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09-12-03, 22:58
So im bored at college today and i figured id start a fun topic. Sooooo what was your favorite movies as a kid(ei around 4-10). Heres my favorites:

The Sandlot
Rookie of the Year
Fox and the Hound(disney(c))
and Top Gun...tom cruise is hot.

09-12-03, 23:03
Lion King
Stargate o_O

09-12-03, 23:05
Six Pack :) lol yup... Six Pack
The Bad News Bears
and of-course.... Pippi Longstocking;) (My M8's are going to put me on KoS)


09-12-03, 23:08
I was 4-10 from 1977 - 1983... so I would have to say

Last Starfighter (I was 11, close enough)
Empire Strikers Back
Raiders of the Lost Ark

09-12-03, 23:08

Fantasy (but not cause tom cruise is hot :P)

Neverending story...

uh like

teenage mutant ninja turtles (first one)

dang can't rem much from back then

My older sister watched top gun all the time, always thought the main female char was hot. Had a really bad relationship with a girl that looked almost exactly like her, always blame my sister :P

Who could forget...

Big trouble in little china... that movie ROCKED for its time and
The golden child
Back to the future

09-12-03, 23:11
-The Little Toaster (or whatever the name is....where the toaster is the main char.)
-Total Recall (dont ask)
-Ace Ventura
-Fable (sp?) Goes West
-Ernest series... (Scared Stupid, Goes to Jail, Xmas)
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (all of em)
-III Ninjas.....(the first owned, then they went to crap after they changed actors : / )

*I was into the ninja stuff :D *

-Predator (still my fav movie :) )
-many others..

PS- I was an anti-social kid if you were wondering.
:cool: MEH.

09-12-03, 23:17
TMNT (I still watch it often)
Transformers: The Movie
Dick Tracy (first pg-13 movie I ever saw onoz)
The Never Ending Story
Back to the Future


09-12-03, 23:18
Its all about Gumby

09-12-03, 23:23
Oh, can I get any love for that Disney sci-fi movie "The Black Hole" ?????

I think that was the first movie I ever attended in the theater.

09-12-03, 23:29
:( My parents wouldn't let me watch TMNT.

Doc Holliday
09-12-03, 23:43
debbie does dallas. :p

09-12-03, 23:46
I'm not going to say since that would tell all of you my age. :p

[Note:I'm 29+.....and don't ask plus what or you're KoS!:rolleyes: )

09-12-03, 23:59
Hm... lets see.
Gota be those Arnie and Stalone movies, terminator, rambo, total recall.....
hm....what else....
Also all that Macross cartoon that was being played on a local channel (damn i loved them).
Not fond of any disney heros, apart from Scrung (sp?).
Thats about it i think.

Ah yes and another manga series, Area 88 (the one with mercenairy pilots and a war in one of the -stan countries)

10-12-03, 00:07
bugsey malone
neverending story
total recall
running man
bed knobs n broom sticks
swiss family robinson
The Guyver
and Mc Guyver ( however u spell the dudes name)
legend of the overfeind.... which to say the least nearly made me faint .... shit like that isnt for 9 yr olds ><
well thats what happends when u get your mom to rent all of the manga from your local vid store lol


10-12-03, 00:53
Originally posted by KRIMINAL99
Who could forget...

Big trouble in little china... that movie ROCKED for its time

Yeah I loved that film!

Goonies.. Back to the Future and I also remember The Last Starfighter as one of my favourites of the time.

10-12-03, 01:14
Mighty Ducks
Big Trouble in Little China
Used to watch vampire films, The Lost boys- I had some nighmares cos of that one!
The Three Amigos
Ghostbusters 1 + 2- i had all them toys back in the day!

Cant think of much else atm
Omg thats so wierd i just read the posts other ppl though Big Trouble In Little China owned too, and that film wasnt seen as that great- kurt russel!

