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06-12-03, 02:41
Name your worsed fits.

Tonight i got so angry i threw half a can of beer at the wall, im laughing now, cos i spent about 5 minutes cleaning it up, but shit, does anyone else lose it when shit happens ? (btw : i got pk'ed, and they were better than me- and i hated it, lol)

Shadow Dancer
06-12-03, 02:46
There was one time I really lost it. I had to do with some personal issues. That's all I'm saying. :angel:

06-12-03, 02:49
damn ppu's ;)

06-12-03, 02:49
Fang knows.

I completely whiped out several asshole "leet" FS2ers and embarrised them to the point they quit the game, permanently.
Reason why that's bad is the FS2 community was so small that kinda thing was a stupid thing to do.

Ain't tellin.

Psycho Killa
06-12-03, 02:50
I punched my computer case once when i couldnt get it to work.......

Though my friend one upped me and punched INSIDE his computer case when it wasnt working.... his hand wasnt lookin pretty after that.

06-12-03, 02:51
QD, can the www make u grrrr ?

06-12-03, 02:51
Yesterday is the only fit I've had in awhile, got into an arguement with my mom about something I've already managed to forget, then I compared making ingame money to her actual job, she got pissed told me to stay off the pc for a night, ended up getting uber pissed because i wanted to go peeeeekay and punched a hole in the wall, got a piece of the plaster in my hand and now my hand is all bruised and shit, and the worst part is having to fix it :D

06-12-03, 02:53
well, at least it wasnt her face...

06-12-03, 02:54
Online never effects my RL attitude, but, RL will often effect my online attitude a great deal ¬.¬

06-12-03, 02:55
be glad u only pay for this

06-12-03, 02:56
Originally posted by ___T-X____
well, at least it wasnt her face...

should have been, would have given me more satisfaction... j/k

Only reason shit effects me as much as it does is because there is abso-fucking-lutly nothing to do around my house and it really sucks having nothing to do :p

Psyco Groupie
06-12-03, 03:08
I've been known to hit the screen, which promtly dispatches my knuckles into a cast for a week or two .. kinda got off that habbit now :P

06-12-03, 03:25
LOL, how about getting killed by a pe after getting para'd and shocked by a ppu who thought you was attacking him.....

Damn that would piss me off :)

But seriously, in neocron, I got soo annoyed at somebody I trusted for years to be found out it was someobdy I hardly knew, who caused the problem.... Sucks huh??

06-12-03, 03:35

i go for raw violence. i break stuff. i break 2 or 3 keyboards AND mice a year. hard on the bank balance, but makes me feel better ;)


06-12-03, 03:37
i broke down my door..... had to buy a new 1 :/

06-12-03, 03:38
*shrug* I dont get angry that way. Cant remember last time, if
ever, I had a fit. Just get cold and calculating.

06-12-03, 03:42
Just get cold and calculating.

Naw, you should blow your stack some times - venting relieves stress and reduces the chances of strokes and heart attacks. lol.


06-12-03, 03:46
Originally posted by MegaCorp
Naw, you should blow your stack some times - venting relieves stress and reduces the chances of strokes and heart attacks. lol.


Yeah I know, but theres not alot I can do about it.

06-12-03, 04:09
one time kimmyg got pissed off and fist-slammed the top of his monitor, cracking it down the middle.

then he proceeded to toss the monitor at the wall, putting a nice hole in the wall and further destroying the monitor.

a new monitor was purchased asap.

nothing I can say can really top this, thats why im putting his story down :p

06-12-03, 04:12
Thats right lets just say I have retired serveral peices of equipment

06-12-03, 05:41
oh yeah i've gotten really pissed off before.

I put a chip in my monitor; windows hard crashed because i installed some sound card drivers it didn't like too well.

and i've put several dents into doors in the past as well as several dents in lockers from bashing my head into them...although i've never taken my frustraions out on anyone.

06-12-03, 06:07
I proper lose it very rarely, I just let shit build up and lock it away till something triggers me to explode, I remember at school one day there was this kid called Waquar and nobody liked the arrogant cock, well anyway he slashed the tire on my bike at lunch time, so I was really really pushed to the limit then but wasnt gonna do anything 'in the school' cause i had a bad enough record as it was, well it went tits up in english class, teacher left the reem and he threw a tin pencil case at me splittin my lip open (still got the scar - bastid) so I just got up, stood up on my desk, threw my char across the room at him, jumped down, picked up another chair and laid into him with it :| 2 week suspension, and broke his arm and 3 ribs, never said a word to me again tho and pretty much every jackass twat in the year stayed clear of me for the rest of our school years lol :)

06-12-03, 06:17
Originally posted by \\Fényx//
2 week suspension, and broke his arm and 3 ribs

lol, that sounds like something that I come close to doing some times. I actually think really hard about doing something like that. Though since I go to a private school that I actually like, I remember that they wouldn't bother with a suspension and would just expell me from school. So then I go find something else that I can hit. Usually those mats they put on the walls behind basketball hoops. They're nice and soft and keep me from hurting myself, but not too soft so that when I hit them I feel that I hit something. This year though I've managed to stay relativly calm and haven't gotten that pissed off at people (so far).

