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View Full Version : PLAZA 1 needs a bar. For serious look at this.

11-12-03, 08:49
So I go by the medicare in plaza 1 all the time, I see lots of people there, I'm sure you see lots of people there too. I find the whole standing around pretty lame and very unRPGish. So I figured, why not have the spot be cooler, well the thought of convincing everybody to pick up and leave for plaza2's gariot's came to mind, but I realized it would be impossible. Then, I got the lightbulb, why not just appeal to the public and the creators to build a cool spot to hang in and get work done? Why not build it right in that completly unoccupied chunk of corner?
So I've made up some pics on the way I picture it. Maybe they should use my idea, maybe you should post yours, maybe they'll even have a contest and maybe they'll progressivly use the same process to give the whole city a general face-lift once in a while.
Anyways I'm sure you can beat mine, I just ran around for 5 mins. snapping screenshots and then threw it all together using paint, if you couldn't tell already. http://terrorerror.50megs.com/extras/neocron-inside1.JPG http://terrorerror.50megs.com/extras/neocron-outside2.JPG http://terrorerror.50megs.com/extras/neocron-outside.JPG http://terrorerror.50megs.com/extras/neocron-plan.JPG
IF THE PICS DONT SHOW GO HERE (http://terrorerror.50megs.com/extras/images.html).

-edit to fix images

11-12-03, 09:26
Look at this thread. (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=84441)

11-12-03, 09:31
Interesting idea.

However, next time, I would suggest you just post something like this here and the mods will eventually move it to the Brainport after a day or so. ;)

Cross-posting is bad!

Seriously, though, it is a very nice idea. :)

11-12-03, 09:31
wouldn;t make me play more...

but i dont think playing more is even possible! :p

good idea

11-12-03, 09:36
http://neocron.jafc.de/images/icons/icon14.gif Excellent! Now let's hope some level maker can quickly patch up plaza1.bps :D

11-12-03, 10:05
Very well thought out, like the screenies too, like a proper architecht proposition ;) And yea would give a bit more depth to P1, also for meetings with yer mates aswell, got my 5 stars ;)

11-12-03, 10:07
5 stars here, too.

Like Fenyx said, it would be a great place to hang out with friends and generally waste time while lom'ing.

I wonder who moved this from the Brainport to here. It was originally in the Brainport right? Or am I just going crazy?

11-12-03, 10:09
Nice idea 5 stars, would like that v. much

11-12-03, 10:12
Nice :)

5 stars.

11-12-03, 10:14
Yah thats pretty cool.

11-12-03, 10:17
It is a very cool idea, though don't forget plaza 1 is now unsafe for all except pro-cityadmin. Plaza 4, the "new" spot does indeed have a chez cypher which is close.

11-12-03, 10:19
Well thanks everybody, it was just pissing me off how the busiest place in the whole game isn't even jammed packed with locations. Personally, I don't know how it got picked in the first place, its almost the ugliest place in the plaza district. Anyways hopefully the developers get wind of this and we see it in 193.

Not bad for a first post eh?

Peace out.

11-12-03, 10:24
Great idea, it would need 'somthing' inside to keep people down there... Like a gogo and some guy that buys junk like Yo's.

5 stars

11-12-03, 10:33
i think there shouldnt be a bar in plaza1. why encourage everyone to be in one zone? plaza 3 used to have tons of people buzzing around doing things

11-12-03, 10:36
Originally posted by dbomb
i think there shouldnt be a bar in plaza1. why encourage everyone to be in one zone? plaza 3 used to have tons of people buzzing around doing things

With 39 people playing on pluto I dont think it's that bad of an idea to have a bar in plaza 1. People arn't gonna move out more until we pass the 500 server population mark. At high times people hang out in plaza 2 around cellar 4... still never in bar though. (no reason to go inside) One little bar wouldnt change anything and it'd be a great place to chill.

11-12-03, 13:55
there are a minibar near CA hq allrdy need an other one =/
Move all trades to VR 3 instead =)

Maester Seymour
11-12-03, 14:06
damn nice idea dude, this'd be a cool addition to plaza i reckon,

5 stars here

11-12-03, 14:06
5 stars

11-12-03, 14:12
I love it, 5 stars.

