View Full Version : LE & OP security.... Turrets

07-12-03, 22:38
Is this a bug?

I'm running around in me LE character, I go to a enemy controlled OP and the gatlin turrets start attacking. Ok, all is fair in love & war, except as a LE I cant damage the turrets o_O

If turrets are going to attack LE runners take off the damage that turrets so to LE characters. this is stupid. wouldnt you agree?

07-12-03, 22:45

le spies outside are bad enough, having them to be able to sit in the hack room is silleh.

08-12-03, 02:54
says who?

LE means no pvp... turrets are a pvp feature. why would you want to keep that ingame?

08-12-03, 02:56
Ok, War Zones...thats a PvP feature, lets ban LE users from those. If you attempt to enter a Warzone with your LE in you're transported right next to the base commander at MC5 with 50% synap.

Sounds fair to me.

08-12-03, 03:33
fair enough

08-12-03, 10:43
Originally posted by BlackPrince
Ok, War Zones...thats a PvP feature, lets ban LE users from those. If you attempt to enter a Warzone with your LE in you're transported right next to the base commander at MC5 with 50% synap.

Word :)

08-12-03, 10:48

Certain clans ALREADY use LE spies to follow the opposition around, if they can attack turrets, what will happen is there will be a APU/PPU temp leave a clan, whack in a LE, Goto the OP, Destroy the turrets, laugh at the enemy clan thats rushed there to see what the hells going on, and cant do anything to the LE users destroying the turrets.

There, Happy ?

08-12-03, 11:40
Yeah, ban LE from warzones, its ridiculous what people will try and do to get a slight advantage.

I mean, having an LE droner using an observer drone to watch what the enemy team is doing is pathetic.