View Full Version : What we hope will NOT be different in DOY

09-12-03, 05:56
We have probably all given our two penny's worth on what we hope will be different

I was sitting here today thinking about what I hope will not be different and would be nice to hear other's thoughts on this

What I hope will not be different is definitely the music, I think the music in Neocron is absolutely great!

and I have heard of other games that the English speaking versions had horrible strange accents, I think the voices in NC are great too

09-12-03, 06:04
i hope, the GMs, MODS, Devs.. and every one working here wont stop making more upgrades, enhancements, additions to the game..

and that NONE of them will ever leave the game...

09-12-03, 06:36
Yea, if we were to loose Nidhogg I'd kill myself :)

09-12-03, 06:58
They can change and get rid of everything except my halogen flashlight that i have had since the day i purchased the game in retail. So yeah, halogen flashlights keep, everything else, dispose of as you please.

Shadow Dancer
09-12-03, 07:05
Just don't get rid of monks. I can take lots of nerfs or changes, and I will ALWAYS play a monk and ALWAYS adapt. Just don't toss em out. :p

And I agree with Neochick about the music.

09-12-03, 07:09
ya i agree, the music is awesome.

09-12-03, 07:23
GR locks,

09-12-03, 07:50
Originally posted by Oath
GR locks,

oh...you are such an ass :p :D

I hope that they stick to their cyberpunk roots, and not go on some weird DnD fantasy tangent.

09-12-03, 13:46
Nod, Anarchy Online was horrible that way... first there was a
load of "realistic" sci-fi then suddenly there was also this mumbo-
jumbo.. Neocron is already scaring me a little that theyll go to far
with soul clusters, chaos minions etc, its going in the wrong
direction. Boss mobs should be some outcast mutant that has
build an army of weird robots to defend his cave, not some chaos
queen with bolts of lightning shooting from her ass.