10-12-03, 01:52
The land before time

Neverending story

teenage mutant ninja turtles



people under the stairs

muhaha :lol: :o :lol:

10-12-03, 01:53

10-12-03, 01:57
Terminator 1/2
predator... ermm

cant think of any more o_O

Shakey -=Tank=-
10-12-03, 02:18
lol Barak snap with all of them. My dad was safe with me when i was a nipper he used to let me watch all the 18 rated action movies he used to get copied from his mate ;) I was a big arnie fan in the 80's, I loved Terminator and Predator when i was a kid & Goonies is a f**ing Classic "HEY YOU GUYS" :lol:

10-12-03, 02:26
The Dark Crystal
Never Ending Story

Could go on but those are the ones that immediately come to mind - had to check the name of the first one with my girlfriend because I could remember the story in great detail but not the title !

Take care,


10-12-03, 02:56
Originally posted by ReefSmoker
The Dark Crystal

Take care,

ReefSmoker Holy crap forgot those two. Yah I LOVED those as a kid. Dark Crystal scared the hell out of me. I haven't seen Labyrinth in years though.

10-12-03, 05:00
I think Total Recall (OWNS!!) and Never Ending Story (:wtf: ) are winning!

10-12-03, 09:04
This is a ridiculous thread. Not one person has mentioned Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.

10-12-03, 09:14
Disney's Mary Poppins (the best live action Disney film ever made, IMO)
Disney's The Black Hole (great flik)
Anything Disney (I'm a Disney geek! :D)

Anyway, non-Disney:

NeverEnding Story
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Color of Money
The Exorcist
Dark Crystal
Weird Science (OMG Kelly LeBrock was hot!)
The Breakfast Club

There are others, but this is all I can think of right now.

I don't know if they all fit in the age range given, but I remember them from growing up. :)

10-12-03, 09:22
The Black Hole was solid.

The Breakfast Club and yet no Sixteen Candles?

10-12-03, 09:27
Originally posted by superfresh
The Black Hole was solid.

The Breakfast Club and yet no Sixteen Candles?
One Molly Ringwald flik was enough for me, thanks. :p

10-12-03, 09:31
most of the ones i loved have already been said so let me add a few of my other favorites

Princess bride
Enemy mine

10-12-03, 09:34
Originally posted by Comie
most of the ones i loved have already been said so let me add a few of my other favorites

Princess bride
Enemy mine
Princess Bride was a great movie. One of the only movies where Cary Elwes, he played Wesley for those not in-the-know, doesn't play a complete dickhead.
Enemy Mine was also one hell of a movie.

I just thought of two more:

Hiding Out (I think that's what it was called. It starred Jon Cryer. Whatever happened to him anyway?)
The Last Starfighter

10-12-03, 10:25
Wow childhood? That was along time ago. I read manga and books a lot more than I actually watched movies. Lets see movies I watched and liked were uh..

Toward the Terra
Adieu Galaxy Express 999
Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa
Arcadia of My Youth
Goshogun Time Etranger


Original monk
10-12-03, 11:12
daamn, never ending story, uber film i even forgot about it ... this thread brings back alot of memory's darn

trouble in little china lol extremely funny movie, i love em :)

and one that i kept in mind from when i was really young: the cartoon/animationmovie but i dont recall the tittle, its about a little dinosaur and he's friend that are going to look for dinosaur paradise or sumthing ... in the film the little dinosaurs mother died ... the only film in my life where i actually cried :/ ... i have a hard time thinking of that movie again ... the moment the kiddie looses he's mother and is fully alone on the planet O_O

luckely he had hes friends

daamn, im getting sentimental again

cu later all

10-12-03, 11:45
lol i forget how young some peeps are....


hawk the slayer
the dark crystal
transformers the movie
star wars/indy films
the princess bride

and many many others

golden age of films :)

10-12-03, 12:09
damn my addled brain

forgot "flight of the navigator"

10-12-03, 12:42
Hmm - weren't many movies around when I was young. Of course there were the Disney cartoons. Hell, When I was 7-9, there were no such things as videos (<--- feels old now) or if there was, no-one had one :D State of the art at that time was those orange Binatone Pong games :D

1st Film I remember seeing was Star Wars
The Black Hole
War Games
Never Ending Story

Non-Films... (in nostalgia mode now...)
Metal Mickey
Swap Shop
The A Team

I'm sure more will come to me :)

