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View Full Version : Ability to ORGANIZE GR LIST!

10-12-03, 23:22

i want the ability remove GR's from list or push important GR's to top of list.

not all of us have rerolled and tagged GR's in the right order to make a perfect list. i would love this option especially with the upcoming changes for the plaza sector.

[EDIT] people who vote pls just post yes or no to keep topic up so it doesnt die.

Shadow Dancer
10-12-03, 23:23
Yes please, YES!

10-12-03, 23:24
it'd be nice to have, but not a top of the list type deal, rather see more bugs wiped out of NC before sorting GR list.

10-12-03, 23:59
heh, this was gonna be one of my ideas.....

half my ideas are ways to improve what we have, the other half is new things.

11-12-03, 00:27

Nice Idea, Hope it gets Implemented.

11-12-03, 00:32
yes plz... maybe ability to change gr name ^^

11-12-03, 00:42
Hell yea! Not that hard to do either.

11-12-03, 01:11
Originally posted by SovKhan

not all of us have rerolled and tagged GR's in the right order to make a perfect list.

[edited for violation of the forum rules]

(voted yes)

Perhaps they should have presets, such as alphabetical order, list by sector, list by GR type, and list by ownership....and maybe even completely customizable order :O

11-12-03, 01:16

and while you are at it, add the faction owner and security status to the list too


Jeriko Fortress ||| (TT)
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | |
OP Divider Faction

Colour shows that the GR is locked to your faction (or whatever your RPOS setting show over a item you cant use)

EDIT: hotfixed leet ascii diagram

Shakey -=Tank=-
11-12-03, 01:30
Got my vote. It would be a worthy addition to the game.

11-12-03, 01:33
yes pls

11-12-03, 02:05
Originally posted by SigmaDraconis
[edited for violation of the forum rules]

Gotterdammerung -> how do you know i didnt want to suck him.

11-12-03, 02:08
he does..trust me he does.

11-12-03, 02:09

11-12-03, 02:35
This option have actually existed. In beta you were able to push locations to the top. I cant remember which key that was used but ive been trying about all keys in order to get that damn gr list fixed.


11-12-03, 03:37
duh YES ... makes me wonder why this wasnt allready implimented...

11-12-03, 05:15
yes yes yes yes yes
so manythings in this game NEED to have more organization posibilities.

11-12-03, 05:49
who voted no and why?

11-12-03, 08:33
dear lord please let this happen

11-12-03, 08:43
I have one GR in my list that is <error: No desc. found> etc and it costs me 500 nc to GR there. Where it leads is kick from server for a second and when I log back, Im in a MILITARY BASE APARTMENT that apparently is mine but I have never bought apartment there :D

It's a cheap way to GR around.. 500 nc there and 1k out :lol:

11-12-03, 09:10
Yes yes yes!

I have always suggested that there be a tabbed GR list with 3 or 4 tabs, eg: Apartments, Outposts, City Locations, Other (Wasteland GRs). You could combine the city and other listings since they are all public GRs.

This implies that we should be able to GR to any of our apartments, not just one!

The status of ops should be shown on the list too.

11-12-03, 10:30
Yes. I can't count how many times this would have come in handy.

11-12-03, 10:34
Yes, please yes. I also have an <err:desc not found> one and it's annoying as hell. Also, my character is the same one I rolled when I first started playing - so although I have all the genreps they are not in an efficient order at all. :rolleyes:

11-12-03, 12:11
I use my <Desc not found> entry in the same way as LVirus ...
It logs me out of game, then I re-log in my starter apartment.

It, in effect, gives me a second Primary apartment ;)

(I once asked a GM if it was possible he could delete these errored entries, and he said "no - just try and ignore it" :D)

11-12-03, 12:36
At least make it alphabetical.

I had about 4 or 5 <error...> entries at one point on one char but they all vanished. I think they were legacy from when you could activate any apt GR but I can't remember if that lasted into retail.

11-12-03, 13:04
Originally posted by kurai
I use my <Desc not found> entry in the same way as LVirus ...
It logs me out of game, then I re-log in my starter apartment.

It, in effect, gives me a second Primary apartment ;)

Well, first of all, my starter apt is in TG and secondly, I have never had a MB apt in my life. So something .. very broken :confused: :o 8|

11-12-03, 14:14
It would be a nice feature. As would the ability to tag all the gr's in apartments you own. (Obviously not the ones in hostile areas)

11-12-03, 14:40
Yes :D Yes :) Yes :cool: YES

could it also tell you at a glance if u were repping into an enemy territory?

Just for those moments of pure clicking terror trying desperately to rep out of a camped rep?

or does that just happen to me? :rolleyes:

11-12-03, 14:47
Well instead of the "Critical, Safe, Not Critical" thing, you could colour code Green - friendly/allied, Yellow - neutral, Red - enemy

11-12-03, 14:47
This is the funny thing, me Diss and Omni were just talking about this last night.

The conclusion is this, it would be very nice if we could organise our GRs
It would be even better if we could organise them and get some thing else goingdown, EG a real time status on the safter of the GR (this could be made by seeing what faction the Player is and what the faction is of Players within "X"Distance of the GR, or in a similar way to the way NPC vendors and copbots react to weapons fire, the GRs could also be sensitive to weapons fire/ weapons being drawn by a player.)

at the very least the GR should be aranged alfabeticaly <- i know, i know, i cant spell for S*$T.:p


11-12-03, 15:21
go svk go svk go svk! yes yes yes please i wanna see this plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :angel:

11-12-03, 15:53
an ok idea i guess and yeah i wish we all had time to sit on our butts all day re rolling 15 times a week and being so bored as to arrange all the gr's in order

11-12-03, 17:46
thumbs up on that

11-12-03, 17:59
Originally posted by boneybob
This is the funny thing, me Diss and Omni were just talking about this last night.

