View Full Version : Saturn scammer...

08-12-03, 23:39
I realize that it's against the rules to post the names of people in-game, but this has to be done. A person named [ edited for violation of the forum rules - harassment ]is has been scamming people for a full week now by doing the switch-a-roo. He would put a psi-core in the trade window and in the last minute switch it to some crappy chip that looks like the psi-core.

For over seven days, when I was running through plaza or leveling my dex with protopharma chip, I saw [ edited ] scam dozens of people out of their hard earned items; items like speedcannon, protopharma chips, moveons-- basically all epic items and MORE. People are STILL falling for that trick.

Can't something be done about it? Like inform the whole server that a person is suspected to be bad trader? This is rediculous-- the trading aspect is going to turn into Diablo 2.

08-12-03, 23:45
trade window will eventually be fixed, but just spam OOC/Trade etc.. informing everyone he's doing it. But keep it in the game :p

08-12-03, 23:47
Originally posted by emoticon
I realize that it's against the rules to post the names of people in-game, but this has to be done.No it doesn't, because it just gets you edited and your thread closed. Keep it in-game please.