06-12-03, 06:22
hmm, i threw a chair into the wall yesterday, two $100 dollar (au d.) statues fell over but no major damage to them. the speaker went lopsided, and my brother started crying/whining (cant tell difference).

that's NC related.. (my brother tried to get me off nc :D)

non nc related:

I dont go skits due to irl shit much.. worst i've done is probably stabbed someone in the arm with a pen... he still whines about it if the opportunity comes up :( (happened 2 years ago)

06-12-03, 06:25
haha.... reminds me of a few years ago when this one moron kept antagonizing me in some art class, well one day i hadn't been in the greatest of moods and he smacked me on the back of my head, so I grabbed one of those tools that you put your pencil in to draw circles and stabbed him in the leg with it. He didn't scream, cry or anything, because i probably would have pushed down if he had ... :D

06-12-03, 06:38
3 years with counterstrike and i have bout 20 broken mouse's, 10 keyboards... but after switching to neocrack... one mouse so far.

06-12-03, 06:40
3 years with counterstrike and i have bout 20 broken mouse's, 10 keyboards... but after switching to neocrack... one mouse so far.

you're either exaggerating, or you're a fucking psycho :P.

06-12-03, 08:46
Ya i got mad in coutnerstrike alot of times. I hit lots of things. Course i stopped after i broke my horrable particle board computer desk after hitting it.

And ya carni does get kidna mad osmetimes. Atleast i think its carni on teamspeak i was hearin.

06-12-03, 11:17
Tossed my poke tool across Plaz 1.

06-12-03, 11:27
The last time a lost it because of a game...
i was playing Alien VS predator 2-3 week ago and my Keyboard dint respond fast enough.. Died a few time. Hell i did beat this game on all lvl i was doing it for the hundred times. i know every little thing in it and i was getting asskick in the fifth Lvlwith predator.... so i punch my keyboard about ten-twenty time.... How to say it?? piece of it and blood flew all across the room. Little cut on the side of my hand:( The funny thing is, My fuc***g Kb still works and its even better since the button are more loose :)

and i do press alt-f4 often while plaiyng neocron and getting bug and all that, i just get mad, press alt-f4, and go grab a book!!

06-12-03, 11:47
Anytime I die, by mobs or players (unless its like chaos caves and a ppu is right there ressing me) I slam my fist on the desk and say "fucking bullshit, this game is fucking bullshit" but thats about it.

I never threw things or broke things, because I knew i would have to be the one to replace thoes things, and im too cheap to do that.

06-12-03, 11:53
comedy - your a bunch of fuckin lunnies. I liked the broken ribs one, but the stabbing someone with a compass was by far the best lol.

06-12-03, 12:29
Lol my worst anger was sometime last week.

I was attacking a tank who opened fire on me and made her run about 10 times (she kept sewer Zoning) eventually i had to run and heal.

when i came back i saw a PE standing around saying how great she was i ran back in shot her and she ran again (what a surprise) he then started calling me a noob and stuff so i shot at him in 1 CS burst he had almost half his health gone
he pulled a liquid fire and hardly scratched me.

and to my annoyance a Copbot pulled its gun on me!
i was dead and both the guys i were fighting ran back and started chatting about how much they own me o_O
Needless to say in RL i was shouting out loud and punching my chair (F**K S**T etc) and saying i cant F**KING BELIVE IT.

When i got back they were bragging about owning me and the tank (couldent type to save her life) was talking a load of gibberish.

Thats all tho.

except the time my friends (so called friends) got my hotmail password and went on the computer in school.
they sent an email to all of my contacts 180 odd.
Saying I love them.
I was annoyed LOL lets just say that...So annoyed in fact that i ran downstairs punching the stone wall on the way and got my School log out to phone my Friends mum :P

After they had pranked me several times i managed to change my password and swear my face off down the phone at them!!

"Puff Pant"


06-12-03, 12:35
Originally posted by \\Fényx//
I proper lose it very rarely, I just let shit build up and lock it away till something triggers me to explode

Nod, its very handy, you never know when you are going to need it.

06-12-03, 12:37
Just 1 more thing to add ;) .

