View Full Version : Addictions

11-12-03, 00:51
I'm bored so...

song (ftp://ftp.anarchy-breed.com/crystalblue/addictions.mp3)

Some people are addicted to cocaine,


...and extasy.

For the rest of us, theres Neocrack!


Shadow Dancer
11-12-03, 01:09
Interesting sig.......o_O

11-12-03, 01:14
Zee song is not worky, it seems its restricted access.

11-12-03, 01:17
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Fucking HUGE sig.......o_O


Shadow Dancer
11-12-03, 01:26
lol mumbly.

Yes, the sig is too wide. It keeps stretching my screen.

11-12-03, 01:26
im addicted to oxycontin

11-12-03, 04:16
silly me

here (http://anarchy-breed.com/crystalblue/addictions.mp3)

works now

11-12-03, 04:30

11-12-03, 04:39
I'm addicted to oxygen, i cant seem to get off it :(

Shadow Dancer
11-12-03, 04:43
That song kicks ass. Perfect PKing song.

11-12-03, 14:50
Yeah I have about 400 of them in my playlist I shuffle through while pk'ing ^_^

11-12-03, 17:49
me addicted no i only use neo for recreation and i can quit any time if i wanted,no really i could ,i just dont want to ,know shaddup and get that server up plzplz i neeed a fix!!!!!!!!

11-12-03, 17:57
lol, i swear lexxuk's avatar is dancing to this song :P

11-12-03, 19:35
Ugh i dont like hardcore too much, maybe because of my dislike of them dirty ravers.

11-12-03, 20:02
Originally posted by Duder
Ugh i dont like hardcore too much, maybe because of my dislike of them dirty ravers.

that's sissy hardcore, lol
check out this site, go to hardcore, and then anything that comes from "rave" lol.....it used to be all over Belgium 10 years ago....terrible :)
I'll stick to jaga jazzist and cinematic orchestra, mmmm

/edit to add the link :o

11-12-03, 20:05
So its what...Happy Hardcore? hahaha :p

11-12-03, 20:08
let's just say: "it's shit"
oh well, you can't discuss taste :)

11-12-03, 20:16
From looking at this chart, it seems alot that i listen to is catagorized in the downtempo area...acid jazz, downbeat and trip hop yeehah...and that Illbient...rofl

11-12-03, 20:26
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
lol mumbly.

Yes, the sig is too wide. It keeps stretching my screen.
not to you sd but

Customized Graphics And Signatures

Graphic signatures will not exceed 100 pixels in height. Eeach line of text you add above or below an image counts for 15 pixels of height, which means that there can be a maximum of five lines of text in a signature without any images above or below the text.

Graphic signatures can be as long as you want them to be, provided they do not extend past the screen at a resolution of 1024*768. You can check the size of an image in your signature by right clicking it and choosing 'Properties'.
my screen resolution is wider than 1024 and it goes past so =p to you flyl

12-12-03, 01:33
Rave ??

where ??

me wanna rava =/


bloody wabbit kill my stereo =/ then the wabbit shot at me.. but it walked away when i gave it a Cookie ^^ :/

wabbits like Cookies..

I like rave..

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