicare, not copbots.

Correct me if I am wrong, but copbots only react to neg SL, not to faction.

11-12-03, 18:33
Thread merged. Keep patch discussion here please.


11-12-03, 18:34
Originally posted by Strych9
FYI, its the faction guards that do the killing. Its the CA guards that kill in medicare, not copbots.

Correct me if I am wrong, but copbots only react to neg SL, not to faction.

everything that you typed is correct, but people might get confused because the CA gaurds now have copbot rifles now, and they might think they are getting killed by a copbot.

11-12-03, 18:35
Must.... get... home....... finish.... school and....... PLAY!

11-12-03, 18:35
Few quick shots of the new faction HQ we have at TH :)

You can get to it by going where the old reactor core was. I fear it will go unused however, if we don't get a GR in there or something!


This is one of our new bots in action - they HURT a lot. If only we had more of them throughout the rest of TH... all they did in the other areas is throw down more blue turrets randomly.


11-12-03, 18:36
Thread merged.


11-12-03, 18:38
damn...they didn't keep the cute little mini bots... :(

I would have loved to see a pker, trying to pet one and then BOOM he falls over dead from 6 rockets to his gut from the cute little mini bot. :lol: :lol: :lol:


11-12-03, 18:41
lol on that second pic enemy.. gues who the bot was shooting haha.. logged in husk to check the new stuff out.. and somebody said husk shoot one.. so i dit.. and erm.. they hurt i tell u..

somebody poking ? :x

11-12-03, 18:43
So glad eXo turned FA now :)

11-12-03, 18:47
I had a disturbing realization while posting in another thread (which will prolly be merged here, but anyway). We all know that clan relations do not follow faction relations. Will factions guards always defend a faction member being attacked? Or will it only be hostile factions... If the latter, then neutrals can waltz into our HQ and kill us with no problem.

11-12-03, 18:48
I dont know if patrolling copbots were put in as a result of my thread that I link to in my sig....

But I don't care cos they are bloody awesome! atmosphere, here we come...


11-12-03, 18:49
Did I mention we have some piano playing in the new FA HQ? :D It still seems like a work in progress at the moment however...

Found some minor changes in P4 and P1. P3 has grafitti all over it, looks real dirty now! P2 and most of Via seems the same. I'm not sure I like the new guards in PP or not yet.

And btw patrolling cops are a nice touch :)

Capt. Rik
11-12-03, 18:53
Some more screenshots of the new patch...


11-12-03, 18:55
So which is better an an anti-city Plaza I? Canyon or Tech Haven?

11-12-03, 18:55
Well If you’re now looking for a resurrect from a ppu now, u probably wont get one... I can understand it going down to maybe 6 rezz'z a min but 1 for normal and 2 for holy.. I jus say fuck that, kk gone over the top now... Not happy :mad:

11-12-03, 18:57
Originally posted by Archeus
So which is better an an anti-city Plaza I? Canyon or Tech Haven?

why not make it plaza 4, since it has everything there now

11-12-03, 18:59
Have you actually played any OP wars or long caevruns with the new change? Or are you just assuming?

I'd be interested to see the feedback from all the people who OP war now, and see if they preferred it before or now.


11-12-03, 19:00
Originally posted by VictorKruger
why not make it plaza 4, since it has everything there now

Who owns that sector? Anyway the point of anti-city is to get out of the city.

11-12-03, 19:02
Originally posted by Archeus
Who owns that sector? Anyway the point of anti-city is to get out of the city.

well then they better come up with a place that has everything within a sector, because last time i checked the canyon and TH doesn't.

11-12-03, 19:02
anyone know where the new faction offices are? (as in BD TS and other factions in the city)

i have a feeling there in the con centre, but wen i went to have a look i had right click button and the door opened as i was reloggin, and wen i got back from being AFK there was a barrier infront of the door :( lol

and are we allowed into NCPD HQ just that the barrier has gone but i dont wanna go in and get banned or somthing cos the barrier hadnt been put back, lol


11-12-03, 19:04
oooh, Im in those saturn piccys :D

anyways... FUCK ME< KK GOT IT RIGHT!!

