View Full Version : Arrggghhh The Pain

28-11-03, 19:52
Just had a tooth out - 2nd one from the back of my jaw (top right)

The dentist said it was a BIG tooth- took him 6 goes and 25 minutes of drilling to get it out, I wanted to keep it but it broke into half a dozen pieces.

My index finger fits into the hole it left.

After 2 1/2 hours I must relinquish my stubborn hard bastardness and go out and get some pain killers :eek:

£40 to experience this pain must be sadistic

28-11-03, 19:54
lol yeah i have kinda neglected my dentistry duties since it started costing me but i went the other day and i now have 5 appointments over the next 2 weeks yay:(

28-11-03, 20:23
when i was four years old i went to the dentist for the first time and i had eight cavities. that was a fun time ;)

28-11-03, 20:44

A toothbrush ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

USE IT!!!!!!

28-11-03, 21:00
*Touches wood*

Fifteen years and not a single tooth problem. :D

28-11-03, 21:10
Yep had the same _surgery_ done on me. Mine broke into 11-15 pieces, and they had to drill it for 4-5 hours - me being conscious the whole time. Besides, only pussies take the anaesthetic :p

But yeah, it hurts like hell afterwards.

28-11-03, 21:20
I payed approx 1600$ for laser eye surgery and barely survived
the three days after. Theres pros and cons to all those weird
methods those guys use, the con of this one was pain :/ So hah!
I pay more for pain than you do! :P

28-11-03, 22:12
Every had your nuts shaved with a scalpel before a vasectomy ?

Im squeamish but watched with morbid fascination :eek:

28-11-03, 22:13
i had 5 teeth out under local not even general, for the same reason as urs.

had fucking toe nail surgery today as well :(

im a bloody mutant i tell ya!