View Full Version : Rare idea

03-12-03, 22:17
Probably get moved to brainport but want some people to see it first.

How about in each appt. there is one/two/three cabinets (depending on lvl appt) that can hold rares, and nothing but rares.

Your rare weapons can only be put in this cabinet, not any other cabinets.

In this cabinet rares deteriorate over time, as they would in real life.

The basic reason i came up with this is becuase of people saying there are too many rares in game, this will cause any weapons that are "useless" to a high level character, but useful to someone who needs one, ie has just gained that dex level so he/she can use a lib.

Think about it, when a "uber" character gets a new cursed soul made and its 1 slot but he needs 4-5 (or wants 4-5 more to the point) instead of the gun just being rammed in the cab and never being seen again he may want to sell it off to a lower level tank for as much as he can get, rather than it just waste away in the cupboards, because lets face it, some people have stacks of rares others have little, now it might not make rares so much "not rare" but the ones your carrying get damaged when you use them, these get damaged sitting in the cupboard "gathering dust".

That way rares being used get damaged aswell as rares being stock piled. If you want to sell it, people will only buy it if they really need it, because again, people wont buy it to put in the cupboard and become wrecked in there appt, they would rather keep the 300K if they have a better one.

I just think maybe it will make people think twice about buying / trading a rare for the sakes of it, and people who have stocks and stocks of rares may be forced to try and sell / trade for budget prices or just see the weapon become wrecked and all the efort for those 5/6 parts go with it.

(sorry i blabber a lot this thread probably makes no sense and i probably repeated myself about 5 times)

what ya think?

03-12-03, 22:21
Nice thought but weird solution. Not very practical or realistic.

03-12-03, 22:22
But then what of rare collectors such as myself?

04-12-03, 17:08
sorry but i think this suxx,i have got 100+ rare parts as well as a pc with at least 10 rare weapons which i keppp solely for trade

04-12-03, 19:36
It's a lovely thought... But:

1. What about those rares you get built whilst levelling? (ie rares you have but can't yet use) I certainly got my rares made as soon as I got the parts, even though I didn't have the stats to use them. Why? Because everyone gets excited when they get all the parts, and because having a rare 1 level out of reach is a great motivator.

2. What if I can't get a good price? I have a Crahn Catharsis sitting in a cuboard somewhere. No-one wants it, no-one is gonna buy it. I'm levelling a PPU myself solely so it gets used. Why should I lose it? Maybe eventually some idiot will buy it from me (gleefully awaits NC:BDOY new chars... Mwhahaha!)

Same sort of argument applies to ultima mods. Why should I lose it whilst waiting to get all the parts i need for the weapon i want to use it in? (simple solution - make ultimas and slot enhancers drop whole from mobs, buts that's a different story)

3. Er... pretty obvious poin this one: Go Guardians.

Don't even try and tell me I can't keep rares in my Go. Everyone needs to. But if your idea comes in, I know ALL I'll have in my Go will be rare weps. And that'd be v. annoying.

But hats off to you for trying to solve the imbalance re: rares. I agree that there needs to be more of a market for them. Tbh the problem is really the NC economy. Money is worthless - so cash prices are insane - so only the highest lv chars with the biggest clans (and thus more rare parts) can reasonably trade (and thus get their hands on the parts they need). What we need is something that people can spend money on which they need/is v. useful, but which is not "rare". That way there is no balance issue, but high lv chars do spend money, making it less common to have loads, and making money worth something.

How to do this? No idea.... well, actually I have one, but its totally impractical. So here it is anyway:

Increase the importance of politics in neocron. Let the big clans in each faction have candidates for "office". So they have to campaign - and that would cost money (somehow...) And let these elected "officers" actually do something - eg declare wars, annex territory, etc. Obviously this would effect faction alliances. Sooo, TT "president" declared a war against FA? You disagree? Stand against him. Bribe me to vote for you. Pay neo credits to "advertise" in the Chronicle or NeMa. Buy space on political campaigns forum. Win your election? Now pay off FA so they agree to peace.

But it's WAY too much work, and would probably go tits up anyway. Sorry for going on.

05-12-03, 13:29
thanks for the feedback,

i guess theres a lot to be considered with this, more than i thought at first :D

as for you rare collectors, maybe there should be display cabinets for you where the rares arent affected ;)
and gogo's could have a limit on the amount of rares in there.

Maybe it wasnt the greatest idea, needs to many rules created

Original monk
05-12-03, 13:38
Originally posted by Prodigious
as for you rare collectors, maybe there should be display cabinets for you where the rares arent affected ;)

nice idea yeah altough i wouldnt like my rares seeing damaged in the cabinets lol :)

and the idea of a appartment with with displaycabinets owns: its yust what i need lol :)

@ mumblyfish you play saturn ? i still need a working copbotplasmarifle to complete my rarescollection .... also need the larent drugs, i have tigerbloods enough but not the intgiving ones... if anyone has em or wonna trade or so ??

05-12-03, 13:40
Sorry Original, Pluto is me. And I too need the Larents. And my Copbot Rifle is broken. A-boo!

05-12-03, 13:41
It will do bad things for the game's already fucked economy (IMO of course)