The patrolliung copbots, beautiful touch of immersion!.
The Faction gaurds doing what they shoulf be! EXCELLENT!
[ edited for violation of the forum rules - exploit ]
New tanky rares n guns and little tweaks... Need i say more??
and DOY appartments being added to the navray.. your just rubbing it in now... we want doy now!
New NEMA offices scattered about, unexpected, but nice. (although wtf is the point of buying the NEMA issue 7 from the vendor exactly?)

PPU res nerf seems extreme, although I have yet to see it in an actual combat / pvm situation, so until then I reserve my judgment till later. APU nerf wasnt to extree (ranges) although the sniping with a Halo spell seems a bit.... odd...

all in all, damn good job, the visual extra's are brilliant.

J. Folsom
11-12-03, 19:04
Originally posted by Tratos
anyone know where the new faction offices are? (as in BD TS and other factions in the city)

i have a feeling there in the con centre, but wen i went to have a look i had right click button and the door opened as i was reloggin, and wen i got back from being AFK there was a barrier infront of the door :( lol I'm pretty certain they're all spreadout throughout the various locales in Neocron, try places you wouldn't normally visit.

and are we allowed into NCPD HQ just that the barrier has gone but i dont wanna go in and get banned or somthing cos the barrier hadnt been put back, lolI'd stay out until there's official word on the matter.

11-12-03, 19:05
Originally posted by Tratos
anyone know where the new faction offices are? (as in BD TS and other factions in the city)

Doesn't NAVRAY lead you to them? or is that just the HQ.

I would guess the BD is in the hidden Black Dragon area. Not sure about TS, pussy club prehaps?

11-12-03, 19:06
Another screen, of Yager's Inn. Seems it is actually in TG, I had some idea it was meant to be in the wastelands (I wish there was an inn in the wastelands instead). I think there may be new foods you can buy now...


Ok, bored of looking at new patch and going to sleep now :D

11-12-03, 19:09
someone check the Race Track!!

Originally posted by VictorKruger
well then they better come up with a place that has everything within a sector, because last time i checked the canyon and TH doesn't.

Actually they both have everything. TH seems to be a bit spread out but canyon has everything in the one zone.

11-12-03, 19:22
Originally posted by Elric
(although wtf is the point of buying the NEMA issue 7 from the vendor exactly?)

*cough* Role Play *cough* :D

Now, it would be cool if you could buy one, read it in-game and have your char stood there holding a paper, smoking a ciggy or scratching his arse :D

11-12-03, 19:29
Love the changes to the city :)

Plaza 4..

Nice lighting AND FINALLY you can tell where the doors are in the shops :D

11-12-03, 19:38

What are those spells in your Quick Belt? Have they changed the icons ?

11-12-03, 19:39
beutiful :D

my internet wont work though. but i will play nc either way

Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 19:41
That was so much fun.

Went to the bump assylum to see if the CM guy might be there but ran into a BD gang.
Had a load of fun with a PE, spy, tank and a droner.


11-12-03, 19:43
Originally posted by GT_Rince

What are those spells in your Quick Belt? Have they changed the icons ?
Yes m8, they have changed the icons., theyre rather nice actually...

11-12-03, 19:43
Awesome work, well done :)

A happy FA.

I havn't read through all the previous posts, but has anyone checked out the nav-ray, apartment section.....?
w00t :)

11-12-03, 19:43
yes rince they have changed the icons to show a much better spread of spells now, fantastic work KK, one of your best patches I've seen in a year.

Love the new touches in the city and in TH, looks really nice now and makes the city a little more real, patrolling copbots really help that and i love the new bench in plaza 1 with the Nema sign above it :)

Can't say anything bad about the patch at all, well done :)

11-12-03, 19:51
Please make appartment at Pepper1.
I'm TS but our clan appartment at Pepper2....:mad:

11-12-03, 19:55
Originally posted by VictorKruger
well then they better come up with a place that has everything within a sector, because last time i checked the canyon and TH doesn't.

all a Conster or a Resser need is a Crytons. you can hang around in the upper shop in TG or the central store in TH2?
what you need more ? is there anything that is bought in the shops ?

11-12-03, 19:57
try activating the clan gr...if u can..i dont think they can just move ur clan apt

11-12-03, 19:58
Generaly patch is great (except that think that you do with my HL ;) ) but:
I didnt find anything about "-4 COND points in Monk PA" modification :eek: in patch notes, but when i log in i find it in my PA :(
Am i wrong ?
if not then whyyyy :( ????

anyway thanks for great job

11-12-03, 19:59
Whats Patch 194 ????

11-12-03, 20:01
Any1 found a ''secret office'' yet , or how the medal faction thingy works?

11-12-03, 20:04
God damn it, I'm stuck at work!! I wanna go play. Anyone got any piccies? I couldn't see Capt. Rik's ones. Theres nothing there. :(

What are the changes to TH? New guards or something?

11-12-03, 20:08
Look at page 8 lecko some pics there

11-12-03, 20:08
All this patch says to me is that KK are picking up steam for DOY.

I think everyone will agree.

Role on january/late december!!! :D

11-12-03, 20:10
U still play kao? , i never seen u around for ages man...

11-12-03, 20:44
Please Please Please do something about the guards! Make them aggro again as was intended. Then make them actualy assist members of their faction. As a Tsunami I just walked into Pepper 1 and was greeted by some BD hanging out. Then some Tangents jumped me and chased me out. This is worse then having copbots there :/ Sigh, I don't know why I got excited at actualy having Pepper1 be my home. I'm going back to plaza 3 to idle.

11-12-03, 20:55
My remote implant tool turned into a TL30 remote implant tool!

Would have been nice if we were told in advance that the old tools would be gone... And I can't afford the TL90 that I need now...

I'll have to kill damn mobs for money again...

11-12-03, 21:05
great !!!!!

i'll just have to pop the drug before using the PA, wont change much.

and 3 of my chars are in medicare, that's where i usually store my chars :(, and of course all tsunami.

well, cant wait to get in :)

11-12-03, 21:20
Good patch except the rez is a bit extreme and if ur goign to fuck over PEs wearing the pe that looks half decent in 2 ways can u make the lvl 3 pa look nice plz! :)

11-12-03, 21:27
just outta interest as a ppu what am i now supposed to use to kill things to get my faction sympathy up?

if anyone says soulcluster im going to get very abusive

11-12-03, 21:43
lol judging by your 2000 posts i bet u will get mad lol . so use a sole cluster

11-12-03, 21:49
Originally posted by hinch
just outta interest as a ppu what am i now supposed to use to kill things to get my faction sympathy up?

if anyone says soulcluster im going to get very abusive Bat :D
Or Gun :)

11-12-03, 21:50
Originally posted by hinch
just outta interest as a ppu what am i now supposed to use to kill things to get my faction sympathy up?

if anyone says soulcluster im going to get very abusive

how about your fist??? :angel:

Shadow Dancer
11-12-03, 22:08


11-12-03, 22:29
I like this patch for the most part, but on another note, it is the most retarded patch I have seen to date.

Not allowing CA enemies to go into Medicare is the SINGLE most retarded thing I have ever heard of in my life. Why should SOME people be allowed to use a public building but not others? Note the words PUBLIC BUILDING.

Anyways, my 2 cents.

In the 2 years I've been playing Neocron (b3 and beyond) this has to be the single most stupid change I've seen.

11-12-03, 22:34
Faction medals now?

So, are they exclusive? Do I only get benefits if I am in the faction? Or are we going to see a rash of people leaveing clans and faction hoping getting all the medals? What happens if you have a medal and go factionless??


I guess I am going to have to stop being factionless now. :mad:


Dribble Joy
11-12-03, 22:46
I have searched MB for the faction office, the FA one is easy to find (and it has jazz music :D) but where on earth is the CM one.

Oh, and has the byb room been removed?
I have never seen it and i finally got a hacker today, we couldn't find it.

CM guards are insane, A wb spawned next to two of them, it hit the floor in seconds, 150 a shot.

11-12-03, 22:58
Originally posted by ModeSix
I like this patch for the most part, but on another note, it is the most retarded patch I have seen to date.

