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View Full Version : Does anyone solo hunt DOY bots?

Shadow Dancer
29-11-03, 19:15
Just curious. They give obscene XP. I was wondering if there was any place I could try and solo them, hehehe.

29-11-03, 19:22
HAhaahha, don't tell! :p

edit: marx, damn you :D

29-11-03, 19:30
One zone east of El Fareid village, and also one zone north.

Both have houses with GoGo's.

29-11-03, 19:38
Go to Tescom and lure them back to the GR..........

And define obscene XP...........

29-11-03, 19:39
a lil' over 100k per kill.

Very sexy seeing as a chaser only gives me like 60 - 70k.

If even that much

29-11-03, 19:41
The easiest place is Escador oasis. Got a gogu and genrep there and you can easily lure em to the houses.

I love those bots. Great xp and lotsa money. :)

Shadow Dancer
29-11-03, 19:58
OMG THANKS GUYS!!!!!oneone

29-11-03, 23:45
you don't have to hack them do you ?

29-11-03, 23:56
About 200+k exp and 50k money for the loot.
Got over 500 parts atm in the gogo. Hope kk implements my suggestion I sent them : The loot buyer should have a "buy all" option...

Greploco, yup. You have to hack. Like a warbot in hack difficulty

30-11-03, 00:12
Originally posted by MjukisDjur
About 200+k exp and 50k money for the loot.
Got over 500 parts atm in the gogo. Hope kk implements my suggestion I sent them : The loot buyer should have a "buy all" option...
Haha yeah its a pain in the ass selling all that stuff. One day of hunting those bots and it takes you forever till you sold em all. o_O

But whats your rank that you get so much xp? i'm 82 and i barely get 100k xp per kill. :mad:
Arr, nvm. Its 100k in int so i think thats quite ok.

30-11-03, 01:35
bah, hack

I want to take my tank out :(

30-11-03, 04:54
All the time. One zone east of El Farid is great. If you run out of bots by the house, there's some wierd pillars in the middle of the zone you can lure them to for cover. Only problem is that sometimes when you hunt there for a while, the respawns are all in a huge group.

30-11-03, 05:47
Originally posted by SorkZmok
The easiest place is Escador oasis. Got a gogu and genrep there and you can easily lure em to the houses.

I love those bots. Great xp and lotsa money. :)

Yes, right there. I've leveled my pistol PE almost excusively on DoY bots at Escador since he was /35 or so. I'm almost capped and get about 80k-90k per bot using my Blacksun. It's great because you can lure them to the buildings and use them for cover. The con experience his horrible, but eh. The dex is great.

And here I thought Escador was ruined as a leveling spot when they first introduced DoY Units :rolleyes: Just had to figure out how to work it!

30-11-03, 07:27
i know spys love them for solo.

being a ppu (solo/team) i tend to find hunting those bots is boring.

30-11-03, 09:35
Speaking of leveling on DoY Units, I need a TG to answer me a question. I plan on switching my TT PE to TG. Already got the sympathy and the money. But I know that the DoY mobs are allied to the anti-city factions. So my question is do you TG's lose SL from killing the DoY bots? I don't want to switch just yet if that's the case. They are too easy and uber for leveling. Don't want to lose my preferred leveling mob.

Shadow Dancer
30-11-03, 09:38
Originally posted by Sorin
Speaking of leveling on DoY Units, I need a TG to answer me a question. I plan on switching my TT PE to TG. Already got the sympathy and the money. But I know that the DoY mobs are allied to the anti-city factions. So my question is do you TG's lose SL from killing the DoY bots? I don't want to switch just yet if that's the case. They are too easy and uber for leveling. Don't want to lose my preferred leveling mob.

Nope you don't lose SL.

30-11-03, 09:41
Hot damn. TG here I come. Thanks SD.

30-11-03, 17:52
me 2 fenhoe give me 300k and a taxi to the canyon 0.o

30-11-03, 20:42
Originally posted by MjukisDjur
The loot buyer should have a "buy all" option...
Greploco, yup. You have to hack. Like a warbot in hack difficulty

The buy all is nice one :lol:

you need at least a little more then wb hack skill for them. Depends wich unites you kill ;)

01-12-03, 09:14
yepp El Farid with a smooth capped fire-pain and ya'll cap u're spy afap... :D

02-12-03, 11:29
Just something to add. . . those DoY units are definitely $$$. "N.E. 2240 CASH UNIT." Lommed a bunch of weapon lore on my pistol PE today (and still have Liberator and 4 slot Blacksun capped damage) so that I could hack. So I ganked about 5 or 6 johnnies. I don't know if they drop rares, but I didn't get any. But I did sell the parts they drop to the NPC in TT HQ for the first time tonight.

All I have to say is 8| :eek: 8| :eek: o_O

Money Central. Only 5 or 6 bots bagged me around 275k.

Learn something new everyday o_O So if you can hack them and get someone allied to TT to go in and sell the parts for you, those little bastards are great money.

They aren't planning to nerf that anytime soon are they? :(

02-12-03, 16:50
They aren't planning to nerf that anytime soon are they? :(

its KK.. what do u think? 0.o

02-12-03, 16:55
Originally posted by //Ring\\
its KK.. what do u think? 0.o


oh the amusement of thse forums :lol: