View Full Version : Pleas Help Me With This

09-12-03, 17:54
i dont know if this is the right form or not. but dose anyone have some models of any NC maps like p1 canyon or NF match deck maps or anything from NC that is in .3ds format( from 3ds max) i even need weps if you have a model of them. can you let me know? i need some for a mod im makeing for a game, and cant make themmyself because i dun have the 6k to buy the tool needed to convert them into the format i need.

09-12-03, 18:38
anyone? pleas i ruly need thes models. i will give you credit for them.

09-12-03, 18:54
um, tomparadox, you probably want the Neocron Modifications Forum - just go back up one level (in the forum listings), it should be in the first block of forum listings.

that's where all the skinners and trappers live. :P

09-12-03, 18:58
Well, first I don't think the models for anything apart from the player meshes have been released, though I could be mistaken about that. Second, all of the models, textures etc. belong to KK, and KK have copyright on them. So you can't just copy them out, paste them into your mod and release it. Also 3DS is a modelling format, maps are in .bsp format.

09-12-03, 22:29
ok. thx heavy. and i dont meen extrackt them i meen someone that has made the models in a 3d program like completle remade. wich meh friend is remakeing p1 but its takeing foreva. and thats without detail.