The conclusion is this, it would be very nice if we could organise our GRs
It would be even better if we could organise them and get some thing else goingdown, EG a real time status on the safter of the GR (this could be made by seeing what faction the Player is and what the faction is of Players within "X"Distance of the GR, or in a similar way to the way NPC vendors and copbots react to weapons fire, the GRs could also be sensitive to weapons fire/ weapons being drawn by a player.)

at the very least the GR should be aranged alfabeticaly <- i know, i know, i cant spell for S*$T.:p


Would be great but at this point im wish we could just simply organize them. or if they do implement something like this i hope they first include the ability to organize instead of takeing months to add more than it in.

11-12-03, 18:20
Originally posted by Akasha
go svk go svk go svk! yes yes yes please i wanna see this plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :angel:

was my fecking idea anyway!

Originally posted by Candaman
an ok idea i guess and yeah i wish we all had time to sit on our butts all day re rolling 15 times a week and being so bored as to arrange all the gr's in order

You can suck me too.

11-12-03, 23:28
At least make the silly things alphabetical...

Richard Adregen
11-12-03, 23:38
YES x 110! (only 1 vote to no... I'd like to know who and why... :eek:)


12-12-03, 01:46
Yes I need to take med center GR and slam it down to the bottom dam force of habbit I GR there boom Dead. Now I look like the biggest nib ever. Sux when you GG noob yourself :mad:

Shadow Dancer
12-12-03, 01:55
I want to remove plaza 1 GR from my list. I keep "almost" clicking it by accident.


12-12-03, 01:56
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
I want to remove plaza 1 GR. I keep "almost" clicking it by accident.


same here i wanna remove it completely or move it to the bottom of all my lists so i dont accidently hit it

i think the vote shows it all....this should be put in next patch

12-12-03, 04:55
I can't tag ViaRosso GR because I already tagged all others and now tagging the damn WL GRs.. because this time when I need to go somewhere, I friggin' want to find the damn GR easier than going thru the list 3 or 4 times :p

So HELL YES! It should've been so since betas :p

// Wannabe

12-12-03, 06:17
good thinking bat boy

12-12-03, 07:11
yes r is p[eas3

12-12-03, 09:12
At last someone brings it up, I have voted and I've ranked it a 5.

11-02-04, 16:00
it would also be nice to double click on a name to go there

11-02-04, 16:05
HELL YES: let me sort those GR's out
Yes please :)

11-02-04, 16:06
Yes, pretty please. A customizable GR-list. That idea is SO pants! :cool:

11-02-04, 16:10

And ability to see where you can or cannot GR, ie. red text, no GR, white text possible GR.

11-02-04, 16:16
Originally posted by Argent

And ability to see where you can or cannot GR, ie. red text, no GR, white text possible GR.

That color thingy would be sweet too

11-02-04, 16:35
HELL YEAHH!!!!!!!!!!

11-02-04, 16:38
couldnt agree anymore, to long have we had to scroll through our lists, to long have we been dieing while trying to find a safe gr, to long have we had to think of this before, but no now is the time !!

11-02-04, 16:59
wow...bump :p

sounds good to me

11-02-04, 17:03
Whoever that one guy who voted no is, raise your hand so we can flog you with bats.

This has been called for since.... forever. You would think 157 Yes votes would mean something o_O

Doc Holliday
11-02-04, 17:07
do it. add removal thing like the buddy list. customization.

Psyco Groupie
11-02-04, 17:10

11-02-04, 17:17

Also i want the list to show the owning faction and the security settings.

Especially when youre in a hurry its a pain in the ass to find the dumb genrep.

Also if you try to genrep to a closed genrep when youre dead you end up in your apt. And that also really sucks.


11-02-04, 17:46
Most definitely yes. Enable a click and drag interface on the gogu. Also can we please for the love of god enable more than one appartment genrep at a time please? :D

11-02-04, 17:49
This is a great idea!!!!

KK, please make this happen. Put it in the next patch or just hotfix it. This one change is worth it.

And, most definitely, let it be shown, by whatever means, what the security settings are for the genreps.

Great idea, not original :p, but a great idea!!!! :D

11-02-04, 19:35
voted yes.

sorted by status would be great also.

although it might take away all the joy from my panicked search of an open genrep when I'm trying to bug-out after getting jumped/ganked at a GR (even though my apartment is always at the top and always open, my brain never seems to want to go for that one under stress) :D

11-02-04, 19:47
Hell yes. I hate trying to emergency gr when im under fire only to click on plaza-1 typherall memorial and get 0wn3d by teh mad guards.

11-02-04, 20:38
I would settle for a "ONOZ, GR anywhere except here!" button

11-02-04, 21:03
or * i am getting shot at like crazy, my adrenaline rush is to high and i cant click the f**kin GR button, button *


anyone else get that but me..?

11-02-04, 23:13
yeah i like it..... gets kinda annoyin wen ure runnin away from enemys and die trying to fidn the damn gr

11-02-04, 23:39
I'm sure this has been said but i love the idea, and wish you had the option of removing GRs also, i never want to accidentally GR back to medicare in p1 as an anticity or with -sl (did that once).

12-02-04, 00:27
Absolutely agree with this poll. Security settings should be added too.

Agent L
14-02-04, 03:12
Maybe simply you can come and activate GR once more and that will move this GR to bottom of the list. So it will be pain in the ass to sort list but it will be possible.