11-12-03, 14:47
:cool: Very cool idea, well laid out and thought out too, don't see much of that on here ;)

it Couldn't make me play more, but would definately enhance the game and the area

11-12-03, 15:38
Aww, that would be sweet. Also some news-screens like in a real bar (TV's + football in British bars ;) )... also would be sweet if these kind of upgrades were made in other secs too. Plaza 2 would have a bit gruffy bar next to YO's, you know what I mean: some underground bands playing garage rock while people drink beer - a lot. While a Viarosso bar would be that Haute-Couture'ish diner with an elegant bar equipped with a well dressed bartender. The menu should be adjusted so that high class bar would have only wines and such while the more low-down-and-dirty bars would serve beer and other "low-middle class drinks".

Man that would be cool :)

11-12-03, 16:00
sweet 5 stars

11-12-03, 16:10
meh... need to play more SWG ^^

get a jedi char and start using "Force" if neccessary to get this Implemented !!!


Me wanna sit in Plaza 1 bar looking at peeps falling around me drunk.. then go take their booze ^^

11-12-03, 16:23

Tha'z a lorra stahz.

11-12-03, 16:26
a bar in P1 would be cool.. but with already bars in p2 and p4.. i think alot of bars would be bad.. but still cool idea

11-12-03, 16:42

11-12-03, 16:48
Not only is it a cool idea, with a cool placement and a very neat layout... It makes sense that someone would set up a restaurant business there because it is the BUSIEST sector in the game (quite possibly). 5 stars and a happy vote :)


11-12-03, 17:40
eh its not like theyre going to put a bar in anyway so ill let you guys dream

11-12-03, 17:57
That would be near medicare for good lom place - good idea.
plaza 2 has a nice bar next to medicare (they don't sell lom pills?), fish and what was it...

I'll be tradeskilling with my spy plaza 4, 3 and 2, before the time comes.. 2 because of the bar, 3 and 4 because of crytons...

don't go p1 ;) maybe more people move to plaza 3 cos of this copbot change..

It would be nice, but i doubt..

11-12-03, 17:58
well thought out :D

11-12-03, 18:02
there's a snak-attack in plaza one outside CA HQ...

there's a cafe and a restaurant in Plaza Two...

there's a restaurant in Plaza Four...

and restaurants in Via Rosso One and Three.

and yes, I've suggested a STRONG delineation in menu choices to the type of restaurants a few months ago. Candy/Pop/Beer-Booze-SynthWine-Snowflake for the Snak-Attaks and Pepper Park cafes/clubs, then Pop/Wine/Preacher'sChoice/Specialities for the Plaza Restuarants.

11-12-03, 18:25
but the snak attack is next to CA entrace :rolleyes:
hardly no one remembers it, they always run over it..

edit: and has no chairs.. a KIOSK

11-12-03, 18:48
well, that's their own faults for not looking around them, plus it means if they get thirsty, screw them.

11-12-03, 19:08
who would run there anyway, just to take some loms.. :rolleyes:


12-12-03, 00:39
I voted never post again, But thats just becuase it seemed like a funny mean thing to do

but its a nice idea really!

12-12-03, 08:21
aw, so much good feedback, but now i see this post is falling behind.
go on catch up with the stickys little post, maybe you could become one of them! run run!

anyways keep the feedback coming and soon we might just have a sweet pub-style hangout in plaza 1

13-12-03, 02:13
Oh my sh!t dude, your post is awesome! I really like your idea because you've got edited screenshots (very nice too), a map, and the idea is just cool. I like to build these types of things for Unreal engine games, and I mean damn, the location is so perfect... good idea with the low windows looking out into the medicare lot. Well, 5 stars definitely. :D

Edit: Why was this moved out of the Brainport?

13-12-03, 02:42
Nice idea, but I'd think bigger ;)

I'd be prepared to model an entire club for plaza as long as KK would texture it using their textures once I was done.