Not allowing CA enemies to go into Medicare is the SINGLE most retarded thing I have ever heard of in my life. Why should SOME people be allowed to use a public building but not others? Note the words PUBLIC BUILDING.

Anyways, my 2 cents.

In the 2 years I've been playing Neocron (b3 and beyond) this has to be the single most stupid change I've seen.

The next time you're in plaza 1, outside medicare. Notice that City Admin HeadQuarters is located past crytons. You are a criminal, terrorist, zealot, general enemy of CA. Why on earth would they let you hang out right outside their HQ? I love the idea of aggressive faction guards, but THEY ALL SHOULD BE. I want my TS guards aggro!

Shadow Dancer
11-12-03, 23:01
ModeSix, plaza 4 is an excellent subsitute now for plaza 1. And anti-city can go there easily.

11-12-03, 23:09
U still play kao? , i never seen u around for ages man...

took a break because of





Into the minuses by 200quid.

Just got out of it

Back tommorow (friday)

Ingame u are? :D

Psycho Killa
11-12-03, 23:36
Anyone notice the melee increase....

I dont see a different at all.

11-12-03, 23:38
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
ModeSix, plaza 4 is an excellent subsitute now for plaza 1. And anti-city can go there easily.
Personally I'm thinking of now moving from subway station to station constantly rather then sticking to one specific tradeskill zone... Have to stay one step of the authorities who would be offended by me tradeskilling out of faction. I'd never actually exit the sub system. Not sure if I'd have any customers that way though. Something to experiment with in any case.

Psycho Killa
11-12-03, 23:54
Hey kk can we have the community police itself a bit instead of instakill guards?

What happened to removing the general carebear attitude. This just made it 100 times more fuckin carebear.

12-12-03, 00:02
Originally posted by ModeSix
I like this patch for the most part, but on another note, it is the most retarded patch I have seen to date.

Not allowing CA enemies to go into Medicare is the SINGLE most retarded thing I have ever heard of in my life. Why should SOME people be allowed to use a public building but not others? Note the words PUBLIC BUILDING.

Anyways, my 2 cents.

In the 2 years I've been playing Neocron (b3 and beyond) this has to be the single most stupid change I've seen.
ROFL most funny post I've seen in the last weeks :lol:
Neocron is run by Lion Reeza.
He is a dictator.
You are a terrorist.
A bad guy in the eyes of city admin anyway.

WHY ON EARTH THEY SHOULD LET YOU ALIVE IN THEIR HOME TERITORY?!?!? http://forum.counter-strike.de/bb/img/smilies/banghead.gifhttp://forum.counter-strike.de/bb/img/smilies/banghead.gifhttp://forum.counter-strike.de/bb/img/smilies/banghead.gif
Doy will be run by.. well.. anti-ca. So pro-city ppl will get shot on sight in Dome of York.
Hell, start using the grey thing between your ears!

€: Just for your information: It has to do something with role-play.

12-12-03, 00:07
Originally posted by ModeSix
I like this patch for the most part, but on another note, it is the most retarded patch I have seen to date.

Not allowing CA enemies to go into Medicare is the SINGLE most retarded thing I have ever heard of in my life. Why should SOME people be allowed to use a public building but not others? Note the words PUBLIC BUILDING.

Anyways, my 2 cents.

In the 2 years I've been playing Neocron (b3 and beyond) this has to be the single most stupid change I've seen.

If known terrorists stroll into a building owned by the very people they are trying to get rid of, for what drug-induced reason would they be allowed to stay?

12-12-03, 00:41
Originally posted by Psycho Killa
Anyone notice the melee increase....

I dont see a different at all.

I did. So did the PPU my melee tank was with.
Could have been wishful thinking though :)

12-12-03, 00:41
About Faction Medals (well what i think, lol)

Originally posted by Tratos
On the matter of the Faction medals and such:

The guys you talk to are (as mentioned in the notes) in the new faction offices and not the HQ, these offices are in places you would not normaly go e.g in the old core (TH office) i suspect the MB one will either be in sector 2 (down stairs) or in one of the leveling grounds which will have been despawned of mobs.