Yesterday my freind managed to get my Chewits confiscated by the english teacher :P

I was annoyed but i got them back.
but as we walked to the Tuck shop hhe pushed me into a crowd of girls and the bloody things fell out of my pocket he diddent tell me and picked them up and gave them to a little yr 7 girl.
I couldent ask for them back :P
inside the tuckshot i slowely undid his bag and grabbed the drink that he brought

I then asked if he wanted it back and a massive chase ensued.
ending with him pulling the top off and throwing the drink at me covering me with Dr peper i was so annoyed i pulled out my drink and jumped on him soaking him all over lol.
(their was no reason to do that i was just joking about but he took it to far)

in the end he ran out of his 1 Quid drink and i just drunk the rest of my "water"


06-12-03, 12:52
Hm. I want to be 13 again.

06-12-03, 12:55
In real life I don't get angry, at most I'll swear out loud if something really stupid happened. I don't see the point in breaking any of my property just because of lag/bugs/lack of skills!

My character (who is of course an entity in himself) sometimes says mean things to people until they threaten to email shots to abuse@neocron.com :D

06-12-03, 13:42
If your refering to me in not 13

im 15.


and if ure trying to be funny its not working.

06-12-03, 13:48
i dont really lose it online. If i do, i type my anger in DM to the person that has pissed me off, but i dont get mad about being killed etc.

My most recent one....
Offline, hmm, some guy asked out my fiancee at work (we worked together for 2 yrs), and i had the nerve to ask our boss if i could smack him, he said no, so i smacked the wall and put a hole in it. Plasterboard office walls, tut. I subsequently was put through a disciplinary, and lost £80 of my wages for wall repairs... WANKERS! If they had just let me smack him...

06-12-03, 13:53
Originally posted by Matthew.v.smith
If your refering to me in not 13

im 15.


and if ure trying to be funny its not working.

And Im supposed to know this because? I simply stated that Id
like to be 13 because it was a fun time when you got to be silly
and do stupid stuff like that. Sheesh I only missed your age by 2
years, not like Id know the difference between a 13 year old
anda 16 year old I met in the street anyway.

06-12-03, 14:12
Hmm, can't say I *really* get angry, I'm quite passive really.
The most I ever really do is use harsh language, there's no point in lashing out at my equipment as theres no point.
I've never broken any mice or keyboards, apart from when I tried to move the choke on my mouse lead and ended up ripping the end out from the USB plug :o (some soldering later... :D )

However... I have been witness to a rather stunning display of flying keys when me and two of my mates were all playing Black&White multiplayer, I was frying his villagers constantly and throwing fire rocks at his village, while my other mate was doing the same at the other end of his village....
A few lines of fuck off, fuck off you bastards, then...

WHAM!! keyboard-on monitor action as keys fly everywhere and the room is in silence. Next 15 minutes spent finding keys.... :D

Shadow Dancer
06-12-03, 14:32
Originally posted by Rade
Hm. I want to be 13 again.

Already missing last year?

j/k :p

06-12-03, 14:35

this is normally where i start, i can post the next levels i take it too if someone fucks with me

btw : this (when applied on a tuesday night and left to soak - removes the rubber sealant also, so the glass is outside the car one completed)

Darth Slayer
06-12-03, 14:37
Originally posted by L0KI
i dont really lose it online. If i do, i type my anger in DM to the person that has pissed me off, but i dont get mad about being killed etc.

My most recent one....
Offline, hmm, some guy asked out my fiancee at work (we worked together for 2 yrs), and i had the nerve to ask our boss if i could smack him, he said no, so i smacked the wall and put a hole in it. Plasterboard office walls, tut. I subsequently was put through a disciplinary, and lost £80 of my wages for wall repairs... WANKERS! If they had just let me smack him...
Remind me never ever to annoy u again......:eek:
H'mmm I've come close several times playing this game but what I remember is that it is only a game and losing it over a game is well silly.
Offline I tend to keep a tight control of my temper and would rather not talk it.

06-12-03, 15:05
I don't really get angry at things online. :)

Well for real life though sometimes I get mad. A recent story is when I was with my boyfriend. I was showing him a few sword techniques that he wanted me to do. As I was doing them I kept messing up quite a bit. At first it didn't bother me I figured I would get it right sooner or later. It irritated me more and more than I finally decided to blame the sword. I threw it against the ground. It broke into several pieces, my boyfriend laughed at me even though I was really angry! :\

06-12-03, 15:16

Not much, I just switch game's when I start to get upset...

UT, CS ect...

Normaly resricted to "what the hell", and "twat's" yelled at my screen as I get vote kicked off or the server empty because they think I cheat....


Mostly insult's at the top of my voice..