16-12-03, 23:10
So this post has been up for a while now, its made the 5 star rating, does this mean it can be placed in the brainport? It sure isnt doing anything on page 4 of the posts, (who the hell ever looks back all the way to page 4?), I just feel wrong when I have to post on it just to make it get noticed again? community talk is just too full of things unrelated to ideas to make neocron a better game. -please move this to the brainport. thanks in advance if it gets done, KeithMyath

16-12-03, 23:16
I love the pics, it helps u image it so much.. 5 Stars from me :D

17-12-03, 01:34
Originally posted by G.0.D.
I voted never post again, But thats just becuase it seemed like a funny mean thing to do

but its a nice idea really!

Just what I was thinking

@Cheule - any idea what build type NC uses? Is it brush based, or sector based??

22-12-03, 09:22
New pics by Zerei are available here (http://terrorerror.50megs.com/extras/goodpics/index.html). Check em out, they beat the shit out of my paintbrush attempts.

22-12-03, 09:48
This is Zerei (Saturn)...

Made those pics with Keith's permission in UnrealEd, Deus Ex editor. The outer part where I had to rebuild Plaza 1 (small parts of it) took me about 2 hours, but the bar only took me about 45 min to 1 hour. Come on KK, it's your turn now. :D

22-12-03, 13:10
OMG :D im gonna post the pics on here?








These are some sweet pics!
KK u know what to do :p

22-12-03, 13:27
Originally posted by Ascention
OMG :D im gonna post the pics on here?








These are some sweet pics!
KK u know what to do :p

OMG NC 2!!!! when it commin out :D

Jackie Chan
22-12-03, 13:38
great idea... but the City Admins Guards will shot at me ^^

22-12-03, 13:51
Whoa, you really raped Deus Ex there, making it looking crappy like NC....:o

22-12-03, 14:17
Originally posted by Duder
Whoa, you really raped Deus Ex there, making it looking crappy like NC....:o

Lol :P harsh duder :lol: but cumon its a great idea?

22-12-03, 20:28
Originally posted by Duder
Whoa, you really raped Deus Ex there, making it looking crappy like NC....:o

Oh shut up. You have no idea how hard it is to run Neocron and the editor on 755mhz (editor goes REALLY SLOW). I'm not going to make it perfect. Create a better replica and your comment will be valid. rofl.

22-12-03, 20:30
I'd be happy to map it in NC Plaza 1... But I'd need the editor. Seriously the actual bar didn't take that long at all.

22-12-03, 20:38
5 stars, I love this idea. Put bars in other areas too, maybe have a "secret passage" that leads from Plaza 2/3 to the pub, so that people can sneak in to do some trades. We poor Tsunami can't even walk into plaza 1 now!

22-12-03, 21:08
why not make the bars in PP, safer, than people would use them. no one uses the bars there, theres a bar in Tech Haven theat the Angels use all the time though.


sorry to be sour on the fact, cause this really is a great idea, i love all the rp places.


23-12-03, 01:53
Oh yeah, ill make a replica of Plaza 1 using ONLY SPAM CANS.


Yes, you spent your energy on making a Replica of Plaza 1 using the Deus Ex SDK, yes good for you, i am very impressed by it all, etc etc but i dislike Plaza 1 really, really much.

Why dont we just add everything in Plaza 1 and delete the other zones? Lets just have 3 zones, Plaza 1, Pepper Park 1 and Via Rosso 1 (Via Rosso 1 will can be deleted aswell, as no ones there anyways.) And then have Outposts in a cluster of 4 next to each other and have 20 GRs around 1 Outpost. Sounds fine?


KK just fixed up Plaza 4, its got a bar, all the stores youll ever need, gogus, etc etc, no one in hell goes there, but noooo, people want everything in plaza 1.

23-12-03, 06:18
lol true true, but i still like that fact that its sunken and has wittle windows at the top, TS BD, improve the defences to your bars so we may partay

23-12-03, 06:36
Originally posted by Duder
Oh yeah, ill make a replica of Plaza 1 using ONLY SPAM CANS.


Yes, you spent your energy on making a Replica of Plaza 1 using the Deus Ex SDK, yes good for you, i am very impressed by it all, etc etc but i dislike Plaza 1 really, really much.

Why dont we just add everything in Plaza 1 and delete the other zones? Lets just have 3 zones, Plaza 1, Pepper Park 1 and Via Rosso 1 (Via Rosso 1 will can be deleted aswell, as no ones there anyways.) And then have Outposts in a cluster of 4 next to each other and have 20 GRs around 1 Outpost. Sounds fine?


KK just fixed up Plaza 4, its got a bar, all the stores youll ever need, gogus, etc etc, no one in hell goes there, but noooo, people want everything in plaza 1.
1.) It's just a bar.
2.) Release your capslock.

23-12-03, 10:19
yeah i get that you might not like the idea of making Plaza1 a more interesting place, yeah i get that not everyone can travel there safely, but for those of us who do use it frequently, and i think there is no denying that there is a lot us,

it sure would be a hell of a lot cooler if you didn't have to stand around like it is now,

it would just never actually occur like that, densely populated areas get like that by having an interesting place to be, hence a pub or bar.

also, I would like to see that bar have a lot of character, something dingier than the average, squeaky-clean plaza restaurants and kiosks.

so please KK, I've brought my idea to you, the people have spoken as to how they feel, if you want to make people happy to play your game, if you want to increase the feeling of the game for those of us who enjoy RPing in an RPG, give us this one bar, the benchs and plants have been a nice addition but just don't make it seem right.

thank you everyone who have voted and/or replied, if enough of you make your opinion heard, the dev team should find it in their interests to make the addition.

23-12-03, 12:37
PP has alot of nice bars. Maybe we should try to throw parties at those bars and get more ppl to come. I meen alot of those bars are rly kool. and there are a ton of them.

23-12-03, 14:14
Originally posted by Duder
KK just fixed up Plaza 4, its got a bar, all the stores youll ever need, gogus, etc etc, no one in hell goes there, but noooo, people want everything in plaza 1.

I go to plasa 4, but it's a pain in the ass to get to if your not pro admin as you've got to wander past the Medi guard's and several other CA faction guard's if you go though plasa 1, though you can go though the subway to via 3 and then via 1 and on to plasa 4, but realy plasa 4, great zone, alway's loved it, but it's just not connected right, it's only linked to two zone's, all other city zone's link out three way's, plasa 4 only two.. Maybe if it had a skywalk to plasa 3 it'd see more use..

23-12-03, 14:18
Originally posted by Q`alooaith
I go to plasa 4, but it's a pain in the ass to get to if your not pro admin as you've got to wander past the Medi guard's and several other CA faction guard's if you go though plasa 1, though you can go though the subway to via 3 and then via 1 and on to plasa 4, but realy plasa 4, great zone, alway's loved it, but it's just not connected right, it's only linked to two zone's, all other city zone's link out three way's, plasa 4 only two.. Maybe if it had a skywalk to plasa 3 it'd see more use..

Tag the GR there!o_O And also you could Move that idea to plaza 4 anyways?

BRB with screen shot :D


Just rough Idea but fitting non the less?:wtf:

23-12-03, 14:29
I think plasa 2 should run under and down, where to yo's is it could run down under plasa 1, giving a link to plasa 4 from there... a small bar zone to fill the gap would be good.. though the sewer's would be in the way.

26-12-03, 08:16
Hehe well I'm not making another map in UnrealEd. Duder sorry about before, I think you thought I made that map to show off (although it was kinda rushed and not perfect), and I would be mad if someone made something like this just to show off too. But I made it so people can visualize more what it would be like if the bar was actually there, and stuff.

26-12-03, 11:57
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Anything to encourage City Factions to develop is a good idea to me.

01-01-04, 23:27
mmm, more feedback,

01-01-04, 23:49
I think youve had all the feedback you need now its down to the devs :(

02-01-04, 01:06
I want a bar! :D

02-01-04, 01:17
Originally posted by Ascention
OMG :D im gonna post the pics on here?








These are some sweet pics!
KK u know what to do :p

Some damn fine work uve done there m8ie!

I like it!