The Pro-City Faction offices are located in the revamped Con-Centre, this will be open after "Diamond Day" which was mentioned in the Neocronicle.

That full enough of facts? :)


12-12-03, 00:44
-Help window popups in apartments and Area MC5 show only up once now.


That was one of my orignal niggles right from the beginning

12-12-03, 01:29
the trigger-happy CA guards in medi are the stupidest thing ever put into any patch.

a. Its a copbot zone, where u can trade, build, chat etc without ever having to worry about gettin killed. U want us to do that in PP? If your not pvp'ng you dont stop running whilst in PP!

b. Its the single most usefull place in the game - where everyone goes to get weapons built & repaired, poked n shit and buy n sell stuff. One half of your customers have just been barred from it. I just spent 30 mins tryin to get a bloody poke ffs - cos the 'active' guards had managed to get out of medi into plaza. Not to mention the fact my char was LE'd and had all positve sympathies.

c. Wouldn't be half as bad if they were regular CA security - so u could at least run away. They're now MC5 guards in CA uniforms effectively.

I've never posted on this forum before - but I do find it usefull. I like NC despite all the bugs, but if this change stays, I go. Simple as that.

12-12-03, 01:32
Found the Crahn faction chick in the PP3 HQ, but all she said was Crahn himself will walk this earth again, and after that she kept telling me I wasn't wanted and to go away (and I'm crahn too) :(

And the Crahn Guards are total ownage. I was looking at them at the OZ9 Abbey and they were using Energy Beams and were doing like 5,000+ damage to the little spiders and roaches and stuff 8| Imagine that against a player :wtf:

12-12-03, 01:41
OMFG is it just me or did this patch stick in some kick ass music, such as the FA jazz, and i just went to crahn HQ in PP3 and they got the monks like chanting and humming, its sounds really spooky and well MINT


12-12-03, 01:49
Whatever people's opinions on the patch, at least NC is exciting now!

Everyone got bored and complacent, at least now people will have things to do, such as establishing new trading areas, etc.

Or does KK have to hold people's hands and designate new trading areas for them?

Shadow Dancer
12-12-03, 01:51
Originally posted by Tratos
i just went to crahn HQ in PP3 and they got the monks like chanting and humming, its sounds really spooky and well MINT


Really? O_O

I gotta check that out.

12-12-03, 01:52
Originally posted by Sorin
Found the Crahn faction chick in the PP3 HQ, but all she said was Crahn himself will walk this earth again, and after that she kept telling me I wasn't wanted and to go away (and I'm crahn too) :(

And the Crahn Guards are total ownage. I was looking at them at the OZ9 Abbey and they were using Energy Beams and were doing like 5,000+ damage to the little spiders and roaches and stuff 8| Imagine that against a player :wtf:

she says this is not the place for me, and im crahn AND ive done the epic, lol


12-12-03, 02:12
The Faction Guard damage is completely over the top. Its damn
boring when you are fighting someone and they accidently hit a
guard - pop, insta-death, fight over. People should have at least
a chance to get away once on of these guards start
shooting at you. When I heard about the buffage I thought "wow
cool, maybe even close to the power of copbots, thatll make
people think twice" but they are twice as powerfull as copbots,
its idiocy.

On a sidenote, if this powerfull guns can be manufactured on
such a large scale, then why cant we runners get our hands on
em? Are the guys that stand around in Pepper Park some sort of
new seed of Gene-Tanks that are 10* times harder and carry
guns which require 300 str or something? Because they sure as
hell dont look it. This change is stupid balance- and funwise, but
its incredibly stupid from a RP and realism perspective. If you are
going to make the hardest toughest mob in the game make it a
monster or some sort of badass robot.

12-12-03, 02:21
I thought you wanted more risk and death to mean something. :p

On a sidenote, if this powerfull guns can be manufactured on
such a large scale, then why cant we runners get our hands on

Talk to the Faction council member for your faction. The TH one seemed to suggest that the faction is broken up into two and the runners are seperate to the faction who deals with handing out the uber guns.

12-12-03, 02:24
Originally posted by Archeus
Talk to the Faction council member for your faction. The TH one seemed to suggest that the faction is broken up into two and the runners are seperate to the faction who deals with handing out the uber guns.

