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View Full Version : Put A Gr At Racetrack!!!!

Dont Mess
29-11-03, 18:00
ok im TG and i know that if a gr was put at racetrack then the TG ops (talking bout the east side of the map tg zone area) will be under attack. now that there is a free gr at battle dome its the same for the CM side so its only fair 2 have 1 near tg. another reason y i want that is because before the gr system rule were the clan decides the setting it was sooo much fun it was like if u got bored just gr to crp and pk the reds in my case but now its dead and also theres hardly ever a cave team. im not saying things like o i wanna level with reds or some shit the nutrals cant even gr in and noobs should be able to level somewere. doing this will not only balance the gr system and make the game abit more fun again but it cold also balance the faction numbers. due to the gr settings pple only wana be in the stringest factions so that they can level and go places for eg no1 is BT or DRE coz u cant level anywere. i admit putting in to many free GRs blows the point of giving clans gr settings im just saying at one or two and the race track is the next place 1 should be put so we can all level and pk again.

29-11-03, 18:45
Fully agree

29-11-03, 19:31
Also agree.

Its the last wide open area without a public GR on the map.

29-11-03, 21:06
I disagree. The pro-city factions have shown on more than one occasion that they can take Cycrow, and are perfectly happy to raid TG as it is. Just because some people still haven't learn that there's more places to level than CRP is not a reason to make it accessible to all. Battledome is only close to Rockshore, Sieger, Chester and Drakkhan, whereas Racetrack leaves Tezla, Cycrow, Deveraux, Blackhill, Nemesis, Shirkan and Tristar vulnerable.

Dont Mess
29-11-03, 21:12
wat bout the pking then its soooooo boring wen i go 2 bloody crp and its empty NOT even noobs leveling nemore come on i spent most of my time there looking for tangents and shit it was fun and before we could defend tjhose ops wats dofferent now its only 1 gr it can easily be camped by TGs. as u said they already can take those ops so adding a gr may make it easier 4 them but mite put some fun bak in

29-11-03, 21:18
No, I think that since CRP is on TG soil, it's only logical that there aren't many TG enemies there. If you want to go PK enemies, go to MB. I don't see what people expect anyway. It seems there are legions of players who all want to level at CRP. If it's opened up by adding a GR at Racetrack then nobody will be able to level there, because everyone will be fighting instead. And then we get all that "I was levelling in CRP cave and some TG came up and killed me!" whining again.

29-11-03, 21:39
scikar stfu

close minded fool

i agree. put a gr at the racetrack. its ok to have a neutral gr at merc territory but not in tg territory? thats stupid.

the other day some moron was saying tangent had to many ops. yet tg owns the whole east coast on saturn. tt tries to take some of the south and they dont deserve it? why is it all the morons and idiots flock to tg?

its only fair and balanced to put one at the racetrack. it's a racetrack, how are you going to have races there is no pro city can compete there?

what if you were a merc? would you want a gr dead right near your base?


29-11-03, 21:43

Dont Mess
29-11-03, 23:00
Originally posted by Scikar
No, I think that since CRP is on TG soil, it's only logical that there aren't many TG enemies there. If you want to go PK enemies, go to MB. I don't see what people expect anyway. It seems there are legions of players who all want to level at CRP. If it's opened up by adding a GR at Racetrack then nobody will be able to level there, because everyone will be fighting instead. And then we get all that "I was levelling in CRP cave and some TG came up and killed me!" whining again.

thats bullshit lol ok wen there was no gr system pple gred to crp and leveld and not alwayz got pked coz in a cave team u do actually need eachother 2 level mayb finish the cave and then kill em after but the simple fact is that not every1 pkes noobs and wtf u onabout gr in TG soil u have 1 at point red thats pro city gr now theres 1 at racetrack u can go pk at mb theres 1 in their soil ok i know yr TG sci and im TG but 4get that think about it so the game is fair any way yr telling me to go PK at mb on my own are u mad. wen i say go pk i mean on my tank and to go MB im a walking dead man at crp i could go on my own and do wat i want. thats y after the gr setting change me and sanchos got pissed at started killin greens at crp which we dont do nemore but the game just got boring. plus its not fair on the TG nuturals like PP and TSU and its also a piss take wen the clan is a bitch and closes the GR to attack not in clan or not in faction so faction allies cant level so just 2 make it fair put 1 at racetrack. it only makes sence

29-11-03, 23:30
well said DM, fair is fair

people disaggree with this because they dont' want their holy crp/cycrow/caving sector messed with

well tough

Psycho Killa
29-11-03, 23:31
I think there should be one. You shoudlnt have to run more then 5 zones to get anywhere from a public gr. After that its just redicuously frustrating.