07-12-03, 00:43
Windows was not playing ball, and i was pissed at my parents, so i picked up a can of fanta and poured it all into the keyboard untill it started to smoke lol.

07-12-03, 01:03
Hmm, last time I remember was playing Killer Instinct on SNES. End boss kicked my ass one times too many so... I threw the pad against a wall. :D

07-12-03, 01:13
lost the final of a big euro cup in an fps game

i err broke my keyb over my knee

and i never said one bad word to any of my team :angel:

we played and lost as a team, but hell - its hard not to get mad when you are so close to the winnz0r

07-12-03, 02:48
NC: I cant seem to actually loose it. It just kinda builds up to the point where i just start pissing people off and i'll say mean things to peoples faces (or type things to people). I never did break anything for nc.

For Battlefield 1942: I broke 2 tv remotes from throwing them and broke one of my MIC headsets from throwing it. Also went off on a few guys on Teamspeak that I used to play with. It was only like 2 of them. Everyone else just kinda listened. The funny part is they were all like 20-30 year olds that had no steady income and pretty much played BF1942 all day. They also liked to drink alot of bear. So when i went off on them they wouldn't remember any of it lol, you should have heard some of them though. :lol:

07-12-03, 02:52
Hmm, last time I remember was playing Killer Instinct on SNES. End boss kicked my ass one times too many so... I threw the pad against a wall

lol just saw this

eyedol > parappa

actually he's pretty easy - just forget doing any combos - its an auto combo break and a 10 hit back.....

use SF2 style play, i.e hit once and defend - whittle him down

fulgore is the easiet for this, loads of fireballs and then dragon punch if too close.

awesome game :)

07-12-03, 03:21
online all i do is shout.. mainly at fucking up in NC.. in Quake i cant get angry.

Offline i switch pretty fast from nice to angry.... i don't get progressively angry, just switch.. Not gonna talk about physical, but in a play i was doing recently the costume designer was a complete wanker, so when he shouted at me i stood up and spent 5 minutes insulting him and backing him into a corner... he was 30 (im 17) and nearly got me chucked out the play.. but didnt in the end, because everyone hates him ;)

08-12-03, 02:06
ok lets see here...

3rd grade started screaming at the teacher threw a box of crayons at her got stay in a iso room for a few days

always threw fits at doctors office took like 3 of them to hold me down for a shot as a kid...

16 began beating my dad over the head with a teapot a few minutes after he slapped me and thought everything was hunkey dorey.. The teapot now has a huge crater in it.. (thank god it was the teapot and not my dads head)

Randomly knocked people out or slugged them when they least expected it many times in high school for pissing me off by talking shit or trying to push me around to look cool (I'm not a real tall guy) Most of them just punked out and started crying at which point I always felt terrible..

18 smashed through a tight window pane and punched my dad in the face when he pushed me out of his house after he had invited me over and i had left my keys to my apt in there somewhere and I had to be at work in an hour. Had to drive to the hospitol and almost passed out from the bleeding on the way there. Damn operation cost about 1000 dollars, I had to watch him do it because there was a xray dome with a huge reflection of the inside of my arm, and I didn't even get the whole thing done right as the stitches came undone and it left a pretty big scar on my arm. (smooth and flat at least)

Left a ton of stuff out which I don't care to mention in between these...

And then pretty much nothing sense then...

Anger is stupid, its just a sign that your afraid of something. It also accomplishes nothing it just bounces back and forth from person to person each outburst causing more fear and subsequently anger in the other person than the last until either someone punks out looking worse than they did to begin with or someone is seriously hurt emotionally or physically or dead - and its never until this point do you realize that your fears were nothing to worry about and simply caused by the aggressors own fears. But by then its too late.

I seriously hope I never lose my temper again, and thank god I never seriously hurt anyone.

As for online, I don't think Ive ever lost my temper in an online video game. People like me lose their temper involuntarily because we know anger is pointless and do not hold grudges, but don't always effectively remove ourselves from the stress causing situation and it often gets worse as a result of us spacing out and trying to ignore it. Eventually your brain just takes over control when it cant handle the stress anymore and all you can think about is how evil and hypocrytical that person/situation is and you do something crazy. It takes more than someone spamming "STFU n00b" to do that....

08-12-03, 03:41
haha i know some1 who lost it big time once and smashed his keyboard gainst da moniter all the keys went flyin off lmao

one time i lobbed my mouse gainst da wall and it fell to peices, but there was real life issues at da time, get me

and uh one time in highschool the caretaker vxed me so i kicked him in da leg proper hard... was not gud the consiquence, but he was verbally abusin me. obvisly school governers din beleave my side of da story