If there can be hand-made guns built that do 5000 damage to
lvl1 mobs a pop, why are only guard using em? Bah. Theres
something called (translating the real term.. uh) "realism within
the frame of the setting", its one of the basic rules of game-
design, and its fucking vital if you want to have at least a sense
of RP and "realism" in the game.

12-12-03, 04:23
I'm fighting in PP right now and I'm really disappointed at the Tsunami guards that are at the zone border between p3 and pp1. I think having them there is a bad idea, it can give some people too much of an advantage in a fight. Don't really have a problem with the other guards placed around, but Tsunami guards at the boarder = teh sux.

12-12-03, 05:37
I am TG at heart, thinking of becoming FA and am presently Protopharm, BUT the faction that I have most sympathy points in (100) is with Tangent, I wonder if Tangent will give me a medal?

actually question is, do you have to belong to the faction to get a medal or is it enough to have a huge lot of faction sympathy and do missions for them?

Some more details about those medals are required I think

also.....shouldn't we get a medal or some recognition for having done every single epic? (I am short two,have done all the others)

12-12-03, 08:26

PA 4 Requirments imho are too high atm. I know only 2 ppl who
are using Spy Pa 4. Thats me and Eternity.

No one else uses it because you can put lower PA on and use some additional chips with it. PA 4 does not gives enough bonuses so ppl will want to use it.

No one used it before it was 130 and I am pretty sure no one will when its has raised to 135. Same is with Tank PA 4.

I am pretty sure that every tank uses Moveon chip. Well if you have that in you cannot use PA 4 at all. Monk PA 4 ... well drugs are bad, m'kay. o_O

Would like other runners to talk about this and GMs to reconsider PA 4 Reqs or bonuses on it.

Thank you.

12-12-03, 12:02
The PE PA4 reqs are too high for what they give. A jump from PA3 to PA4 of 15 DEX is way too much considering the extra you get from wearing PA4 is not worth the drugging up.

In fact i would say that you are better off wearing the PA3 because of the lesser PSI loss.

12-12-03, 13:11
Love the patch. Im really getting a feel that DoY is comming soon and this patch is just confirming that.

Only real thing that Im not too happy about is the -20 Weapon Lore that comes with the mindcontrol cpu 3 now.

I dont really think that its necessary for this to be in place, but im sure KK has thier reasons.

12-12-03, 14:20
Originally posted by Deo
Only real thing that Im not too happy about is the -20 Weapon Lore that comes with the mindcontrol cpu 3 now. WHA!!!
Your joking? I need to check my imps then.

12-12-03, 14:47
In fact i would say that you are better off wearing the PA3 because of the lesser PSI loss.

Yep true.

12-12-03, 16:09
still no heavy combat eye tho

12-12-03, 16:50
Originally posted by Deo
Love the patch. Im really getting a feel that DoY is comming soon and this patch is just confirming that.

Only real thing that Im not too happy about is the -20 Weapon Lore that comes with the mindcontrol cpu 3 now.

I dont really think that its necessary for this to be in place, but im sure KK has thier reasons.

i see reasons, its FOR droners with the rifle eye it takes away from pc i see it quite justified that it takes away from wep lore

/me puts in his sf sa ss hawking or moto3 and runs away

12-12-03, 18:02
Originally posted by notneo
still no heavy combat eye tho

Perhaps this could be introduced with NC:BDOY as some DOY technology along with other things like the new guns that are so they say gonna be added

just a thought


paolo escobar
12-12-03, 18:15
Luv the new patch, tho i forgot i had my TG char logged right next to the guards inside medi........doh

DoY is so close i can smell it, the anticipation is killin' me, cmon KK announce the details of the new features and areas BDoY is gonna have.

12-12-03, 18:41
This new patch is a mock.

12-12-03, 18:48
I'm loving the new patch actualy. My role is infact not diminished, it's made more important because of how much more difficult it is to acomplish.

My only beef is that Pepper Park 1 is not Tsunami Home : ( It's still Neocron's playground for all their fighting.