10-12-03, 13:02
The only one I can remeber seeing between the age of 4 and 10 was the original Star Wars - my Dad took me to see it at Leicester Square on a preview ticket when I was 7

10-12-03, 13:05
The 1st 'film' I went to see at the piccies, was Bambi - lol

I did go to see E.T though :)

10-12-03, 13:05
Originally posted by GT_Rince

Metal Mickey
Swap Shop

I'm sure will come to me :)

Those rocked - I'm famous, I was on Swap Shop once :D

10-12-03, 14:15
Originally posted by Original monk
and one that i kept in mind from when i was really young: the cartoon/animationmovie but i dont recall the tittle, its about a little dinosaur and he's friend that are going to look for dinosaur paradise or sumthing ... in the film the little dinosaurs mother died ... the only film in my life where i actually cried :/ ... i have a hard time thinking of that movie again ... the moment the kiddie looses he's mother and is fully alone on the planet O_O

the land before time?

10-12-03, 14:44

Loads of quality movies here.

mine from around that time:

Star Wars
Labyrinth (just bought it on DVD, it still rocks)
Its A Wonderfull Life (Had it on Video, I know its too old for me to have actually seen when it came out, first seen it when i was 6 though)
Flight Of Dragons
Dark Crystal
Enemy Mine
The Last Starfighter (was on TV a couple of months back, sat and watched it again, It still rocks too)
The Abyss


Theres loads more, but i think thats enough for now...

ET sucks Donkeys, load of contrived crap. Always hated it even as a kid.

10-12-03, 15:07
Originally posted by =Chojin=
legend of the overfeind.... which to say the least nearly made me faint .... shit like that isnt for 9 yr olds ><
well thats what happends when u get your mom to rent all of the manga from your local vid store lol

Urotsukidoji is definately not something for someone under 18 :p

10-12-03, 15:58
I forgot 'Watership Down' - that movie, and the book had a profound influence on me when I was a bairn. I think it's the reason I've never been able to eat rabbit meat and enjoy keeping them as pets (my girlfriend and I have 5 rabbits in all, as well as 7 chinchillas... oh and 2 cats who are scared of rabbits and chinchillas lol).

If 'Watership Down' has already been mentioned then sorry for bringing it up again, it just popped into my head while I was reading the replies since I posted :)

Take care,


10-12-03, 16:10
I don't rember anything prior to my 11th, so kinda make's this a toughy...

Though I do rember I saw alien's when I was younger, though I couldn't say when...

10-12-03, 17:56
I LOVED Watership Down. Good call Reef.

Also need to add (speaking of animated animals)

The Secret of NIHM

10-12-03, 18:21
Yeah it was land before time lol that was good too.
One thing i used to miss was the WWF wrestiling on channel 4 on sundays like 2ish i used to love watching that.
Oh my other film was Backdraft (im not addicted to kurt russel or anything...)

10-12-03, 19:28
Originally posted by evs
damn my addled brain

forgot "flight of the navigator"


oh dude the computer laughing.......... the ship changeing shape....... that film has to b in my top 10 of all time....

what funny shit did that thing say appart from "mooooooooo" ??

oh and Short Circuit.


10-12-03, 19:33
Lol yeah, Flight of the Navigator was a really good film :) All graphics done on an Amiga btw !

Short Circuit was really cool as well, never did see the second one, really enjoyed the first one immensely of course !

Take care,


10-12-03, 19:34
Back to the future ;)
Indiana Jones: The temple of Doom
Robocop (i know, but i was younger then...)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory :lol:

and uhhhhhhm,

Not films but i watched Button Moon & The A Team more than anything, EVER

10-12-03, 19:35
Holy crap totally forgot about Flight of the Navigator. Used to watch that movie all the time. And Watership Down was cool too. I think that was the first novel I ever read. (Thats awesome you have Chinchillas btw, thats the pet type I want too).

I just remembered another one though. Harry and the Hendersons. haha. Did anyone else like that one?

10-12-03, 19:36
Originally posted by Jest
I just remembered another one though. Harry and the Hendersons. haha. Did anyone else like that one?

I'd left my parents and was making my own way in the world when that came out, but it was certainly a good laugh :lol:

Take care,
