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View Full Version : How about this as an alternative to red sl and droping 5 items?

09-12-03, 02:39
Ok, in patch notes, it said people with -32 sl and more could be found. So, how about we do away with the red sl system, but do this: if people kill neutral or allies, they dont get the bad sl and dropping 5 items thing, but they can be found on the terminals. A player can click "find criminals" and a list of players who have negative sl, -1 sl to - 100 sl they simply need to click on a name to find the location of that player. If killed, the player still only drops the normal one item on death, but can be found untill they get there sl posative again.

In this way, people who wanna pk can do it, but their victoms can always find them to seek their revenge.

09-12-03, 02:41
i think its shit the 5 drop rule just for pkers, cant play the badguy cos you lose your items bit shit.

seems a decent idea to me

btw you having a brainstorm or what Vet?;)

09-12-03, 02:42
Actually with the term in here now Id like to see it lessened too. Perhaps just dropping two items and having no safe slot.

09-12-03, 02:44
Originally posted by Jest
Actually with the term in here now Id like to see it lessened too. Perhaps just dropping two items and having no safe slot.

i dont really see why being Red should make a diffrence, we cant go near the city if we are, and we stand out a mile as the badguys with big glowing red name:D

its all stacked against the Pker imo.

09-12-03, 02:47
eh, just bored in NC, and not in the mood to start a thread to start up a major argument, so im taking a time to post changes Id like to see in nc.

09-12-03, 02:47
Originally posted by ezza
i dont really see why being Red should make a diffrence, we cant go near the city if we are, and we stand out a mile as the badguys with big glowing red name:D

its all stacked against the Pker imo. Ah yah thats true. Actually no safe slot + shootable by cop bots but still one drop is fine with me. Thats pretty decent actually, might even encourage some people to go red, which would be cool.

But then again it seems like they are going to change the whole faction/Copbot system stuff in the near future anyways in which case it wouldnt be an adequate penalty.

09-12-03, 02:48
Originally posted by Jest
Ah yah thats true. Actually no safe slot + shootable by cop bots but still one drop is fine with me. Thats pretty decent actually, might even encourage some people to go red, which would be cool.

But then again it seems like they are going to change the whole faction/Copbot system stuff in the near future anyways in which case it wouldnt be an adequate penalty. well we talk about the penalties, but what benefits are there, i see none

09-12-03, 02:50
Originally posted by ezza
well we talk about the penalties, but what benefits are there, i see none Being able to completely ignore people's faction and killing whoever you please, + the status of being a 'murderer' as it was called in Ultima Online. 'Evil' people would love to be able to be red.

09-12-03, 02:51
Originally posted by Jest
Being able to completely ignore people's faction and killing whoever you please, + the status of being a 'murderer' as it was called in Ultima Online. 'Evil' people would love to be able to be red.
yeah but being red thats just that init.

you mentioned UO, i used to go around as red in that, but i cant recall a diffrence between dieing as a blue guy and dying as a red guy

09-12-03, 02:54
I think the people that can be located via terminal needs to be broadened. As of now, there will only be 1 or 2 guys on each server below -32 (i have done my share of bad things and don't think i've ever exceeded -25). And while i guess this guy should be punished, do kk really want people that are "bad" to be punished like this, so that he is hunted by EVERYONE and he looses all his stuff? I mean, this is how he chooses to spend his time in NC. so far, kk does so many things to keep it so that people can play good or bad and aren't punished by doing either. Here, the true guy that has no regard for life is gonna get the shaft. I dunno, I think everyone below -1 or more like -16 should show up on the terminal, or else no one at all.

Just seems like kk does so much to promote pvp, and allow people to shaft others while trading, stealing is acceptable, etc etc etc, but now all the sudden killing lots of people is bad?

09-12-03, 02:55
Originally posted by ezza
you mentioned UO, i used to go around as red in that, but i cant recall a diffrence between dieing as a blue guy and dying as a red guy
Uh don't get me started. If you went near town the guards (think copbots but 1 hit kill and any NPC can cause them to spawn and they hit instantly) killed you and if you died, you suffered stat-loss (perma 20% loss to all skills, think like having stat points be taken away).
I think the best thing would be to make losing safe slot happen at a lower SL level, maybe -32+? That way PK'ers would still lose stuff, but the effect would be less.

09-12-03, 02:55
rade suggested something similar to this.
using a players hack skill to find other players and their location.

on a quick tangent.......

i think you shouldnt get any SL loss for killing anyone.
just sympathy loss.

but if you kill 5 runners in a certain time period - say 24 realtime hours - you instantly become red and get branded a murderer.

if you are killed during this period, you drop 5 items and basically get the red SL system now.

all city gr's would lock you out (you can still get in via oz/secret ways into the city - i.e pepper)

you would also NOT be able to recieve foreign buffs or a rezz.

being a 'murderer' you can then embark on serial killing sprees.
and there would be a tally for worst ever murderers.

for every extra murder you commit, you increase the murderer state by 6 real time hours.

or you can be more brutal and make this in game time if you like.

this way you do get to play the ultra pk'r you always wanted to be.

certainly a high level content idea for those bloodthirsty amongst us.

and to bring us back into the original point - as soon as murderer activates - they can be found on the citycom.

09-12-03, 02:57
Originally posted by Keiron
Uh don't get me started. If you went near town the guards (think copbots but 1 hit kill and any NPC can cause them to spawn and they hit instantly) killed you and if you died, you suffered stat-loss (perma 20% loss to all skills, think like having stat points be taken away).
I think the best thing would be to make losing safe slot happen at a lower SL level, maybe -32+? That way PK'ers would still lose stuff, but the effect would be less.

never went near town guards so never suffered that fate:p

09-12-03, 02:59
Bleh, I lost so many points when OSI fucked up and made guards spawn at Bucs Den. QUite some time ago, my killer had a good 4,000 murder counts. Goold ole Boom Boxes.

09-12-03, 05:49
Originally posted by VetteroX
Ok, in patch notes, it said people with -32 sl and more could be found. So, how about we do away with the red sl system, but do this: if people kill neutral or allies, they dont get the bad sl and dropping 5 items thing, but they can be found on the terminals. A player can click "find criminals" and a list of players who have negative sl, -1 sl to - 100 sl they simply need to click on a name to find the location of that player. If killed, the player still only drops the normal one item on death, but can be found untill they get there sl posative again.

In this way, people who wanna pk can do it, but their victoms can always find them to seek their revenge.

i like this idea.. except for one thing.. with current standing.. if i hit a m8 and im not teamed to him.. and enemy kills him.. even with positive 40 sl i get negative ^^ that means i will be exposed to everyone and everywhere just because a wild shot hit a m8 who got killed whilst not in team ^^

think clan kills should be considered NOT counting to SL loss thing at the very least. to make this viable..