I disagree with scikar on the issue i dont see it being a problem at all exposing to many ops. Who cares? IF they hack one op you go attack and defeat them. Now that theyre defeated where are they going to go to try and come back.... the racetrack of course but not if someone is waiting there with a moon striker :). This makes its so if they want a second attempt theyre going to have to pick another remote location.

When people start out in a different faction then they plan on being when theyre maxed just so they can level we have a problem.

Dont Mess
29-11-03, 23:46


the fact that there was a GR places at battle dome is because it is like a place were pple wanna go for pvp or some shit 2 have fights and have fun.


isnt it the same thing were pple get 2 getha 2 have fun not fight but race each other.

it only makes sence 2 put 1 at racetrack. SO STICK ONE THERE!!!

29-11-03, 23:58
why ?

people have been asking for some more neutral GRs

for good reason

is good to have a couple more

if you ever try to start a char in a less popular faction you can't GR anywhere ---- this means less fun

ever wonder why BD and TS epic kills are hard to find ?

Dont Mess
30-11-03, 00:00
biotech are a bitch to find lol im telling u in saturn IMPOSSIBLE

30-11-03, 00:06
The gr at Battle dome is near the cm territory (no other gr is really near it) so its a huge advantage for TG raids , op takes etc. So why wouldnt any pro city or anti tg not be allowed to have one same close to TG territory? TG already has the best lvl'ing spots, op's etc....

Thats indeed close minded scikar, but offc u try best for ur faction (like any1 would) but dont look at 1 side only...

TG can go anywhere now from city to the TT ops for example and now battle dome, and where can pro city go? Starting from main gates yes...Something is outa balance here...

Shadow Dancer
30-11-03, 01:09
I agree, put a GR at the racetrack.

Dont Mess
30-11-03, 03:08
ne official responce plz sayin if yr thinkin of sticking 1 there

30-11-03, 03:52
To those who call me a close minded fool...

...I'm sorry I don't jump on the bandwagon without thinking for myself.

Dont Mess
30-11-03, 04:01
lol sci wasnt me

30-11-03, 05:16
what bandwagon?


please... if it isnt a advantage for you and your faction, it's not worth your backing?
:wtf: plz...

if you dont balance the game, it will become boring, meaning less people who play, meaning the closer that the time will come where the servers will be cut off because kk cant afford to keep em running.

30-11-03, 05:24
What bandwagon? The "I can't spare just a few points for a hovertec to get around, make it easier for me please KK because I'm lazy" bandwagon of course.

Psycho Killa
30-11-03, 05:43
For one its not really viable for a majority of setups to use a hovetech I think we both know that.

Now come on even if we did spare points we would have to travel all the way from neocron gates to where we wanted to go on the mid east side of the map. Not to mention vehicles arent exactly the most reliable method of transportation in this game.

The racetrack is a perfectly logical place to put a genrep. Why on fucking earth would you have a racetrack in the middle of the wastelands where the only public gr is TG which is only safe for a select few people.

Theres nothing lazy about not wanting to run 10+ zones to get where I want to be.

Peeping Tom
30-11-03, 05:59
yes plz put a GR there

30-11-03, 14:10
Yes please put a genrep at racetrack and keep the place neutral so anybody can genrep there

It is centrally situated basically in the middle of the map and really necessary to get around

30-11-03, 14:39
Originally posted by Scikar
What bandwagon? The "I can't spare just a few points for a hovertec to get around, make it easier for me please KK because I'm lazy" bandwagon of course.

I'd say you were just being different (and not biased) if you were also were advocating the following:

- Removal of all public GRs (except MB, TH, and TG)
- Barring TG and allies from entering the city
- Relocation of MC5 to be equidistant from all wasteland entry points

Otherwise you're basically cutting off a large chunk of the map to other factions or giving certain factions a 25 dex point bonus. This may not be too terribly important for monks or tanks, but how would you like to have 25 points in your mainskill more or less selectively nullified from the get-go depending on your faction?

Right now TG are the only faction that has a "home turf" advantage. FA doesn't. CM doesn't. Pro-city don't.

30-11-03, 14:48
I do advocate those. Not relocating MC5, but adding alternative places to get the chips. Definitely bar TG from the city, but I also think safezones should be removed. And I don't think BattleDome GR is good news for CM either. But yes I think after the GR locks we finally found pro city and anti city developing their territory. Remember before the GR changes, when Tezla was always a CM OP, and raids on MB were piss easy by just GRing to Rockshore and running over?

