View Full Version : [Brainport] Low level boss mobs and more low level content

30-11-03, 22:14

I just got 6 or 7 friends into Neocron from my school, and they all agree on one thing. Being low level in this game is repetetive, boring, seemingly unrewarding. I had to keep showing them all my high level goodies just to get them to not quit in the 10 day trial.

So how about this.

Low level boss mobs! Lowlevel "rares" that drop from special mobs in low level sewers? Stuff like that. Smaller scaled items similiar to the higher level items.

Like....level 1 sewer. There could be a giant rank 20/20 rat at the end that would take a small party of 0/2s to take down.

This giant rat would drop .. I dunno ... Stiletto of the Delta, a TL 1 yetmuch stronger than the normal stiletto. Also, rarer mobs in this rat's dungeon would drop uhhh...Tl 30, 40, and 50 tech parts. These techs would NOT BE PART OF THE HIGH LEVEL MOB RARE POOL. They would be exclusively low level items...say...TL 5-50.

They would work the same as rares do now of course, but they'd be for low level characters.

Maybe give the rares somethin other than a swirly, save the swirly for he high level ones...but giveem something special so the newbies feel special.

Ideas? Comments?

And for MC5 newbie area, maybe...make it a dungeon. Make it so you start out in that same room and there's a fight going on behind some glass parallel to you between the soldiers there and some invading DOY forces or something.That would simply look really cool. Then have an NPC that you HAVE TO TALK TO before you can go up that elevator. That NPC would explain that hostile forces have taken the area. He would also explain how to use your weapon (Depending on your class) briefly so you aren't stranded. Then he'd tell you to be prepard to fight as soon as you're up the elevator. Make sure the whole seen looks frantic. This would get these new player's adrenaline pumpin and their interest sparked right off the bat.
Now once up the elevator they see some more fighting that they can't participate in behind some glass and some explosions and such, and then they see some friggin like....DOY....uhhhh....low level scout unit sorta thing looming over the crippled body of a downed MC5 worker. There are also numerous battered and tattered MC5workers up here. The newbie whips out their Lazar rifle and opens fire on thisDOYscout unit thing looming over the crippled MC5 guy. Of course make the enemy object have VERY LOW HEALTH and do VERY LITTLE DAMAGE.
Then bring on some more weak enemies so the new player feels important and confident, and at some point have an MC5 guy who's life you saved say "wow thanks for saving me here's a special item treat it well" andthe player would receive 1/200 different random items that will help them in their quest against sewer rats and such and might be worth a lotta money to a collector who doesn't have this one yet.
Ditch the whole outside area of MC5 and simply put the GR at the end of all this fighting so they know to teleport to their apt.

And walaah. Sorry I went off on a tangent here.

Anyways, read it all and vote if you have the time :lol:

30-11-03, 22:19
I agree completely dude. Low levels is reallly boring... Sewer ---> Aggies ---> OZ. Thats it.

But also remember that there needs to be some more mid level content as well. Thats quite possibly even more boring as you basically have Launcher Cyclops to kill. :(

30-11-03, 22:22
Originally posted by Judge
I agree completely dude. Low levels is reallly boring... Sewer ---> Aggies ---> OZ. Thats it.

But also remember that there needs to be some more mid level content as well. Thats quite possibly even more boring as you basically have Launcher Cyclops to kill. :( main sewer should have a main boss there that place is hella huge and instead of a circlual swirly, for the newb ones make it a square swirly ;D or a triangle swirly >.< i duno maybe lil flashing dots around it or somethin

30-11-03, 22:23
Well, I've found one way to keep new players interested is to show them OZ. Once they've got the grasp of the game, instead of taking them to Aggie Cellars, or MB, go to OZ and go into the Storage levels. There's one which is chock full of the massive poisonous spiders, if you get like 8 newbies all going at them with Archer Companion rifles it's hella fun. Then there's Tech Haven energy cores as well, the blue lighting everywhere is a pretty cool place to hunt, and you can explore the Main Sewer levels as well.

That said, I fully agree there should be more low level content. I think Aggie Cellars should be a dungeon like Chaos Caves, with a Butchee or something at the end (or even a Regant's Mutant). The same with Energy Cores, stick a Malfunctioning WB at the end. Have the boss mobs of low level dungeons drop low level artifact weapons, absolutely anything from Colt Budget to Energy Halo. That would be something useful for a newbie.

30-11-03, 22:23
6 or 7? Which is it? Make up your mind woman.

Anyway Ive always wanted more low level dungeons and boss
mobs and low level drops so... *****

30-11-03, 22:24

30-11-03, 23:00
Lost track of the number of topics about this subject, but I still agree 100%.

30-11-03, 23:07
I voted "yes" but honestly the idea is somewhat incomplete. The game doesn't just need more low level content. It needs content period. As I have said many times before. This game is inferior to any MMOG I've ever tried (I'm sure there are worse, but I never seen them) in terms of content. We get all of 4 classes, compared to most other MMOs where you tend to have a minimum of 10. We get only about 20 variations on armor for various body parts (unless you include the PAs which add another 4 for each class and a few rare/epic vests which aren't available for all classes/factions). We get about 100 different implants TOTAL that's for all spots, all classes and all levels. That's pathetic. We get about 30 weapons per class, once again most of them are ineffective/useless or low level. Compare this to ANY other MMO that has thousands of different weapon types, over 10 classes, hundreds of consumable items (as compared to our 20 or so medikits, boosters and drugs unless you include LoMs, but those shouldn't count in this category). At low levels you have no choices of weapons, you use a good weapon for your level or you use a shitty weapon and you don't level. At high levels there is usually only 1 or two weapons for each class. That's compared to well over dozen for any normal MMOG. Most of the weapons in the weapons list are a joke, many of the implants are a joke, a lot of the armor is a joke too sadly enough. All I can hope for is that DoY at the very least DOUBLES the amount of content available at every level for every class in every category. Heck with more variety balance would also be much easier to achieve. It's much easier to balance thousands of items than 10 items if you look at the overall picture.

I motion we start a petition for KK to: (in order they appear)

A) Work harder on fixing well known serious coding bugs.

B) Work harder to repair well known game logic bugs (Things like SL, invisible damage, mobs in walls, NPC scripting bugs, combat rank bugs etc...)

C) Create a vast variety of items for every class at every level. Damnit, we should have options. Even if it is only an option between 2 items, but we need options! Why is it that we are always forced to use the same exact weapons for every single class both to level and to cap? (ie: if you're a non-tech rifle user, you will use the following in that order: Anything until you can use TL13 Archer ‘Companion’ Rifle, then Assault Rifle, Tangent Assault Rifle, Gatlin Rifle, Tangent Gatlin Rifle, Pain easer.) Some lunatics like myself use the shotguns, but that's a rarity because they are ineffective. Is that any sort of variety? The same applies to all implants, all armor etc...

D) Once A-C are done, then get back to all the classes and rebalance them a bit with slight touches. But if sufficient variety in items is introduced, there wouldn't be much of a need for this.

To further elaborate; Look at a game like AO, I've tried it out for the free week. I didn't like it all that much simply because there was no sense of community or RP. Most people playing it are Diablo kids. All they do is hunt and level. It's very hard to even get someone to talk to you. But at least the game has some variety. First of all you can customize your character's appearance (not just the face texture) and there are quite a few selections. Then there are plenty of classes to chose from, all with unique strengths and weaknesses though the basic premise is similar to NC. Various classes cost less to level their specialty skills and cost more to level their "bad" skills (Very similar to what we have in NC). Further more, in the one week I played the game (And I spent a good 5-6 hours a day when I was trying it out) I have not met any clones. I don't know how it looks at the higher levels, but at the lower levels all the characters have unique strengths, weaknesses, appearances, weapons, armor, implants and everything else. You want to use pistols? Well, do you want to use them in 1 or 2 hands? Whatever you decide there are still at least a few options available to you at every skill level! Further more, whatever armor you wear modifies the way your characte's model looks (Yes, not just PA but all armor is seen on the character). And most armor has a rather unique look to it. (I'm saying most because I haven't seen everything there was to see in the game during my 1 week, but in that time I have not seen any armor that looked the same as some other armor or had the same attributes).

And that's the game everyone considers to be the "loser" game within the general MMOG community! So is Neocron that actually has potential that much more inferior to this inferior game?

To further elaborate on my points, A - D should be done in order, however A & B can really be done simultaneously since A requires a programmer, while B does not and can be done by someone else who has a few brain cells and a lot of patience.

30-11-03, 23:51
Bad enough we have to collect parts at high level but now you want to add part collecting to low level mobs o_O I think that in itself would be repeative . . . just make it where they drop the various weapons complete with a chance to have slots . .from good to a better weapon build or something . . I used to love in beta finally getting down into the PP sewer and everyone would be going in groups down it .. giant dragonflys .. .and such . . . finally killing a Mutant warrior and looting it to find a dex umm 21 street rifle in better condition with 2 slots . . . made my day. drops suck at low level now .. . most I get is finding a type of poor plasma pistol to sell back. Aggie cellers pretty much ruin the whole mission thing . cause everyone mostly jumps down there with a group and starts leveling or finds that *good* hiding spot on the pipes. Missions should be split up . .. you choose faction and level . .. then it brings up a list ... Construction, Research, Recycle, Hunter, Delievery or whatever .. . you choose then it GIVES you a Mission you have to run . .not you choose . .. this is a cyberpunk work you shouldn't be nah I don't feel like doing that one it should be .. look bub . this is what we got . YOU DO THIS and canceling should have a strict penalty. . . err well i'm rambling now :D

30-11-03, 23:58
low level rare pool

very good idea

would enrich game

01-12-03, 07:20
Great idea, why not put all those tech parts like Electric Tempest etc into the noob areas

I rather not find a tech part than one where I hold my breath and then have a bunch of those type of things

Also, killing rats, spiders, roaches must be the most mind deadening thing of anything, in identical sewers, it is enough to put any noob off the game

And the loot is just silly. Earlier in the game you at least found the odd bat, claw etc now you find nothing of the sort, only crappy meat or bone or skin

If this game is going to be newly promoted and distributed, it would really be good to have that fixed up, a second chance could work, a third one won't

01-12-03, 07:30
this is a pretty good idea

i got about 3 of my friends into the game and they all cancled shortly after:rolleyes:

01-12-03, 10:03
Good Idea, this would provide more content for people new to the game and havn't been playing forever :p


01-12-03, 11:04
Don't show em "aggies" or MB. Those places are boring unless your powerleveler and want to have rare in your hands in few days.

I usually show OZ and there is plenty to do out there. Have you even been in secret mutant HQ there? Or have you really explored ALL main sewer places .. have you? even that last room? really?

Another great place for nubies is IndA areas and .. well Storages. They are very underused at least in Pluto. You can farm butchees and launchers there all day long without seeing anyone and get like 200-300k cash in a few hours.

Next time you get friend to game, don't show em aggies - until they hit midlevels and wants to do missions - but show em Outzone in its all glory. Or make them to be crahn sec so they will actually START there!