13-12-03, 07:06
I agree with Nova...the reqs for PA 4s are way too high. It's hard enough getting to DEX 130 even with an SA in, but 135 means you would have to be capped, if not close to cap. I think it would be wise to lower reqs or increase bonuses.

Just my word.

13-12-03, 07:20
the guards ( all of em ) are complete OVERKILL imo..

its like mc5 o_O

i love the rest of the patch tho... great para and reez nerf :)


13-12-03, 13:13
So if all the gaurds are now amazingly hard in all faction areas.

Then where are Pkers going to PK?

Do KK not want them?:mad:

13-12-03, 19:08
Those 120/120 guards should be ONLY in the HQ itself cause it fucks the Pk's up , it fucks the Mobs up it fucks all....

13-12-03, 23:56
Originally posted by Sefran
Those 120/120 guards should be ONLY in the HQ itself cause it fucks the Pk's up , it fucks the Mobs up it fucks all....
but if youre trying to keep bad out wouldnt you want your best defense on the outside?

14-12-03, 02:57
So basically BD and TSUNAMI guards don't kos city runners but they are KOS in plaza 1?

Also what is the deal with making all the guards over 100 rank.... Where is the fun in having automated brick walls that insta kill enemies defending your faction offices as opposed to players who are fun and fair to fight?

Anything done about the devourer damage, or is it still half the CS with no advantages over it?

rest of patch seems cool tho.

14-12-03, 03:22
Originally posted by KRIMINAL99
So basically BD and TSUNAMI guards don't kos city runners but they are KOS in plaza 1?

Only the CA gaurds that are inside Medicare KOS, the ones outside don't.

14-12-03, 10:14
Gave up reading this thread two thirds of the way through.

KK started with the braindead positive feedback loop many patches back :-

Scale mobs to the uberness of PPUs ... then scale PPUs to the new uberness of mobs ... then scale Guards to the uberness of PPUs etc etc

All they've really achieved since March is to make PPUs compulsory for pretty much anything more taxing than buying ammo from a vendor, and now to have any chance whatsoever of discouraging raiding the guards have to be utterly insane.

Pick a reference point for fuck's sake, and balance relative to that.
Trying to eternally bodge your way through the process in a ham-fisted manner when the goalposts are moving all the time is just self-defeating idiocy.

*Especially* when you habitually adjust balance with all the precision and accuracy of a tac-nuke (assuming you don't also make a glaring patch mistake at the same time)

OK - some of the above is hyperbole, but the underlying trends are factual.

Dribble Joy
14-12-03, 10:41
At least they try... I think...

14-12-03, 17:50
Originally posted by kurai
Gave up reading this thread two thirds of the way through.

KK started with the braindead positive feedback loop many patches back :-

Scale mobs to the uberness of PPUs ... then scale PPUs to the new uberness of mobs ... then scale Guards to the uberness of PPUs etc etc

All they've really achieved since March is to make PPUs compulsory for pretty much anything more taxing than buying ammo from a vendor, and now to have any chance whatsoever of discouraging raiding the guards have to be utterly insane.

Pick a reference point for fuck's sake, and balance relative to that.
Trying to eternally bodge your way through the process in a ham-fisted manner when the goalposts are moving all the time is just self-defeating idiocy.

*Especially* when you habitually adjust balance with all the precision and accuracy of a tac-nuke (assuming you don't also make a glaring patch mistake at the same time)

OK - some of the above is hyperbole, but the underlying trends are factual.

ROFL exactly... and IMO make the reference point not ppus either so normal people can function in the game and having ppu support is like a bonus.

They have always operated with a total ignorance of how people play the game as well... and 90% of their ideas on how to make the game "team based" just end up making the game miserable for most people.

Clive tombstone
16-12-03, 07:44
I wanna be able to Gun me 4x4 again!
dis is commin from a PE?!
Please pLease plEase pleAse pleaSe pleasE PLEASE!!

18-12-03, 20:33
dont know if its already been mentioned but did they nerf the team loot/xp share

i just ran through chaos caves with 3 apus in tow we did it 5 times before i realised i was getting 0 cash and 0 xp

now my rank is high but pre patch it never stopped me getting xp off a few capped apus before