01-12-03, 02:25
hey you know what, why dont we just rename mil base to tg alt homebase, kick all the mercs put the copbots under tg control and rename neocron to twlight city?
will tg then feel that they have enough?

you are thinking very biased. if you want to raid mb you only have to run 4 zones, if you want to raid the canyon you have to run way further. you argument is invalid and the opinions of the community outweigh your lone voice. just concede and accept that fact that you may have to deal with pro city coming for your ass. the east coast will no longer be a tg safe zone. thats why i want a gr there. i want to hunt fire mobs too albeit me being pro city, i dont want to run from merc territory recover a belt and hell no im not getting a hovertech. its my choice.

its the most fair and balanced move kk can do in addition to putting a gr so close to the military base. yes scikar, your coveted canyon may be vulnerable to a all out rhino counter attack from all the lame gene rep camping that happens to mb on a daily basis these days.

01-12-03, 02:29
Like I said, I don't like the BattleDome GR either. But that clearly got lost because obviously all that matters is that I don't agree with you. :rolleyes:

Psycho Killa
01-12-03, 03:23
Hmmm I would almost agree with you about the genereps (If all public where removed)

The only problem is battle dome and the race track. Theres a million places to level so its not like we need to go to crp to level. Though when an event is actualy thrown at battle dome or the race track it wouldnt be feaseable to have everyone run from there respective home turf.

Though how about we have public genereps at battle dome and the racetrack but they are only unlockable by gms in times of event... Hows that idea scikar (I have a feeling noone else will like it, they just want the gr for crp and attacking tg not for the use of the race track)

Dont Mess
01-12-03, 03:41
ok lets be realistic theres a gr at battle dome they aint exactly gonna get rid of it so 2 make it fair stick 1 at racetrack. and TG ops have all bn taken before we got em bak so wat seems 2 be the problem ne way this gr can easly be cammped incase of attack. and that bullshit other places tell me wen u were a npoob honestly did u use the crp caves. answer im 99.9999% sure u went crp.

01-12-03, 04:01
Originally posted by Psycho Killa
Hmmm I would almost agree with you about the genereps (If all public where removed)

The only problem is battle dome and the race track. Theres a million places to level so its not like we need to go to crp to level. Though when an event is actualy thrown at battle dome or the race track it wouldnt be feaseable to have everyone run from there respective home turf.

Though how about we have public genereps at battle dome and the racetrack but they are only unlockable by gms in times of event... Hows that idea scikar (I have a feeling noone else will like it, they just want the gr for crp and attacking tg not for the use of the race track)

That would get my full support. But since it doesn't mean people can powerlevel at CRP every single day it probably won't see much more support.

01-12-03, 04:03
dont be daft man

there are other places pro ca can go other than crp..

not to mention loads of fire mobs
how about catlock?

or the racetrack itself that has warbots and firemobs
best of all worlds. its just nice to have diffrent sceneary than the poison territory affiliated with the west coast

01-12-03, 05:03
i still think the crp gr should be unlocked no matter what the setting of cycrow. if u want to hold that op that should be a risk you have to take.

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-12-03, 06:21
Why don't you guys just set up a poll?

01-12-03, 06:22
Originally posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
Why don't you guys just set up a poll? well theirs been about 100 threads with 50 polls >.<

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-12-03, 06:24
Well, then this would be the _final_ one. ;)

01-12-03, 06:26
Originally posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
Well, then this would be the _final_ one. ;) you have the power to create a poll in a poll-less thread dont you? ;]

ah well ill make a thread ;]

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-12-03, 06:29
No... or I am too stupid to do so. ;) But it shouldn't be a problem for the originator of the thread. He only needs to edit his first post, then there should be an option to add a poll.

01-12-03, 06:32
wouldnt be able to because 90 minute edit limit ;] but s'ok i made a thread w/ poll

01-12-03, 06:33

Can you PLEASE create a POLL????????????
You are the originator of the thread so you can just go in and edit it and add a poll

01-12-03, 06:34
Originally posted by NeoChick

Can you PLEASE create a POLL????????????
You are the originator of the thread so you can just go in and edit it and add a poll he cant, as a stated above, 90 minute limit on editing posts. its been way past 90 minutes i tihnk only a moderator can, and i already made a thread w/ a poll so if someone does make a poll on this thread ;D can u plz delete mine

Martin J. Schwiezer
01-12-03, 06:35
Okay... the discussion (with poll) continues

HERE! (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?threadid=83492&referrerid=2)